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Antibiotic resistance genes can act as either cell autonomous or non-cell autonomous genetic markers with which to monitor the excision of plant transposons. To convert spectinomycin resistance from a noncell autonomous resistance to cell autonomous resistance, a transit peptide for chloroplast localization from a petunia ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcS) gene was fused in-frame to the aadA gene, which confers spectinomycin and streptomycin resistance. Constructs were generated in which the expression of this chimeric gene was prevented by the presence, in the 5 untranslated leader, of the maize transposons Activator (Ac) or Dissociation (Ds). When progeny of tobacco or tomato plants transformed with these constructs were germinated on spectinomycin-containing medium, germinally revertant and somatically variegated individuals could be distinguished.  相似文献   
We describe a screen to isolate cDNAs encoding Drosophila mitosis inhibitors capable of suppressing the mitotic catastrophe phenotype resulting in Schizosaccharomyces pombe from the combination of the weel-50 mutation with either a deletion allele of mil1, or with overexpression of cdc25 +. One plasmid was isolated which could suppress the temperature sensitive lethality of both these strains. The cDNA in this plasmid encodes a protein highly homologous to the DEAD-box family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases, rather than to protein kinases as might be expected. It is possible that the RNA helicase described here may regulate entry into mitosis by down regulating the expression of other genes whose activity may be rate-limiting for entry into mitosis.  相似文献   
The inverse problem of electrocardiography, the computation of epicardial potentials from body surface potentials, is influenced by the desired resolution on the epicardium, the number of recording points on the body surface, and the method of limiting the inversion process. To examine the role of these variables in the computation of the inverse transform, Tikhonov's zero-order regularization and singular value decomposition (SVD) have been used to invert the forward transfer matrix. The inverses have been compared in a data-independent manner using the resolution and the noise amplification as endpoints. Sets of 32, 50, 192, and 384 leads were chosen as sets of body surface data, and 26, 50, 74, and 98 regions were chosen to represent the epicardium.The resolution and noise were both improved by using a greater number of electrodes on the body surface. When 60% of the singular values are retained, the results show a trade-off between noise and resolution, with typical maximal epicardial noise levels of less than 0.5% of maximum epicardial potentials for 26 epicardial regions, 2.5% for 50 epicardial regions, 7.5% for 74 epicardial regions, and 50% for 98 epicardial regions. As the number of epicardial regions is increased, the regularization technique effectively fixes the noise amplification but markedly decreases the resolution, whereas SVD results in an increase in noise and a moderate decrease in resolution. Overall the regularization technique performs slightly better than SVD in the noise-resolution relationship.There is a region at the posterior of the heart that was poorly resolved regardless of the number of regions chosen. The variance of the resolution was such as to suggest the use of variable-size epicardial regions based on the resolution.  相似文献   
The relationship between the size of the light harvesting antenna to photosystem II (LHCII) and quenching of non-photochemical and dark level fluorescence was studied in wild-type rye (Secale cereale L. cv. Musketeer) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Gunilla) as well as in the barley chlorophyll b-less chlorina F2 mutant (H. vulgare L. cv. Dornaria, chlorina-F2). Exposure for 10 min to an irradiance of 500 μmol m?2 s?1 resulted in a strong (0.71–0.73) non-photochemical (qs) quenching of the fluorescence yield in wild-type (WT) material, while the barley chlorina F2-mutant was quenched to 75% of this level. Relaxation of qs in darkness revealed a fast initial decay, related to relaxation of the high-energy-state dependent (qE) part of qs. Etiolated seedlings of rye and barley exposed to intermittent light (IML) for 36 cycles of 2 min light and 118 min darkness had suppressed Chl b and LHCII-production in both WT rye and barley, while the barley chlorina F2-mutant became totally devoid of all LHCII-polypeptides. It was found that the levels of qs and qs were similar in control grown barley chlorina F2 and IML-grown WT rye and barley, but qs was reduced by 30 to 35% and qs by 50 to 65%, respectively, as compared to control-grown. WT plants. No significant qs could be detected in IML-grown barley chlorina F2. It is clear, from these changes in in vivo fluorescence quenching in rye and barley that a significant level of qs is detectable even in the absence of LHCII. Only when the proximal antennae are totally absent, does qE completely disappear. We conclude that the presence of LHCII is not an absolute requirement for qE-quenching and suggest that distal as well as proximal antenna may contribute to qE in vivo.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of tail autotomy on survivorship and body growth of both adult and juvenile Uta stansburiana by directly manipulating tail condition. Tail loss decreased neither survivorship nor rate of body growth for individuals in two natural populations. Lack of an influence of tail loss on survivorship in these two populations may be the result of high mortality. Under high mortality any differential effects of tail loss will be lower than in populations facing lower mortality. Growth experiments in the laboratory demonstrated that, under conditions of minimal environmental variation and social interactions, there is no tradeoff between body growth and tail regeneration as has been suggested for other species of lizards. One possible reason for this difference is that U. stansburiana does not use the tail as a storage organ for lipids. The original and regenerated tails are composed mainly of protein. In general, any differential body growth between tailed and tailless individuals may be due to social interactions and not a diversion of limited energy into tail regeneration.  相似文献   
Gravitropically-stimulated seedlings show autotropism in weightlessness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a spaceflight experiment, autotropism by oat ( Avena sativa L.) coleoptiles following gravitropic responses was prominent in weightlessness: counter-reactions led to the straightening of the curved coleoptiles. This was not the case during clinorotation on earth. The autotropic reactions appeared to be related to the stimulus received during the stimulus period, i.e. the greater the response the greater the autotropic counter-reaction. Previous models of the gravitropic system which predicted that coleoptiles would not straighten in weightlessness are disproved. A modification to one of the models is proposed which includes the autotropic response observed in spaceflight. The nature of the counter-reactions in the absence of gravitropic stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   
Induction of photosynthesis in leaves was prolonged, and steadystate photosynthesis was inhibited by very high CO2 concentrationswhich cause cytoplasmic acidification. Prolonged exposure tohigh CO2 relieved initially observed inhibition of photosynthesisat least partially. The sensitivity of carbon assimilation tohigh CO2 was different in different plant species. Acidificationby CO2 (or subsequent alkalization) was detected by measuringrapid CO2-release from the tissue and by monitoring fluorescenceof pH-indicating dyes which had been fed to the leaves throughthe petiole. The results indicate that two different mechanismsoperate in leaves to achieve and maintain pH homeostasis. Rapidand efficient pH-adjustment is provided by proton/cation exchangeacross the tonoplast. Slower and less efficient regulation occursby formation or consumption of base. In the presence of highCO2 concentrations, protons are pumped from the cytosol intoalready acidic vacuoles. In turn, vacuolar cations replace exportedprotons in the cytosol permitting bicarbonate accumulation andincreasing the pH of the acidified cytosol. Similarly effectiveand fast proton/cation exchange relieves acid-stress in thechloroplast stroma and permits photosynthesis to proceed withhigh quantum efficiency or high light-saturated rates in thepresence of CO2 concentrations which would, in the absence offast cytoplasmic pH regulation, inhibit photosynthesis. By inference,proton/cation exchange must also occur across the mitochondrialboundary. After cytoplasmic pH adjustment in the presence ofhigh CO2, removal of CO2 results in transient cytoplasmic alkalizationand, subsequently, in the return of cytoplasmic pH values tolevels observed prior to acid-stress. In addition to fast pHregulation by rapid proton/cation exchange across biomembranes,slow base production (e.g. NH3-formation) also contributes torelieving acid stress. Base produced in the presence of highCO2 is rapidly consumed after removal of CO2. Implications of the findings in regard to forest damage by potentiallyacidic air pollutants such as SO2 are briefly discussed. (Received November 8, 1993; Accepted February 3, 1994)  相似文献   
In order to optimize transient gene expression in Norway spruce pollen after DNA delivery with particle bombardment, effects of different conditions during homhardmenl were analysed using β-glucuroniduse (GUS) driven by the rice Act I promoter and Inciferase (LUS) driven by the tomato !at 52 promoter as reporter genes. Transient gene expression was significantly increased hy using two bombardments. Also the distance from the stopping plate to the sample was critical to gam maximum gene expression. There was no significant difference between gold and tungsten particles, and the number of positively stained pollen increased with increasing DNA concentration, from 5 to 40 pg DNA added in the DNA/tungsten solution The DNA delivery to Norway spruce pollen was most efficient at a chamber pressure above 70 kPa.  相似文献   
Summary The conformation of a peptide that represents antigenic site A of foot-and-mouth disease virus strain C-S8c1 (residues 136–156 of VP1; YTASARGDLAHLTTTHARHLP) has been studied by circular dichroism and compared with three analogs that reproduce amino acid substitutions at position 146 (HisArg, Gln or Asp) which affect antibody recognition. Four other peptides, incorporating replacements at position 147 predicted to maintain (LeuIle, Nle and Ala) or disrupt (LeuGly) helical structure at this site, have also been studied. In aqueous solution or in 4 M urea, the spectra of all eight peptides were typical of aperiodic conformation and independent of concentration or pH. However, upon addition of solvents such as methanol or hexafluoroisopropanol, spectral patterns evidenced significant levels (ca. 50%) of helical structure. The single residue substitutions at positions 146 and 147 caused minor to significant variations in the calculated amount of -helix of the peptides. An attempt to relate these changes in helical content to the antigenic behaviour of the peptides towards five monoclonal antibodies elicited with virus and mapping at site A could not find any straightforward correspondence between the two sets of results. The parent peptide and its His146Arg analog were also analyzed by circular dichroism in the presence of the Fab fragment of SD6, a monoclonal antibody mapping at site A and much less reactive with viruses carrying the referred mutation. Although a peptide-antibody interaction was evident from spectral changes, careful inspection of the difference spectra (peptide-Fab minus Fab) of both peptides failed to detect any significant distinction between them that could be attributed to their different immunoreactivity. While these findings do not necessarily conflict with previous reports that the interaction of antigenic site A with antibodies is mediated to some extent by the adoption of a helix structure, they suggest that, at least for C-serotype viruses, other structural features in addition to a helical conformation are critically involved in antigenic recognition.  相似文献   
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