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Chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis in chill (7°C)- and heat (42°C)-stressed cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv poinsette) seedlings was affected by 90 and 60%, respectively. Inhibition of Chl biosynthesis was partly due to impairment of 5-aminolevulinic acid biosynthesis both in chill- (78%) and heat-stress (70%) conditions. Protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) synthesis in chill- and heat-stressed seedlings was inhibited by 90 and 70%, respectively. Severe inhibition of Pchlide biosynthesis in chill-stressed seedlings was caused by inactivations of all of the enzymes involved in protoporphyrin IX (Proto IX) synthesis, Mg-chelatase, and Mg-protoporphyrin IX monoester cyclase. In heat-stressed seedlings, although 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and porphobilinogen deaminase were partially inhibited, one of the porphyrinogen-oxidizing enzymes, uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, was stimulated and coproporphyrinogen oxidase and protoporphyrinogen oxidase were not substantially affected, which demonstrated that protoporphyrin IX synthesis was relatively more resistant to heat stress. Pchlide oxidoreductase, which is responsible for phototransformation of Pchlide to chlorophyllide, increased in heat-stress conditions by 46% over that of the control seedlings, whereas it was not affected in chill-stressed seedlings. In wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv HD2329) seedlings porphobilinogen deaminase, Pchlide synthesis, and Pchlide oxidoreductase were affected in a manner similar to that of cucumber, suggesting that temperature stress has a broadly similar effect on Chl biosynthetic enzymes in both cucumber and wheat.  相似文献   
Restriction endonucleases protect bacterial cells against bacteriophage infection by cleaving the incoming foreign DNA into fragments. In presence of Mg2+ ions, EcoRV is able to cleave the DNA but not in presence of Ca2+, although the protein binds to DNA in presence of both metal ions. We make an attempt to understand this difference using conformational thermodynamics. We calculate the changes in conformational free energy and entropy of conformational degrees of freedom, like DNA base pair steps and dihedral angles of protein residues in Mg2+(A)-EcoRV-DNA complex compared to Ca2+(S)-EcoRV-DNA complex using all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories of the complexes. We find that despite conformational stability and order in both complexes, the individual degrees of freedom behave differently in the presence of two different metal ions. The base pairs in cleavage region are highly disordered in Ca2+(S)-EcoRV-DNA compared to Mg2+(A)-EcoRV-DNA. One of the acidic residues ASP90, coordinating to the metal ion in the vicinity of the cleavage site, is conformationally destabilized and disordered, while basic residue LYS92 gets conformational stability and order in Ca2+(S) bound complex than in Mg2+(A) bound complex. The enhanced fluctuations hinder placement of the metal ion in the vicinity of the scissile phosphate of DNA. Similar loss of conformational stability and order in the cleavage region is observed by the replacement of the metal ion. Considering the placement of the metal ion near scissile phosphate as requirement for cleavage action, our results suggest that the changes in conformational stability and order of the base pair steps and the protein residues lead to cofactor sensitivity of the enzyme. Our method based on fluctuations of microscopic conformational variables can be applied to understand enzyme activities in other protein-DNA systems.  相似文献   
The serological relationship between the two vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) strains Indiana (VSV-Ind) and New Jersey (VSV-NJ) were analyzed by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Immunoglobulin G responses, defined by their resistance to treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol, were assessed by ELISA by using sucrose gradient-purified VSV or purified VSV glycoproteins (G) as antigens. When low doses (10(6) PFU) of live VSV or 10(8) PFU of UV-inactivated virus were given intraperitoneally (i.p.), only non-cross-reactive antibody responses were observed in a primary immune response. However, when 10(6) PFU of live VSV were injected intravenously (i.v.), cross-reactive antibodies were generated; anti-VSV-NJ antibodies cross-reacted more against VSV-Ind than did anti-VSV-Ind antibodies against VSV-NJ. When 10(8) PFU of live VSV or UV-inactivated VSV mixed with complete Freund adjuvant was given i.p., high levels of cross-reactive antibodies detectable by ELISA were induced in primary and secondary responses. When purified G protein was used instead of purified whole virus in the ELISA, the cross-reactivity was found to be asymmetrical after immunization with live VSV given i.v. but not after i.p. inoculation; anti-VSV-NJ sera bound almost equally well to VSV-Ind G protein, whereas anti-VSV-Ind sera bound virtually exclusively to the G protein of the homologous serotype. The data suggest that immunization with VSV given i.p. results in a more specific, i.e., less cross-reactive, response than that either after i.v. infection or after the virus antigen is made available in great amounts or if it persists for prolonged periods when given i.p. together with complete Freund adjuvant. The unique determinants were immunodominant because they induced antibodies preferentially, whereas partially shared determinants induced antibody responses asymmetrically, more slowly, and with lower titers. Interestingly, the asymmetric cross-reactivity of anti-VSV antibodies, as measured by ELISA, against purified VSV G was opposite that observed for cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic muscle disease caused by the absence of a functional dystrophin protein. Lack of dystrophin protein disrupts the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex causing muscle membrane instability and degeneration. One of the secondary manifestations resulting from lack of functional dystrophin in muscle tissue is an increased level of cytokines that recruit inflammatory cells, leading to chronic upregulation of the nuclear factor (NF)-κB. Negative regulators of the classical NF-κB pathway improve muscle health in the mdx mouse model for DMD. We have previously shown in vitro that a negative regulator of the NF-κB pathway, A20, plays a role in muscle regeneration. Here, we show that overexpression of A20 by using a muscle-specific promoter delivered with an adeno-associated virus serotype 8 (AAV8) vector to the mdx mouse decreases activation of the NF-κB pathway in skeletal muscle. Recombinant A20 expression resulted in a reduction in number of fibers with centrally placed nuclei and a reduction in the number of T cells infiltrating muscle transduced with the AAV8–A20 vector. Taken together, we conclude that overexpression of A20 in mdx skeletal muscle provides improved muscle health by reduction of chronic inflammation and muscle degeneration. These results suggest A20 is a potential therapeutic target to ameliorate symptoms of DMD.  相似文献   
Next‐generation sequencing technologies provide opportunities to understand the genetic basis of phenotypic differences, such as abiotic stress response, even in the closely related cultivars via identification of large number of DNA polymorphisms. We performed whole‐genome resequencing of three rice cultivars with contrasting responses to drought and salinity stress (sensitive IR64, drought‐tolerant Nagina 22 and salinity‐tolerant Pokkali). More than 356 million 90‐bp paired‐end reads were generated, which provided about 85% coverage of the rice genome. Applying stringent parameters, we identified a total of 1 784 583 nonredundant single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 154 275 InDels between reference (Nipponbare) and the three resequenced cultivars. We detected 401 683 and 662 509 SNPs between IR64 and Pokkali, and IR64 and N22 cultivars, respectively. The distribution of DNA polymorphisms was found to be uneven across and within the rice chromosomes. One‐fourth of the SNPs and InDels were detected in genic regions, and about 3.5% of the total SNPs resulted in nonsynonymous changes. Large‐effect SNPs and InDels, which affect the integrity of the encoded protein, were also identified. Further, we identified DNA polymorphisms present in the differentially expressed genes within the known quantitative trait loci. Among these, a total of 548 SNPs in 232 genes, located in the conserved functional domains, were identified. The data presented in this study provide functional markers and promising target genes for salinity and drought tolerance and present a valuable resource for high‐throughput genotyping and molecular breeding for abiotic stress traits in rice.  相似文献   
Background:  Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of pancreas is a widely accepted method of diagnosis of pancreatic mass lesions. We have performed a retrospective analysis of all radiological (CT/ultrasound) and endoscopic ultrasound guided procedures at our institution.
Aim:  (1) To review the results of FNAC of pancreas from January 2000 to April 2006. (2) To calculate the inadequate rate. (3) To account for discrepancies between the cytological and histological diagnoses. (4) To identify any false positive cases if present.
Method:  The results of all pancreatic FNAC reported at our institute from January 2000 to April 2006 were identified from the laboratory system. All results were classified as follows: Inadequate, inconclusive, benign, suspicious and malignant. The results were further categorised depending on whether they were CT/ultrasound guided or EUS guided. The histological diagnosis where available was used as the gold standard and where discrepancies were present the cytological preparations were reviewed.
Results:  Seventy-three patients underwent pancreatic FNAC during the study period. Table 1 illustrates our results.
Deletion or inactivation of anti-self (DNA) B cells has been reported in non-autoimmune mice bearing Ig transgenes that code for Abs with specificity for dsDNA or ssDNA. However, we report a case in which anti-dsDNA B cells appear to escape both deletion and inactivation. We show that B cells (B220+IgM+) can develop in non-autoimmune SCID mice bearing two site-directed transgenes, 3H9(56R) and Vkappa8, that together code for an anti-dsDNA Ab. The B cells appear inactive, because the mice (56RVkappa8 SCID mice) generally lack serum Ig. However, 56RVkappa8 SCID mice are able to produce IgG Ab with specificity for dsDNA when they become "leaky" for T cells or are reconstituted with exogenous T cells from B cell-deficient JH-/- donors. Thus, anti-dsDNA B cells that escape deletion in 56RVkappa8 SCID mice appear fully functional and can differentiate, class switch, and give rise to IgG-producing cells in the presence of T cells and self-Ag.  相似文献   
HIV-1 virus infectivity factor (Vif) is one of the four accessory proteins that are characteristic of primate lentiviruses and critically required for the infection of host cells. Vif plays a key role in replication and transmission of the virus in non-permissive cells, such as primary T cells and macrophages. Using co-precipitation and co-fractionation techniques, evidence has been provided that Vif interacts with a variety of host proteins, such as the cytidine deaminases APOBEC3G and 3F, the Cullin5/EloBC ubiquitin–ligase complex, Fyn and Hck tyrosine kinases, as well as with viral components, such as the immature Gag precursor and viral RNA. We report on the expression, purification and molecular characterization of a folded recombinant subtype C Vif. Vif was expressed in E. coli with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag and purified by nickel affinity chromatography. We obtained approximately 5 mg protein per liter of bacterial culture, with a purity >95%. The expected molecular mass of 23.7 kDa was confirmed by mass spectrometry. Although dynamic light scattering and small angle X-ray scattering measurements revealed the presence of high molecular weight aggregates in the protein preparation, circular dichroism analysis showed that the protein contains mainly folded β-sheet elements and exhibits remarkable thermal stability (T m > 95°C). Recombinant Vif may be used as a tool to study its biological functions and tertiary structure, as well as for the development of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive strategies for HIV-1 infections.  相似文献   
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