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The basal and TRH (Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone) stimulated TSH (Thyrotropin) and PRL (Prolactin) responses (incremental area; IA) to 200 micrograms TRH was studied in 13 pre- and 13 postmenopausal women of 60 years of age. Both groups consisted of healthy women, none had goiter and all were negative for thyroid autoantibodies. The serum levels of TSH, T3, T4 and SHBG (sex hormone-binding globuline) were in the normal range and did not differ significantly between the groups. There were no differences in basal TSH (1.3 +/- 0.5 vs 1.4 +/- 0.5 mIU/l) or PRL (6.4 +/- 2.7 vs 6.6 +/- 2.5 micrograms/l) or for PRL IA (498 +/- 126 vs 584 +/- 165) between pre- and postmenopausal women. However, for TSH IA there was a slight decrease (15%), but not significant, in the postmenopausal group compared to the premenopausal group (1630 +/- 598 vs 2067 +/- 893). In conclusion, a weak but not significant decrease in the TSH response to TRH in postmenopausal women may be explained by the lower endogenous estradiol level.  相似文献   
We have studied the use of yeast peroxisomal alcohol oxidase (AO) as a model protein for in vitro binding by GroEL. Dilution of denatured AO in neutral buffer leads to aggregation of the protein, which is prevented by the addition of GroEL. Formation of complexes between GroEL and denatured AO was demonstrated by a gel-shift assay using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and quantified by laser-densitometry of the gels. In the presence of MgAMP-PNP or MgADP the affinity of GroEL for AO was enhanced. Under these conditions up to 70% of the purified GroEL formed a complex with this protein. Release was stimulated at room temperature by MgATP, and was further enhanced by addition of GroES.  相似文献   
In a sheep model the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) was replaced by a patellar tendon autograft (PTAG) using the central one-third of the ipsilateral patellar tendon (PT). The sheep were sacrificed at 16, 26, 52 and 104 weeks postoperation. The PTAG, and, as controls, the contralateral PCL and PT were harvested. These were examined using biomechanical testing as well as light and transmission electron microscopy, including immunohistological techniques. The material properties (maximum stress, elastic modulus) were compared to the morphological features. The cellular distribution, the distribution of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), the collagen fibril diameter and the occurrence of Type III collagen were studied. Prior to transplantation, the PTAG was shown to be superior in maximum stress (57.2 +/- 5.5 MPa vs 41.3 +/- 1.9 MPa) and elastic modulus (368.8 +/- 49.3 MPa vs 172.3 +/- 14.6 MPa) to the PCL. The early decline in material properties of the PTAG (maximum stress 22% and elastic modulus 42% of the control) after free grafting paralleled a cell- and capillary-rich PTAG tissue with remnants of necrosis and a poorly organized extracellular matrix. Two years after implantation, with progressive alignment of the tissue matrix, maximum stress and elastic modulus acquired approximately 60 and 70% of the control, respectively. However, there was also an evidence of degenerative changes characterized by acellular areas, loss of the normal bundling pattern of collagen fibers and abnormal accumulation of GAGs. Ultrastructurally, there was a predominant shift to thin collagen fibrils in the PTAG compared to PCL and PT, both consisting of thick and thin collagen fibrils. Thin fibrils were demonstrated to be, in part, split thick fibrils as well as newly formed fibrils. Most of these thin fibrils revealed a positive reaction with antibodies to Type III collagen.  相似文献   
Locomoting cells are characterized by a pronounced external and internal anterior-posterior polarity. One of the events associated with cell polarization at the onset of locomotion is a shift of the centrosome, or MTOC, ahead of the nucleus. This position is believed to be of strategic importance for directional cell movement and cell polarity. We have used BSC-1 cells at the edge of an in vitro wound to clarify the causal relationship between MTOC position and the initiation of cell polarization. We find that pronounced cell polarization (the extension of a lamellipod) can take place in the absence of MTOC repositioning or microtubules. Conversely, MTOCs will reposition even after lamellar extension and cell polarization have occurred. Repositioning requires microtubules that extend to the cell periphery and is independent of selective detyrosination of microtubules extending towards the cell front. Significantly, MTOCs maintain, or at least attempt to maintain, a position at the cell's centroid. This is most clearly demonstrated in wounded monolayers of enucleated cells where the MTOC closely follows the centroid position. We suggest that the primary response to the would is the biased extension of a lamellipod, which can occur in the absence of microtubules and MTOC repositioning. Lamellipod extension leads to a shift of the cell's centroid towards the wound. The MTOC, in an attempt to maintain a position near the cell center, will follow. This will automatically put the MTOC ahead of the nucleus in the vast majority of cells. The nucleus as a reference for MTOC position may not be as meaningful as previously thought.  相似文献   
We have purified proteins of 70 kD from Drosophila, HeLa cells, and Z. mays that specifically bind nuclear localization sequences (NLSs). These proteins are recognized by antibodies raised against a previously identified NLS-binding protein (NBP) from the yeast S. cerevisiae. All NBPs are associated with nuclei and also present in the cytosol. NBPs are phosphorylated and phosphatase treatment abolished NLS binding. The requirement for NBPs in nuclear protein uptake is demonstrated in semipermeabilized Drosophila melanogaster tissue culture cells. Proper import of a fluorescent protein containing the large T antigen NLS requires cytosol and ATP. In the absence of cytosol and/or ATP, NLS-containing proteins are bound to cytosolic structures and the nuclear envelope. Addition of cytosol and ATP results in movement of this bound intermediate into the nucleus. Anti-NBP antibodies specifically inhibited the binding part of this import reaction. These results indicate that a phosphoprotein common to several eukaryotes acts as a receptor that recognizes NLSs before their uptake into the nucleus.  相似文献   
The oxygen consumption rate, proliferative activity, and morphology of EMT6/Ro mouse mammary sarcoma cells in monolayer and multicellular spheroid culture have been investigated in a comparative study. During the transition of monolayer cells from the exponential into the plateau growth phase, there is a distinct decrease in the cellular volume that is associated with a corresponding decrease in the proliferative and respiratory activity of the cells. The decline in cell volume is mainly due to a decrease in the content of cytoplasm, whereas the size of the nucleus is only slightly reduced. A concomitant decrease in the number of mitochondria per cell obviously accounts for the reduction in cellular oxygen uptake. Despite a continuous decrease of cell proliferation from the surface to interior regions of EMT6 spheroids reflected by a gradient in tritiated thymidine labeling, volume-related oxygen consumption is rather uniform in viable regions of these aggregates. The finding can be explained by the results of the morphometric evaluation showing a uniform volume density of mitochondria, i.e., of oxygen-consuming sites within these spheroids.  相似文献   
In a serum-free culture system, the release of TNF, lI-1, lI-6, IFN-alpha, and IFN-beta during interaction of elutriated human monocytes (MO) with human tumor cells (TC) was studied by ELISA-technique. Contributions of these cytokines to inhibition of TC-growth and to induction of TC-death by supernatants (SU) gained from such MO/TC-interaction cultures were investigated using affinity chromatography for removal of individual cytokines. Although the TC used are relatively insensitive to recombinant human TNF, withdrawal of TNF causes 50% to 75% reduction of SU-induced TC-death rates, suggesting that susceptibility to TNF is raised during MO/TC-interaction by the other cytokines. Individual removal of other cytokines does not cause reduction of SU-mediated TC-death. However, combined withdrawal of lI-1 and IFN-alpha/beta causes in 2 of 4 TC-lines significant reduction of TC-death. Combined removal of TNF, IFN-alpha/beta, lI-1, and lI-6 leads to complete prevention of SU-mediated growth inhibitory and lytic effects, suggesting that besides these cytokines other signals are not involved significantly. SU-effects can be mimicked by appropriate combinations of authentic cytokines. The response of TC to SU- or cytokine-exposure is strikingly dependent on TC-density, leading at subconfluent TC-density exclusively to inhibition of growth and at postconfluent TC-density to induction of cell death. The principal effect of SU or cytokine combinations in this context seems to be the activation of growth inhibitory signal transduction pathways leading to TC-death in postconfluent TC-populations exclusively if growth stimulatory pathways are activated at the same time. Mouse L cells do not follow this reaction pattern: Their death is exclusively dependent on the presence of TNF in SU and they die upon SU-exposure at postconfluent as well as at subconfluent cell density.  相似文献   
Colloidal carbon was injected i.v. in mature virgin rabbits at different times after induction of ovulation by human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG, 100 iu) or mating. Before induction of ovulation, slight carbon leakage was observed in the inner vascular ring of the theca interna of antral follicles, but blood vessels in the other ovarian compartments were unstained. Between 4 and 10.5 h after hCG-treatment or mating, vascular leakage was most marked in the blood vessels of the interstitial gland and in the theca interna of antral follicles. Just before ovulation, carbon particles were observed between granulosa cells and some carbon was seeping into the follicular fluid of preruptured follicles. Vascular leakage was also observed over the follicle dome before rupture as well as at the dorsomedial junction between the mesovarium and the ovary. The blood vessels stained with carbon were 7-70 microns diameter, representing capillaries and postcapillary venules. About 6 h after hCG injection, an increased number of polymorphonuclear leucocytes migrated from the vessels of these ovarian compartments into the surrounding interstitial tissue. The number of leucocytes seen in the follicular wall and ovarian medulla increased markedly towards ovulation. During early corpus luteum formation, the number of leucocytes decreased markedly. The localized vascular changes seen after mating and hCG stimulation were similar to an inflammatory reaction and could form the basis for the formation of peritoneal exudate after ovulation in rabbits and periovulatory ascitic accumulation seen in the peritoneal cavity of women during the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   
It has been shown previously that infection of newly established cell cultures from malignant human tumors with adeno-associated parvovirus type 2 or type 5 results in growth arrest and cell death. Here we report that the additionally observed antiproliferative effect on diploid human fibroblasts is transient and is connected to a reduced number of cells in S phase. Progression through the cell cycle is disturbed either in G0/G1 or at the G1/S boundary, but an additional arrest in G2 cannot be excluded. DNA synthesis and cell proliferation are resumed when cells are recultured after loosening of cell-matrix adhesions by trypsin treatment. In contrast, they are not resumed by solely providing growth factors via higher amounts of fetal calf serum. The results suggest that cell adherence is altered in adeno-associated parvovirus-infected human embryo fibroblasts.  相似文献   
The physico-chemical properties and uncoupling activity of eight derivatives of N-phenyl-2-pyridinamines related to the fungicide fluazinam were analyzed using rat liver mitochondria. The uncoupling activity of these compounds relies on the deprotonable secondary amino group. One of the derivatives tested (B-3) was slightly more efficient than fluazinam. By phase-distribution analysis we could show that the N-phenyl-2-pyridinamines are chemicals with moderate hydrophobicity. Deprotonation of the compound reduces the water/octanol partition coefficient by about one order of magnitude. The pKA value of the deprotonable group is affected equally by electron withdrawing substituents of the phenyl- and the pyridinyl-ring, and could be predicted simply from the sum of the Hammett coefficients. The uncoupling efficiency was not dependent on the hydrophobicity of the compound, but appeared to be governed by the pKA of the deprotonable group. This structure/uncoupling characteristic is different from that of the generally more hydrophobic uncouplers of the salicylanilide-type. The pKA resulting in the most efficient uncoupling was found to lie in the range of the pH of the reaction medium. A model based on a solution complexation mechanism, which describes this behaviour, is presented. We conclude that the N-phenyl-2-pyridinamines uncoupled the mitochondria by a simple protonophoric cycle involving protonation/deprotonation in the bulk phase, and that the kinetics of uncoupling were primarily governed by the total concentration of the limiting uncoupler species.  相似文献   
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