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The cellular compartment and purpose of the proteolytic processing of the prion protein (PrP) are still under debate. We have studied ovine PrP constructs expressed in four cell lines; murine neuroblastoma cells (N2a), human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y), dog kidney epithelial cells (MDCK), and human furin-deficient colon cancer cells (LoVo). Cleavage of PrP in LoVo cells indicates that the processing is furin independent. Neither is it reduced by some inhibitors of lysosomal proteinases, proteasomes or zinc-metalloproteinases, but incubation with bafilomycin A1, an inhibitor of vacuolar H+/ATPases, increases the amount of uncleaved PrP in the apical medium of MDCK cells. Mutations affecting the putative cleavage site near amino acid 113 reveal that the cleavage is independent of primary structure at this site. Absence of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor and glycan modifications does not influence the proteolytic processing of PrP. Our data indicate that PrP is cleaved during transit to the cell membrane.  相似文献   
The abundance, identity and activity of uncultured Bacteria and Actinobacteria present in a drinking water reservoir (North Pine Dam, Brisbane, Australia) were determined using a combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) alone or with catalysed reporter deposition (CARD-FISH) with microautoradiography. The CARD-FISH technique was modified relative to previous described procedures and performed directly on gelatine cover slips in order to allow simultaneous combination with microautoradiography. Almost twofold higher numbers of microorganisms could be identified as either Bacteria or Actinobacteria using the CARD-FISH technique as compared with the traditional FISH technique. A combination of FISH or CARD-FISH with microautoradiography showed generally higher activity among the Actinobacteria than among all Bacteria. Another important observation was that many cells within the FISH-negative populations of both Actinobacteria and Bacteria were actively assimilating thymidine. Thus, great care should be taken when extrapolating the active fraction of a prokaryotic community to be equivalent to the FISH-detectable population in such environments. Bacterial groups within Actinobacteria produce the odours geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, which lower the quality of surface water when used for drinking. The results indicate that combined microautoradiography and CARD-FISH may serve as an effective tool when studying identity and activity of microorganisms within freshwater environments.  相似文献   
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for downy mildew resistance in maize were identified based on co-segregation with linked restriction fragment length polymorphisms or simple sequence repeats in 220 F2 progeny from a cross between susceptible and resistant parents. Disease response was assessed on F3 families in nurseries in Egypt, Thailand, and South Texas and after inoculation in a controlled greenhouse test. Heritability of the disease reaction was high (around 93% in Thailand). One hundred and thirty polymorphic markers were assigned to the ten chromosomes of maize with LOD scores exceeding 4.9 and covering about 1,265 cM with an average interval length between markers of 9.5 cM. About 90% of the genome is located within 10 cM of the nearest marker. Three putative QTLs were detected in association with resistance to downy mildew in different environments using composite interval mapping. Despite environmental and symptom differences, one locus on chromosome 2 had a major effect and explained up to 70% of the phenotypic variation in Thailand where disease pressure was the highest. The other two QTLs on chromosome 3 and chromosome 9 had minor effects; each explained no more than 4% of the phenotypic variation. The three QTLs appeared to have additive effects on resistance, identifying one major gene and two minor genes that contribute to downy mildew resistance.  相似文献   
Aberrant glycosylation of mucins and other extracellular proteins is an important event in carcinogenesis and the resulting cancer associated glycans have been suggested as targets in cancer immunotherapy. We assessed the role of O-linked GalNAc glycosylation on antigen uptake, processing, and presentation on MHC class I and II molecules. The effect of GalNAc O-glycosylation was monitored with a model system based on ovalbumin (OVA)-MUC1 fusion peptides (+/− glycosylation) loaded onto dendritic cells co-cultured with IL-2 secreting OVA peptide-specific T cell hybridomas. To evaluate the in vivo response to a cancer related tumor antigen, Balb/c or B6.Cg(CB)-Tg(HLA-A/H2-D)2Enge/J (HLA-A2 transgenic) mice were immunized with a non-glycosylated or GalNAc-glycosylated MUC1 derived peptide followed by comparison of T cell proliferation, IFN-γ release, and antibody induction. GalNAc-glycosylation promoted presentation of OVA-MUC1 fusion peptides by MHC class II molecules and the MUC1 antigen elicited specific Ab production and T cell proliferation in both Balb/c and HLA-A2 transgenic mice. In contrast, GalNAc-glycosylation inhibited the presentation of OVA-MUC1 fusion peptides by MHC class I and abolished MUC1 specific CD8+ T cell responses in HLA-A2 transgenic mice. GalNAc glycosylation of MUC1 antigen therefore facilitates uptake, MHC class II presentation, and antibody response but might block the antigen presentation to CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   
The effect of increased sediment sulfide concentrations on the sulfur isotopic composition (δ34S), total sulfur (TS) and elemental sulfur (S0) concentrations in plant tissues was studied for the two seagrasses Zostera marina (3 weeks in laboratory) and Posidonia oceanica (4 months in situ). Porewater sulfide concentrations were experimentally regulated and plants exposed to high sediment sulfide concentrations had δ34S signals closer to the δ34S of sulfide, whereas plants exposed to no / low sulfide concentrations had δ34S signals closer to the δ34S of seawater sulfate, indicating a higher sulfide invasion in plants exposed to high sulfide concentrations. The δ34S varied between the plant tissues in both species with the leaves having more positive δ34S signals than roots and rhizomes, indicating that sulfide was invading into the roots and moved to the other tissues through the lacunae. TS and S0 concentrations were higher in plants exposed to sulfide in both experiments suggesting that sulfur derived from sediment sulfide accumulated in the plants. The δ34S signal in S0 was similar to sediment sulfide verifying that S0 found in the seagrasses originated from sediment sulfide. Direct comparisons of δ34S in the two different seagrasses and across the treatments were not possible due to large differences in δ34S of the sulfur sources. Fsulfide adjusted for these differences and may be a useful alternative, when δ34S of the sulfur sources varies between study sites. There were no significant effects of sulfide exposure on plant growth and mortality in Z. marina and P. oceanica after 3 weeks and 8 weeks exposure, respectively, but P. oceanica showed indications of reduced growth and higher mortality after 16 weeks of sulfide exposure probably due to sulfide invasion/toxicity.  相似文献   
Experimental work was performed on drill cuttings sampled from off-shore drilling operations. The cuttings contained remnants of two different types of drilling muds: a water-ilmenite based mud and an olefin-barite based mud. In a pilot experiment, a gradient of up to 65 mm thick layers of water-ilmenite based cuttings were added to 78 cm2 core samples. In another set-up, 3 mm layers of water-ilmenite and olefin-barite based cuttings were added to replicate 1000 cm2 box-core samples with natural benthic communities transferred from the Oslofjord, S.E. Norway. Boxes with no addition and addition of 3 mm “clean” sediment were used for control. Increased consumption of oxygen and nitrate indicated the presence of degradable organic phases in both mud systems. The release of silicate showed a general decrease with increasing thickness of the cuttings layer, but maximum rates in the 3.1 mm treatment indicated increased bioturbation at low and moderate doses. The initial (field) composition of the macrobenthic communities was maintained throughout the 3 months experimental period, and at community level, no significant difference was observed between the four treatments at the end of the exposure period. However, after grouping the treatments into “clean” (untreated control and 3 mm clean sediment) and “cuttings” (3 mm water-ilmenite and 3 mm olefin-barite based cuttings), multivariate statistical analyses revealed a significant difference in community composition between clean and cuttings treatments, and three taxa showed significantly reduced abundances in the cuttings treatments. Chemical toxicity of mud components is assumed to be small, and the observed effect was more likely a result of physical properties such as the size or shape of cuttings particles.  相似文献   
The Land sensitivity equation is a well-known tool for comparing optical performance between eyes. Despite this, the equation has never been experimentally tested. Here, we present, to our knowledge, the first experimental validation of the equation. We have investigated different insect species active at different intensities, and possessing different types of compound eyes, to compare ratios of calculated sensitivities to ratios determined experimentally. Experimental optical sensitivities were measured by adjusting the intensity of an external light source until photoreceptors in the different eyes produced roughly equal numbers of photon responses ('bumps') per second. The sensitivity ratios obtained in this manner agree well with those obtained using the equation. We conclude that the Land equation remains an excellent tool for comparing sensitivities between different eyes.  相似文献   
Breeding at the right time is essential for animals in seasonal climates in order to ensure that the energy demands of reproduction, particularly the nutritional requirements of growing young, coincide with peak food availability. Global climate change is likely to cause shifts in the timing of peak food availability, and in order to adapt successfully to current and future climate change, animals need to be able to adjust the time at which they initiate breeding. Many animals use environmental cues available before the breeding season to predict the seasonal peak in food availability and adjust their phenology accordingly. We tested the hypothesis that regulation of breeding onset should reflect the scale at which organisms perceive their environment by comparing phenology of three seabird species at a North Sea colony. As predicted, the phenology of two dispersive species, black-legged kittiwake ( Rissa tridactyla ) and common guillemot ( Uria aalge ), correlated with a large-scale environmental cue (the North Atlantic Oscillation), whereas a resident species, European shag ( Phalacrocorax aristotelis ), was more affected by local conditions (sea surface temperature) around the colony. Annual mean breeding success was lower in late years for European shags, but not for the other two species. Since correlations among climate patterns at different scales are likely to change in the future, these findings have important implications for how migratory animals can respond to future climate change.  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate whether the association between BMI and all‐cause mortality could be disentangled into opposite effects of body fat and fat‐free mass (FFM). Research Methods and Procedures: All‐cause mortality was studied in the Danish follow‐up study “Diet, Cancer and Health” with 27, 178 men and 29, 875 women 50 to 64 years old recruited from 1993 to 1997. By the end of year 2001, the median follow‐up was 5.8 years, and 1851 had died. Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance. Cox regression models were used to estimate the relationships among body fat mass index (body fat mass divided by height squared), FFM index (FFM divided by height squared), and mortality. All analyses were adjusted for smoking habits. Results: Men and women showed similar associations. J‐shaped associations were found between body fat mass index and mortality adjusted for FFM and smoking. The mortality rate ratios in the upper part of body fat mass were 1.12 per kg/m2 (95% confidence interval: 1.07, 1.18) in men and 1.06 per kg/m2 (95% confidence interval: 1.02, 1.10) in women. Reversed J‐shaped associations were found between FFM index and mortality with a tendency to level off for high values of FFM. Discussion: Our findings suggest that BMI represents joint but opposite associations of body fat and FFM with mortality. Both high body fat and low FFM are independent predictors of all‐cause mortality.  相似文献   
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