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In 1980 a long-term study of the fishery resources of the San Francisco Bay estuary was initiated in an effort to delineate the importance of freshwater inflow to fish and invertebrate abundance and distribution in the bay. An analysis of the trawl data collected between January 1980 and December 1982 illustrates the influence of the timing and magnitude of freshwater inflows on fish fistribution and abundance in this estuary from the perspective of monthly, seasonal and annual time scales. Normally found in the delta, Suisun Bay and San Pablo Bay during periods of increased salinity, pelagic species moved downstream after the two peak flows studied, while demersal species usually found in Central San Francisco Bay moved upstream. Such upstream movements may be due in part to transport by strong density-driven currents.Timing and magnitude of monthly catches of some species varied on a seasonal cycle coincident with variations of freshwater inflow. Most species, especially the marine species, showed no consistent cycle of monthly catches. In the wet years of 1980 and 1982 the distributions of freshwater, estuarine and anadromous species were extended downstream into San Pablo, Central and South San Francisco Bays and some marine species, including the flatfish, were more abundant in the upstream areas. In the dry year of 1981 when bay salinities were higher, few marine species extended their distributions upstream into San Pablo and Suisun Bays. Jacksmelt was the only fish of the 15 most abundant species with its peak abundance in 1981. Most marine species were more abundant in the San Francisco Bay estuary in the wet years.  相似文献   
Cardiac hypertrophy in adult rabbits was induced by subcutaneous injection of isoproterenol. The rate of [3H]leucine incorporation into acid insoluble material was increased and the extent of [32P]phosphate incorporation into several ribosomal proteins was altered. Specifically, a ribosomal protein with a molecular weight of 32,000 from the 40S ribosomal subunit showed a five-fold increase in phosphate incorporation in the hypertrophic heart whereas a protein with a molecular weight of 28,000 from the 60S subunit showed a four-fold decrease. Phosphorylation of ribosome-associated proteins, which could be removed from ribosomes with 0.72 M KCl, was also changed in the hypertrophic hearts. Six major phosphoproteins (with molecular weights 62,000, 49,000, 36,000, 30,000, 20,000 and 12,000) were detected in both the normal and the hypertrophic hearts. Phosphorylation of the 62 K and the 49 K protein was increased by two- and three-fold, respectively, in the hypertrophic hearts, whereas phosphorylation of the 36 K and the 30 K protein decreased by two-fold. The level of phosphorylation of the 20 K and the 12 K protein was not significantly changed in hypertrophic hearts.  相似文献   
Alcaligenes eutrophus strain CH34, which was isolated as a bacterium resistant to cobalt, zinc, and cadmium ions, shares with A. eutrophus strain H16 the ability to grow lithoautotrophically on molecular hydrogen, to form a cytoplasmic NAD-reducing and a membrane-bound hydrogenase, and most metabolic attributes; however, it does not grow on fructose. Strain CH34 contains two plasmids, pMOL28 (163 kilobases) specifying nickel, mercury, and cobalt resistance and pMOL30 (238 kilobases) specifying zinc, cadmium, mercury, and cobalt resistance. The plasmids are self-transmissible in homologous matings, but at low frequencies. The transfer frequency was strongly increased with IncP1 plasmids RP4 and pUZ8 as helper plasmids. The phenotypes of the wild type, cured strains, and transconjugants are characterized by the following MICs (Micromolar) in strains with the indicated phenotypes: Nic+, 2.5; Nic-, 0.6; Cob+A, 5.0; Cob+B, 20.0; Cob-, less than 0.07; Zin+, 12.0; Zin-, 0.6; Cad+, 2.5; and Cad-, 0.6. Plasmid-free cells of strain CH34 are still able to grow lithoautotrophically and to form both hydrogenases, indicating that the hydrogenase genes are located on the chromosome, in contrast to the Hox structural genes of strain H16, which are located on the megaplasmid pHG1 (450 kilobases).  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of a new type of vascular graft, prepared from a mixture of polyurethane (95 weight %) and poly-L-lactic acid (5 weight %), was examined six weeks after implantation into the abdominal aorta of rats. These microporous, compliant, biodegradable, vascular grafts function as temporary scaffolds for the regeneration of the arterial wall.Smooth muscle cells, covering the grafts, regenerated a neo-media underneath an almost completely regenerated endothelial layer (neo-intima). These smooth muscle cells varied in morphology from normal smooth muscle cells to myofibroblasts. They were surrounded by elastic laminae and collagen fibers.Macrophages, epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells, fibroblasts and capillaries were present in the disintegrating graft lattices. The epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells engulfed polymer particles of the disintegrating grafts.The regeneration of the endothelial and smooth muscle cells is similar to the natural response of arterial tissue upon injury. The presence of macrophages, epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells, fibroblasts and capillaries in the graft lattices resembles the natural response of tissue against foreign body implants. Both of these responses result in the formation of a neo-artery that possesses sufficient strength, compliance and thromboresistance to function as a small caliber arterial substitute.Supported by Grant nr. 82.042 from the Dutch Heart Foundation  相似文献   
Four cDNA probes for the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) were used to investigate the sheep MHC, in conjunction with serological typing for ovine lymphocyte antigen (OLA). Lymphocytes from a family (two parents and five offspring) of Romanov sheep were subjected to genomic DNA digestion by the restriction endonuclease Eco RI, followed by gel electrophoresis. A single Southern blot representing all seven individuals was then consecutively hybridized with the class I, alpha-DC, beta-DR, and C4 probes, which were originally designed to identify HLA class I, class II (DC and DR), and C4 products, respectively. Using each of the three class I/class II probes, several bands showing DNA polymorphism were detected. The segregation of these bands in the five offspring exactly paralleled the OLA haplotype segregation established by serological typing. A further eight individuals carrying haplotypes which were phenotypically identical to those in the above-mentioned family showed bands in the corresponding positions when tested with the same three probes. Using the C4 probe, no polymorphism was detected in these fifteen individuals.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - OLA ovine lymphocyte antigen - kbp kilobase pair(s) - MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence that men have higher ventilatory responses to chemical stimuli than age-matched women and that certain disorders of respiratory rhythmicity, particularly sleep apnea, occur more commonly in men. Accordingly, we studied the influence of the male hormone, testosterone, on the control of breathing. Twelve hypogonadal males were studied at least 30 (mean +/- SE: 69.7 +/- 8.9) days after discontinuing testosterone replacement and again following hormone administration. In each subject plasma testosterone concentration, metabolic rate [O2 consumption (VO2) and CO2 production (VCO2)], minute ventilation (VE), and chemosensitivity [hypoxic (HVR) and hypercapnic (HCVR) ventilatory responses] were determined on and off hormone replacement. With testosterone administration VO2 increased from 248 +/- 15 to 276 +/- 18 ml/min (P less than 0.05), with VCO2 showing a similar but nonsignificant trend. This was associated with an increase in VE from 8.41 +/- 0.78 to 9.91 +/- 0.75 l/min (P less than 0.05) but no change in PCO2. The HVR, expressed as A, increased 44% with hormone replacement from a value of 122 +/- 23 to 176 +/- 28 (P less than 0.01), whereas the HCVR was minimally affected by testosterone administration. These findings may in part explain the previously described differences between male and female subjects in hypoxic sensitivity.  相似文献   
Adult T cell leukaemia/lymphoma was first recognised as a clinical entity in southwest Japan. Subsequently the Caribbean has been found to be another area where the disease is endemic, and sporadic cases have been identified in different parts of the world. The human T cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus (HTLV-I) is causally related to adult T cell leukaemia/lymphoma. A subgroup of HTLV, designated HTLV-III, has recently been isolated from many patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and preAIDS, and there is now evidence that this variant is the primary cause of AIDS. This is the first report from Trinidad to describe 12 cases of adult T cell leukaemia/lymphoma and 14 of AIDS. All were in patients of African descent. No cases were seen in subjects of East Indian descent, who, like those of African descent, comprise as much as 40% of the population. West Indians of African descent may have increased susceptibility to infection with both HTLV-I and HTLV-III.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of a 1.9 Kb HindIII fragment of DNA derived from the arom locus of A.nidulans and encoding the biosynthetic dehydroquinase activity has been determined. The sequences encoding the biosynthetic and catabolic dehydroquinase enzymes of A.nidulans show no detectable homology, strongly suggesting convergent evolutionary pathways. The messenger RNA specified by the arom locus was detected as a 5.3 Kb RNA species.  相似文献   
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