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We have earlier identified a set of proteins of 23 to 25 kilodaltons (kD), covering an isoelectric point (pI) range of 6.2 to 8.2, which accumulate gradually during normal embryogenesis of Zea mays and disappear in early germination. These polypeptides can be induced prematurely in immature embryos by abscisic acid (ABA) treatment. We report here that the more acidic protein forms are due to post-translational phosphorylation of at least two polypeptides of 23 kD, pI 8.2 and 25 kD, pI 8.0. A polyclonal antiserum was obtained which recognizes all forms of both the 23-kD and 25-kD polypeptides. Recovery of cDNA clones corresponding to these proteins was accomplished by hybridization with cDNA made from size-selected mRNA enriched for these sequences. Hybrid selection experiments demonstrate that clone MA12 specifically hybridizes with mRNAs encoding the 23-kD and 25-kD protein set which are recognized by the antiserum. By Northern hybridization analysis, the RNA encoded by clone MA12 is shown to accumulate in mature embryos and to be induced in young embryos upon ABA incubation.  相似文献   
Apical senescence but not flower initiation is delayed by short days (SD) compared to long days (LD) in pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) of genotype E Sn Hr. We recently reported that delay of senescence correlated with slower reproductive development, suggesting that fruits are weaker sinks for assimilates under delayed senescence conditions. Thus, we have examined assimilate partitioning in peas to determine if genotype and photoperiod regulate relative sink strength. Assimilate diversion by developing fruit has been implicated in senescence induction. A greater percentage of leaf-exported 14C was transported to fruits and a smaller percentage to the apical bud of G2 peas (genotype E Sn Hr) in LD than in SD. Relatively more of the 14C delivered to the apical bud of G2 peas was transported to flower buds than to young leaves in LD as compared to SD. There was no striking photoperiodic difference in carbon partitioning in genetic lines without the Sn Hr allele combination. The Sn Hr allele combination and photoperiod may regulate the relative strength of reproductive and vegetative sinks. Photoperiodic differences in sink strength early in reproduction suggest that these genes regulate sink strength by affecting the physiology of the whole plant. High vegetative sink strength in SD may maintain assimilate supply to the apical bud, delaying senescence.  相似文献   
A number of gangliosides were isolated from cat and sheep erythrocytes for use in analyzing the specificity of a panel of human anti-heterophile monoclonal antibodies. The structures of these compounds were determined by a combination of different procedures, including sugar analysis, glycosidase treatment, periodate oxidation, TLC immunostaining, methylation analysis, and mass spectrometry. These methods identified the cat erythrocytes gangliosides (C1 and C2) as N-glycolylneuraminic acid (NeuGc)-containing hematosides; C1 was shown to be NeuGc alpha 2----8NeuGc alpha 2----3Gal beta I----4Glc-Cer [NeuGc)2GD3) and C2 to be NeuAc alpha 2----8NeuGc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4Glc-Cer [NeuAc-NeuGc-)GD3). The two sheep gangliosides (S1 and S2) were found to be novel glycolipids based on the paragloboside sequence; S1 was identified as NeuGc alpha 2----8NeuGc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4Glc-Cer [NeuGc)2-disialylparagloboside) and S2 as NeuAc alpha 2----8NeuGc alpha 2----3Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4Glc-Cer [NeuAc-NeuGc-)-disialylparagloboside). Structural analysis of these compounds was aided by the use of 252Cf fission fragment ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. This method provided easily interpretable spectra on methylated derivatives which were particularly useful in determining the sialic acid composition of the gangliosides and the sequence of their disialosyl side chains.  相似文献   
Protein B23 (Mr/pI = 38,000/5.1) is a major RNA-associated nucleolar phosphoprotein which contains highly acidic segments and has a high affinity for silver ions. Using synthetic oligonucleotides as probes cloned cDNAs encoding protein B23 were isolated and characterized. One of the cDNAs, obtained from a rat brain library, contained an insert of 1232 base pairs of DNA encoding a polypeptide of 292 amino acid residues. Segments of the protein sequence were confirmed by partial sequencing of CNBr fragments from rat hepatoma protein B23. The protein contains a methionine-rich amino-terminal sequence and two highly acidic segments in the center of the sequence. The first acidic segment, in which 11 of the 13 residues are acidic, begins at residue 120 and contains a major phosphorylation site. In the second segment (residues 159-187) there are four copies of the sequence Asp-Asp-Glu, and all but two of the 29 residues have acidic side chains. When the sequence of the rat protein was compared with available sequences from other species a high degree of conservation was found; the 77-residue carboxyl-terminal sequence is identical with that of human protein B23 (Chan, P. K., Chan, W.-Y., Yung, B. Y. M., Cook, R. G., Aldrich, M. B., Ku, D., Goldknopf, I. L., and Busch, H. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 14335-24341), and about 63% of the residues are identical when the rat B23 sequence is compared with protein N038 from Xenopus laevis (Schmidt-Zachmann, M. S., Hügle-D?rr, B., and Franke, W. (1987) EMBO J. 6, 1881-1890). Except for the presence of highly acidic regions no significant similarities were found with protein C23 (nucleolin), the other major nucleolar protein.  相似文献   
Subcellular fractions were prepared from human neutrophils desensitized at 15 degrees C with stimulatory doses of the photoaffinity derivative F-Met-Leu-Phe-N epsilon-(2-(rho-azido[125I]salicylamido)ethyl-1,3'- dithio-propionyl)-Lys. The covalently labeled receptors were found in a membrane fraction of higher density than those from cells preexposed to ligand at 4 degrees C but not desensitized. The denser fraction (rho approximately equal to 1.155 g/cc) was the cellular locus of the membrane associated cytoskeletal proteins, actin, and fodrin, as detected immunologically on western blots. The light fraction (rho approximately equal to 1.135), cosedimented with neutrophil plasma membrane markers, plasma membrane guanyl nucleotide regulatory proteins, and several characteristic polypeptides identified by SDS-PAGE, including a major 72-kD species. The photoaffinity-labeled species in either case showed the same mobility on SDS-PAGE (Mr = 50,000-70,000) corresponding to previously reported values for N-formyl chemotactic receptors. These labeled receptors were sensitive to proteolysis after exposure of the intact photoaffinity-labeled cells to papain at 4 degrees C. We conclude that (a) the fractions isolated are probably derived from different lateral microdomains of the surface of human neutrophils; (b) the higher density fraction contains occupied N-formyl-chemotactic receptors previously shown to have been converted, to a high affinity, slowly dissociating form coisolating with neutrophil cytoskeleton and implicated in the termination of formyl peptide-induced neutrophil activation; and (c) the translocation of receptors to these microdomains may serve to compartmentalize receptors and perhaps regulate the interaction of the receptor/G-protein transduction pair.  相似文献   
The cardiovascular effects of prostaglandin (PG)I2 and PGF2 alpha were compared in the unanesthetized American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Control mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were 25.7 +/- 1.1 mm Hg and 35.1 +/- 1.1 beats/min, respectively. Intravenous injections of PGI2 decreased MAP and increased HR in a dose-dependent fashion over the range of concentrations tested (0.03, 0.3, 3, and 10 micrograms/kg-body weight [bw]. Neither atropine (1 mg/kg-bw) nor verapamil (1 mg/kg-bw) treatment altered the MAP or HR responses to PGI2 (3 micrograms/kg-bw). However, propranolol (5 mg/kg-bw) significantly blunted the hypotensive effects without affecting the increase in HR. Prostaglandin F2 alpha (tested at 0.3, 3, 30, and 100 micrograms/kg-bw) increased both MAP and HR. Mean arterial pressure increased with concentrations greater than 0.3 microgram/kg-bw and reached peak effects at 30 micrograms/kg-bw. Prostaglandin F2 alpha increased HR at doses greater than 0.3 microgram/kg-bw. Neither the pressor nor positive chronotropic effects of PGF2 alpha (30 micrograms/kg-bw) were affected by atropine or propranolol. However, verapamil significantly attenuated the pressor effects without affecting the increase in HR. These results demonstrate that both prostaglandins have qualitatively similar effects on HR, but opposite effects on MAP. Prostaglandin I2 is a hypotensive prostaglandin, while PGF2 alpha is hypertensive. The pressor effects of PGF2 alpha are partially dependent on calcium influx. The positive chronotropic effects of both prostaglandins are independent of the autonomic nervous system, suggesting a different mechanism of action.  相似文献   
Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), but not acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF), was found to be mitogenic for cultured mouse keratinocytes. A six-to-nine fold increase in 3H-thymidine (3H-dT) incorporation into the acid insoluble pool and a similar increase of the labeling index can be measured when bFGF, at a concentration between 1 and 10 ng/ml, is added to keratinocytes arrested in serum-free and growth factor-free medium with a Ca++-concentration below 0.1 mM. The half-maximal response is observed between 0.2 and 0.7 ng/ml. In the same culture system, insulin-like growth factor I/somatomedin C (IGF-I) and insulin act as mitogens. IGF-I shows half-maximal stimulation with 2-3 ng/ml, insulin with 100-500 ng/ml. Basic FGF, IGF-I and insulin can be classified as strong stimulators of DNA synthesis in mouse keratinocytes. In this regard they are comparable to epidermal growth factor, which shows a half-maximal stimulation at a concentration between 1.5-2 ng/ml. These results show that in addition to mesenchymal cells, FGF is a growth factor not only for neuroectodermal cells, but ectodermal cells in general. They further support the idea that the growth promoting effect of insulin on keratinocytes may be mediated by the IGF-I receptor.  相似文献   
Regulation of the Na,K pump in intact cells is strongly associated with the level of intracellular Na+. Experiments were carried out on intact, isolated sheep Purkinje strands at 37 degrees C. Membrane potential (Vm) was measured by an open-tipped glass electrode and intracellular Na+ activity (aNai) was calculated from the voltage difference between an Na+-selective microelectrode (ETH 227) and Vm. In some experiments, intracellular potassium (aiK) or chloride (aCli) was measured by a third separate microelectrode. Strands were loaded by Na,K pump inhibition produced by K+ removal and by increasing Na+ leak by removing Mg++ and lowering free Ca++ to 10(-8) M. Equilibrium with outside levels of Na+ was reached within 30-60 min. During sequential addition of 6 mM Mg++ and reduction of Na+ to 2.4 mM, the cells maintained a stable aNai ranging between 25 and 90 mM and Vm was -30.8 +/- 2.2 mV. The Na,K pump was reactivated with 30 mM Rb+ or K+. Vm increased over 50-60 s to -77.4 +/- 5.9 mV with Rb+ activation and to -66.0 +/- 7.7 mV with K+ activation. aiNa decreased in both cases to 0.5 +/- 0.2 mM in 5-15 min. The maximum rate of aiNa decline (maximum delta aNai/delta t) was the same with K+ and Rb+ at concentrations greater than 20 mM. The response was abolished by 10(-5) M acetylstrophantidin. Maximum delta aNai/delta t was independent of outside Na+, while aKi was negatively correlated with aNai (aKi = 88.4 - 0.86.aNai). aCli decreased by at most 3 mM during reactivation, which indicates that volume changes did not seriously affect aNai. This model provided a functional isolation of the Na,K pump, so that the relation between the pump rate (delta aNai/delta t) and aiNa could be examined. A Hill plot allowed calculation of Vmax ranging from 5.5 to 27 mM/min, which on average is equal to 25 pmol.cm-2.s-1.K 0.5 was 10.5 +/- 0.6 mM (the aNai that gives delta aNai/delta t = Vmax/2) and n equaled 1.94 +/- 0.13 (the Hill coefficient). These values were not different with K+ or Rb+ as an external activator. The number of ouabain-binding sites equaled 400 pmol.g-1, giving a maximum Na+ turnover of 300 s-1. The Na,K pump in intact Purkinje strands exhibited typical sigmoidal saturation kinetics with regard to aNai as described by the equation upsilon/Vmax = aNai(1.94)/(95.2 + aNai(1.94)). The maximum sensitivity of the Na,K pump to aiNa occurred at approximately 6 mM.  相似文献   
EBV-transformed B lymphocyte cell lines (EBV-BLCL) produce superoxide after stimulation with phorbol ester, a capacity unique among nonmyeloid cells. The superoxide producing system of EBV-BLCL (B cell oxidase) was compared with the phagocytic NADPH-oxidase and the relationship of the capacity to produce superoxide to the presence of the EBV-genome was analyzed. The two EBV-transformed B cell lines F1 and HELL generated superoxide in response to PMA (2.3 nmol/10(6) F1 cells x 1 h and 6.27 nmol/10(6) HELL cells x 1 h with 1 microgram/ml of PMA), whereas no superoxide release was detected with the EBV-positive Burkitt lymphoma line WIL-2 and the EBV-negative plasmocytoma line U-266. Also, F1 and HELL showed lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence (CL) after PMA-treatment, whereas no CL responses were detected from WIL-2 or U-266. Further, F1 and HELL cells contained a low potential cytochrome b-245 (10.9 and 61.0 pmol/mg protein, respectively) and also a 45 kDa diphenylene-iodonium (DPI)-binding peptide, both components of the phagocytic NADPH-oxidase. In contrast, neither the cytochrome b-245 nor the 45 kDa DPI-binding peptide were detected in WIL-2 and U-266. In addition, DPI inhibited O2- production by PMA-stimulated EBV-BLCL and polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Further, F1 line cells showed superoxide dismutase-inhibitable lucigenin-dependent CL when triggered by protein A-bearing staphylococci (Cowan strain I) or by a mAb directed against human IgG in the presence of solid-phase goat anti-mouse-Ig antibody. From a panel of eight EBV-BLCL, only five responded with CL when exposed to protein A-bearing staphylococci, whereas all showed CL when treated with phorbol ester. Inasmuch as all eight EBV-BLCL possessed surface Ig and a "functional" oxidase, their differential response to cross-linking of surface Ig may be determined by differences in signal transduction. Superoxide production by EBV-BLCL appears thus related to expression of an electron transport chain structurally homologous, if not identical, with the "phagocytic" NADPH-oxidase. Apparently, the presence of EBV-genome in B cell lines does not per se lead to expression of this oxidase. This suggests that nontransformed B cells may, at a certain differentiation stage, also express a superoxide-generating chain. From the finding of stimulation of superoxide production of EBV-BLCL via surface Ig it appears possible that also Ag may be able to trigger such B cells to production of superoxide which might have an important role in the physiology of B cells.  相似文献   
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