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Allergic asthma is associated with airway epithelial cell mucous metaplasia and mucin hypersecretion, but the consequences of mucin hypersecretion on airway function are unclear. Recently, a peptide derived from the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate protein NH(2)-terminal sequence (MANS) was shown to inhibit methacholine (MCh)-induced mucin secretion from airway mucous cells by >90%. We studied the effect of intranasal pretreatment with this peptide on specific airway conductance (sGaw) during challenge with MCh in mice with allergen-induced mucous cell metaplasia. sGaw was noninvasively measured in spontaneously breathing restrained mice, using a double-chamber plethysmograph. Pretreatment with MANS peptide, but not a control peptide [random NH(2)-terminal sequence (RNS)], resulted in partial inhibition of the fall in sGaw induced by 60 mM MCh (mean +/- SE; baseline 1.15 +/- 0.06; MANS/MCh 0.82 +/- 0.05; RNS/MCh 0.55 +/- 0.05 cmH(2)O/s). The protective effect of MANS was also seen in mice challenged with allergen for 3 consecutive days to increase airway hyperresponsiveness, although the degree of protection was less (baseline 1.1 +/- 0.08; MANS/MCh, 0.65 +/- 0.06; RNS/MCh 0.47 +/- 0.03 cmH(2)O/s). Because routine sGaw measurement in mice includes nasal airways, the effectiveness of MANS was also confirmed in mice breathing through their mouths after nasal occlusion (baseline 0.92 +/- 0.05; MANS/MCh 0.83 +/- 0.06; RNS/MCh 0.61 +/- 0.03 cmH(2)O/s). In all instances, sGaw in the MANS-pretreated group was approximately 35% higher than in RNS-treated controls, and mucous obstruction accounted for approximately 50% of the MCh-induced fall in sGaw. In summary, mucin secretion has a significant role in airway obstruction in a mouse model of allergic asthma, and strategies to inhibit mucin secretion merit further investigation.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) employs multiple strategies to evade host immune responses and persist within macrophages. We have previously shown that the cell envelope-associated Mtb serine hydrolase, Hip1, prevents robust macrophage activation and dampens host pro-inflammatory responses, allowing Mtb to delay immune detection and accelerate disease progression. We now provide key mechanistic insights into the molecular and biochemical basis of Hip1 function. We establish that Hip1 is a serine protease with activity against protein and peptide substrates. Further, we show that the Mtb GroEL2 protein is a direct substrate of Hip1 protease activity. Cleavage of GroEL2 is specifically inhibited by serine protease inhibitors. We mapped the cleavage site within the N-terminus of GroEL2 and confirmed that this site is required for proteolysis of GroEL2 during Mtb growth. Interestingly, we discovered that Hip1-mediated cleavage of GroEL2 converts the protein from a multimeric to a monomeric form. Moreover, ectopic expression of cleaved GroEL2 monomers into the hip1 mutant complemented the hyperinflammatory phenotype of the hip1 mutant and restored wild type levels of cytokine responses in infected macrophages. Our studies point to Hip1-dependent proteolysis as a novel regulatory mechanism that helps Mtb respond rapidly to changing host immune environments during infection. These findings position Hip1 as an attractive target for inhibition for developing immunomodulatory therapeutics against Mtb.  相似文献   
New activity-based probes are essential for expanding studies on the hundreds of serine and cysteine proteases encoded by the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. To monitor protease activities in plant extracts, we generated biotinylated peptides containing a beta-lactone reactive group. These probes cause strong labeling in leaf proteomes. Unexpectedly, labeling was detected at the N terminus of PsbP, nonproteolytic protein of photosystem II. Inhibitor studies and reverse genetics led to the discovery that this unusual modification is mediated by a single plant-specific, papain-like protease called RD21. In cellular extracts, RD21 accepts both beta-lactone probes and peptides as donor molecules and ligates them, probably through a thioester intermediate, to unmodified N termini of acceptor proteins.  相似文献   
Intracellular pH in pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells was manipulated by acid loading the cells and the effect of such a change on radioactive zinc uptake was studied. It was found that zinc uptake was stimulated in cells loaded with protons without causing any measurable change in the intracellular pH. To confirm our assumption that the proton flux due to zinc entry is too small to be measured, we calculated the pH change that one would expect because of zinc influx. The intrinsic buffer capacity of PC12 cells was determined to be 8.03 mM/pH unit and was used in these calculations. It was found that at the five-minute incubation, zinc uptake occurring under our experimental conditions could cause a pH change of 0.000277 pH units per minute (assuming a 1:2 zinc:proton stoichiometry). This study adds a new dimension towards understanding the role played by intracellular pH in causing zinc entry into cells.  相似文献   
Two billion people worldwide are estimated to be latently infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and are at risk for developing active tuberculosis since Mtb can reactivate to cause TB disease in immune-compromised hosts. Individuals with latent Mtb infection (LTBI) and BCG-vaccinated individuals who are uninfected with Mtb, harbor antigen-specific memory CD4(+) T cells. However, the differences between long-lived memory CD4(+) T cells induced by latent Mtb infection (LTBI) versus BCG vaccination are unclear. In this study, we characterized the immune phenotype and functionality of antigen-specific memory CD4(+) T cells in healthy BCG-vaccinated individuals who were either infected (LTBI) or uninfected (BCG) with Mtb. Individuals were classified into LTBI and BCG groups based on IFN-γ ELISPOT using cell wall antigens and ESAT-6/CFP-10 peptides. We show that LTBI individuals harbored high frequencies of late-stage differentiated (CD45RA(-)CD27(-)) antigen-specific effector memory CD4(+) T cells that expressed PD-1. In contrast, BCG individuals had primarily early-stage (CD45RA(-)CD27(+)) cells with low PD-1 expression. CD27(+) and CD27(-) as well as PD-1(+) and PD-1(-) antigen-specific subsets were polyfunctional, suggesting that loss of CD27 expression and up-regulation of PD-1 did not compromise their capacity to produce IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-2. PD-1 was preferentially expressed on CD27(-) antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells, indicating that PD-1 is associated with the stage of differentiation. Using statistical models, we determined that CD27 and PD-1 predicted LTBI versus BCG status in healthy individuals and distinguished LTBI individuals from those who had clinically resolved Mtb infection after anti-tuberculosis treatment. This study shows that CD4(+) memory responses induced by latent Mtb infection, BCG vaccination and clinically resolved Mtb infection are immunologically distinct. Our data suggest that differentiation into CD27(-)PD-1(+) subsets in LTBI is driven by Mtb antigenic stimulation in vivo and that CD27 and PD-1 have the potential to improve our ability to evaluate true LTBI status.  相似文献   
Paraoxonase (PON) constitutes a family of calcium-dependent mammalian enzymes comprising of PON1, PON2, and PON3. PON family shares ~60% sequence homology. These enzymes exhibit multiple activities like paraoxonase, arylesterase, and lactonase in a substrate dependent manner. Decreased PON activity has been reported in diseases like cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. Even though, PON2 is the oldest member of the family, PON1 is the only member studied in silico. In this study, the structure of PON2 was modeled using MODELLER 9v7 and its interactions with relevant ligands and it's physiological substrate homocysteine thiolactone was performed using AutoDock 4.0. The results reveal that PON1 and PON2 share common ligand binding patterns for arylesterase and lactonase activity, whereas in case of paraoxon binding, the residues involved in the interactions were different. Interestingly, the substrate HCTL was found to have the lowest free energy of binding (ΔG) and highest affinity for PON2 than PON1.  相似文献   
Corneal problems affect millions of people worldwide reducing their quality of life significantly. Corneal disease can be caused by illnesses such as Aniridia or Steven Johnson Syndrome as well as by external factors such as chemical burns or radiation. Current treatments are (i) the use of corneal grafts and (ii) the use of stem cell expanded in the laboratory and delivered on carriers (e.g., amniotic membrane); these treatments are relatively successful but unfortunately they can fail after 3-5 years. There is a need to design and manufacture new corneal biomaterial devices able to mimic in detail the physiological environment where stem cells reside in the cornea. Limbal stem cells are located in the limbus (circular area between cornea and sclera) in specific niches known as the Palisades of Vogt. In this work we have developed a new platform technology which combines two cutting-edge manufacturing techniques (microstereolithography and electrospinning) for the fabrication of corneal membranes that mimic to a certain extent the limbus. Our membranes contain artificial micropockets which aim to provide cells with protection as the Palisades of Vogt do in the eye.  相似文献   
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