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A cDNA encoding the Drosophila melanogaster acidic ribosomal protein rpA2 was cloned and sequenced. rpA2 is homologous to the Artemia salina acidic ribosomal protein eL12′. In situ hybridization to salivary gland polytene chromosomes localizes the rpA2 gene to band 21C. It is a single copy gene, with an mRNA of 0.8 kb. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of Drosophila ribosomal proteins followed by immuno-blotting showed that the rpA2 protein has an apparent relative mobility in SDS of 17 kD and an isoelectric point less than pH 5.0. Although the Drosophila gene rp21C may be the same as rpA2, the reported sequences differ. Comparisons of the aligned nucleotide sequences coding for the acidic ribosomal proteins rpA1 and rpA2 of Drosophila with those of other eukaryotes support the view of two separate, though closely related, groups of acidic proteins. Comparison with the Artemia homologues suggests that nucleotide identity may have been conserved by some constraint that acts in addition to the requirement for substantial similarity of amino acid sequences. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Full-length (membrane bound) and truncated (secreted) forms of the beta 2 integrin heterodimer, CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1), were expressed in a human kidney cell line (293) that normally does not express leukocyte adhesion molecules (Leu-CAMs). The biosynthesis of recombinant Mac-1 in 293 cells differed from that reported for leukocytes in that heterodimer formation was not required for CD11b to be exported to the cell surface. A stable cell line was constructed that constitutively secreted the recombinant, truncated Mac-1 heterodimer into growth conditioned cell culture medium. A novel monoclonal antibody that enabled an immunoaffinity method for the selective purification of recombinant Mac-1 heterodimers was identified. Sufficient protein was purified to allow the first measurement of the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) for CD11b/CD18 and for the direct comparison of the inhibitory activity of recombinant soluble Mac-1 with that of various CD18 and CD11b specific monoclonal antibodies. Purified recombinant soluble Mac-1 inhibited the binding of neutrophils, activated by opsonized zymosan or fMet-Leu-Phe peptide, to human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Similarly, the recombinant integrin was effective in inhibiting the binding of unactivated neutrophils to tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) activated endothelial cells. The availability of an abundant source of purified, biologically active Mac-1 will enable direct physical and chemical investigations into the relationship between the structure and function of this leukocyte adhesion molecule.  相似文献   
The pheromone N-(3-oxohexanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone (OHHL) regulates expression of bioluminescence in the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri, the production of carbapenem antibiotic in Erwinia carotovora and exoenzymes in both E. carotovora and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A characteristic feature of this regulatory mechanism in V. fischeri is that it is cell density-dependent, reflecting the need to accumulate sufficient pheromone to trigger the induction of gene expression. Using a lux plasmid-based bioluminescent sensor for OHHL, pheromone production by E. carotovora, Enterobacter agglomerans, Hafnia alvei, Rahnella aquatilis and Serratia marcescens has been demonstrated and shown also to be cell density-dependent. Production of OHHL implies the presence in these bacteria of a gene equivalent to luxl. Chromosomal banks from all five enteric bacteria have yielded clones capable of eliciting OHHL production when expressed in Escherichia coli. The luxl homologue from both E. carotovora (carl) and E. agglomerans (eagl) were characterized at the DNA sequence level and the deduced protein sequences have only 25% identity with the V. fischeri Luxl. Despite this, carl, eagl and luxl are shown to be biologically equivalent. An insertion mutant of eagl demonstrates that this gene is essential for OHHL production in E. agglomerans.  相似文献   

The helix angle configuration of the myocardium is understood to contribute to the heart function, as finite element (FE) modeling of postnatal hearts showed that altered configurations affected cardiac function and biomechanics. However, similar investigations have not been done on the fetal heart. To address this, we performed image-based FE simulations of fetal left ventricles (LV) over a range of helix angle configurations, assuming a linear variation of helix angles from epicardium to endocardium. Results showed that helix angles have substantial influence on peak myofiber stress, cardiac stroke work, myocardial deformational burden, and spatial variability of myocardial strain. A good match between LV myocardial strains from FE simulations to those measured from 4D fetal echo images could only be obtained if the transmural variation of helix angle was generally between 110 and 130°, suggesting that this was the physiological range. Experimentally discovered helix angle configurations from the literature were found to produce high peak myofiber stress, high cardiac stroke work, and a low myocardial deformational burden, but did not coincide with configurations that would optimize these characteristics. This may suggest that the fetal development of myocyte orientations depends concurrently on several factors rather than a single factor. We further found that the shape, rather than the size of the LV, determined the manner at which helix angles influenced these characteristics, as this influence changed significantly when the LV shape was varied, but not when a heart was scaled from fetal to adult size while retaining the same shape. This may suggest that biomechanical optimality would be affected during diseases that altered the geometric shape of the LV.

The purpose of this study was to assess variation in male and female reproductive success among the three morphs of the tristylous plant, Lythrum salicaria. Fluorescent dyes were used as pollen analogs to determine whether morphs differ in their abilities to donate and receive pollen, and actual and potential seed set was measured with a hand pollination experiment. Dye transfer among morphs was highly asymmetric, with more frequent transfer from the short-styled morph to the long- and mid-styled morphs. This suggests that shorts are performing better at pollen donation and longs and mids are performing better at pollen receipt. All flowers on 95 plants were hand pollinated to test whether female reproductive success is more pollen-limited in the short-styled morph than in other morphs. Hand-pollinated short-styled plants had significantly higher total seed mass and more seeds per capsule than short controls, whereas hand pollination failed to increase seed set in long and mid morphs. As predicted, short-styled morphs showed significant pollen limitation, whereas seed set in long- and midstyled morphs was not pollen-limited. Thus, in Lythrum salicaria asymmetrical pollen flow generates morph-specific differences in male and female fitness.  相似文献   
Draba (Brassicaceae) is well known for its taxonomic complexity in arctic and alpine floras, and the polyploids in particular present vexing taxonomic problems. It has been suggested that polyploids in Draba may have formed recurrently from different populations of the parental species (polytopy), and it is also possible that a given taxonomic species may actually comprise several polyploid races, each originating from different progenitor species (polyphyly). To unravel the taxonomic complexity of polyploid Draba in the Nordic area, we investigated three of the most morphologically variable species and their possible progenitors using enzyme electrophoresis and restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA): D. norvegica (6x), D. lactea (6x), and D. corymbosa (16x). Electrophoretic analyses of progeny showed high levels of fixed heterozygosity in all three polyploids, demonstrating that all are genetic alloploids. Electrophoretic and rDNA data indicate that polytopic and/or polyphyletic origins have contributed to the complexity of these polyploids. However, a lack of cpDNA variation among the species limited the usefulness of this molecule for analysis of polyploid origins. The considerable electrophoretic variation observed in D. norvegica necessitates a minimum of three and probably 13 independent origins. Electrophoretic and rDNA data suggest that D. lactea and D. corymbosa are polyphyletic polyploids. Crossing data also support that D. corymbosa is polyphyletic. Given the widespread geographic distributions of these species and their possible progenitors, and that the populations analyzed represent only a small fraction of their geographic distributions, it is likely that these species have formed numerous times in different areas. As more molecular analyses of polyploids are completed, the data continue to suggest that multiple origins of polyploids are the rule rather than the exception.  相似文献   
Although there is an extensive literature on the genetic attributes of allopolyploids, very little information is available regarding the genetic consequences of autopolyploidy in natural populations. We therefore addressed the major predicted genetic consequences of autopolyploidy using diploid and tetraploid populations of Tolmiea menziesii. Individual autotetraploid plants frequently maintain three or four alleles at single loci: 39% of the 678 tetraploid plants exhibited three or four alleles for at least one locus. Heterozygosity was also significantly higher in autotetraploid populations than in diploid populations: H° = 0.070 and 0.237 in diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea, respectively. Most of the genetic diversity in T. menziesii is maintained within populations (ratio of gene diversity within populations to mean total genetic diversity = 0.636). The total genetic diversity due to differentiation between the two cytotypes is only 0.055. Such a low degree of differentiation between cytotypes would be expected between a diploid and its autotetraploid derivative. Most diploid and all tetraploid populations examined are in genetic equilibrium. Diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea share three or four alleles at six of eight polymorphic loci. This suggests that either autotetraploid Tolmiea was formed via crossing of genetically different diploids (perhaps via a triploid intermediate) or autopolyploidy occurred more than once in separate individual plants, followed by later crossing of autotetraploids.  相似文献   
Detection of Salmonella typhi by polymerase chain reaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rapid and sensitive method for detection of Salmonella typhi would help in preventing the spread of outbreaks and in clinical diagnosis. In order to develop unique PCR primers to detect Salm. typhi , ribosomal RNA genes from Salm. typhi (Rawlings) were cloned in pUC18. The resulting clone was confirmed by sequencing. The cloned DNA fragment contained the 5S, part of the 23S rRNA genes and the 5S-23S spacer region (EMBL/GenBank accession No. U04734).
It was expected that the 5S-23S spacer region is divergent unlike the highly conserved 23S+5S genes. This was confirmed by comparison with the rRNA gene sequences in the EMBL/GenBank database. A pair of PCR primers specific for Salm. typhi was obtained, based on this spacer region sequence. The specificity of this pair of primers was tested with 54 Salm. typhi strains (of 27 different phage types). All these Salm. typhi strains showed the positive 300 bp PCR product with this pair of primers. Six other Salmonella species as well as six other non- Salmonella bacteria were tested and none showed the 300 bp PCR product. The sensitivity of the detection level was 0·1 pg of pure Salm. typhi genomic DNA, or approximately 40 Salm. typhi cells in a spiked food sample. This pair of primers therefore has the potential for development into a diagnostic tool for the rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever.  相似文献   
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