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Summary Three nodulation-deficient (nod) mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum were isolated following insertion of the transposon Tn5 into pRL1JI, the R. leguminosarum plasmid known to carry the nodulation genes. DNA adjacent to the nod: Tn5 alleles was subcloned and used to probe a cosmid clone bank containing DNA from a Rhizobium strain carrying pRL1JI. Two cosmid clones which showed homology with the probe contained about 10 kb of DNA in common. The R. leguminosarum host-range determinants were found to be present within this 10 kb common region since either of the cosmid clones could enable a cured R. phaseoli strain to nodulate peas instead of Phaseolus beans, its normal host. Electron microscopy of nodules induced by Rhizobium strains cured of their normal symbiotic plasmid but containing either of the two cosmid clones showed bacteroid-forms surrounded by a peri-bacteroid membrane, indicating that normal infection had occurred. Thus it is clear that this 10 kb region of nodDNA carries the genes that determine host range and that relatively few bacterial genes may be involved in nodule and bacteroid development.  相似文献   
A Bence Jones protein with phenotype Inv (1, –2) was isolated from the urine of a patient with multiple myeloma. Inv typing of the patient's relatives established the presence of anInv 1 allele in the kindred, and that the patient's genotype wasInv 1/Inv 3. Hence, the absence of Inv (2) in the Bence Jones protein was shown to be genetic and not an artifact caused by the disease. The tryptic peptide-containing residues 191 through 194 were isolated and shown to be composed of Leu, Tyr, Ala, Cys, with Leu at the amino end. Hence, the residue at 191 is the same as that present in Inv (1, 2) Bence Jones proteins. More detailed study of the tryptic peptides established that residue 153 is Val rather than Ala as in all other K chains thus far studied. The primary sequence: Ala153, Leu191 determines Inv (1, 2); Ala153, Val191 determines Inv (3); and Val153, Leu191 determines Inv (1). The Val153, Val191 sequence has not been observed. It may correspond to Inv (–). These data are strikingly similar to the data for the Kern and Oz isotypes (changes at 154 and 191, respectively) in the chain. As in the case of theK chain, only three of the four possible combinations have been observed. The implications of this parallelism and of crystallographic findings on chains, reported by others, are discussed.  相似文献   
Platelet aggregation has been related to blood coagulation studies in patients on nicoumalone, a coumarin anticoagulant. Aggregation studies were performed by means of Chandler''s tube and the adenosine diphosphate (A.D.P.)-induced optical density method. Platelet aggregation in Chandler''s tube has been shown to be quite different from A.D.P. aggregation and to be dependent on the “intrinsic” (blood) clotting system. When the intrinsic system was depressed by coumarin anticoagulant, aggregation was delayed in Chandler''s tube, but patients with a predominantly “extrinsic” (tissue) system defect gave normal results even when their prothrombin time was excessively prolonged. In contrast there was an increased response to A.D.P. in the anticoagulated patients.The study emphasizes the different mechanisms of platelet aggregation, which we have referred to as coagulation-induced and A.D.P.-induced aggregation. It also shows the limitations of routine control of oral anticoagulants by prothrombin time alone, as the coagulation-induced platelet aggregation appears to be quantitatively related to the overall level of clotting factors in the intrinsic system and independent of the extrinsic system.  相似文献   
A diagonal-electrophoresis method for the selective purification of serine phosphate peptides was applied to tryptic, chymotryptic and peptic digests of oxidized ovalbumin. This method is based on the release of the phosphate group bound to serine by treatment with alkaline phosphatase on paper. The identified serine phosphate peptides were purified by paper electrophoresis at pH6.5 and 2.0, dephosphorylation with bacterial alkaline phosphatase, and paper electrophoresis at pH2.0 again, in that order. The presence of two groups of serine phosphate peptides was apparent from the amino acid composition. One group contained no lysine, cysteic acid, proline, leucine or isoleucine (sequence 1) and the other had all those amino acids (sequence 2). Further degradation with subtilisin of those peptides and ;dansyl'-Edman sequence analysis established their partial sequences. The proposed sequences are as follows (with ;SerP' representing serine phosphate): sequence 1, -Ala-Gly-Arg-Glu-Val-Val-Gly-SerP-Ala-Glu-Ala-Gly-Asp-Val-Ala-Ala-Ser-(Val,Glx(2),Ser,Phe)-Arg-; sequence 2, -Asp-Lys-Leu-Pro-Gly-Phe-Gly-Asp-SerP-Ile-Glx-Ala-Glx-CySO(3)H-Gly-(Thr,Ser,Val)-(Asp,His,Val)-. The partial sequence of one of the phosphopeptides, Asp-(Glu,Ile,SerP), reported by Flavin (1954) was used to establish the proposed sequence 2.  相似文献   
Isolation of Aulacomya paramyosin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Tropomyosin A or paramyosin has been isolated from the adductor muscle of Aulacomya magellanica. It has in common with other tropomyosins A the method used for extracting it from adductor muscle, its solubility, facility of crystallization, ammonium sulphate range of precipitation, amino acid composition and behaviour when digested with trypsin. As a particular feature it exhibits an unusual low viscosity for this type of tropomyosin. Its molecular weight, determined by the Archibald approach-to-sedimentation-equilibrium method, is 258000+/-16000.  相似文献   
Measures of food quality as demographic predictors in freshwater copepods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the ability of a number of short-term measuresof algal food quality to predict longer term demographic parametersfor two species of freshwater calanoid copepods, Diaptomus minuiusand Epischura lacustris. Food quality of two species of algaethat are usually considered highly edible (Cryptomonas erosavar. reflexa and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) are compared withrespect to: (i) the biochemical constituents of the algae (totalN, total C and protein); (ii) short-term foraging responsesby D.minutus to either algal species (e.g. clearance, ingestionand assimilation rates); (iii) longer term demographic responses(e.g. survivorship and reproduction) by both D.minutus and E.lacustrisfed a diet of either algal species. Demographic responses ofthe two copepod species indicate that C.erosa is a higher qualityfood. In fact, survival and reproduction of both copepod speciesfed C.reinhardtii were not different from starved treatments.Cryptomonas erosa treatments also had greater C, N and protein.However, D.minutus ingested five times more C.reinhardtii thanC.erosa, indicative of ‘compensatory feeding’ inthe presence of poor-quality food. Based upon these higher ingestionrates, individuals fed C.reinhardai actually ingested greateramounts of C, N and protein. Hence, ingestion rates taken aloneor coupled with biochemical parameters are not reliable predictorsof consumer demographic response. Assimilation rate, which waspositive for C.erosa and zero for C.reinhardtii, was the singlebest short-term predictor of food quality.  相似文献   
Contraception across Cultures: Technologies, Choices, Constraints. Andrew Russell. Elisa J. Sobo. and Mary S. Thompson. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2000. 224 pp.  相似文献   
Brush border myosin-I (BBMI) is a single-headed unconventional myosin found in the microvilli of intestinal epithelial cells, where it links the core bundle of actin filaments to the plasma membrane. An association of BBMI with anionic phospholipids has been shown to be mediated by a carboxy-terminal domain which is rich in basic amino acids. We have exploited this natural affinity of BBMI for negatively charged lipids to form two-dimensional (2D) crystals of this protein which are suitable for structural analysis by electron crystallographic techniques. The 2D crystals which we have obtained belong to one of two space groups, p22121or p2. We present here projection maps calculated from images of negatively stained crystals for each of these crystal types to a resolution of 20 Å and show that the asymmetric unit is the same in both crystal types.  相似文献   
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