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The most widely studied pathway underlying agonist-promoted internalization of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) involves beta-arrestin and clathrin-coated pits. However, both beta-arrestin- and clathrin-independent processes have also been reported. Classically, the endocytic routes are characterized using pharmacological inhibitors and various dominant negative mutants, resulting sometimes in conflicting results and interpretational difficulties. Here, taking advantage of the fact that beta-arrestin binding to the beta2 subunit of the clathrin adaptor AP-2 (beta2-adaptin) is needed for the beta-arrestin-mediated targeting of GPCRs to clathrin-coated pits, we developed a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based approach directly assessing the molecular steps involved in the endocytosis of GPCRs in living cells. For 10 of the 12 receptors tested, including some that were previously suggested to internalize via clathrin-independent pathways, agonist stimulation promoted beta-arrestin 1 and 2 interaction with beta2-adaptin, indicating a beta-arrestin- and clathrin-dependent endocytic process. Detailed analyses of beta-arrestin interactions with both the receptor and beta2-adaptin also allowed us to demonstrate that recruitment of beta-arrestins to the receptor and the ensuing conformational changes are the leading events preceding AP-2 engagement and subsequent clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Among the receptors tested, only the endothelin A and B receptors failed to promote interaction between beta-arrestins and beta2-adaptin. However, both receptors recruited beta-arrestins upon agonist stimulation, suggesting a beta-arrestin-dependent but clathrin-independent route of internalization for these two receptors. In addition to providing a new tool to dissect the molecular events involved in GPCR endocytosis, the bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based beta-arrestin/beta2-adaptin interaction assay represents a novel biosensor to assess receptor activation.  相似文献   
Infection by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes depends on host cell clathrin. To determine whether this requirement is widespread, we analyzed infection models using diverse bacteria. We demonstrated that bacteria that enter cells following binding to cellular receptors (termed "zippering" bacteria) invade in a clathrin-dependent manner. In contrast, bacteria that inject effector proteins into host cells in order to gain entry (termed "triggering" bacteria) invade in a clathrin-independent manner. Strikingly, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) required clathrin to form actin-rich pedestals in host cells beneath adhering bacteria, even though this pathogen remains extracellular. Furthermore, clathrin accumulation preceded the actin rearrangements necessary for Listeria entry. These data provide evidence for a clathrin-based entry pathway allowing internalization of large objects (bacteria and ligand-coated beads) and used by "zippering" bacteria as part of a general mechanism to invade host mammalian cells. We also revealed a nonendocytic role for clathrin required for extracellular EPEC infections.  相似文献   
We propose that a comparative approach to well-being could be the key to understanding ‘the good life.’ Inspired by current theories of human well-being and animal welfare, we designed a novel test of exploration behavior. Environmentally and socially enriched Long-Evans female rats (N = 60) were trained in four simultaneously presented arms of an eight-arm radial-maze. They learned to expect successes in two arms and failures in the other two. After training, 20 animals remained in enriched housing (enrichment-maintenance) while 40 animals were re-housed in standard, isolated conditions (enrichment-removal). Two weeks later, all animals were re-tested in the maze, initially with access to the four familiar arms only. In the final minute, they also had access to the unfamiliar ambiguous-arms. Though both groups showed significant interest in the ambiguous-arms (P<.0001), the enrichment-maintenance group showed a significantly greater exploratory tendency (P<.01) despite having equivalent levels of activity (P>.3). Thus, we show not only that rats will abandon known rewards and incur risk in order to explore, indicating that exploration is valuable in its own right, but also that individuals with (vs. without) enriched housing conditions are more likely to engage in such exploratory behavior. This novel test contributes to the body of knowledge examining the importance of exploration in humans and other animals; implications for animal welfare and human well-being are discussed.  相似文献   
The divergence of sequence and expression pattern of duplicated genes provides a means for genetic innovation to occur without sacrificing an essential function. The cpx1 and cpx2 genes of maize are a singular example of duplicated genes that have diverged by deletion and creation of protein targeting information. The cpx genes encode coproporphyrinogen III oxidase ('coprogen oxidase'), which catalyzes a step in the synthesis of chlorophyll and heme. In plants, this enzyme has been found exclusively in the plastids. The cpx1 and cpx2 genes encode almost identical, catalytically active enzymes with distinctive N-terminal peptide sequences. The cpx1 gene encodes the expected plastid transit peptide, but this region is deleted from the cpx2 gene. While the 5' regions of both messenger RNAs are highly similar, the cpx2 gene has an open-reading frame that could encode a new targeting signal. GFP fused with CPX1 localized to the plastids. In contrast, the GFP fusion with CPX2 did not target plastids and appeared to localize to mitochondria. Both cpx genes are expressed ubiquitously but, based on mutant phenotype, they seem to have discrete biological roles. Seedlings homozygous for a null mutation in the cpx1 gene completely lack chlorophyll and develop necrotic lesions in the light. However, the mutant seedlings and callus cultures will grow in tissue culture in the dark, implying that they retain a capacity to produce heme. We discuss models for the evolution of the cpx genes and possible roles of mitochondrion-localized coprogen oxidase activity in maize.  相似文献   
Accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) oligomers in the brain is toxic to synapses and may play an important role in memory loss in Alzheimer disease. However, how these toxins are built up in the brain is not understood. In this study we investigate whether impairments of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) receptors play a role in aggregation of Aβ. Using primary neuronal culture and immortal cell line models, we show that expression of normal insulin or IGF-1 receptors confers cells with abilities to reduce exogenously applied Aβ oligomers (also known as ADDLs) to monomers. In contrast, transfection of malfunctioning human insulin receptor mutants, identified originally from patient with insulin resistance syndrome, or inhibition of insulin and IGF-1 receptors via pharmacological reagents increases ADDL levels by exacerbating their aggregation. In healthy cells, activation of insulin and IGF-1 receptor reduces the extracellular ADDLs applied to cells via seemingly the insulin-degrading enzyme activity. Although insulin triggers ADDL internalization, IGF-1 appears to keep ADDLs on the cell surface. Nevertheless, both insulin and IGF-1 reduce ADDL binding, protect synapses from ADDL synaptotoxic effects, and prevent the ADDL-induced surface insulin receptor loss. Our results suggest that dysfunctions of brain insulin and IGF-1 receptors contribute to Aβ aggregation and subsequent synaptic loss.Abnormal protein misfolding and aggregation are common features in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer (AD),2 Parkinson, Huntington, and prion diseases (13). In the AD brain, intracellular accumulation of hyperphosphorylated Tau aggregates and extracellular amyloid deposits comprise the two major pathological hallmarks of the disease (1, 4). Aβ aggregation has been shown to initiate from Aβ1–42, a peptide normally cleaved from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) via activities of α- and γ-secretases (5, 6). A large body of evidence in the past decade has indicated that accumulated soluble oligomers of Aβ1–42, likely the earliest or intermediate forms of Aβ deposition, are potently toxic to neurons. The toxic effects of Aβ oligomers include synaptic structural deterioration (7, 8) and functional deficits such as inhibition of synaptic transmission (9) and synaptic plasticity (1013), as well as memory loss (11, 14, 15). Accumulation of high levels of these oligomers may also trigger inflammatory processes and oxidative stress in the brain probably due to activation of astrocytes and microglia (16, 17). Thus, to understand how a physiologically produced peptide becomes a misfolded toxin has been one of the key issues in uncovering the molecular pathogenesis of the disease.Aβ accumulation and aggregation could derive from overproduction or impaired clearance. Mutations of APP or presenilins 1 and 2, for example, are shown to cause overproduction of Aβ1–42 and amyloid deposits in the brain of early onset AD (18, 19). Because early onset AD accounts for less than 5% of entire AD population, APP and presenilin mutations cannot represent a universal mechanism for accumulation/aggregation of Aβ in the majority of AD cases. With respect to clearance, Aβ is normally removed by both global and local mechanisms, with the former requiring vascular transport across the blood-brain barrier (20, 21) and the latter via local enzymatic digestions by several metalloproteases, including neprilysin, insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE), and endothelin converting enzymes 1 and 2 (2224).The fact that insulin is a common substrate for most of the identified Aβ-degrading enzymes has drawn attention of investigators to roles of insulin signaling in Aβ clearance. Increases in insulin levels frequently seen in insulin resistance may compete for these enzymes and thus contribute to Aβ accumulation. Indeed, insulin signaling has been shown to regulate expression of metalloproteases such as IDE (25, 26), and influence aspects of Aβ metabolism and catabolism (27). In the endothelium of the brain-blood barrier and glial cells, insulin signaling is reported to regulate protein-protein interactions in an uptake cascade involving low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein and its ligands ApoE and α2-macroglobulin, a system known to bind and clear Aβ via endocytosis and/or vascular transport (28, 29). Similarly, circulating IGF-1 has been reported to play a role in Aβ clearance probably via facilitating brain-blood barrier transportation (30, 31).In the brain, insulin signaling plays a role in learning and memory (3234), potentially linking insulin resistance to AD dementia. Recently we and others have shown that Aβ oligomers interact with neuronal insulin receptors to cause impairments of the receptor expression and function (3537). These impairments mimic the Aβ oligomer-induced synaptic long term potentiation inhibition and can be overcome by insulin treatment (35, 38). Consistently, impairments of both IR and IGF-1R have been reported in the AD brain (3941).Based on these results, we ask whether impairment of insulin and IGF-1 signaling contribute to Aβ oligomer build-up in brain cells. To address this question, we set out to test roles of IR and IGF-1R in cellular clearance and transport of Aβ oligomers (ADDLs) applied to primary neuronal cultures and cell lines overexpressing IR and IGF-1R. Our results show that insulin and IGF-1 receptors function to reduce Aβ oligomers to monomers, and prevent Aβ oligomer-induced synaptic toxicity both at the level of synapse composition and structure. By contrast, receptor impairments resulting from “kinase-dead” insulin receptor mutations, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor of the insulin and IGF-1 receptor, or an inhibitory IGF-1 receptor antibody increase ADDL aggregation in the extracellular medium. Our results provide cellular evidence linking insulin and IGF-1 signaling to amyloidogenesis.  相似文献   
Candida albicans is a major cause of oropharyngeal, vulvovaginal and haematogenously disseminated candidiasis. Endocytosis of C. albicans hyphae by host cells is a prerequisite for tissue invasion. This internalization involves interactions between the fungal invasin Als3 and host E- or N-cadherin. Als3 shares some structural similarity with InlA, a major invasion protein of the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes . InlA mediates entry of L. monocytogenes into host cells through binding to E-cadherin. A role in internalization, for a non-classical stimulation of the clathrin-dependent endocytosis machinery, was recently highlighted. Based on the similarities between the C. albicans and L. monocytogenes invasion proteins, we studied the role of clathrin in the internalization of C. albicans . Using live-cell imaging and indirect immunofluorescence of epithelial cells infected with C. albicans , we observed that host E-cadherin, clathrin, dynamin and cortactin accumulated at sites of C. albicans internalization. Similarly, in endothelial cells, host N-cadherin, clathrin and cortactin accumulated at sites of fungal endocytosis. Furthermore, clathrin, dynamin or cortactin depletion strongly inhibited C. albicans internalization by epithelial cells. Finally, beads coated with Als3 were internalized in a clathrin-dependent manner. These data indicate that C. albicans , like L. monocytogenes, hijacks the clathrin-dependent endocytic machinery to invade host cells.  相似文献   
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