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The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on aquaporin content, root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr), whole plant hydraulic conductance, and leaf growth are controversial. We addressed these effects via a combination of experiments at different scales of plant organization and tested their consistency via a model. We analyzed under moderate water deficit a series of transformed maize (Zea mays) lines, one sense and three antisense, affected in NCED (for 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase) gene expression and that differed in the concentration of ABA in the xylem sap. In roots, the mRNA expression of most aquaporin PIP (for plasma membrane intrinsic protein) genes was increased in sense plants and decreased in antisense plants. The same pattern was observed for the protein contents of four PIPs. This resulted in more than 6-fold differences between lines in Lpr under both hydrostatic and osmotic gradients of water potential. This effect was probably due to differences in aquaporin activity, because it was nearly abolished by a hydrogen peroxide treatment, which blocks the water channel activity of aquaporins. The hydraulic conductance of intact whole plants was affected in the same way when measured either in steady-state conditions or via the rate of recovery of leaf water potential after rewatering. The recoveries of leaf water potential and elongation upon rehydration differed between lines and were accounted for by the experimentally measured Lpr in a model of water transfer. Overall, these results suggest that ABA has long-lasting effects on plant hydraulic properties via aquaporin activity, which contributes to the maintenance of a favorable plant water status.  相似文献   
Production of recombinant pharmaceutical glycoproteins has been carried out in multiple expression systems. However, N-glycosylation, which increases heterogeneity and raises safety concerns due to the presence of non-human residues, is usually not controlled. The presence and composition of N-glycans are also susceptible to affect protein stability, function and immunogenicity. To tackle these issues, we are developing glycoengineered Nicotiana tabacum Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cell lines through knock out and ectopic expression of genes involved in the N-glycosylation pathway. Here, we report on the generation of BY-2 cell lines producing deglycosylated proteins. To this end, endoglycosidase T was co-expressed with an immunoglobulin G or glycoprotein B of human cytomegalovirus in BY-2 cell lines producing only high mannose N-glycans. Endoglycosidase T cleaves high mannose N-glycans to generate single, asparagine-linked, N-acetylglucosamine residues. The N-glycosylation profile of the secreted antibody was determined by mass spectrometry analysis. More than 90% of the N-glycans at the conserved Asn297 site were deglycosylated. Likewise, extensive deglycosylation of glycoprotein B, which possesses 18 N-glycosylation sites, was observed. N-glycan composition of gB glycovariants was assessed by in vitro enzymatic mobility shift assay and proven to be consistent with the expected glycoforms. Comparison of IgG glycovariants by differential scanning fluorimetry revealed a significant impact of the N-glycosylation pattern on the thermal stability. Production of deglycosylated pharmaceutical proteins in BY-2 cells expands the set of glycoengineered BY-2 cell lines.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The movement of water through mycorrhizal fungal tissues and between the fungus and roots is little understood. It has been demonstrated that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis regulates root hydraulic properties, including root hydraulic conductivity. However, it is not clear whether this effect is due to a regulation of root aquaporins (cell-to-cell pathway) or to enhanced apoplastic water flow. Here we measured the relative contributions of the apoplastic versus the cell-to-cell pathway for water movement in roots of AM and non-AM plants.


We used a combination of two experiments using the apoplastic tracer dye light green SF yellowish and sodium azide as an inhibitor of aquaporin activity. Plant water and physiological status, root hydraulic conductivity and apoplastic water flow were measured.

Key Results

Roots of AM plants enhanced significantly relative apoplastic water flow as compared with non-AM plants and this increase was evident under both well-watered and drought stress conditions. The presence of the AM fungus in the roots of the host plants was able to modulate the switching between apoplastic and cell-to-cell water transport pathways.


The ability of AM plants to switch between water transport pathways could allow a higher flexibility in the response of these plants to water shortage according to the demand from the shoot.  相似文献   
GABA-gated chloride channels (GABAARs) trafficking is involved in the regulation of fast inhibitory transmission. Here, we took advantage of a γ2(R43Q) subunit mutation linked to epilepsy in humans that considerably reduces the number of GABAARs on the cell surface to better understand the trafficking of GABAARs. Using recombinant expression in cultured rat hippocampal neurons and COS-7 cells, we showed that receptors containing γ2(R43Q) were addressed to the cell membrane but underwent clathrin-mediated dynamin-dependent endocytosis. The γ2(R43Q)-dependent endocytosis was reduced by GABAAR antagonists. These data, in addition to a new homology model, suggested that a conformational change in the extracellular domain of γ2(R43Q)-containing GABAARs increased their internalization. This led us to show that endogenous and recombinant wild-type GABAAR endocytosis in both cultured neurons and COS-7 cells can be amplified by their agonists. These findings revealed not only a direct relationship between endocytosis of GABAARs and a genetic neurological disorder but also that trafficking of these receptors can be modulated by their agonist.  相似文献   
While motorways are often assumed to influence the movement behaviour of large mammals, there are surprisingly few studies that show an influence of these linear structures on the genetic make-up of wild ungulate populations. Here, we analyse the spatial genetic structure of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boars (Sus scrofa) along a stretch of motorway in the Walloon part of Belgium. Altogether, 876 red deer were genotyped at 13 microsatellite loci, and 325 wild boars at 14 loci. In the case of the red deer, different genetic clustering tools identified two genetic subpopulations whose borders matched the motorway well. Conversely, no genetic structure was identified in the case of the wild boar. Analysis of isolation-by-distance patterns of pairs of individuals on the same side and on different sides of the motorway also suggested that the road was a barrier to red deer, but not to wild boar movement. While telemetry studies seem to confirm that red deer are more affected by motorways than wild boar, the red deer sample size was also much larger than that of the wild boars. We therefore repeated the analysis of genetic structure in the red deer with randomly sub-sampled data sets of decreasing size. The power to detect the genetic structure using clustering methods decreased with decreasing sample size.  相似文献   
Although it is widely accepted that aquaporins are involved in the regulation of root water uptake, the role of specific isoforms in this process is poorly understood. The mRNA expression and protein level of specific plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) were analysed in Zea mays in relation to cell and root hydraulic conductivity. Plants were analysed during the day/night period, under different growth conditions (aeroponics/hydroponics) and in response to short-term osmotic stress applied through polyethylene glycol (PEG). Higher protein levels of ZmPIP1;2, ZmPIP2;1/2;2, ZmPIP2;5 and ZmPIP2;6 during the day coincided with a higher water permeability of root cortex cells during the day compared with night period. Similarly, plants which were grown under aeroponic conditions and which developed a hypodermis ('exodermis') with Casparian bands, effectively forcing more water along a membranous uptake path across roots, showed increased levels of ZmPIP2;5 and ZmPIP1;2 in the rhizodermis and exodermis. When PEG was added to the root medium (2-8 h), expression of PIPs and cell water permeability in roots increased. These data support a role of specific PIP isoforms, in particular ZmPIP1;2 and ZmPIP2;5, in regulating root water uptake and cortex cell hydraulic conductivity in maize.  相似文献   
AQPs (aquaporins) are conserved in all kingdoms of life and facilitate the rapid diffusion of water and/or other small solutes across cell membranes. Among the different plant AQPs, PIPs (plasma membrane intrinsic proteins), which fall into two phylogenetic groups, PIP1 and PIP2, play key roles in plant water transport processes. PIPs form tetramers in which each monomer acts as a functional channel. The intermolecular interactions that stabilize PIP oligomer complexes and are responsible for the resistance of PIP dimers to denaturating conditions are not well characterized. In the present study, we identified a highly conserved cysteine residue in loop A of PIP1 and PIP2 proteins and demonstrated by mutagenesis that it is involved in the formation of a disulfide bond between two monomers. Although this cysteine seems not to be involved in regulation of trafficking to the plasma membrane, activity, substrate selectivity or oxidative gating of ZmPIP1s (Zm is Zea mays), ZmPIP2s and hetero-oligomers, it increases oligomer stability under denaturating conditions. In addition, when PIP1 and PIP2 are co-expressed, the loop A cysteine of ZmPIP1;2, but not that of ZmPIP2;5, is involved in the mercury sensitivity of the channels.  相似文献   
The study of social interactions in mice is used as a model for normal and pathological cognitive and emotional processes. But extracting comprehensive behavioral information from videos of interacting mice is still a challenge. We describe a computerized method and software, MiceProfiler, that uses geometrical primitives to model and track two mice without requiring any specific tagging. The program monitors a comprehensive repertoire of behavioral states and their temporal evolution, allowing the identification of key elements that trigger social contact. Using MiceProfiler we studied the role of neuronal nicotinic receptors in the establishment of social interactions and risk-prone postures. We found that the duration and type of social interactions with a conspecific evolves differently over time in mice lacking neuronal nicotinic receptors (Chrnb2-/-, here called β2(-/-)), compared to C57BL/6J mice, and identified a new type of coordinated posture, called back-to-back posture, that we rarely observed in β2(-/-) mice.  相似文献   
Leaves are key organs for evaporation and photosynthesis and play a crucial role in plant growth and development. In order to function properly, they need to maintain a balanced water content. Water movement through a leaf occurs by a combination of different pathways: water can follow an apoplastic route through the cell wall or a cell-to-cell route via the symplastic and transcellular paths. As aquaporins (AQPs) play an important role in regulating transcellular water flow and CO(2) conductance, studies on AQP mRNA and protein expression in leaves are essential to better understand their role in these physiological processes. Here, we quantified and localized the expression of Zea mays plasma membrane aquaporins (ZmPIPs, plasma membrane intrinsic proteins) in the leaf using quantitative RT-PCR and immunodetection. All ZmPIP genes except ZmPIP2;7 were expressed in leaves. Expression was found to be dependent on the developmental stage of the leaf tissue, with, in general, an increase in expression at the end of the elongation zone and a decrease in mature leaf tissue. These data correlated with the cell water permeability, as determined using a protoplast swelling assay. The diurnal expression of ZmPIPs was also investigated and expression was found to be higher during the first hours of the light period than at night. Immunocytochemical localization of four ZmPIP isoforms indicated that they are involved in leaf radial water movement, in particular in vascular bundles and the mesophyll.  相似文献   
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