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When pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv Feltham First) are subjected to freezing conditions (−18°C) followed by a thaw to 18°C, there is a significant inhibition of water-splitting capacity judged by the rate of light-induced reduction of 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol using isolated thylakoid membrane fragments enriched in photosystem II (PSII). The freeze-thaw-induced inhibition of water-splitting activity has been correlated with the loss of the 17- and 23-kilodalton extrinsic protein of PSII and with a weakening of the binding of the 33-kilodalton protein. There was no apparent loss of bound manganese. Addition of 10 millimolar CaCl2, however, allowed a full recovery of the water-splitting activity of these modified PSII-enriched particles. The freeze-thaw-induced changes in the organization and functional capacity of PSII was found to increase its susceptibility to photoinhibition in agreement with the concepts presented in the accompanying paper, that oxidative damage can occur within the PSII reaction center as a consequence of extending the lifetime of P680+.  相似文献   
In view of the potential role of free radicals in the genesis of cardiac abnormalities under different pathophysiological conditions and the importance of contractile proteins in determining heart function, this study was undertaken to examine the effects of oxygen free radicals on the rat heart myofibrils. Xanthine plus xanthine oxidase (X + XO) which is known to generate superoxide anions (O2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an activated species of oxygen, was found to decrease Ca(2+)-stimulated ATPase activity, increase Mg(2+)-ATPase activity and reduce sulfhydryl (SH) group contents in myofibrils; these effects were completely prevented by superoxide dismutase (SOD) plus catalase (CAT). Both H2O2 and hypochlorous acid (HOCl), an oxidant, produced actions on cardiac myofibrils similar to those observed by X + XO. The effects of H2O2 and HOCl were prevented by CAT and L-methionine, respectively. N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), inhibitors of SH groups, also produced effects similar to those seen with X + XO. Dithiothreitol (DTT), a well known sulfhydryl-reducing agent, prevented the actions of X + XO, H2O2, HOCl, NEM and DTNB. These results suggest that marked changes in myofibrillar ATPase activities by different species of oxygen free radicals may be mediated by the oxidation of SH groups.  相似文献   
Overall, the probe map fromDXWas70 toAmg encompasses 72 cM and includes 103 loci. Eight of these have been designated reference loci (see Table 2 and previous section) on account of their wide usage that would enable the cross reference of independent maps created in different laboratories. Reference loci are to be readily available and easily used probes for Southern hybridization. By and large, they will be STSs, regeneratable by PCR, and correspond to a known gene. In addition, on the mouse X Chr, there is a reference locus from each of the known conserved linkage groups found between the mouse and human X Chrs. All the loci, barDXWas31, represent conserved sequences. Committee Members: D. Adler, P.J. Barnard, Y. Boyd, N. Brockdorff, J. Derry, C. Disteche, C. Faust, M.F. Lyon, S. Rastan, M. Seldin and L. Siracusa.  相似文献   
Skulls of red deer ( Cervus elaphus of known age were examined. A scoring procedure devised for fallow deer ( Dama dama ) was used to relate tooth wear to a particular age (Brown & Chapman, 1990). The precise sequential nature of tooth wear as it appeared on the slopes and tips of cusps, on the marginal ridges and links between cusps was recorded. From these data a base has been provided from which estimates of age may be made of animals of unknown age. The variability for the scores are given for 95% prediction intervals from the regression of age on total molar wear score.  相似文献   
A role for Tyr254 in L-lactate dehydrogenation catalyzed by flavocytochrome b2 has recently been proposed on the basis of the known active-site structure and of studies that had suggested a mechanism involving the initial formation of a lactate carbanion [Lederer, F., & Mathews, F.S. (1987) in Flavins and Flavoproteins, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, 1987 (Edmondson, D.E., & McCormick, D.B., Eds.) pp 133-142, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin]. This role is now examined after replacement of Tyr254 with phenylalanine. The kcat is decreased about 40-fold, Km for lactate appears unchanged, and the mainly rate-limiting step is still alpha-hydrogen abstraction, as judged from the steady-state deuterium isotope effect. Modeling studies with lactate introduced into the active site indicate two possible substrate conformations with different hydrogen-bonding partners for the substrate hydroxyl. If the hydrogen bond is formed with Tyr254, as was initially postulated, the mechanism must involve removal by His373 of the C2 hydrogen, with carbanion formation. If, in the absence of the Tyr254 phenol group, the hydrogen bond is formed with His373 N3, the substrate is positioned in such a way that the reaction must proceed by hydride transfer. Therefore the mechanism of the Y254F enzyme was investigated so as to distinguish between the two mechanistic possibilities. 2-Hydroxy-3-butynoate behaves with the mutant as a suicide reagent, as with the wild-type enzyme. Similarly, the mutant protein also catalyzes the reduction and the dehydrohalogenation of bromopyruvate under transhydrogenation conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
alpha 1-Antitrypsin (alpha 1-AT) is the best-characterized member of the serpin superfamily of plasma proteins. Protease inhibitor members of this family undergo a characteristic reactive-center cleavage during expression of their inhibitory activity. The physical basis of this transition in alpha 1-AT from the stressed native conformation to the more stable reactive center cleaved (split) form was studied by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and neutron scattering. The FT-IR spectra show that, while split alpha 1-AT has three intense well-resolved components associated with the presence of antiparallel beta-sheet and alpha-helix conformations, the amide I band of native alpha 1-AT has only one intense component, associated with the presence of beta-sheet structure. 1H-2H exchange within the polypeptide backbone, studied by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy, shows that the native form undergoes greater exchange than the split form. Under the same conditions, neutron scattering shows no differences in the radius of gyration RG of the native and the split forms. In contrast, in high concentrations of phosphate approaching those used for crystallization, the native form (unlike the split form) undergoes dimerization. These data indicate that the conformational transition largely involves localized secondary and tertiary structure rearrangements. We propose that the energetically stressed native alpha 1-AT structure is the consequence of a significantly reduced number of hydrogen bonds in secondary structure components and that reactive-site cleavage between Met358 and Ser359 is the key for the development of the fully hydrogen bonded more stable serpin structure.  相似文献   
The characteristics of pure preparations of short-tail fibers of bacteriophage T4 have been studied in the optical and electron microscope. Three main structures were observed: 1) spheres of 8.1 nm diameter; 2) fibers 43 nm long and 3.8 nm thick; and 3) fibers 54 nm long and 3.2 nm thick. Both types of fibers exhibited a regular beaded appearance. The 43-nm fibers were the most abundant structure. During the process of purification of the short-tail fibers, the formation of aggregates was observed each time the material containing the short-tail fibers was dialyzed against saline solutions. These aggregates became increasingly fibrous (as observed in the optical microscope) as the material used was increasingly enriched in short-tail fibers. Finally, most of the aggregates were of the fibrous type when they were formed from a purified preparation of short-tail fibers. In the electron microscope, it was found that the filamentous aggregates were organized in well-defined bundles. The amino acid composition of the highly purified short-tail fibers was also determined. Among the known fibrous proteins, the ones that most resemble the amino acid composition of the short-tail fibers are actin and fibrinogen. These observations are discussed in relation to the T4 short-tail fiber structure and their localization on the hexagonal baseplate of the T4 tail structure.  相似文献   
Aleurone tissue from undried immature developing wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Sappo), normally insensitive to gibberellic acid, can be made to respond to the hormone by a series of temperature treatments. Incubation of the de-embryoed grains at temperatures above 27° C for at least 8 h causes the tissue to become sensitive. Prolonged incubation at temperatures below 27° C does not effect a change in sensitivity. In addition to the requirement for exposure to an elevated temperature for a period of several hours the tissue must also subsequently be subjected to a period at a lower temperature for just a few seconds for the response to be observed. Once sensitized, the tissue remains responsive to gibberellic acid for substantial periods of time. Exposure of the tissue to temperatures which induce sensitivity to gibberellic acid also results in an increased leakage of amino acids. It is suggested that the increase in sensitivity to gibberellin requires two separate processes to take place. One could be a homeoviscous adaptation of the cell membranes in response to elevated temperature, the other a subsequent, permanent change in conformation of membrane components.  相似文献   
A previous paper described a kinetic model for electrogenic sodium-potassium transport in cardiac muscle, combining a thermodynamically-constrained transport model with simple passive permeabilities for sodium and potassium to generate a cardiac action potential (Chapman, Kootsey & Johnson, 1979). The present paper explores the extent to which this simplest of active-passive transport models can account (without further modification) for the electrophysiological behavior of cardiac muscle. The long term (several minutes) changes in the duration of the action potential observed following a change in stimulation rate are predicted by the model through a shift in the steady-state current-voltage relationship caused by small changes in inside ion concentrations. The diastolic hyperpolarization observed following an increase in rate is also predicted, including the linear relationship between the maximum diastolic depolarization and the rate of stimulation. Varying the outside potassium concentration in the model produces changes in the rest potential and current-voltage relationship similar to published data. Deviations from ideal potassium electrode behavior occur at both high and low concentrations because of effects on the pump. The model not only predicts the observed shift of the current-voltage curve in the depolarizing direction with increasing [K+]0, but also the crossing of the curve in normal [K +]0 without having to assume a variation in gK. Anoxia was introduced into the model by changing the concentrations of ATP and ADP, thereby enabling the model to account for the rapid diastolic depolarization observed in myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   
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