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Summary The drug resistance plasmid R100.1 can integrate into the E. coli chromosome at several sites on the plasmid. Many of the resulting Hfr strains continuously produce extrachromosomal circular forms of the r-determinant. These r-det plasmids seem incapable of stable autonomous replication. We show that their presence in the cell requires the continuous activity of functional recA and recC genes but does not require the lexA function.The production of r-det circular forms is correlated with an increased copy number of r-det sequences, relative to RTF sequences. This copy number increase is, however, also found in a recA - backgound where no circular forms of r-det are found. These results show that a specific replication of r-det sequences, not present in the wild-type R100.1 plasmid, occurs in these R-Hfr strains. They suggest that a rec promoted recombination, posterior to the specific replication event, is needed for the production of circular r-det forms.  相似文献   
Granuloma formation in schistosomiasis japonica differs in several respects from those observed in Schistosoma mansoni infections. We have utilized the lung granuloma model in mice sensitized with subcutaneous injection of Schistosoma japonicum eggs to study the kinetics and mechanisms of this response. Animals injected subcutaneously with a range of 50–50,000 S. japonicum eggs elicited a significant pulmonary granulomatous response around ova subsequently injected intravenously. The pulmonary granulomas were formed of macrophages, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. Both antithymocyte globulin and antieosinophil sera reduced significantly the size of the granulomas and depleted the corresponding cell. Nude athymic mice developed markedly reduced pulmonary granulomas as did mice treated with niridazole or hydrocortisone. Sensitization to the egg antigens was demonstrable as both immediate and arthus-type footpad responses. Our data show that cell-mediated pulmonary granulomas can form around S. japonicum eggs in animals previously sensitized by the subcutaneous route. This model may provide further insights into the pathogenesis of S. japonicum granuloma.  相似文献   
Synopsis The histochemical localization of five glycosidases was studied in the epididymis of mature dogs. -Galactosidase showed a distinct to strong reaction in the epithelium of the ductuli efferentes and throughout the whole length of the ductus epididymidis. -N-Acetylglucosaminidase reactivity was weak in the initial segment, but increased significantly in the middle and terminal segment. The maximum -glucuronidase activity was found in the ductuli efferentes and in the initial segment. The -mannosidase reaction was weak in all segments except the middle segment where a distinct activity was seen. With the method employed, no -fucosidase activity could be detected. The physiological role of the glycosidases in the epididymis is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
The observation that increased muscular activity leads to muscle hypertrophy is well known, but identification of the biochemical and physiological mechanisms by which this occurs remains an important problem. Experiments have been described (5, 6) which suggest that creatine, an end product of contraction, is involved in the control of contractile protein synthesis in differentiating skeletal muscle cells and may be the chemical signal coupling increased muscular activity and the increased muscular mass. During contraction, the creatine concentration in muscle transiently increases as creatine phosphate is hydrolyzed to regenerate ATP. In isometric contraction in skeletal muscle for example, Edwards and colleagues (3) have found that nearly all of the creatine phosphate is hydrolyzed. In this case, the creatine concentration is increased about twofold, and it is this transient change in creatine concentration which is postulated to lead to increased contractile protein synthesis. If creatine is found in several intracellular compartments, as suggested by Lee and Vissher (7), local changes in concentration may be greater then twofold. A specific effect on contractile protein synthesis seems reasonable in light of the work of Rabinowitz (13) and of Page et al. (11), among others, showing disproportionate accumulation of myofibrillar and mitochondrial proteins in response to work-induced hypertrophy and thyroxin-stimulated growth. Previous experiments (5, 6) have shown that skeletal muscles cells which have differentiated in vitro or in vivo synthesize myosin heavy-chain and actin, the major myofibrillar polypeptides, faster when supplied creatine in vitro. The stimulation is specific for contractile protein synthesis since neither the rate of myosin turnover nor the rates of synthesis of noncontractile protein and DNA are affected by creatine. The experiments reported in this communication were undertaken to test whether creatine selectively stimulates contractile protein synthesis in heart as it does in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
The two preceding papers of this series suggest that the state of the plasmalemmal lipids affects cell adhesion. Plasmalemmal composition was altered by the experimental incorporation of fatty acids into R1 and R2 positions in the phosphatidyl components of the cell surface. In this paper we report that: (1) If the incorporation is of long chain length fatty acids (saturated) cell adhesion rises. (2) If the incorporation is of unsaturated fatty acids cell adhesion falls as the unsaturation increases. (3) Incorporation has to be extensive to produce a large change in adhesion. (4) Changes in adhesion parallel the plasmalemmal incorporation but do not follow the total cell incorporation. Item (4) argues that it is plasmalemmal and not other membrane lipids that are involved in cell adhesion. Item (3) suggests that bulk membrane properties and not some very specific grouping are involved in the effects of lipids on adhesion. The similar extents of incorporation of the various different fatty acids and the negligible amounts of lysophospholipids in the membranes of cells that have incorporated fatty acids argue that the effects are not due to differential accumulations of these lysolipids when incubations are done with different fatty acids. The changes in adhesion cannot be accounted for by changes in surface charge density since the electrophoretic mobility of the cells is unchanged by these incubations. It is suggested that these effects on adhesion due to changes in plasmalemmal lipids can be explained either in terms of the action of intermembrane van der Waals--London (electrodynamic) forces in cell adhesion or of changes in surface fluidity. These alternatives are discussed.  相似文献   
The virulence of hyphomycete entomopathogenic fungi was measured in laboratory bioassays against the lettuce root aphid, Pemphigus bursarius, a serious pest of field lettuce grown in the UK. Of 25 isolates of fungi examined, only one isolate, Metarhizium anisopliae 391.93, killed lettuce root aphids consistently. This fungus was isolated originally from the closely related saltmarsh aphid, P. trehernei. The median lethal concentration of conidia at 10 days post6- 1 inoculation estimated from five independent bioassays was 2.45 × 106 conidia ml-1. The fungus had no significant effect on the mean number of offspring/aphid produced, but it sporulated 6 profusely on host cadavers, producing approximately 4 × 106 conidia/cadaver 14 days after treatment, and diseased aphids died attached to plant roots. It thus has the potential to spread through densely packed colonies of P. bursarius feeding on the roots of susceptible or partially resistant plants.  相似文献   
Autism spectrum disorders (henceforth autism) are diagnosed in around 1% of the population [1]. Familial liability confers risk for a broad spectrum of difficulties including the broader autism phenotype (BAP) [2, 3]. There are currently no reliable predictors of autism in infancy, but characteristic behaviors emerge during the second year, enabling diagnosis after this age [4, 5]. Because indicators of brain functioning may be sensitive predictors, and atypical eye contact is characteristic of the syndrome [6-9] and the BAP [10, 11], we examined whether neural sensitivity to eye gaze during infancy is associated with later autism outcomes [12, 13]. We undertook a prospective longitudinal study of infants with and without familial risk for autism. At 6-10 months, we recorded infants' event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to viewing faces with eye gaze directed toward versus away from the infant [14]. Longitudinal analyses showed that characteristics of ERP components evoked in response to dynamic eye gaze shifts during infancy were associated with autism diagnosed at 36 months. ERP responses to eye gaze may help characterize developmental processes that lead to later emerging autism. Findings also elucidate the mechanisms driving the development of the social brain in infancy.  相似文献   
We report on the development and validation of a simple microarray method for the direct detection of intact 16S rRNA from unpurified soil extracts. Total RNAs from Geobacter chapellei and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were hybridized to an oligonucleotide array consisting of universal and species-specific 16S rRNA probes. PCR-amplified products from Geobacter and Desulfovibrio were easily and specifically detected under a range of hybridization times, temperatures, and buffers. However, reproducible, specific hybridization and detection of intact rRNA could be accomplished only by using a chaperone-detector probe strategy. With this knowledge, assay conditions were developed for rRNA detection using a 2-h hybridization time at room temperature. Hybridization specificity and signal intensity were enhanced using fragmented RNA. Formamide was required in the hybridization buffer in order to achieve species-specific detection of intact rRNA. With the chaperone detection strategy, we were able to specifically hybridize and detect G. chapellei 16S rRNA directly from a total-RNA soil extract, without further purification or removal of soluble soil constituents. The detection sensitivity for G. chapellei 16S rRNA in soil extracts was at least 0.5 microg of total RNA, representing approximately 7.5 x 10(6) Geobacter cell equivalents of RNA. These results suggest that it is now possible to apply microarray technology to the direct detection of microorganisms in environmental samples, without using PCR.  相似文献   
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