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Arg(82) is one of the four buried charged residues in the retinal binding pocket of bacteriorhodopsin (bR). Previous studies show that Arg(82) controls the pK(a)s of Asp(85) and the proton release group and is essential for fast light-induced proton release. To further investigate the role of Arg(82) in light-induced proton pumping, we replaced Arg(82) with histidine and studied the resulting pigment and its photochemical properties. The main pK(a) of the purple-to-blue transition (pK(a) of Asp(85)) is unusually low in R82H: 1.0 versus 2.6 in wild type (WT). At pH 3, the pigment is purple and shows light and dark adaptation, but almost no light-induced Schiff base deprotonation (formation of the M intermediate) is observed. As the pH is increased from 3 to 7 the M yield increases with pK(a) 4.5 to a value approximately 40% of that in the WT. A transition with a similar pK(a) is observed in the pH dependence of the rate constant of dark adaptation, k(da). These data can be explained, assuming that some group deprotonates with pK(a) 4.5, causing an increase in the pK(a) of Asp(85) and thus affecting k(da) and the yield of M. As the pH is increased from 7 to 10.5 there is a further 2.5-fold increase in the yield of M and a decrease in its rise time from 200 &mgr;s to 75 &mgr;s with pK(a) 9. 4. The chromophore absorption band undergoes a 4-nm red shift with a similar pK(a). We assume that at high pH, the proton release group deprotonates in the unphotolyzed pigment, causing a transformation of the pigment into a red-shifted "alkaline" form which has a faster rate of light-induced Schiff base deprotonation. The pH dependence of proton release shows that coupling between Asp(85) and the proton release group is weakened in R82H. The pK(a) of the proton release group in M is 7.2 (versus 5.8 in the WT). At pH < 7, most of the proton release occurs during O --> bR transition with tau approximately 45 ms. This transition is slowed in R82H, indicating that Arg(82) is important for the proton transfer from Asp(85) to the proton release group. A model describing the interaction of Asp(85) with two ionizable residues is proposed to describe the pH dependence of light-induced Schiff base deprotonation and proton release.  相似文献   
Abstract: Exceptionally abundant specimens of Conularia aff. desiderata Hall occur in multiple marine obrution deposits, in a single sixth‐order parasequence composed of argillaceous and silty very fine sandstone, in the Otsego Member of the Mount Marion Formation (Middle Devonian, Givetian) in eastern New York State, USA. Associated fossils consist mostly of rhynchonelliform brachiopods but also include bivalve molluscs, orthoconic nautiloids, linguliform brachiopods and gastropods. Many of the brachiopods, bivalve molluscs and conulariids have been buried in situ. Conulariids buried in situ are oriented with their aperture facing obliquely upward and with their long axis inclined at up to 87 degree to bedding. Most specimens are solitary, but some occur in V‐like pairs or in radial clusters consisting of three specimens, with the component specimens being about equally long or (less frequently) substantially different in length. The compacted apical end of Conularia buried in situ generally rests upon argillaceous sandstone. With one possible exception, none of the examined specimens terminates in a schott (apical wall), and internal schotts appear to be absent. The apical ends of specimens in V‐like pairs and radial clusters show no direct evidence of interconnection of their periderms. The apical, middle or apertural region of some inclined specimens abuts or is in close lateral proximity to a recumbent conulariid or to one or more spiriferid brachiopods, some of which have been buried in their original life orientation. The azimuthal bearings of Conularia and nautiloid long axes and the directions in which conulariids open are nonrandom, with conulariids being preferentially aligned between 350 and 50 degree and with their apertural end facing north‐east, and nautiloids being preferentially aligned between 30 and 70 degree. Otsego Member Conularia were erect or semi‐erect, epifaunal or partially infaunal animals, the apical end of which rested upon very fine bottom sediment. The origin of V‐like pairs and radial clusters remains enigmatic, but it is probable that production of schotts was not a regular feature of this animal’s life history. Finally, conulariids and associated fauna were occasionally smothered by distal storm deposits, under the influence of relatively weak bottom currents.  相似文献   
Isometric tension and isotonic shortening were measured at constant levels of calcium activation of varying magnitude in mechanically disrupted EGTA-treated ventricular bundles from guinea pigs. The results were as follows: (a) The effect of creatine phosphate (CP) on peak tension and rate of shortening saturated at a CP concentration more than 10 mM; below that level tension was increased and shortening velocity decreased. We interpreted this to mean that CP above 10 mM was sufficient to buffer MgATP(2-) intracellularly. (b) The activated bundles exhibited an exponential stress-strain relationship and the series elastic properties did not vary appreciably with degree of activation or creatine phosphate level. (c) At a muscle length 20 percent beyond just taut, peak tension increased with Ca(2+) concentration over the range slightly below 10(-6) to slightly above 10(-4)M. (d) By releasing the muscle length-active tension curves were constructed. Force declined to 20 percent peak tension with a decrease in muscle length (after the recoil) of only 11 percent at 10(-4)M Ca(2+) and 6 percent at 4x10(-6)M Ca(2+). (e) The rate of shortening after a release was greater at lower loads. At identical loads (relative to maximum force at a given Ca(2+) level), velocity at a given time after the release was less at lower Ca(2+) concentrations; at 10 M(-5), velocity was 72 percent of that at 10(-4)M, and at 4x10(-6)M, active shortening was usually delayed and was 40 percent of the velocity at 10(-4) M. Thus, under the conditions of these experiments, both velocity and peak tension depend on the level of Ca(2+) activation over a similar range of Ca(2+) concentration.  相似文献   
There has long been interest in determining if mass ivermectin administration for onchocerciasis has 'unknowingly' interrupted lymphatic filariasis (LF) transmission where the endemicity of the two diseases' overlaps. We studied 11 communities in central Nigeria entomologically for LF by performing mosquito dissections on Anopheline LF vectors. Six of the communities studied were located within an onchocerciasis treatment zone, and five were located outside of that zone. Communities inside the treatment zone had been offered ivermectin treatment for two-five years, with a mean coverage of 81% of the eligible population (range 58–95%). We found 4.9% of mosquitoes were infected with any larval stage of W. bancrofti in the head or thorax in 362 dissections in the untreated villages compared to 4.7% infected in 549 dissections in the ivermectin treated villages (Mantel-Haenszel ChiSquare 0.02, P = 0.9). We concluded that ivermectin annual therapy for onchocerciasis has not interrupted transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti (the causative agent of LF in Nigeria).  相似文献   
Founder effects during colonization of a novel environment are expected to change the genetic composition of populations, leading to differentiation between the colonizer population and its source population. Another expected outcome is differentiation among populations derived from repeated independent colonizations starting from the same source. We have previously detected significant founder effects affecting rate of laboratory adaptation among Drosophila subobscura laboratory populations derived from the wild. We also showed that during the first generations in the laboratory, considerable genetic differentiation occurs between foundations. The present study deepens that analysis, taking into account the natural sampling hierarchy of six foundations, derived from different locations, different years and from two samples in one of the years. We show that striking stochastic effects occur in the first two generations of laboratory culture, effects that produce immediate differentiation between foundations, independent of the source of origin and despite similarity among all founders. This divergence is probably due to powerful genetic sampling effects during the first few generations of culture in the novel laboratory environment, as a result of a significant drop in N e. Changes in demography as well as high variance in reproductive success in the novel environment may contribute to the low values of N e. This study shows that estimates of genetic differentiation between natural populations may be accurate when based on the initial samples collected in the wild, though considerable genetic differentiation may occur in the very first generations of evolution in a new, confined environment. Rapid and significant evolutionary changes can thus occur during the early generations of a founding event, both in the wild and under domestication, effects of interest for both scientific and conservation purposes.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Many cannibalistic species are also intra-guild predators. Such predators will often face the decision whether to consume a conspecific or a heterospecific prey from the same guild. This decision may depend on the relative quality and abundance of the prey but also on other factors such as relatedness by descent, prey-specific defence and the probability of the victim harbouring shared diseases.
2. Here, intra-guild interactions among two cannibalistic species of predatory mites, Iphiseius degenerans and Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae) that belong to closely related genera were studied.
3. Individuals of I. degenerans were offered a diet of conspecifics or heterospecifics. Because I. degenerans is capable of recognising kin individuals from non-kin, and they were exclusively offered conspecifics that were either distantly related or non-kin, it was expected that it would not refrain from cannibalising for reasons of possible relatedness.
4. When corrected for numbers of victims eaten, survival, and juvenile development of predators fed with intra-guild prey was higher than that of cannibals. This was probably caused by a higher quality of heterospecific victims, even though conspecific victims were larger and therefore potentially contained more food. This led to the prediction that the predators should strongly prefer heterospecific prey. This was indeed borne out in independent choice experiments. Thus, the choice of predators between heterospecific and conspecific prey is not only affected by avoidance of consuming conspecifics, but also by relative prey quality.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Males and females of the burrower bug species Scaptocoris castanea Perty and Scaptocoris carvalhoi Becker emit stridulatory signals when on the roots of soybean. The substrate-borne components of the signal can be recorded on the plant but not on the surrounding soil surface. The stridulatory apparatus is composed of the tergal plectrum (lima) and the stridulitrum (stridulatory vein) on the underside of the hind wings. The male plectrum has one ridge and the female lima has 13 ridges. Stridulitra of different species differ in the length and in the number of teeth. Rubbing of plectrum (lima) ridges over the stridulitrum in one or both directions produces pulse trains. The velocity of signals that are recorded less than 0.5 cm from the bug is below 0.013 mm s−1 on the soil and below 0.066 mm s−1 on the leaf surface. Broadband spectra have a dominant frequency of less than 1 kHz and subdominant peaks extending up to 7 kHz. The dominant frequency of the stridulatory signal transmitted through a plant decreases together with the proportion of its higher frequency spectral components. Signals are attenuated for 3–9 dB cm−1 when transmitted through the soil or soybean leaf and for approximately 1 dB cm−1 when transmitted through soybean stem.  相似文献   
Neotropical monkeys of the genera Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia (Pitheciidae) are considered to be highly arboreal, spending most of their time feeding and traveling in the upper canopy. Until now, the use of terrestrial substrates has not been analyzed in detail in this group. Here, we review the frequency of terrestrial use among pitheciin taxa to determine the ecological and social conditions that might lead to such behavior. We collated published and unpublished data from 14 taxa in the three genera. Data were gleaned from 53 published studies (including five on multiple pitheciin genera) and personal communications of unpublished data distributed across 31 localities. Terrestrial activity was reported in 61% of Pithecia field studies (11 of 18), in 34% of Chiropotes studies (10 of 29), and 36% of Cacajao studies (4 of 11). Within Pithecia, terrestrial behavior was more frequently reported in smaller species (e.g. P. pithecia) that are vertical clingers and leapers and make extensive use of the understory than in in the larger bodied canopy dwellers of the western Amazon (e.g. P. irrorata). Terrestrial behavior in Pithecia also occurred more frequently and lasted longer than in Cacajao or Chiropotes. An apparent association was found between flooded habitats and terrestrial activity and there is evidence of the development of a “local pattern” of terrestrial use in some populations. Seasonal fruit availability also may stimulate terrestrial behavior. Individuals also descended to the ground when visiting mineral licks, escaping predators, and responding to accidents such as a dropped infant. Overall, the results of this review emphasize that terrestrial use is rare among the pitheciins in general and is usually associated with the exploitation of specific resources or habitat types. Am. J. Primatol. 74:1106‐1127, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Measurements of the transepithelial electrical resistance correlated with freeze-fracture observations have been used to study the process of tight junction formation under various experimental conditions in monolayers of the canine kidney epithelial cell line MDCK. Cells derived from previously confluent cultures and plated immediately after trypsin- EDTA dissociation develop a resistance that reaches its maximum value of several hundred ohms-cm(2) after approximately 24 h and falls to a steady-state value of 80-150 ohms- cm(2) by 48 h. The rise in resistance and the development of tight junctions can be completely and reversibly prevented by the addition of 10 μg/ml cycloheximide at the time of plating, but not when this inhibitor is added more than 10 h after planting. Thus tight junction formation consists of separable synthetic and assembly phases. These two phases can also be dissociated and the requirement for protein synthesis after plating eliminated if, following trypsinization, the cells are maintained in spinner culture for 24 h before plating. The requirement for protein synthesis is restored, however, if cells maintained in spinner culture are treated with trypsin before plating. Actinomycin D prevents development of resistance only in monolayers formed from cells derived from sparse rather than confluent cultures, but new mRNA synthesis is not required if cells obtained from sparse cultures are maintained for 24 h in spinner culture before plating. Once a steady-state resistance has been reached, its maintenance does not require either mRNA or protein synthesis; in fact, inhibition of protein synthesis causes a rise in the resistance over a 30-h period. Following treatments that disrupt the junctions in steady- state monolayers recovery of resistance also does not require protein synthesis. These observations suggest that proteins are involved in tight junction formation. Such proteins, which do not turn over rapidly under steady-state conditions, are destroyed by trypsinization and can be resynthesized in the absence of stable cell-cell or cell-substratum contact. Messenger RNA coding for proteins involved in tight junction formation is stable except when cells are sparsely plated, and can also be synthesized without intercellular contacts or cell-substratum attachment.  相似文献   
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