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The iconic orange clownfish, Amphiprion percula, is a model organism for studying the ecology and evolution of reef fishes, including patterns of population connectivity, sex change, social organization, habitat selection and adaptation to climate change. Notably, the orange clownfish is the only reef fish for which a complete larval dispersal kernel has been established and was the first fish species for which it was demonstrated that antipredator responses of reef fishes could be impaired by ocean acidification. Despite its importance, molecular resources for this species remain scarce and until now it lacked a reference genome assembly. Here, we present a de novo chromosome‐scale assembly of the genome of the orange clownfish Amphiprion percula. We utilized single‐molecule real‐time sequencing technology from Pacific Biosciences to produce an initial polished assembly comprised of 1,414 contigs, with a contig N50 length of 1.86 Mb. Using Hi‐C‐based chromatin contact maps, 98% of the genome assembly were placed into 24 chromosomes, resulting in a final assembly of 908.8 Mb in length with contig and scaffold N50s of 3.12 and 38.4 Mb, respectively. This makes it one of the most contiguous and complete fish genome assemblies currently available. The genome was annotated with 26,597 protein‐coding genes and contains 96% of the core set of conserved actinopterygian orthologs. The availability of this reference genome assembly as a community resource will further strengthen the role of the orange clownfish as a model species for research on the ecology and evolution of reef fishes.  相似文献   
Heparin affin regulatory peptide (HARP) is an 18 kDa heparin-binding protein that plays a key role in tumor growth. We showed previously that the synthetic peptide P(111-136) composed of the last 26 HARP amino acids inhibited HARP-induced mitogenesis. Here, to identify the exact molecular domain involved in HARP inhibition, we investigated the effect of the shorter basic peptide P(122-131) on DU145 cells, which express HARP and its receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase beta/zeta (RPTPbeta/zeta). P(122-131) was not cytotoxic; it dose-dependently inhibited anchorage-independent growth of DU145 cells. Binding studies using biotinylated P(122-131) indicated that this peptide interfered with HARP binding to DU145 cells. Investigation of the mechanisms involved suggested interference, under anchorage-independent conditions, of P(122-131) with a HARP autocrine loop in an RPTPbeta/zeta-dependent fashion. Thus, P(122-131) may hold potential for the treatment of disorders involving RPTPbeta/zeta.  相似文献   
We describe here the results of genetic screens for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants in which a single neuronal fate decision is inappropriately executed. In wild-type animals, the two morphologically bilaterally symmetric gustatory neurons ASE left (ASEL) and ASE right (ASER) undergo a left/right asymmetric diversification in cell fate, manifested by the differential expression of a class of putative chemoreceptors and neuropeptides. Using single cell-specific gfp reporters and screening through a total of almost 120,000 haploid genomes, we isolated 161 mutants that define at least six different classes of mutant phenotypes in which ASEL/R fate is disrupted. Each mutant phenotypic class encompasses one to nine different complementation groups. Besides many alleles of 10 previously described genes, we have identified at least 16 novel "lsy" genes ("laterally symmetric"). Among mutations in known genes, we retrieved four alleles of the miRNA lsy-6 and a gain-of-function mutation in the 3'-UTR of a target of lsy-6, the cog-1 homeobox gene. Using newly found temperature-sensitive alleles of cog-1, we determined that a bistable feedback loop controlling ASEL vs. ASER fate, of which cog-1 is a component, is only transiently required to initiate but not to maintain ASEL and ASER fate. Taken together, our mutant screens identified a broad catalog of genes whose molecular characterization is expected to provide more insight into the complex genetic architecture of a left/right asymmetric neuronal cell fate decision.  相似文献   
Although peroxynitrite stimulates apoptosis in many cell types, whether peroxynitrite acts directly as an oxidant or the induction of apoptosis is because of the radicals derived from peroxynitrite decomposition remains unknown. Before undergoing apoptosis because of trophic factor deprivation, primary motor neuron cultures become immunoreactive for nitrotyrosine. We show here using tyrosine-containing peptides that free radical processes mediated by peroxynitrite decomposition products were required for triggering apoptosis in primary motor neurons and in PC12 cells cultures. The same concentrations of tyrosine-containing peptides required to prevent the nitration and apoptosis of motor neurons induced by trophic factor deprivation and of PC12 cells induced by peroxynitrite also prevented peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of motor neurons, brain homogenates, and PC12 cells. The heat shock protein 90 chaperone was nitrated in both trophic factor-deprived motor neurons and PC12 cells incubated with peroxynitrite. Tyrosine-containing peptides did not affect the induction of PC12 cell death by hydrogen peroxide. Tyrosine-containing peptides should protect by scavenging peroxynitrite-derived radicals and not by direct reactions with peroxynitrite as they neither increase the rate of peroxynitrite decomposition nor decrease the bimolecular peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation of thiols. These results reveal an important role for free radical-mediated nitration of tyrosine residues, in apoptosis induced by endogenously produced and exogenously added peroxynitrite; moreover, tyrosine-containing peptides may offer a novel strategy to neutralize the toxic effects of peroxynitrite.  相似文献   
Haemosporidians are among the most common parasites of birds and often negatively impact host fitness. A multitude of biotic and abiotic factors influence these associations, but the magnitude of these factors can differ by spatial scales (i.e., local, regional and global). Consequently, to better understand global and regional drivers of avian‐haemosporidian associations, it is key to investigate these associations at smaller (local) spatial scales. Thus, here, we explore the effect of abiotic variables (e.g., temperature, forest structure, and anthropogenic disturbances) on haemosporidian prevalence and host–parasite networks on a horizontal spatial scale, comparing four fragmented forests and five localities within a continuous forest in Papua New Guinea. Additionally, we investigate if prevalence and host–parasite networks differ between the canopy and the understory (vertical stratification) in one forest patch. We found that the majority of Haemosporidian infections were caused by the genus Haemoproteus and that avian‐haemosporidian networks were more specialized in continuous forests. At the community level, only forest greenness was negatively associated with Haemoproteus infections, while the effects of abiotic variables on parasite prevalence differed between bird species. Haemoproteus prevalence levels were significantly higher in the canopy, and an opposite trend was observed for Plasmodium. This implies that birds experience distinct parasite pressures depending on the stratum they inhabit, likely driven by vector community differences. These three‐dimensional spatial analyses of avian‐haemosporidians at horizontal and vertical scales suggest that the effect of abiotic variables on haemosporidian infections are species specific, so that factors influencing community‐level infections are primarily driven by host community composition.  相似文献   
Abstract The c -type cytochrome and protein profiles were compared for a number of cultures of Paracoccus denitrificans obtained from a range of culture collections. The cultures fell into two groups corresponding to the two original isolates of this bacterial species. One group, which included NCIMB 8944, ATCC 13543, ATCC 17741, ATCC 19367, Pd 1222 and DSM 413, were similar or identical to LMD 22.21. The second group, including DSM 65 and LMG 4218, were similar or identical to LMD 52.44. These groupings were not compatible with the recorded history of culture deposition. Mass spectrometry and amino acid sequence comparisons showed that the cytochrome c -550 of the LMD 52.44 culture group differed by 16% from that of the LMD 22.21 group, and yet was only 1% different from the cytochrome c -550 of Thiosphaera pantotropha . These results suggest that consideration should be given to creation of a new species of Paracoccus pantotropha , which would include Thiosphaera pantotropha and Paracoccus denitrificans LMD 52.44.  相似文献   
The melanocortins (alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and adrenocorticotropin) act on epidermal melanocytes to increase melanogenesis, the eumelanin/pheomelanin ratio and dendricity. These actions are mediated by the heptahelical melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), positively coupled to adenylyl cyclase. Gain-of-function mouse Mc1r alleles are associated with a dark, eumelanic coat. Conversely, loss-of-function variants, or overexpression of agouti, a natural melanocortin antagonist, yield yellow, pheomelanic furs. In humans, loss-of-function MC1R variants are associated with fair skin, poor tanning, propensity to freckle and increased skin cancer risk. Therefore, MC1R is a key regulator of mammalian pigmentation. Several observations such as induction of constitutive pigmentation in amelanotic mouse melanoma cells following expression of MC1R indicate that the receptor might display agonist-independent activity. We report a systematic and comparative study of MC1R and Mc1r constitutive activity. We show that expression of MC1R in heterologous systems leads to an agonist-independent increase in cyclic adenosine monophophate (cAMP). Basal signalling is a function of receptor expression and is two to fourfold higher for MC1R than for Mc1r. Moreover, it is observed in human melanoma cells over-expressing the MC1R. Constitutive signalling is abolished or reduced by point mutations of MC1R impairing the response to agonists, and is only doubled by the Lys94Glu mutation, mimicking the constitutively active mouse E(so-3J) allele. Stable or transient expression of wild-type MC1R, but not of loss-of-function mutants, potently stimulates forskolin activation of adenylyl cyclase, a common feature of constitutively active Gs-coupled receptors. Therefore, human MC1R displays a strong agonist-independent constitutive activity.  相似文献   
Molecular epidemiology applied to the study of nosocomial infection has been fundamental in formulating and evaluating control methods. From patients in a level 3 Bogota hospital, Klebsiella pneumoniae samples were isolated that produced extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL). Each of 15 isolates was characterized microbiologically and by molecular characters realized by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and by repetitive-DNA sequences amplification (REP-PCR). Antimicrobial susceptibility and ESBL production was determined in accordance with NCCLS guidelines. The beta-lactamases were evaluated by isoelectric-focusing and PCR. Twelve (80%) of the isolates were associated with nosocomial infection; 11 of them were from intensive care units. The antibiotic susceptibility displayed 13 resistance patterns--87% presented co-resistance to amikacin, 53% to gentamicin, 33% to ciprofloxacin, 40% to cefepime, 67% to piperacillin/tazobactam, 60% to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and 47% to chloranphenicol. All were sensitive to imipenem. Production of TEM and SHV beta-lactamases was detected simultaneously in most isolates by isoelectric focusing and 93.3% produced a ceftazidimase of pl 8.2 of the SHV-5 type. The 15 isolates were grouped into 11 and 12 electrophoretic patterns by PFGE and REP-PCR, respectively. The degree of genetic variability indicated an endogenous origin of the nosocomial infections.  相似文献   
The number of protein structures solved using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction methods coupled with selenomethionine substitution has grown dramatically over the last years. We show using the outer membrane pyoverdin receptor FpvA that Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be used for producing proteins with a high level of selenomethionine incorporation. To circumvent problems encountered with mass spectroscopy analysis of purified membrane proteins, in-gel trypsin digestion of FpvA coupled with MALDI mass spectrometry analysis of the resulting peptides was used to determine the extent of selenomethionine incorporation. Selenomethionine incorporation greater than 95% was achieved using P. aeruginosa as an overexpression system.  相似文献   
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