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Incident solar radiation has changed in the last 50 years, as an initial dimming trend from 1960 to approximately 1990 was followed by an ongoing brightening period, with concomitant changes in the partitioning between direct and diffuse fractions. Such radiation changes are expected to affect the global water cycle. In this study, we use the Community Land Model (CLM) to perform global offline simulations for the period 1948–2004 and study the effects of solar forcing changes on trends in evapotranspiration and runoff. The modeled components of the hydrologic cycle respond strongly to the imposed radiation changes in several regions, especially in the tropics. Exceptions are regions with soil moisture‐limited evapotranspiration regime, such as the U.S. Great Plains. In Europe and the Eastern US, the imposed 7 W m?2 solar dimming for 1960–1990 leads to an evapotranspiration reduction of 1.5 W m?2 or approximately 5% of the mean and an enhancement of runoff by equal percentage. In these regions, the imposed 6 W m?2 solar brightening leads to a 3 W m?2 increase of evapotranspiration in 1990–2004, and a runoff reduction of between 7 and 10% of the mean. Additional simulations investigating the impact of higher diffuse radiation fraction during 1960–1990 suggest mostly an increase of evapotranspiration in the tropics of 2.5 W m?2 (3% of mean) due to increased photosynthesis from shaded leaves, but with smaller opposite effects elsewhere because of lower ground evaporation. The runoff trend resulting from the imposed radiation/aerosols effect is of the same sign and approximate relative magnitude (but larger absolute magnitude) as those calculated, in various studies, for other potential drivers of runoff change such as climate, CO2, or land use. These results thus strengthen the claim that radiation effects on runoff are not to be neglected. Understanding the impacts of radiation on the water cycle will affect projections of river flow and freshwater availability for human consumption.  相似文献   
The 1,N6-(2-Hydroxy-3-hydroxymethylpropan-1,3-diyl)-2′-deoxyadenosine (1,N6-γ-HMHP-dA) adducts are formed upon bifunctional alkylation of adenine nucleobases in DNA by 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane, the putative ultimate carcinogenic metabolite of 1,3-butadiene. The presence of a substituted 1,N6-propano group on 1,N6-γ-HMHP-dA is expected to block the Watson-Crick base pairing of the adducted adenine with thymine, potentially contributing to mutagenesis. In this study, the enzymology of replication past site-specific 1,N6-γ-HMHP-dA lesions in the presence of human DNA polymerases (hpols) β, η, κ, and ι and archebacterial polymerase Dpo4 was investigated. Run-on gel analysis with all four dNTPs revealed that hpol η, κ, and Dpo4 were able to copy the modified template. In contrast, hpol ι inserted a single base opposite 1,N6-γ-HMHP-dA but was unable to extend beyond the damaged site, and a complete replication block was observed with hpol β. Single nucleotide incorporation experiments indicated that although hpol η, κ, and Dpo4 incorporated the correct nucleotide (dTMP) opposite the lesion, dGMP and dAMP were inserted with a comparable frequency. HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of primer extension products confirmed the ability of bypass polymerases to insert dTMP, dAMP, or dGMP opposite 1,N6-γ-HMHP-dA and detected large amounts of −1 and −2 deletion products. Taken together, these results indicate that hpol η and κ enzymes bypass 1,N6-γ-HMHP-dA lesions in an error-prone fashion, potentially contributing to A→T and A→C transversions and frameshift mutations observed in cells following treatment with 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane.  相似文献   
Including the parameterization of land management practices into Earth System Models has been shown to influence the simulation of regional climates, particularly for temperature extremes. However, recent model development has focused on implementing irrigation where other land management practices such as conservation agriculture (CA) has been limited due to the lack of global spatially explicit datasets describing where this form of management is practiced. Here, we implement a representation of CA into the Community Earth System Model and show that the quality of simulated surface energy fluxes improves when including more information on how agricultural land is managed. We also compare the climate response at the subgrid scale where CA is applied. We find that CA generally contributes to local cooling (~1°C) of hot temperature extremes in mid‐latitude regions where it is practiced, while over tropical locations CA contributes to local warming (~1°C) due to changes in evapotranspiration dominating the effects of enhanced surface albedo. In particular, changes in the partitioning of evapotranspiration between soil evaporation and transpiration are critical for the sign of the temperature change: a cooling occurs only when the soil moisture retention and associated enhanced transpiration is sufficient to offset the warming from reduced soil evaporation. Finally, we examine the climate change mitigation potential of CA by comparing a simulation with present‐day CA extent to a simulation where CA is expanded to all suitable crop areas. Here, our results indicate that while the local temperature response to CA is considerable cooling (>2°C), the grid‐scale changes in climate are counteractive due to negative atmospheric feedbacks. Overall, our results underline that CA has a nonnegligible impact on the local climate and that it should therefore be considered in future climate projections.  相似文献   
Hybrid zones allow the measurement of gene flow across the genome, producing insight into the genomic architecture of speciation. Such analysis is particularly powerful when applied to multiple pairs of hybridizing species, as patterns of genomic differentiation can then be related to age of the hybridizing species, providing a view into the build‐up of differentiation over time. We examined 33 809 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in three hybridizing woodpecker species: Red‐breasted, Red‐naped and Yellow‐bellied sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus ruber, Sphyrapicus nuchalis and Sphyrapicus varius), two of which (ruber and nuchalis) are much more closely related than each is to the third (varius). To identify positions of SNPs on chromosomes, we developed a localization method based on comparative genomics. We found narrow clines, bimodal distributions of hybrid indices and genomic regions with decreased rates of introgression. These results suggest moderately strong reproductive isolation among species and selection against specific hybrid genotypes. We found 19 small regions of strong differentiation between species, partly shared among species pairs, but no large regions of differentiation. An association analysis revealed a single strong‐effect candidate locus associated with plumage, possibly explaining mismatch among the three species in genomic relatedness and plumage similarity. Our comparative analysis of species pairs of different age and their hybrid zones showed that moderately strong reproductive isolation can occur with little genomic differentiation, but that reproductive isolation is incomplete even with much greater genomic differentiation, implying there are long periods of time when hybridization is possible if diverging populations are in geographic contact.  相似文献   
The common house crow (Corvus splendens) is one of the best known and most wide spread species of the family Corvidae. It is a successful invasive species able to exploit urban environments, well removed from its natural distribution. It is considered a pest as it attains high population densities, can cause serious economic losses and has many adverse effects on native fauna and flora, including predation, competitive displacement and disease transmission. Little genetic research on the house crow has been undertaken so we have only a limited understanding of its natural genetic population structure and invasion history. In this study, we employ microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers to assess genetic diversity, phylogeography and population structure of C. splendens within its native range represented by Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and introduced range represented by Malaysia, Singapore, Kenya and South Africa. We found high levels of genetic diversity in some of the invasive populations for which multiple invasions are proposed. The lowest genetic diversity was found for the intentionally introduced population in Selangor, Malaysia. Sri Lanka is a possible source population for Malaysia Selangor consistent with a documented introduction over 100 years ago, with port cities within the introduced range revealing possible presence of migrants from other unsampled locations. We demonstrate the power of the approach of using multiple molecular markers to untangle patterns of invasion, provide insights into population structure and phylogeographic relationships and illustrate how historical processes may have contributed to making this species such a successful invader.  相似文献   
Species and sexual differences in vocalizations and the vocal tract are widespread. We studied the vocal tract of Common (Uria aalge) and Thick-billed (U. lomvia) Murres. We predicted anatomical or allometric differences in adults between species and sexes due to vocal differences related to social behavior (Common Murres nest at higher densities; males are the more aggressive sex, etc.). The vocal tract was anatomically simple and similar between species and sexes. The trachea was mainly cartilage, but the posteriormost 4–6 tracheal rings were calcified and fused as the tympanum, as part of the syrinx. The syrinx included the (unfused) first bronchial semirings, which were enlarged and calcified beneath the insertion of M. tracheolateralis. Weak bilateral asymmetry (right side larger) occurred in widths of M. tracheolateralis and M. sternotrachealis. The trachea was ∼10% longer in Common Murres; the tympanum and M. sternotrachealis width were relatively larger in Thick-billed Murres. Vocal-tract morphology and size did not differ between the sexes in either species. In allometric analyses on adults, isometry characterized (1) tympanum size in relation to head + bill length, and to humerus length (respectively), in Thick-billed Murres, and (2) M. sternotrachealis width in relation to tarsometatarsal length in both species. Comparative field studies on species and sexes are needed to clarify the functional significance of our findings in relation to vocalization.  相似文献   
Heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) composed of three subunits α, β, γ mediate activation of multiple intracellular signaling cascades initiated by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Previously our laboratory identified small molecules that bind to Gβγ and interfere with or enhance binding of select effectors with Gβγ. To understand the molecular mechanisms of selectivity and assess binding of compounds to Gβγ, we used biophysical and biochemical approaches to directly monitor small molecule binding to Gβγ. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis indicated that multiple compounds bound directly to Gβγ with affinities in the high nanomolar to low micromolar range but with surprisingly slow on and off rate kinetics. While the k(off) was slow for most of the compounds in physiological buffers, they could be removed from Gβγ with mild chaotropic salts or mildly dissociating collision energy in a mass-spectrometer indicating that compound-Gβγ interactions were non-covalent. Finally, at concentrations used to observe maximal biological effects the stoichiometry of binding was 1:1. The results from this study show that small molecule modulation of Gβγ-effector interactions is by specific direct non-covalent and reversible binding of small molecules to Gβγ. This is highly relevant to development of Gβγ targeting as a therapeutic approach since reversible, direct binding is a prerequisite for drug development and important for specificity.  相似文献   
Amino groups of human serum albumin (HSA) can react non-enzymatically with carbonyl groups of reducing sugars to form advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These AGEs contribute to many of the chronic complications of diabetes including atherosclerosis, cataract formation and renal failure. The current study focused on in vitro non-enzymatic reactivity of glyceraldehyde (GA) and methylglyoxal (MG) with HSA and evaluated the rate and extent of AGE formation in the presence of varied concentrations of Zn(II). At normal physiological conditions, GA and MG readily react with HSA. The presence of Zn(II) in HSA-GA or HSA-MG incubation mixtures reduced AGE formation. This finding was confirmed by UV and fluorescence spectrometry, HPLC techniques, and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). HPLC studies revealed decreased adduct formation of the glycated protein in the presence of Zn(II). The inhibition of AGE formation was intense at elevated Zn(II) concentrations. The results of this study suggest that Zn(II) may prove to be a potent agent in reducing AGE formation.  相似文献   
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