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Induction of sister-chromatid exchanges by restriction endonucleases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Restriction endonucleases Cfo 1, Pvu II, Sma I, Hpa II, Taq I and Hae III were tested for their ability to induce SCEs in CHO cells. The results indicate that the DNA double-strand breaks induced during S-phase by these enzymes lead to an increase in the frequencies of SCEs.  相似文献   
Histone post-translational modifications contribute to chromatin function through their chemical properties which influence chromatin structure and their ability to recruit chromatin interacting proteins. Nanoflow liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (nanoLC-MS/MS) has emerged as the most suitable technology for global histone modification analysis because of the high sensitivity and the high mass accuracy of this approach that provides confident identification. However, analysis of histones with this method is even more challenging because of the large number and variety of isobaric histone peptides and the high dynamic range of histone peptide abundances. Here, we introduce EpiProfile, a software tool that discriminates isobaric histone peptides using the distinguishing fragment ions in their tandem mass spectra and extracts the chromatographic area under the curve using previous knowledge about peptide retention time. The accuracy of EpiProfile was evaluated by analysis of mixtures containing different ratios of synthetic histone peptides. In addition to label-free quantification of histone peptides, EpiProfile is flexible and can quantify different types of isotopically labeled histone peptides. EpiProfile is unique in generating layouts (i.e. relative retention time) of histone peptides when compared with manual quantification of the data and other programs (such as Skyline), filling the need of an automatic and freely available tool to quantify labeled and non-labeled modified histone peptides. In summary, EpiProfile is a valuable nanoflow liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution tandem mass spectrometry-based quantification tool for histone peptides, which can also be adapted to analyze nonhistone protein samples.The nucleosome, the basic unit of chromatin, consists of 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped around histone proteins (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4). Histones play vital roles in chromatin, interacting with many signaling proteins and chromatin-structural proteins through various post-translational modifications (PTMs)1 (13). There are numerous PTMs on histones, including methylation (mono - me1, di - me2, tri - me3), acetylation (ac), phosphorylation (ph), ubiquitination, and SUMOylation (4). Histone PTMs can affect chromatin function, and therefore influence processes such as gene accessibility, DNA repair and chromosome condensation. Moreover, histone PTMs cross-talk in a synergistic manner to fine-tune gene expression (5). Therefore, quantification of histone PTMs has become a high priority to investigate cell regulation and epigenetics (6).Traditionally, antibody-based methods (e.g. Western blot) have been used to analyze histone modifications (7), which have multiple disadvantages. First, antibodies are not available for every new PTM discovered. Second, PTMs on neighboring amino acids (e.g. H3K9me1–3 and H3S10ph) may prevent antibody binding, a phenomenon called epitope occlusion. Third, the quantification of PTMs via antibody-based methods is not sensitive to small differences (e.g. <twofold). Mass spectrometry (MS) has emerged as a sensitive and efficient technique to detect known and novel PTMs (8). The high mass accuracy and the high speed of modern mass spectrometers allow for sensitive, confident, and accurate peptide quantification when coupled with nanoflow liquid chromatography (nanoLC).NanoLC-MS/MS analysis of protein digests (i.e. bottom-up MS) is nowadays a mature and widely applied technology. Data-dependent acquisition is the most commonly adopted MS acquisition method to identify peptides via bottom-up MS (912), generating MS1 and MS2 spectra. Nevertheless, histone proteins are particularly challenging to analyze by using the generalized bottom-up workflow. As histones are rich with lysines and arginines, tryptic digest of histones generates short peptides that are difficult to be retained on C18 columns. To improve histone peptide retention, the unmodified and mono-methylated lysines and peptide N terminus can be selectively chemically propionylated (1316), preventing tryptic digest after lysine to generate longer peptides. Moreover, peptide identification through traditional database searches leads to a large number of false positives, as allowing several dynamic modifications (e.g. me1/me2/me3, ac, ph) dramatically increases the number of molecular candidates and thus the possibility to achieve a false hit (12). Therefore, software tools that quantify histone peptides require additional data to correctly map a given peptide, such as previous knowledge of peptide retention time.Quantification of histone peptides is particularly challenging because of presence of isobaric peptides, near isobaric PTMs such as tri-methylation (42.047 Da) and acetylation (42.011 Da), and low abundant species. Previous knowledge about relative peptide retention time (RT) enables differentiation between species close in mass and therefore selection of the correct peak for integration of the area of the chromatographic peak (i.e. area under curve or AUC). However, determination of peptide RT might be difficult because of their low abundance though acid extraction was performed to purify histones. This problem can be solved by using isotopically labeled synthetic histone peptides (17), or data independent approaches (18). When using relative retention time information to assign peak identities, reproducible nanoLC is crucial, especially because some isobaric peptides co-elute. In this case, the MS acquisition method must perform targeted MS2 for the co-eluting isobaric peptides at the specific time that they elute. These species can be discriminated and quantified based on the intensity of fragment ions unique to each species. For instance, the peptides KacSTGGKAPR (H3K9ac) and KSTGGKacAPR (H3K14ac) have the same mass and overlap at the nanoLC elution (the full protein sequence of human canonical histone H3 and H4 are shown in Fig. 1A). Thus, the co-eluting isobaric peptides could not be quantified separately based on the MS1 signal, but the unique fragment ions present in MS2 spectra allow them to be quantified individually.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Histones are a challenge for quantitative mass spectrometry analyses. A, Human histone H3.1 and H4 protein sequences. B, Spline fitting to calculate AUC: blue lines are the original peaks and pink lines are the fitted peaks. C, An example of isobaric PTM modified peptides. The above MS2 is matched with H3K18ac, and the same MS2 is also matched with H3K23ac below. D, The workflow of EpiProfile: inputting precursor m/z and charge state, extracting elution profiles, selecting the correct chromatographic peak, calculating AUC, and outputting quantification tables and figures.There have been few computational investigations attempting to solve the problem of quantifying co-eluting isobaric peptides. DiMaggio et al. used a mixed integer linear optimization (MILP) framework to quantify partially co-eluting isobaric histone peptides from electron transfer dissociation (ETD) spectra (19). The framework is comprised of two MILP models: (1) enumerating the entire space of the modified forms that satisfy a given peptide mass and (2) determining the relative composition of the modified forms in the spectrum. Another study by Guan et al. identified isobaric peptides by searching ETD MS/MS spectra for ions representing all possible configurations of modified peptides using a visual assistance program. The relative abundances of these species were estimated by using a nonnegative least squares procedure (20). Other quantification programs can also perform accurate peak picking, but are commonly not as suitable for heavily modified and isobaric histone peptides (e.g. Skyline) (21). These software programs are unable to provide the layouts of histone peptides (i.e. relative RTs) or discriminate all isobaric modified peptides, two tasks that are vital for full characterization of a histone sample.In this study, we developed a new quantification program named EpiProfile. EpiProfile extracts ion chromatography for known histone peptides by using previous knowledge about their elution profiles. Moreover, it discriminates and quantifies the isobaric histone peptides by resolving the linear equations listed with the peak heights of unique fragment ions between the two modification sites in the MS2 spectra (e.g. ions between H3K9ac and H3K14ac). We evaluated the accuracy of EpiProfile by mixing different ratios of synthetic histone peptides, and then tested EpiProfile by analyzing nanoLC-MS/MS data sets of the following samples: purified histones from HeLa cells, a synthetic histone peptide library, and histone peptides labeled during cell growth with 13C-labeled glucose media or stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) (22). We compared EpiProfile to manual quantification of the data, and also with the openly available program Skyline. We found that manual quantification is obviously time-consuming and that Skyline cannot generate the layouts of histone peptides and cannot discriminate four or six-component isobaric peptides, a common occurrence in histone data. Moreover, EpiProfile is highly flexible, and thus it can be used to analyze various protein samples, including isotopically labeled peptides and nonhistone data sets.  相似文献   
Flow diverter (FD) is an emerging neurovascular device based on self-expandable braided stent for treating intracranial aneurysms. Variability in FD outcome has underscored a need for investigating the hemodynamic effect of fully deployed FD in patient-specific aneurysms. Image-based computational fluid dynamics, which can provide important hemodynamic insight, requires accurate representation of FD in deployed states. We developed a finite element analysis (FEA) based workflow for simulating mechanical deployment of FD in patient-specific aneurysms. We constructed FD models of interlaced wires emulating the Pipeline Embolization Device, using 3D finite beam elements to account for interactions between stent strands, and between the stent and other components. The FEA analysis encompasses all steps that affect the final deployed configuration including stent crimping, delivery and expansion. Besides the stent, modeling also includes key components of the FD delivery system such as microcatheter, pusher, and distal coil. Coordinated maneuver of these components allowed the workflow to mimic clinical operation of FD deployment and to explore clinical strategies. The workflow was applied to two patient-specific aneurysms. Parametric study indicated consistency of the deployment result against different friction conditions, but excessive intra-stent friction should be avoided. This study demonstrates for the first time mechanical modeling of braided FD stent deployment in cerebral vasculature to produce realistic deployed configuration, thus paving the way for accurate CFD analysis of flow diverters for reliable prediction and optimization of treatment outcome.  相似文献   
A series of twelve dispiropyrrolidines were synthesized using [3+2]-cycloaddition reactions. The synthesized compounds were screened for their antimycobacterial activity against M. tuberculosis H(37)Rv and INH resistant M. tuberculosis strains using agar dilution method, four of them showed good activity with MIC of less than 1 μM. Compound 4'-[5-(4-fluorophenyl)pyridin-3-yl]-1'-methyldispiro[indan-2,2' pyrrolidine-3',2″-indan]-1,3,1″-trione (4b) was found to be the most active with MIC of 0.1215 and 5.121 μM, respectively.  相似文献   
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is a plant bacterial pathogen that causes bacterial blight (BB) disease, resulting in serious production losses of rice. The crystal structure of malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase (XoMCAT), encoded by the gene fabD (Xoo0880) from Xoo, was determined at 2.3 Å resolution in complex with N-cyclohexyl-2-aminoethansulfonic acid. Malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase transfers malonyl group from malonyl CoA to acyl carrier protein (ACP). The transacylation step is essential in fatty acid synthesis. Based on the rationale, XoMCAT has been considered as a target for antibacterial agents against BB. Protein-protein interaction between XoMCAT and ACP was also extensively investigated using computational docking, and the proposed model revealed that ACP bound to the cleft between two XoMCAT subdomains.  相似文献   
The phosphoesterase (PE) domain of the bacterial DNA repair enzyme LigD possesses distinctive manganese-dependent 3′-phosphomonoesterase and 3′-phosphodiesterase activities. PE exemplifies a new family of DNA end-healing enzymes found in all phylogenetic domains. Here, we determined the structure of the PE domain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa LigD (PaePE) using solution NMR methodology. PaePE has a disordered N-terminus and a well-folded core that differs in instructive ways from the crystal structure of a PaePE•Mn2+• sulfate complex, especially at the active site that is found to be conformationally dynamic. Chemical shift perturbations in the presence of primer-template duplexes with 3′-deoxynucleotide, 3′-deoxynucleotide 3′-phosphate, or 3′ ribonucleotide termini reveal the surface used by PaePE to bind substrate DNA and suggest a more efficient engagement in the presence of a 3′-ribonucleotide. Spectral perturbations measured in the presence of weakly catalytic (Cd2+) and inhibitory (Zn2+) metals provide evidence for significant conformational changes at and near the active site, compared to the relatively modest changes elicited by Mn2+.  相似文献   
In vitro and in vivo evidence indicates that circulating platelets affect both vascular integrity and hemostasis. How platelets enhance the permeability barrier of the vascular endothelium is not well understood. We measured the effect of isolated human platelets on human pulmonary artery endothelial cell (EC) barrier integrity by monitoring transmonolayer electrical resistance. EC barrier function was significantly increased by the addition of platelets ( approximately 40% maximum, 2.5 x 106 platelets/ml). Platelet supernatants, derived from 2.5 x 106 platelets/ml, reproduced the barrier enhancement and reversed the barrier dysfunction produced by the edemagenic agonist thrombin, which implicates a soluble barrier-promoting factor. The barrier-enhancing effect of platelet supernatants was heat stable but was attenuated by either charcoal delipidation (suggesting a vasoactive lipid mediator) or pertussis toxin, implying involvement of a Gialpha-coupled receptor signal transduction pathway. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a sphingolipid that is released from activated platelets, is known to ligate G protein-coupled EC differentiation gene (EDG) receptors, increase EC electrical resistance, and reorganize the actin cytoskeleton (Garcia JG, Liu F, Verin AD, Birukova A, Dechert MA, Gerthoffer WT, Bamberg JR, and English D. J Clin Invest 108: 689-701, 2001). Infection of EC with an adenoviral vector expressing an antisense oligonucleotide directed against EDG-1 but not infection with control vector attenuated the barrier-enhancing effect of both platelet supernatants and S1P. These results indicate that a major physiologically relevant vascular barrier-protective mediator produced by human platelets is S1P.  相似文献   
The precise positioning of the flexible C-helix in the catalytic core is a critical step in the activation of most protein kinases. Consequently, the alphaC-beta4 loop, which anchors the C-helix to the catalytic core, is highly conserved and mediates key structural interactions that serve as a hinge for C-helix movement. While these hinge interactions are conserved across diverse eukaryotic protein kinase structures, some families such as AGC kinases diverge from the canonical hinge interactions. This divergence was recently proposed to facilitate an alternative mode of regulation wherein a conserved C-terminal tail interacts with the alphaC-beta4 loop to position the C-helix. Here we show how interactions between the alphaC-beta4 loop and the N-terminal SH2 domain of ZAP-70 tyrosine kinase are mechanistically and functionally analogous to interactions between the alphaC-beta4 loop and the C-terminal tail of AGC kinases. Such cis regulation of protein kinase activity may be a feature of other eukaryotic protein kinase families as well.  相似文献   
Peripheral myelin protein-22 (PMP22) is primarily expressed in the compact myelin of the peripheral nervous system. Levels of PMP22 have to be tightly regulated since alterations of PMP22 levels by mutations of the PMP22 gene are responsible for >50 % of all patients with inherited peripheral neuropathies, including Charcot–Marie–Tooth type-1A (CMT1A) with trisomy of PMP22, hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) with heterozygous deletion of PMP22, and CMT1E with point mutations of PMP22. While overexpression and point-mutations of the PMP22 gene may produce gain-of-function phenotypes, deletion of PMP22 results in a loss-of-function phenotype that reveals the normal physiological functions of the PMP22 protein. In this article, we will review the basic genetics, biochemistry and molecular structure of PMP22, followed by discussion of the current understanding of pathogenic mechanisms involving in the inherited neuropathies with mutations in PMP22 gene.  相似文献   
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