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Abstract. The symbiotic association between the new sponge species Mycale vansoesti and the coralline alga Amphiroa sp. from the Bunaken Marine Park (North Sulawesi, Indonesia) is described. The alga completely pervades the sponge. The color of the sponge ectosome is white, both on the external surface and on the atrial wall, but where the alga is present the sponge takes on the light pink color of the alga. The sponge spicular complement is characterized by mycalostyles, anisochelae of two types, sigmas (often "C" shaped), and extremely abundant toxas organized in bundles forming toxadragma. In the association, the sponge shows very low silicate value, and consequently the alga represents the main skeleton of the sponge. On the other hand, the sponge affects the morphology of the alga, leading to a cylindrical shape, with thalli running parallel to the sponge surface. This association seems to be obligate for the sponge, as we found no sponges of this species living in isolation.  相似文献   
In the Mediterranean, habitat-forming corals often characterize essential fish habitats. While their distribution is sufficiently known for the western basin, few data are available from the Central-Eastern Mediterranean Sea (CEM). This study fills this gap supplying the largest dataset ever built on the geographical and bathymetric distribution of the most relevant habitat-forming corals (Eunicella cavolini, Eunicella verrucosa, Eunicella singularis, Leptogorgia sarmentosa, Paramuricea clavata, Corallium rubrum and Savalia savaglia) of the CEM. Information collected from different sources such as literature, citizen science, and from the World Wide Web (WWW) was combined. Videos published on the WWW provided additional information on the presence of fishing lines and signs of damage, as well as on the distribution of purple and yellow-purple colonies of Paramuricea clavata. The study highlighted the impressive amount of information that the WWW can offer to scientists, termed here as Web Ecological Knowledge (WEK). The WEK is constantly fuelled by internauts, representing a free, refreshable, long-term exploitable reservoir of information. A quick and easy method to retrieve data from the WWW was illustrated. In addition, the distribution of corals was overlapped to marine protected areas and to the distribution of environmental conditions suitable for coralligenous habitats, fragile biogenic Mediterranean structures hosting complex assemblages in need of strict protection. The collected data allowed identifying priority areas with high species diversity and sites that are impacted by fishing activities. Supplied data can correctly address conservation and restoration policies in the CEM, adding an important contribution to ecosystem-based marine spatial planning.  相似文献   
Most works concerning growth and reproduction of Mediterranean sponges have been performed in the oligotrophic western Mediterranean while little is known about sponge dynamics in the North-western Adriatic Sea, a basin characterized by low winter temperature and eutrophy. In order to deepen our understanding of sponges in the North Adriatic Sea and verify how its peculiar trophic and physical conditions affect sponge life cycles, temporal trend of sponge cover (%) and reproductive timing of Chondrosia reniformis and Tedania (Tedania) anhelans were studied over a 1-year period looking for a possible relation with variations of temperature or food availability. In C. reniformis, although little variations of sponge cover were evidenced around the year, the number of individuals and their size increase during spring. Asexual reproduction, via drop-like propagules, mainly occurs in spring and summer, while sexual reproduction is characterized by a maximum number of oocytes in August. T. anhelans progressively grows from spring to summer and develops propagules on its surface that reach their maximum size in July. In autumn, the sponge undergoes a process of progressive shrinkage and almost disappears in winter when temperature reaches 7–8°C. Larvae occur during summer. In the North Adriatic Sea sponges have larger sizes, higher density and a wider period of oocytes production compared with the same species from the Mediterranean Sea, suggesting these differences could be due to high food availability characterizing the eutrophic Adriatic basin. On the contrary, the sharp water temperature variations and the very low winter temperature, 5–6°C lower than what has been reported for the Mediterranean Sea, regulate temporal variations in abundance and cause the disappearance of thermophile species during winter.  相似文献   
Massive outbreaks are increasing all over the world, which are likely related to climate change. The North Adriatic Sea, a sub-basin of the Mediterranean Sea, is a shallow semi-closed sea receiving high nutrients inputs from important rivers. These inputs sustain the highest productive basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, this area shows a high number of endemisms probably due to the high diversity of environmental conditions and the conspicuous food availability. Here, we documented two massive mortalities (2009 and 2011) and the pattern of recovery of the affected biocoenoses in the next two years. Results show an impressive and fast shift of the benthic assemblage from a biocoenosis mainly composed of slow-growing and long-lived species to a biocoenosis dominated by fast-growing and short-lived species. The sponge Chondrosia reniformis, one of the key species of this assemblage, which had never been involved in previous massive mortality events in the Mediterranean Sea, reduced its coverage by 70%, and only few small specimens survived. All the damaged sponges, together with many associated organisms, were detached by rough-sea conditions, leaving large bare areas on the rocky wall. Almost three years after the disease, the survived specimens of C. reniformis did not increase significantly in size, while the bare areas were colonized by fast-growing species such as stoloniferans, hydrozoans, mussels, algae, serpulids and bryozoans. Cnidarians were more resilient than massive sponges since they quickly recovered in less than one month. In the study area, the last two outbreaks caused a reduction in the filtration efficiency of the local benthic assemblage by over 60%. The analysis of the times series of wave heights and temperature revealed that the conditions in summer 2011 were not so extreme as to justify severe mass mortality, suggesting the occurrence of other factors which triggered the disease. The long-term observations of a benthic assemblage in the NW Adriatic Sea allowed us to monitor its dynamics before, during and after the mortality event. The N Adriatic Sea responds quickly to climatic anomalies and other environmental stresses because of the reduced dimension of the basin. The long-term consequences of frequent mass mortality episodes in this area could promote the shift from biocoenoses dominated by slow-growing and long-lived species to assemblages dominated by plastic and short life cycle species.  相似文献   
The complete larval development of the deep-sea sponge Stylocordyla borealis (from eggs to young sponges) was followed in sponges from the Antarctic waters of Terra Nova Bay. S. borealis shows a viviparous strategy which leads to young complete sponges incubated in the mother body, with cortex, spicules and choanocyte chambers. This development can be considered a K-strategy, which is usually employed by deep-sea organisms and cold-water benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   
The relationships between sponges and macroalgae have been poorly investigated, especially in temperate waters. This work describes the consortium between the dictyoceratid sponge Dysidea pallescens and the red alga Acrochaetium spongicola permeating spongin fibres in the Mediterranean Sea; moreover, this is the first report of a diatom, Amphora pediculus, living also inside the spongin skeleton. The annual trend of the total algal biomass did not vary over time in relation to the temperature, irradiance and incorporation of foreign bodies. Our analyses, conducted by light and electron microscopy, suggest that both the macroalga and the diatom invade the skeleton of the sponge from the external environment, and that the benthic diatom, epiphyte of the macroalga, is passively carried inside the fibres through the growth of Acrochaetium spongicola. All the examined samples of D. pallescens showed that the macroalga permeated at least some fibres, while the presence of the diatom was occasional. The superficial layer of the sponge, thin and reticulate, likely allows the passage of the light and ensures the algal survival inside the sponge tissue. The high occurrence of the association with A. spongicola, together with the morphological adaptations of the sponge favouring the algal life, suggest that the relationship is mutualistic. The possible benefits for the involved partners are hypothesized. The taxonomy and ecology of endozoic Acrochaetiales are controversial due to the reduced size of thalli, the absence of peculiar diagnostic characters and unknown reproductive structures. Therefore, detailed studies on the relationships between the algae and their hosts will provide helpful information for the algal identification.  相似文献   
Marine biology is an increasingly preferred study major and career among youth. This is particularly the case of countries with extensive coastlines, such as Italy. In order to understand what exactly is fuelling this trend, and whether it culminates in the successful absorption of marine biologists as valued workforce by society, this study investigated the motivations, satisfaction and career goals of marine biology undergraduate students in Italy. Although it was expected that scientific literacy in formal education plays an important role in motivating marine biology students, the results showed that intrinsic motivations and informal education play a more crucial role. The students consider realistic career options, although these imply having to leave the country. The results of this study were used to make recommendations on the importance of marine and ocean literacy in the formal educational system in Italy, and the general improvement of scientific literacy in formal school education. Recommendations were also made on the potential improvements that can be made by higher education institutions, to better equip marine biologists with the skills required by emerging sectors in society. Finally, considerations were made regarding the dimensioning of supply, offer and marketing of employment opportunities for marine biologists in Italy.  相似文献   
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