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A Hungarian twin study on hand clasping, arm folding and tongue curling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A twin study was performed in adult Hungarian monozygotic and dizygotic pairs for hand clasping, arm folding and tongue curling. Genetic background of these traits could not be confirmed, although there appears to be a positive correlation between hand clasping type and handedness.  相似文献   
The problem of extreme localisation of chiasmata in the grasshopper species Bryodema tuberculata has been reinvestigated, using C-banding, Q-banding and benzimidazol techniques. These techniques reveal the precise localisation of heterochromatin in different chromosomes. Single or double heterochromatic blocks are present near the centromeric regions, except in chromosomes 5 and 11, which have larger blocks. These two chromosomes possess a distal chiasma while the other autosomes have a proximal chiasma. The results with regard to the distribution of chiasmata, in relation to the localisation of heterochromatin, as well as the existence of a short arm, are compared with the earlier observations of White, and discussed briefly.  相似文献   
Anaerobic reversal of catabolite repression was partially eliminated if tetrathionate was reduced to thiosulphate.  相似文献   
Ultrathin sections were prepared from the tissues of lettuce leaves with mosaic-like symptoms and thickened nervature which were studied by means of electron microscopy. Intracellular inclusions surrounded by a membrane were found in the cytoplasm of parenchym cells of the investigated lettuce leaves(Lactuca saliva L. provar.capitata L. nid.jaggeri Helm., cv. Pra?an). Crystals with a distinctly apparent hexagonal lattice could be observed in the inclusions. No crystal containing inclusions were found in the tissues from the leaves without mosaic-like symptoms and in those from thickened nervature.  相似文献   
In the pea test a highly positive response to the treatment with IAA reversed to a negative one or became 5 to 6 times weaker when CCC was applied together with IAA. In cultivating pea seedlings, following their decapitation, for two days in a 0.25 per cent CCC solution and then in water, growth of their cotyledonous axillaries (cotylaries) were inhibited. This inhibitive action of CCC could be made ineffective when the seedlings, following two-days’ cultivation in the CCC solution, were grown further in kinetin solutions (0.37–3 mg per 1). Cotylaries of decapitated pea seedlings, when grown in kinetin solutions were inhibited. With kinetin solutions of 6–12 mg/l a strong inhibition also occured in the growth of roots at the apical parts of which spherical swellings were developing. The CCC supplied to the roots of intact etiolated pea seedlings is translocated acropetally into the stem at a rate of about 5 cm per hour. Decapitation of the plant causes retardation of this transport, yet a coat of 0.00001–1% IAA or kinetin paste produces acceleration of the stream. Existence of an antagonism between CCC and IAA, demonstrated earlier, was found holding true also for B-9 (N, N-dimethyl-aminesuccinamic acid) and IAA, as the inhibitive action of B-9, 0.06% solution on the growth of lettuce hypocotyls was reduced to a highly significant degree when the plants were supplied with B-9 together with IAA at a concentration of 10 mg/l.  相似文献   
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