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Reported herein is the ability of Scedosporium apiospermum, S. aurantiacum, S. minutisporum and Lomentospora prolificans conidia to adhere, differentiate into hyphae and form biofilms on both polystyrene and lung epithelial cells. To different degrees, all of the fungi adhered to polystyrene after 4 h, with a predominance of those with germinated conidia. Prolonged fungi–polystyrene contact resulted in the formation of a monolayer of intertwined mycelia, which was identified as a typical biofilm structure due to the presence of a viable mycelial biomass, extracellular matrix and enhanced antifungal resistance. Ultrastructural details were revealed by SEM and CLSM, showing the dense compaction of the mycelial biomass and the presence of channels within the organized biofilm. A similar biofilm structure was observed following the co-culture of each fungus with A549 cells, revealing a mycelial trap covering all of the lung epithelial monolayer. Collectively, these results highlight the potential for biofilm formation by these clinically relevant fungal pathogens.  相似文献   
White mice previously infected with 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) Eimeria falciformis oocysts on days 0, 5, 10 or 30 were inoculated per os with 10(1), 10(2), 10(3) or 10(4) Toxoplasma oocysts. While the results obtained for mice with higher Toxoplasma inocula were consistent, animals with 10(1) and 10(2) oocysts previous inoculation with Eimeria showed important differences related with those infected only with Toxoplasma. For example, survival time was higher in animals infected with both parasites, especially if inoculated with Eimeria 30 days before Toxoplasma infection. Furthermore the number of T. gondii cysts found in the animals previously infected with Eimeria was lower compared with mice inoculated with Toxoplasma only. Body weight of mice infected with Toxoplasma previous infection with Eimeria was almost normal in relation to those infected only with Toxoplasma, indicating a probable pathological effect due to the parasite, more evident in "non immunized" mice.  相似文献   
The present study explores the role of the meteorological variability in the pollen production and the timing of the airborne pollen season by analysis of the correlation between precipitation, insolation and temperature and the main standardised airborne pollen parameters of 22 taxa collected at 6 localities in Catalonia (NE Spain). The pollen parameters included in the study were: Annual Pollen Integral and the Start, End and Length of the Main Pollen Season. Considering that the Main Pollen Season of most of the taxa in Catalonia lasts from spring to summer or autumn, correlations between the pollen parameters and winter (from December to March) values of meteorological variables were calculated. Correlations between Monthly Pollen Integral and monthly values of the meteorological variables were also calculated. The results obtained report the synchronism registered in the variations of pollen concentration with precipitation (negative), insolation (positive) and temperature (positive). Temperature was the meteorological variable that showed a greater influence in the pollen production and the timing of the pollen season, being insolation the least one. The Start of the Main Pollen Season was the pollen parameter more correlated with the meteorological variables, especially with winter temperatures.  相似文献   

Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a multisystem autoimmune disease: characterised from the clinical side by progressive vasculopathy and fibrosis of the skin and different organs and from the biochemical side by fibroblast deregulation with excessive production of collagen and increased expression of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase 4 (NOX4). The latter contributes to an overproduction of reactive oxygen species that through an autocrine loop maintains NOX4 in a state of activation. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are implicated in the origin and perpetuation of several clinical manifestations of SSc having vascular damage in common; attempts to dampen oxidative and nitrative stress through different agents with antioxidant properties have not translated into a sustained clinical benefit. Objective of this narrative review is to describe the origin and clinical implications of oxidative and nitrative stress in SSc, with particular focus on the central role of NOX4 and its interactions, to re-evaluate the antioxidant approaches so far used to limit disease progression, to appraise the complexity of antioxidant treatment and to touch on novel pathways elements of which may represent specific treatment targets in the not so distant future.  相似文献   
Resistance to anti-cancer drugs is a well recognized problem and very often it is responsible for failure of the cancer treatment. In this study, the proteome alterations associated with the development of acquired resistance to cyclin-depedent kinases inhibitor bohemine, a promising anti-cancer drug, were analyzed with the primary aim of identifying potential targets of resistance within the cell that could pave a way to selective elimination of specific resistant cell types. A model of parental susceptible CEM T-lymphoblastic leukemia cells and its resistant counterpart CEM-BOH was used and advanced 2-D liquid chromatography was applied to fractionate cellular proteins. Differentially expressed identified proteins were further verified using immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. Our study has revealed that Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2, Y-box binding protein 1, and the HSP70/90 organizing protein have a critical role to play in resistance to cyclin-depedent kinases inhibitor. The results indicated not only that quantitative protein changes play an important role in drug-resistance, but also that there are various other parameters such as truncation, post-translational modification(s), and subcellular localization of selected proteins. Furthermore, these proteins were validated for their roles in drug resistance using different cell lines resistant to diverse representatives of anti-cancer drugs such as vincristine and daunorubicin.  相似文献   
Cellobiohydrolase Cel48C from Paenibacillus sp. BP-23, an enzyme displaying limited activity on most cellulosic substrates, was assayed for activity in the presence of other bacterial endo- or exocellulases. Significant enhanced activity was observed when Cel48C was incubated in the presence of Paenibacillus sp. BP-23 endoglucanase Cel9B or Thermobifida fusca cellulases Cel6A and Cel6B, indicating that Cel48C acts synergistically with them. Maximum synergism rates on bacterial microcrystalline cellulose or filter paper were obtained with a mixture of Paenibacillus cellulases Cel9B and Cel48C, accompanied by T. fusca exocellulase Cel6B. Synergism was also observed in cell extracts from recombinant clone E. coli pUCel9-Cel48 expressing the two contiguous Paenibacillus cellulases Cel9B and Cel48C. The enhanced cellulolytic activity displayed by the cellulase mixtures assayed could be used as an efficient tool for biotechnological applications like pulp and paper manufacturing.  相似文献   
Accretion rates of muscle protein are elevated in normal neonates, but this anabolic drive decreases with maturation. As this change occurs, it is not known whether development also influences muscle protein catabolism induced by sepsis. We hypothesize that protein degradation in skeletal muscle induced by endotoxemia becomes more severe as the neonate develops. Fasted 7- and 26-day-old pigs were infused for 8 h with LPS (0 and 10 μg·kg(-1)·h(-1)), while plasma amino acids (AA), 3-methylhistidine (3-MH), and α-actin concentrations and muscle protein degradation signal activation were determined (n = 5-7/group/age). Plasma full-length α-actin was greater in 7- than 26-day-old pigs, suggesting a higher baseline protein turnover in neonatal pigs. LPS increased plasma total AA, 3-MH, and full-length and cleaved α-actin in 26- than in 7-day-old pigs. In muscle of both age groups, LPS increased AMPK and NF-κB phosphorylation, the abundances of activated caspase 3 and E-3 ligases MuRF1 and atrogin1, as well as the abundance of cleaved α-actin, suggesting activation of muscle proteolysis by endotoxin in muscle. LPS decreased Forkhead box 01 (Fox01) and Fox04 phosphorylation and increased procaspase 3 abundance in muscle of 26-day-old pigs despite the lack of effect of LPS on PKB phosphorylation. The results suggest that skeletal muscle in healthy neonatal pigs maintains high baseline degradation signal activation that cannot be enhanced by endotoxin, but as maturation advances, the effect of LPS on muscle protein catabolism manifests its severity.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships among the wall lizards of the Podarcis hispanicus complex that inhabit the south-east (SE) of the Iberian Peninsula and other lineages of the complex remain unclear. In this study, four mitochondrial and two nuclear markers were used to study genetic relationships within this complex. The phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA gene trees constructed with ML and BI, and a species tree using *BEAST support three divergent clades in this region: the Valencia, Galera and Albacete/Murcia lineages. These three lineages were also corroborated in species delimitation analyses based on mtDNA using bPTP, mPTP, GMYC, ABGD and BAPS. Bayesian inference species delimitation method (BPP) based on both nuclear data and a combined data set (mtDNA + nuclear) showed high posterior probabilities for these three SE lineages (≥0.94) and another Bayesian analysis (STACEY) based on combined data set recovered the same three groups in this region. Divergence time dating of the species tree provided an estimated divergence of the Galera lineage from the other SE group (Podarcis vaucheri, (Albacete/Murcia, Valencia)) at 12.48 Ma. During this period, the Betic–Rifian arc was isolated, which could have caused the isolation of the Galera form distributed to the south of the Betic Corridor. Although lizards from the Albacete/Murcia and Galera lineage are morphologically similar, they clearly represent distinct genetic lineages. The noteworthy separation of the Galera lineage enables us to conclude that this lineage must be considered as a new full species.  相似文献   
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