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Early social conditions are vital for the establishment of future social interactions. Less, however, is known about how differences in early social conditions contribute to the process of individual recognition and subsequently in the decision of associating and exploring behaviours. In this study, we address this gap in the Trinidadian guppy Poecilia reticulata and test the prediction that fish would show a higher tendency to recognize and associate with individuals of similar phenotype. This prediction was tested by comparing the likelihood of association and latency to explore a novel area in males and females when in the presence of individuals that were familiar (reared together but from different populations), from the same population of origin (from the same population but deprived of interaction with each other), or were unfamiliar (different population and have never interacted). Both early social conditions and population of origin (phenotype matching) affected the tendency to shoal and explore. Females, but not males, exhibited identical preference to associate either with unfamiliar females as with familiar females from a different population. Importantly, female preference did not occur with unfamiliar individuals from a different population. In contrast with our prediction, tendency to shoal did not predict exploration propensity. Males always start exploration before the group whenever unfamiliar males composed the group. Females on the other hand only moved to the novel area after seeing the group doing so, revealing sexual dimorphism in exploratory behaviour. Our results provide evidence for a familiarity and phenotypic matching recognition mechanism at the population level and also highlight the importance of accounting for differences between sexes when investigating the effects of early social conditions.  相似文献   
In Myxococcus xanthus, all known carotenogenic genes are grouped together in the gene cluster carB-carA, except for one, crtIb (previously named carC). We show here that the first three genes of the carB operon, crtE, crtIa, and crtB, encode a geranygeranyl synthase, a phytoene desaturase, and a phytoene synthase, respectively. We demonstrate also that CrtIa possesses cis-to-trans isomerase activity, and is able to dehydrogenate phytoene, producing phytofluene and zeta-carotene. Unlike the majority of CrtI-type phytoene desaturases, CrtIa is unable to perform the four dehydrogenation events involved in converting phytoene to lycopene. CrtIb, on the other hand, is incapable of dehydrogenating phytoene and lacks cis-to-trans isomerase activity. However, the presence of both CrtIa and CrtIb allows the completion of the four desaturation steps that convert phytoene to lycopene. Therefore, we report a unique mechanism where two distinct CrtI-type desaturases cooperate to carry out the four desaturation steps required for lycopene formation. In addition, we show that there is a difference in substrate recognition between the two desaturases; CrtIa dehydrogenates carotenes in the cis conformation, whereas CrtIb dehydrogenates carotenes in the trans conformation.  相似文献   
The most common cause of infant mortality is diarrhea; the most common cause of bacterial diarrhea is Campylobacter jejuni, which is also the primary cause of motor neuron paralysis. The first step in campylobacter pathogenesis is adherence to intestinal mucosa. We found that such binding was inhibited in vitro by human milk and, with high avidity, by alpha1,2-fucosylated carbohydrate moieties containing the H(O) blood group epitope (Fuc alpha 1,2Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc em leader ). In studies on the mechanism of adherence, campylobacter, which normally does not bind to Chinese hamster ovary cells, bound avidly when the cells were transfected with a human alpha1,2-fucosyltransferase gene that caused overexpression of H-2 antigen; binding was specifically inhibited by H-2 ligands (lectins Ulex europaeus and Lotus tetragonolobus and H-2 monoclonal antibody), H-2 mimetics, and human milk oligosaccharides. Human milk oligosaccharides inhibited campylobacter colonization of mice in vivo and human intestinal mucosa ex vivo. Campylobacter colonization of nursing mouse pups was inhibited if their dams had been transfected with a human alpha1,2-fucosyltransferase gene that caused expression of H(O) antigen in milk. We conclude that campylobacter binding to intestinal H-2 antigen is essential for infection. Milk fucosyloligosaccharides and specific fucosyl alpha1,2-linked molecules inhibit this binding and may represent a novel class of antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   


The Beijing lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is causing concern due to its global distribution and its involvement in severe outbreaks. Studies focused on this lineage are mainly restricted to geographical settings where its prevalence is high, whereas those in other areas are scarce. In this study, we analyze Beijing isolates in the Mediterranean area, where this lineage is not prevalent and is mainly associated with immigrant cases.  相似文献   
Review of experimental and observational evidence about various cestode infections of mammalian hosts revives hope for the development of an effective vaccine against adult intestinal tapeworms, the central protagonists in their transmission dynamics. As for Taenia solium, there are abundant immunological data regarding cysticercosis in humans and pigs, but information about human taeniasis is scarce. A single publication reporting protection against T. solium taeniasis by experimental primo infection and by vaccination of an experimental foster host, the immunocompetent female hamster, kindles the hope of a vaccine against the tapeworm to be used in humans, its only natural definitive host.  相似文献   
Dyes are natural and xenobiotic compounds that make the world more beautiful through coloured substances. However, the release of coloured wastewaters represents a serious environmental problem and a public health concern. Colour removal, especially from textile wastewaters, has been a big challenge over the last decades, and up to now there is no single and economically attractive treatment that can effectively decolourise dyes. In the passed years, notable achievements were made in the use of biotechnological applications to textile wastewaters not only for colour removal but also for the complete mineralization of dyes. Different microorganisms such as aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes have been found to catalyse dye decolourisation. Moreover, promising results were obtained in accelerating dye decolourisation by adding mediating compounds and/or changing process conditions to high temperatures. This paper provides a critical review on the current technologies available for decolourisation of textile wastewaters and it suggests effective and economically attractive alternatives.  相似文献   
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