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In silico analyses of previously sequenced strains of Escherichia coli O157:H7, EDL933 and Sakai, localized the gene cluster for the utilization of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (Aga) and D-galactosamine (Gam). This gene cluster encodes the Aga phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) and other catabolic enzymes responsible for transport and catabolism of Aga. As the complete coding sequences for enzyme IIA (EIIA)(Aga/Gam), EIIB(Aga), EIIC(Aga), and EIID(Aga) of the Aga PTS are present, E. coli O157:H7 strains normally are able to utilize Aga as a sole carbon source. The Gam PTS complex, in contrast, lacks EIIC(Gam), and consequently, E. coli O157:H7 strains cannot utilize Gam. Phenotypic analyses of 120 independent isolates of E. coli O157:H7 from our culture collection revealed that the overwhelming majority (118/120) displayed the expected Aga+ Gam- phenotype. Yet, when 194 individual isolates, derived from a 2006 spinach-associated E. coli O157:H7 outbreak, were analyzed, all (194/194) displayed an Aga- Gam- phenotype. Comparison of aga/gam sequences from two spinach isolates with those of EDL933 and Sakai revealed a single nucleotide change (G:C-->A:T) in the agaF gene in the spinach-associated isolates. The base substitution in agaF, which encodes EIIA(Aga/Gam) of the PTS, changes a conserved glycine residue to serine (Gly91Ser). Pyrosequencing of this region showed that all spinach-associated E. coli O157:H7 isolates harbored this same G:C-->A:T substitution. Notably, when agaF+ was cloned into an expression vector and transformed into six spinach isolates, all (6/6) were able to grow on Aga, thus demonstrating that the Gly91Ser substitution underlies the Aga- phenotype in these isolates.  相似文献   
The growth response and antioxidant capacity of Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba plants treated with 70 ppb of ozone was examined. Four week old cabbage seedlings were fumigated with O3 for 3 days before being transplanted into the growing field. The effect of O3 treatment was determined directly after fumigation and over the course of field cultivation. Plants subjected to O3 treatment had an increased diameter of rosettes and number of leaves after 3 and 7 weeks in agriculture, respectively. In addition, the vast majority of fumigated plants reached marketable quality faster than control plants, indicating a positive role of episodes of increased O3 concentrations during vegetation on growth and yielding.  相似文献   
Multidrug resistance (MDR) plasmids belonging to the IncA/C plasmid family are widely distributed among Salmonella and other enterobacterial isolates from agricultural sources and have, at least once, also been identified in a drug-resistant Yersinia pestis isolate (IP275) from Madagascar. Here, we present the complete plasmid sequences of the IncA/C reference plasmid pRA1 (143,963 bp), isolated in 1971 from the fish pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila, and of the cryptic IncA/C plasmid pRAx (49,763 bp), isolated from Escherichia coli transconjugant D7-3, which was obtained through pRA1 transfer in 1980. Using comparative sequence analysis of pRA1 and pRAx with recent members of the IncA/C plasmid family, we show that both plasmids provide novel insights into the evolution of the IncA/C MDR plasmid family and the minimal machinery necessary for stable IncA/C plasmid maintenance. Our results indicate that recent members of the IncA/C plasmid family evolved from a common ancestor, similar in composition to pRA1, through stepwise integration of horizontally acquired resistance gene arrays into a conserved plasmid backbone. Phylogenetic comparisons predict type IV secretion-like conjugative transfer operons encoded on the shared plasmid backbones to be closely related to a group of integrating conjugative elements, which use conjugative transfer for horizontal propagation but stably integrate into the host chromosome during vegetative growth. A hipAB toxin-antitoxin gene cluster found on pRA1, which in Escherichia coli is involved in the formation of persister cell subpopulations, suggests persistence as an early broad-spectrum antimicrobial resistance mechanism in the evolution of IncA/C resistance plasmids.Antimicrobial compounds have been used extensively in agriculture since the 1960s not only to treat and prevent disease in plants, fruits, vegetables, and animals but also to promote growth in fish, poultry, and other livestock (42). The risk of transferring antimicrobial drug resistance to nonresistant bacteria and the propagation of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria from agricultural to clinical and/or community-associated settings are being debated by research, regulatory, and health authorities (27, 28). In this context, the recent discovery of a group of self-transferable IncA/C antimicrobial resistance plasmids, which are widely distributed among agricultural nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica isolates from the United States (24, 45) has caused considerable concern in the public health community. Similar IncA/C plasmids were identified in an MDR isolate from Madagascar of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of the plague (16), and MDR strains of Vibrio cholerae O139 from China (34), as well as in MDR isolates of the fish pathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida from the United States and Japan (21). While the IncA/C group of MDR plasmids seems to be efficient in collecting antimicrobial resistance traits and mobilizing them across geographical and taxonomical borders, little is known about the evolutionary origin of these plasmids or the genetic basis for their spread.The IncA/C reference plasmid, pRA1, was isolated in 1971 from the fish pathogen Aeromonas liquefaciens, later renamed Aeromonas hydrophila, as a transferable antimicrobial resistance plasmid conferring resistance to sulfonamides and tetracyclines (2). The repA gene of pRA1, located at the origin of replication and responsible for encoding the replication initiation protein A, has been sequenced (25) and is used for PCR-based replicon typing of IncA/C plasmids (7). repA genes from all sequenced IncA/C plasmids to date share at least 98% nucleotide sequence identity.To better understand the evolutionary origin of IncA/C plasmids, pRA1 was isolated, sequenced, and compared to all IncA/C plasmid sequences currently available. In addition to pRA1, a pRA1-derived cryptic IncA/C plasmid, designated pRAx, was also sequenced and included in the analysis. pRAx was isolated from Escherichia coli D7-3, a strain that was obtained through the conjugative transfer of pRA1 from A. hydrophila in 1980 (30). While the laboratory history of the pRAx-carrying strain E. coli D7-3 since the conjugative plasmid acquisition is unknown, pRAx was included in this study as it tested positive for the repA reference gene from pRA1 (100% nucleotide sequence identity) but negative for 11 out of 12 additional IncA/C marker genes that were shown to be part of a conserved plasmid backbone shared by recently isolated IncA/C plasmids (45).  相似文献   
The efficacy of PNA vs DNA oligomers for the recovery of femtomolar concentrations of 16S rDNA targets was determined with solution- and mixed-phase hybridization formats and limiting dilution quantitative PCR. Several results contradict existing perceptions of expected PNA behavior deduced from hybridization studies with oligonucleotide targets at high concentration. For example, DNA probes in the solution hybridization format performed as well as or better than PNA probes under high- or low-salt conditions, regardless of hybridization time or target size. In the mixed-phase hybridization format, however, PNA probes showed certain advantages, with more rapid and efficient binding/recovery of target nucleic acids regardless of target size. Recovery of target DNA with PNA probes was always more efficient in low-salt (20 mM in Na(+)) than high-salt (400 mM in Na(+-)) phosphate buffer. Recovery of target DNA by PNA probes was enhanced in the presence of excess, nontarget DNA, and differences in PNA efficacy under low- or high-salt conditions vanquished. In contrast, DNA probe performance was unaffected by the presence or absence of exogenous DNA in both solution- and mixed-phase hybridization formats. The absolute recovery and detection limit of the affinity purification method with either DNA or PNA probes was approximately 10(2) input target molecules at zeptamolar concentrations.  相似文献   
The polymerase chain reaction was used to selectively amplify sequences within the cholera toxin operon from Vibrio cholerae O1. Oysters, crabmeat, shrimp, and lettuce were seeded with V. cholerae and then homogenized or washed with alkaline peptone water, followed by short-term (6- to 8-h) enrichment. A detection limit of as few as 1 V. cholerae CFU per 10 g of food was obtained with amplification reactions from crude bacterial lysates. The method is extremely rapid and obviates the need for DNA isolation from a variety of complex food matrices.  相似文献   
M. J. Prival  T. A. Cebula 《Genetics》1992,132(2):303-310
We have examined the effects of prolonged histidine deprivation on the reversion of Salmonella typhimurium histidine auxotrophs containing either hisG46, a missense mutation (CTC----CCC), or hisG428, an ochre mutation (CAA----TAA). Both of these mutants can revert to His+ via intragenic and extragenic mechanisms. Whereas the hisG46 mutant site consists of G/C base pairs, extragenic suppression of hisG46 requires mutation at an A/T site. Conversely, the hisG428 site itself contains only A/T base pairs, and extragenic suppression of hisG428 occurs principally at G/C sites. Thus, by examining the mutational spectrum of hisG46 and hisG428 revertants that occurred in the presence and in the absence of histidine, it was possible to determine the effects of histidine starvation on mutations at G/C vs. A/T sites as well as on intragenic sites vs. extragenic suppressor sites. Using DNA-colony hybridization, we determined the DNA sequences of over 1300 hisG46 and hisG428 revertants. Histidine-independent revertants that arose during growth in liquid medium that contained histidine included both intragenic and extragenic suppressor mutations. The relative frequency of such extragenic suppressors was greatly reduced among the His+ revertants that were isolated after 5-10 days of histidine starvation on agar medium. Moreover, DNA sequence analysis revealed striking differences in the distribution of particular transversions at the hisG428 locus in revertants arising after prolonged histidine starvation as compared to those arising after growth in the presence of histidine.  相似文献   
Summary Two different chromosomal locations of major genes controlling extreme resistance to potato virus X (PVX) were found by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of two populations segregating for the resistance. The resistance geneRx1 mapped to the distal end of chromosome XII, whereasRx2 was located at an intermediate position on linkage group V in a region where reduced recombination and segregation distortion have also been observed. These linkage anomalies were due to abnormal behaviour of the chromosome contributed by the resistant parent P34. The results presented were obtained using two different strategies for mapping genes of unknown location. One approach was the use of probes revealing polymorphic loci spread throughout the genome and resulted in the mapping ofRx1. The second approach was based on the assumption of possible linkage between the resistance gene and clone-specific DNA fragments introduced from a wild potato species.Rx2 was mapped by adopting this strategy.  相似文献   
The imp operon is carried on a transmissible plasmid, ColIa, in original isolates of Salmonella typhimurium LT7. LT2 strain recipients of F' factors from LT7 strains harboring ColIa can acquire ColIa and imp under nonselective conditions. Thus, S. typhimurium LT2 strains that have received plasmids by conjugal transfer from LT7 strains might be inadvertently harboring ColI factors.  相似文献   
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