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Iron supplementation moderates but does not cure the Belgrade anemia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Belgrade rats inherit microcytic, hypochromic anemia as an autosomalrecessive trait (gene symbol b). Erythrocytes and tissue are iron deficientin the face of elevated TIBC (total iron binding capacity) and percent ironsaturation; iron injections increased the number of erythrocytes but theirappearance remained abnormal. We have investigated iron supplements toimprove husbandry of b/b rats and to learn more about the underlying defectand its tissue distribution. Weekly IM (intramuscular) injections ofiron–dextran (Imferon at 30 mg kg) improved the anemia but did not alter thered cell morphology. Certain diets also improved the health of b/b rats whencompared to standard rat chows by the criteria of weight, survival toadulthood, hematology and reproduction. The critical nutritional factorturned out to be iron bioavailability, with ferrous iron added to the dietimproving the health of Belgrade rats without affecting the underlyingerythroid defect. Tissue iron measurements after dietary or parenteralsupplementation confirmed the iron deficient status of untreated b/b rats andestablished that dietary ferrous iron partially relieved this deficiency,with injections leading to greater amounts of tissue iron. Serum iron andTIBC were also found to be elevated in untreated b/b rats, with dietarysupplementation decreasing but not eliminating the elevation in TIBC. Thesestudies indicate that iron supplements can improve the health of b/b ratswithout altering the underlying defect and also suggest that the mutationcould alter iron uptake in the GI (gastrointestinal) tract.  相似文献   
Genetic Analysis of Hispanic Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have performed molecular genetic analyses of Hispanic individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) in the southwestern United States. Of 129 CF chromosomes analyzed, only 46% (59/129) carry ΔF508. The G542X mutation was found on 5% (7/129) of CF chromosomes. The 3849+10kbC→T mutation, detected primarily in Ashkenazi Jews, was present on 2% (3/129). R1162X and R334W, mutations identified in Spain and Italy, each occurred on 1.6% (2/129) of CF chromosomes. W1282X and R553X were each detected once. G551D and N1303K were not found. Overall, screening for 22 or more mutations resulted in detection of only 58% of CF transmembrane conductance regulator gene mutations among Hispanic individuals. Analysis of KM19/XV2c haplotypes revealed an unusual distribution. Although the majority of ΔF508 mutations are on chromosomes of B haplotypes, the other CF mutations are on A and C haplotypes at higher-than-expected frequencies. These genetic analyses demonstrate significant differences between Hispanic individuals with CF and those of the general North American population. Assessment of carrier/affected risk in Hispanic CF individuals cannot, therefore, be based on the mutation frequencies found through studies of the general population but must be adjusted to better reflect the genetic makeup of this ethnic group. Further studies are necessary to identify the causative mutation(s) in this population and to better delineate genotype/phenotype correlations. These will enable counselors to provide more accurate genetic counseling.  相似文献   
The pancreatic B cell has been used as a model to compare the release of newly synthesized prohormone/hormone with that of stored hormone. Secretion of newly synthesized proinsulin/insulin (labeled with [3H]leucine during a 5-min pulse) and stored total immunoreactive insulin was monitored from isolated rat pancreatic islets at basal and stimulatory glucose concentrations over 180 min. By 180 min, 15% of the islet content of stored insulin was released at 16.7 mM glucose compared with 2% at 2.8 mM glucose. After a 30-min lag period, release of newly synthesized (labeled) proinsulin and insulin was detected; from 60 min onwards this release was stimulated up to 11-fold by 16.7 mM glucose. At 180 min, 60% of the initial islet content of labeled proinsulin was released at 16.7 mM glucose and 6% at 2.8 mM glucose. Specific radioactivity of the released newly synthesized hormone relative to that of material in islets indicated its preferential release. A similar degree of isotopic enrichment of released, labeled products was observed at both glucose concentrations. Quantitative HPLC analysis of labeled products indicated that glucose had no effect on intracellular proinsulin to insulin conversion; release of both newly synthesized proinsulin and insulin was sensitive to glucose stimulation; 90% of the newly synthesized hormone was released as insulin; and only 0.5% of proinsulin was rapidly released (between 30 and 60 min) in a glucose-independent fashion. It is thus concluded that the major portion of released hormone, whether old or new, processed or unprocessed, is directed through the regulated pathway, and therefore the small (less than 1%) amount released via a constitutive pathway cannot explain the preferential release of newly formed products from the B cell.  相似文献   
The effects of glucose on insulin biosynthesis were studied by measuring the incorporation of radiolabelled amino acids into proinsulin/insulin in isolated rat islets. The islets were pulse labelled for 15 min with [3H]leucine (present in rat insulin I and II) or [35S]methionine (unique to rat insulin II) and then incubated for a 165 min post-label (chase) period during which the majority of labelled proinsulin was converted to insulin but under conditions whereby greater than 95% of radiolabelled proinsulin or insulin was retained in the islets. The newly synthesized, labelled, insulin was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. Rat I and II insulin biosynthesis was stimulated by 16.7 mM glucose to the same extent.  相似文献   
The applicability of threshold logic units, a form of nonparametric pattern recognition, to the processing of metabolic profile data obtained by high-efficiency glass capillary column gas chromatography has been investigated. The test data included profiles of the volatile constituents of urine from normal individuals and from individuals with diabetes mellitus. A feature extraction algorithm allowed for dimensionality reduction and indicated the constituents most important in the normal versus pathological distinction. With an optimum number of dimensions, a normal versus pathological prediction rate of 93.75% was achieved. Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry was utilized to identify important profile constituents.  相似文献   
The rulAB operon of Pseudomonas spp. confers fitness traits on the host and has been suggested to be a hotspot for insertion of mobile elements that carry avirulence genes. Here, for the first time, we show that rulB on plasmid pWW0 is a hotspot for the active site‐specific integration of related integron‐like elements (ILEs) found in six environmental pseudomonads (strains FH1–FH6). Integration into rulB on pWW0 occurred at position 6488 generating a 3 bp direct repeat. ILEs from FH1 and FH5 were 9403 bp in length and contained eight open reading frames (ORFs), while the ILE from FH4 was 16 233 bp in length and contained 16 ORFs. In all three ILEs, the first 5.1 kb (containing ORFs 1–4) were structurally conserved and contained three predicted site‐specific recombinases/integrases and a tetR homologue. Downstream of these resided ORFs of the ‘variable side’ with structural and sequence similarity to those encoding survival traits on the fitness enhancing plasmid pGRT1 (ILEFH1 and ILEFH5) and the NR‐II virulence region of genomic island PAGI‐5 (ILEFH4). Collectively, these ILEs share features with the previously described type III protein secretion system effector ILEs and are considered important to host survival and transfer of fitness enhancing and (a)virulence genes between bacteria.  相似文献   
Well‐designed and effectively managed networks of marine reserves can be effective tools for both fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. Connectivity, the demographic linking of local populations through the dispersal of individuals as larvae, juveniles or adults, is a key ecological factor to consider in marine reserve design, since it has important implications for the persistence of metapopulations and their recovery from disturbance. For marine reserves to protect biodiversity and enhance populations of species in fished areas, they must be able to sustain focal species (particularly fishery species) within their boundaries, and be spaced such that they can function as mutually replenishing networks whilst providing recruitment subsidies to fished areas. Thus the configuration (size, spacing and location) of individual reserves within a network should be informed by larval dispersal and movement patterns of the species for which protection is required. In the past, empirical data regarding larval dispersal and movement patterns of adults and juveniles of many tropical marine species have been unavailable or inaccessible to practitioners responsible for marine reserve design. Recent empirical studies using new technologies have also provided fresh insights into movement patterns of many species and redefined our understanding of connectivity among populations through larval dispersal. Our review of movement patterns of 34 families (210 species) of coral reef fishes demonstrates that movement patterns (home ranges, ontogenetic shifts and spawning migrations) vary among and within species, and are influenced by a range of factors (e.g. size, sex, behaviour, density, habitat characteristics, season, tide and time of day). Some species move <0.1–0.5 km (e.g. damselfishes, butterflyfishes and angelfishes), <0.5–3 km (e.g. most parrotfishes, goatfishes and surgeonfishes) or 3–10 km (e.g. large parrotfishes and wrasses), while others move tens to hundreds (e.g. some groupers, emperors, snappers and jacks) or thousands of kilometres (e.g. some sharks and tuna). Larval dispersal distances tend to be <5–15 km, and self‐recruitment is common. Synthesising this information allows us, for the first time, to provide species, specific advice on the size, spacing and location of marine reserves in tropical marine ecosystems to maximise benefits for conservation and fisheries management for a range of taxa. We recommend that: (i) marine reserves should be more than twice the size of the home range of focal species (in all directions), thus marine reserves of various sizes will be required depending on which species require protection, how far they move, and if other effective protection is in place outside reserves; (ii) reserve spacing should be <15 km, with smaller reserves spaced more closely; and (iii) marine reserves should include habitats that are critical to the life history of focal species (e.g. home ranges, nursery grounds, migration corridors and spawning aggregations), and be located to accommodate movement patterns among these. We also provide practical advice for practitioners on how to use this information to design, evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of marine reserve networks within broader ecological, socioeconomic and management contexts.  相似文献   
Secondary contact between long isolated populations has several possible outcomes. These include the strengthening of preexisting reproductive isolating mechanisms via reinforcement, the emergence of a hybrid lineage that is distinct from its extant parental lineages and which occupies a spatially restricted zone between them, or complete merging of two populations such that parental lineages are no longer extant (“lineage fusion” herein). The latter scenario has rarely been explicitly considered in single‐species and comparative phylogeographic studies, yet it has the potential to impact inferences about population history and levels of congruence. In this paper, we explore the idea that insights into past lineage fusion may now be possible, owing to the advent of next‐generation sequencing. Using simulated DNA sequence haplotype datasets (i.e., loci with alleles comprised of a set of linked nucleotide polymorphisms), we examined basic requirements (number of loci and individuals sampled) for identifying cases when a present‐day panmictic population is the product of lineage fusion, using an exemplar statistical framework—approximate Bayesian computation. We found that with approximately 100 phased haplotype loci (each 400 bp long) and modest sample sizes of individuals (10 per population), lineage fusion can be detected under rather challenging scenarios. This included some scenarios where reticulation was fully contained within a Last Glacial Maximum timeframe, provided that mixing was symmetrical, ancestral gene pools were moderately to deeply diverged, and the lag time between the fusion event and gene pool sampling was relatively short. However, the more realistic case of asymmetrical mixing is not prohibitive if additional genetic data (e.g., 400 loci) are available. Notwithstanding some simplifying assumptions of our simulations and the knowledge gaps that remain about the circumstances under which lineage fusion is potentially detectable, we suggest that the recent release from data limitation allows phylogeographers to expand the scope of inferences about long‐term population history.  相似文献   
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