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Recently, using a co-culture system, we demonstrated that MCF7 epithelial cancer cells induce oxidative stress in adjacent cancer-associated fibroblasts, resulting in the autophagic/lysosomal degradation of stromal caveolin-1 (Cav-1). However, the detailed signaling mechanism(s) underlying this process remain largely unknown. Here, we show that hypoxia is sufficient to induce the autophagic degradation of Cav-1 in stromal fibroblasts, which is blocked by the lysosomal inhibitor chloroquine. Concomitant with the hypoxia-induced degradation of Cav-1, we see the upregulation of a number of well-established autophagy/mitophagy markers, namely LC3, ATG16L, BNIP3, BNIP3L, HIF-1α and NFκB. In addition, pharmacological activation of HIF-1α drives Cav-1 degradation, while pharmacological inactivation of HIF-1 prevents the downregulation of Cav-1. Similarly, pharmacological inactivation of NFκB—another inducer of autophagy—prevents Cav-1 degradation. Moreover, treatment with an inhibitor of glutathione synthase, namely BSO, which induces oxidative stress via depletion of the reduced glutathione pool, is sufficient to induce the autophagic degradation of Cav-1. Thus, it appears that oxidative stress mediated induction of HIF1- and NFκB-activation in fibroblasts drives the autophagic degradation of Cav-1. In direct support of this hypothesis, we show that MCF7 cancer cells activate HIF-1α- and NFκB-driven luciferase reporters in adjacent cancer-associated fibroblasts, via a paracrine mechanism. Consistent with these findings, acute knockdown of Cav-1 in stromal fibroblasts, using an siRNA approach, is indeed sufficient to induce autophagy, with the upregulation of both lysosomal and mitophagy markers. How does the loss of stromal Cav-1 and the induction of stromal autophagy affect cancer cell survival? Interestingly, we show that a loss of Cav-1 in stromal fibroblasts protects adjacent cancer cells against apoptotic cell death. Thus, autophagic cancer-associated fibroblasts, in addition to providing recycled nutrients for cancer cell metabolism, also play a protective role in preventing the death of adjacent epithelial cancer cells. We demonstrate that cancer-associated fibroblasts upregulate the expression of TIGAR in adjacent epithelial cancer cells, thereby conferring resistance to apoptosis and autophagy. Finally, the mammary fat pads derived from Cav-1 (−/−) null mice show a hypoxia-like response in vivo, with the upregulation of autophagy markers, such as LC3 and BNIP3L. Taken together, our results provide direct support for the “autophagic tumor stroma model of cancer metabolism”, and explain the exceptional prognostic value of a loss of stromal Cav-1 in cancer patients. Thus, a loss of stromal fibroblast Cav-1 is a biomarker for chronic hypoxia, oxidative stress and autophagy in the tumor microenvironment, consistent with its ability to predict early tumor recurrence, lymph node metastasis and tamoxifen-resistance in human breast cancers. Our results imply that cancer patients lacking stromal Cav-1 should benefit from HIF-inhibitors, NFκB-inhibitors, anti-oxidant therapies, as well as autophagy/lysosomal inhibitors. These complementary targeted therapies could be administered either individually or in combination, to prevent the onset of autophagy in the tumor stromal compartment, which results in a “lethal” tumor microenvironment.Key words: caveolin-1, autophagy, BNIP3, cancer-associated fibroblasts, HIF1, hypoxia, LC3, mitophagy, NFκB, oxidative stress, predictive biomarker, TIGAR, tumor stroma  相似文献   
Our recent studies have mechanistically implicated a loss of stromal Cav-1 expression and HIF1α-activation in driving the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype, through the paracrine production of nutrients via autophagy and aerobic glycolysis. However, it remains unknown if HIF1α-activation is sufficient to confer the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype. To test this hypothesis directly, we stably-expressed activated HIF1α in fibroblasts and then examined their ability to promote tumor growth using a xenograft model employing human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231). Fibroblasts harboring activated HIF1α showed a dramatic reduction in Cav-1 levels and a shift towards aerobic glycolysis, as evidenced by a loss of mitochondrial activity, and an increase in lactate production. Activated HIF1α also induced BNIP3 and BNIP3L expression, markers for the autophagic destruction of mitochondria. Most importantly, fibroblasts expressing activated HIF1α increased tumor mass by ∼2-fold and tumor volume by ∼3-fold, without a significant increase in tumor angiogenesis. In this context, HIF1α also induced an increase in the lymph node metastasis of cancer cells. Similar results were obtained by driving NFκB activation in fibroblasts, another inducer of autophagy. Thus, activated HIF1α is sufficient to functionally confer the cancer-associated fibroblast phenotype. It is also known that HIF1α expression is required for the induction of autophagy in cancer cells. As such, we next directly expressed activated HIF1α in MDA-MB-231 cells and assessed its effect on tumor growth via xenograft analysis. Surprisingly, activated HIF1α in cancer cells dramatically suppressed tumor growth, resulting in a 2-fold reduction in tumor mass and a three-fold reduction in tumor volume. We conclude that HIF1α activation in different cell types can either promote or repress tumorigenesis. Based on these studies, we suggest that autophagy in cancer-associated fibroblasts promotes tumor growth via the paracrine production of recycled nutrients, which can directly “feed” cancer cells. Conversely, autophagy in cancer cells represses tumor growth via their “self-digestion.” Thus, we should consider that the activities of various known oncogenes and tumor-suppressors may be compartment and cell-type specific, and are not necessarily an intrinsic property of the molecule itself. As such, other “classic” oncogenes and tumor suppressors will have to be re-evaluated to determine their compartment specific effects on tumor growth and metastasis. Lastly, our results provide direct experimental support for the recently proposed “autophagic tumor stroma model of cancer.”Key words: caveolin-1, autophagy, mitophagy, the Warburg effect, tumor stroma, hypoxia, HIF1A, NFκB, compartment-specific oncogenesis, cancer-associated fibroblasts  相似文献   
The microbial ecology of "soppressata of Vallo di Diano," a traditional dry fermented sausage from southern Italy, was studied by using both culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. The ripened fermented sausages were characterized by high microbial loads of both staphylococci and lactobacilli. Using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) targeting the variable V3 and V1 regions of the 16S rRNA gene and direct DNA sequencing, it was possible to identify Staphylococcus xylosus, S. succinus, and S. equorum among the staphylococci and Lactobacillus sakei and L. curvatus within the lactobacilli. Moreover, Debaryomyces hansenii was the main yeast species found by targeting the yeast 26S rRNA gene by PCR-DGGE. Selected strains of S. xylosus, L. sakei, and L. curvatus were characterized for their technological properties in the ripening conditions of the fermented sausages so as to select an autochthonous starter formulation. The selection included the determination of nitrate reductase, lipolytic, and antioxidant activity and proteolysis with myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic protein fractions. Such properties were evaluated in both in vitro and in situ assays; the latter were performed by using each strain as a starter in the laboratory-scale manufacture of soppressata of Vallo di Diano and by monitoring the microbiological and chemical changes at the end of ripening. The results show differences between the in vitro and in situ selection results and indicate that in situ evaluation of the technological performance of specific strains is better suited to selecting autochthonous starter cultures for fermented-meat products than in vitro evaluation.  相似文献   
The Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) is synthesized as a preproprotein. To corroborate the role of the different targeting peptides in the topogenesis of GNA and related proteins, different constructs were made whereby both the complete original GNA gene and different truncated sequences were coupled to the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). In addition, a GNA ortholog from rice that lacks the signal peptide and C-terminal propeptide sequence was fused to EGFP. These fusion constructs were expressed in tobacco BY-2 cells and their localization analyzed by confocal fluorescence microscopy. We observed that the processed preproprotein of GNA was directed towards the vacuolar compartment, whereas both the truncated forms of GNA corresponding to the mature lectin polypeptide and the rice ortholog of GNA were located in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. It can be concluded, therefore, that removal of the C-terminal propeptide and the signal peptide is sufficient to change the subcellular targeting of a normally vacuolar protein to the nuclear/cytoplasmic compartment of the BY-2 cells. These findings support the proposed hypothesis that cytoplasmic/nuclear GNA-like proteins and their vacuolar homologs are evolutionarily related and that the classical GNA-related lectins might have evolved from cytoplasmic orthologs through an evolutionary event involving the insertion of a signal peptide and a C-terminal propeptide.  相似文献   
The plant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) contains functionally distinct subdomains at which cargo molecules are packed into transport carriers. To study these ER export sites (ERES), we used tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaf epidermis as a model system and tested whether increased cargo dosage leads to their de novo formation. We have followed the subcellular distribution of the known ERES marker based on a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusion of the Sec24 COPII coat component (YFP-Sec24), which, differently from the previously described ERES marker, tobacco Sar1-YFP, is visibly recruited at ERES in both the presence and absence of overexpressed membrane cargo. This allowed us to quantify variation in the ERES number and in the recruitment of Sec24 to ERES upon expression of cargo. We show that increased synthesis of membrane cargo leads to an increase in the number of ERES and induces the recruitment of Sec24 to these ER subdomains. Soluble proteins that are passively secreted were found to leave the ER with no apparent up-regulation of either the ERES number or the COPII marker, showing that bulk flow transport has spare capacity in vivo. However, de novo ERES formation, as well as increased recruitment of Sec24 to ERES, was found to be dependent on the presence of the diacidic ER export motif in the cytosolic domain of the membrane cargo. Our data suggest that the plant ER can adapt to a sudden increase in membrane cargo-stimulated secretory activity by signal-mediated recruitment of COPII machinery onto existing ERES, accompanied by de novo generation of new ERES.  相似文献   
TNF-like cytokine (TL1A) is a newly identified member of the TNF superfamily of ligands that is important for T cell costimulation and Th1 polarization. However, despite increasing information about its functions, very little is known about expression of TL1A in normal or pathological states. In this study, we report that mononuclear phagocytes appear to be a major source of TL1A in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as revealed by their strong TL1A expression in either synovial fluids or synovial tissue of rheumatoid factor (RF)-seropositive RA patients, but not RF-/RA patients. Accordingly, in vitro experiments revealed that human monocytes express and release significant amounts of soluble TL1A when stimulated with insoluble immune complexes (IC), polyethylene glycol precipitates from the serum of RF+/RA patients, or with insoluble ICs purified from RA synovial fluids. Monocyte-derived soluble TL1A was biologically active as determined by its capacity to induce apoptosis of the human erythroleukemic cell line TF-1, as well as to cooperate with IL-12 and IL-18 in inducing the production of IFN-gamma by CD4(+) T cells. Because RA is a chronic inflammatory disease with autoimmune etiology, in which ICs, autoantibodies (including RF), and various cytokines contribute to its pathology, our data suggest that TL1A could be involved in its pathogenesis and contribute to the severity of RA disease that is typical of RF+/RA patients.  相似文献   
Interstitial fluid flow has been shown to affect the organization and behavior of cells in 3D environments in vivo and in vitro, yet the forces driving such responses are not clear. Due to the complex architecture of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the difficulty of measuring fluid flow near cells embedded in it, the levels of shear stress experienced by cells in this environment are typically estimated using bulk-averaged matrix parameters such as hydraulic permeability. While this is useful for estimating average stresses, it cannot yield insight into how local matrix fiber architecture-which is cell-controlled in the immediate pericellular environment-affects the local stresses imposed on the cell surface. To address this, we used computational fluid dynamics to study flow through an idealized mesh constructed of a cubic lattice of fibers simulating a typical in vitro collagen gel. We found that, in such high porosity matrices, the fibers strongly affect the flow fields near the cell, with peak shear stresses up to five times higher than those predicted by the Brinkman equation. We also found that minor remodeling of the fibers near the cell surface had major effects on the shear stress profile on the cell. These findings demonstrate the importance of fiber architecture to the fluid forces on a cell embedded in a 3D matrix, and also show how small modifications in the local ECM can lead to large changes in the mechanical environment of the cell.  相似文献   
Experimental tests, such as the confined and unconfined compression and the indentation tests, are traditionally used to determine the poroelastic properties of hydrated soft tissues (HSTs). The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the reliability of H(A) and K values as identified from experimental confined test data, estimating the errors that could occur in several situations with more realistic sample geometry and boundary conditions. Finite element models of the step-wise stress-relaxation confined compression tests on HSTs were developed including geometrical imperfections of the sample and the presence of a gap between the piston and the confining chamber. The errors occurring when H(A) and K were estimated by means of the analytical solution of the 1-D confined compression problem were assessed. Results of the analysis indicate that errors in the parameter estimation due to geometrical inaccuracies of the sample can be eliminated by applying a 5% strain pre-compression to the sample. Gap errors are negligible for H(A), can reach 20% for K, and cannot be eliminated by a pre-compression of the sample.  相似文献   
We examined the cardiac effects of chronic erythropoietin (EPO) therapy initiated 7 days after myocardial infarction (MI) in rats. A single high dose of EPO has been shown to reduce infarct size by preventing apoptosis when injected immediately after myocardial ischemia. The proangiogenic potential of EPO has also been reported, but the effects of chronic treatment with standard doses after MI are unknown. In this study, rats underwent coronary occlusion followed by reperfusion or a sham procedure. Infarcted rats were assigned to one of three treatment groups: 1) 0.75 microg/kg darbepoetin (MI+darb 0.75, n = 12); 2) 1.5 microg/kg darbepoetin (MI+darb 1.5, n = 12); 3) vehicle (MI+PBS, n = 16), once a week from day 7 postsurgery. Sham rats received the vehicle alone (n = 10). After 8 wk of treatment, the animals underwent echocardiography, left ventricular pressure-volume measurements, and peripheral blood endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) counting. MI size and capillary density in the border zone and the area at risk (AAR) were measured postmortem. The AAR was similar in the three MI groups. Compared with MI+PBS, the MI+darb 1.5 group showed a reduction in the MI-to-AAR ratio (20.8% vs. 38.7%; P < 0.05), as well as significantly reduced left ventricle dilatation and improved cardiac function. This reduction in post-MI remodeling was accompanied by increased capillary density (P < 0.05) and by a higher number of EPC (P < 0.05). Both darbepoetin doses increased the hematocrit, whereas MI+darb 0.75 did not increase EPC numbers or capillary density and had no functional effect. We found that chronic EPO treatment reduces MI size and improves cardiac function only at a dose that induces EPC mobilization in blood and that increases capillary density in the infarct border zone.  相似文献   
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