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Hemostasis is a tightly regulated process which maintains a fluid state of blood within the vasculature and provides thrombotic response upon tissue injury. Various scientific studies have implicated the role of plant latex proteases in hemostasis using in vitro experiments. However, in vivo models substantiate their role in hemostasis. Therefore, in the present study, the effect of plant latex thrombin-like proteases (PTLPs) on hemostasis was investigated systematically using mice tail bleeding as a preclinical model. In this direction, latex protease fractions (LPFs), which showed potent thrombin-like activity, were selected as they act directly on fibrinogen to form clot and quickly stop bleeding. Thrombin-like activity was exhibited mainly by cysteine proteases. Calotropis gigantea, Carica papaya, Jatropha curcas, Oxystelma esculentum, Tabernaemontana divaricata, and Vallaris solanacea LPFs and papain from C. papaya latex significantly reduced bleeding on a topical application in normal and aspirin administered mice. In addition, PTLPs accelerated the clotting of factor VIII deficient plasma, while, papain brought back the clotting time to normal levels acting like a bypassing agent. Further, papain failed to show activity in the presence of specific cysteine protease inhibitor iodoacetic acid; confirming protease role in all the activities exhibited. At the tested dose, PTLPs except C. gigantea did not show toxicity. Further, structural and sequence comparison between PTLPs and human thrombin revealed structural and sequence dissimilarity indicating their unique nature. The findings of the present study may open up a new avenue for considering PTLPs including papain in the treatment of bleeding wounds.  相似文献   
Human colon carcinoma cell fucosyltransferase (FT) in contrast to the FTs of several human cancer cell lines, utilized GlcNAcbeta1,4GlcNAcbeta-O-Bn as an acceptor, the product being resistant to alpha1,6-L-Fucosidase and its formation being completely inhibited by LacNAc Type 2 acceptors. Further, this enzyme was twofold active towards the asialo agalacto glycopeptide as compared to the parent asialoglycopeptide. Only 60% of the GlcNAc moieties were released from [14C]fucosylated asialo agalacto triantennary glycopeptide by jack bean beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase. These alpha1,3-L-fucosylating activities on multiterminal GlcNAc residues and chitobiose were further examined by characterizing the products arising from fetuin triantennary and bovine IgG diantennary glycopeptides and their exoglycosidase-modified derivatives using lectin affinity chromatography. Utilization of [14C]fucosylated glycopeptides with cloned FTs indicated that Lens culinaris lectin and Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL) required, respectively, the diantennary backbone and the chitobiose core alpha1,6-fucosyl residue for binding. The outer core alpha1,3- but not the alpha-1,2-fucosyl residues decreased the binding affinity of AAL. The AAL-binding fraction from [14C]fucosylated asialo fetuin, using colon carcinoma cell extract, contained 60% Endo F/PNGaseF resistant chains. Similarly AAL-binding species from [14C]fucosylated TFA-treated bovine IgG using colon carcinoma cell extract showed significant resistance to endo F/PNGaseF. However, no such resistance was found with the corresponding AAL non- and weak-binding species. Thus colon carcinoma cells have the capacity to fucosylate the chitobiose core in glycoproteins, and this alpha1,3-L-fucosylation is apparently responsible for the AAL binding of glycoproteins. A cloned FT VI was found to be very similar to this enzyme in acceptor substrate specificities. The colon cancer cell FT thus exhibits four catalytic roles, i.e., alpha1,3-L-fucosylation of: (a) Galbeta1,4GlcNAcbeta-; (b) multiterminal GlcNAc units in complex type chain; (c) the inner core chitobiose of glycopeptides and glycoproteins; and (d) the nonreducing terminal chiotobiose unit.  相似文献   


The acceptability and feasibility of provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling (PITC) in many settings across Asia with concentrated HIV epidemics is not known. A pilot study of the PITC policy undertaken within the public health care systems in two districts in India offered the opportunity to understand patient''s perspectives on the process of referral for HIV testing and linking to HIV treatment and care.


We conducted a cross-sectional study of randomly selected TB patients registered by the TB control program between July and November 2007 in two districts in south India. Trained interviewers met patients shortly after TB diagnosis and administered a structured questionnaire. Patients were assessed regarding their experience with HIV status assessment, referral for counseling and testing, and for HIV-infected patients the counseling itself and subsequent referral for HIV treatment and care.


Of the 568 interviewed TB patients, 455 (80%) reported being referred for HIV testing after they presented to the health facility for investigations or treatment for TB. Over half the respondents reported having to travel long distances and incurred financial difficulties in reaching the Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) and two-thirds had to make more than two visits. Only 48% reported having been counseled before the test. Of the 110 HIV-infected patients interviewed, (including 43 with previously-known positive HIV status and 67 detected by PITC), 89 (81%) reported being referred for anti-retroviral treatment (ART); 82 patients reached the ART centre but only 44 had been initiated on ART.


This study provides the first evidence from India that routine, provider-initiated voluntary HIV testing of TB patients is acceptable, feasible and can be achieved with very high efficiency under programmatic conditions. While PITC is useful in identifying new HIV-infected patients so that they can be successfully linked to ART, the convenience and proximity of testing centres, quality of HIV counseling, and efficiency of ART services need attention.  相似文献   
This work deals with the commonly studied cyclic oligosaccharide and gains importance as it is entered on a drug delivering carbohydrate and provides insight into the oligosaccharide complex–biomolecular interaction. The binding of a flavone, baicalein, to β-cyclodextrin and calf thymus DNA is studied. The binding of baicalein to calf thymus DNA in the presence of β-cyclodextrin is analysed using the UV–vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. The mode of binding and structure of the baicalein–β-cyclodextrin complex are reported. The role of the structure and the stoichiometry of the inclusion complex of baicalein–β-cyclodextrin in its influence on DNA binding are analysed.


? This paper deals with the binding of a flavone, baicalein to β-cyclodextrin and/or DNA.

? The inclusion complexation between baicalein and β-cyclodextrin is analysed.

? The stoichiometry and the binding strength of the inclusion complex is reported.

? The role of β-cyclodextrin in tuning the binding of baicalein to DNA is emphasized.

? Spectroscopic and docking analysis are used to articulate the results.  相似文献   
Enzymatic 3-O-sulfation of terminal ß-Gal residueswas investigated by screening sulfotransferase activity presentin 37 human tissue specimens toward the following synthesizedacceptor moieties: Galß1,3GalNAc-O-Al, Galß1,4GlcNAcß-O-Al,Galß1,3GlcNAcß-O-Al, and mucin-type Galß1,4GlcNAcß1,6(Galß1,3)GalNAc-O-Bnstructures containing a C-3 methyl substituent on either Gal.Two distinct types of Gal: 3-O-sulfotransferases were revealed.One (Group A) was specific for the Galß1, 3GalNAc-linkage and the other (Group B) was directed toward the Galß1,4GlcNAcbranch ß1,6 linked to the blood group T hapten. Enzymeactivities found in breast tissues were unique in showing astrict specificity for the T-hapten. Galß-O-allylor benzyl did not serve as acceptors for Group A but were veryactive with Group B. An exainination of activity present insix human sera revealed a specificity of the serum enzyme towardß1,3 linked Gal, particularly, the T-hapten withoutß1,6 branching. Group A was highly active toward T-haptenlacrylamidecopolymer, anti-freeze glycoprotein, and fetuin O-glycosidicasialo glycopeptide; less active toward fetuin triantennaryasialo glycopeptide; and least active toward bovine IgG diantennaryglycopeptide. Group B was moderately and highly active, respectively,with the latter two glycopeptides noted and least active withthe first two. Competition experiments performed with Galß1,3GaLNAc-O-Aland Galß1,4GlcNAcß1,6(Galß1,3)GalNAc-O-Bnhaving a C-3 substituent (methyl or sulfate) on either Gal reinforcedearlier findings on the specificity characteristics of GroupA and Group B. Group A displayed a wider range of optimal activity(pH 6.0–7.4), whereas Group B possessed a peak of activityat pH 7.2. Mg2+ stimulated Group A 55% and Group B 150%, whereasMn+2 stimulated Group B 130% but inhibited Group A 75%. Ca2+stimulated Group B 100% but inhibited Group A 35%. Group A andGroup B enzymes appeared to be of the same molecular size (<100,000Da) as observed by Sephacryl S-100 HR column chromatography.The following effects upon Gal: 3-O- sulfotransferase activitiesby fucose, sulfate, and other substituents on the carbohydratechains were noted. (1) A methyl or GlcNAc substituent on C-6of GalNAc diminished the ability of Galß1,3GalNAc-O-Alto act as an acceptor for Group A. (2) An 1,3-fucosyl residueon the ß1,6 branch in the mucin core structure didnot affect the activity of Group A toward Gal linked ß1,3to GalNAc-. (3) Lewis x and Lewis a terminals did not serveas acceptors for either Group A or B enzymes. (4) Eliminationof Group B activity on Gal in the ß1,6 branch owingto the presence of a 3-fucosyl or 6-sulfo group on GlcNAc didnot hinder any action toward Gal linked ß1,3 to GalNAc.(5) Group A activity on Gal linked ß1,3 to GalNAcremained imaffected by 3'-sulfation of the ß1,6 branch.The reverse was true for Group B. (6) The acceptor activityof the T-hapten was increased somewhat upon C-6 sulfation ofGalNAc, whereas, C-6 slalylation resulted in an 85% loss ofactivity. (7) A novel finding was that Galß1,4GlcNAcß-O-Aland Galß1,3GlcNAcß-O-M, upon C-6 sulfationof the GlcNAc moiety, became 100% inactive and 5- to 7-foldactive, respectively, in their ability to serve as acceptorsfor Group B. human tissues glycoprotein galactose:sulfotransferase specificities kinetic properties  相似文献   


Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is an important global health problem and contributes to notable proportion of morbidity and mortality. This particular manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis is largely under diagnosed and undertreated. For sustainable preventive strategies in a country, it is mandatory to identify country-specific risk factors. We intended to assess the risk factors of PAD among adults aged 40–74 years.


This case control study was conducted in 2012–2013 in Sri Lanka. Seventy-nine cases and 158 controls in the age group of 40–74 years were selected for the study in order to have case to control ratio 1:2. The criterion for selecting cases and control was based on Ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI). Cases were selected from those who had ABPI 0.85 or less (ABPI ≤0.85) in either lower limb. Controls were selected from those ABPI score between 1.18 and 1.28 in both lower limbs. Only newly identified individuals with PAD were selected as cases. Controls were selected from the same geographical location and within the 5 year age group as cases.


The history of diabetes mellitus more than 10 years (OR 5.8, 95% CI 2.2–14.2), history of dyslipidemia for more than 10 years (OR 4.9, 95% CI 2.1–16.2), history of hypertension for more than 10 years (OR 3.8, 95% CI 1.8–12.7) and smoking (OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.2–6.9), elevated HsCRP (OR 3.7, 95% CI 1.2–12.0) and hyperhomocysteinemia (OR 3.0, 95% CI 1.1–8.1) were revealed as country specific significant risk factor of PAD.


Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking as well as elevated homocysteine and HsCRP found as risk factors of PAD. Longer the duration or higher level exposure to these risk factors has increased the risk of PAD. These findings emphasis the need for routine screening of PAD among patients with the identified risk factors.


Microarray experiments, as well as other genomic analyses, often result in large gene sets containing up to several hundred genes. The biological significance of such sets of genes is, usually, not readily apparent.  相似文献   
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