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Human follicle stimulating hormone is a pituitary glycoprotein that is essential for the maintenance of ovarian follicle development and testicular spermatogenesis. Like other members of the glycoprotein hormone family, it contains a common a subunit and a hormone specific subunit. Each subunit contains two glycosylation sites. The specific structures of the oligosaccharides of human follicle stimulating hormone have been shown to influence both thein vitro andin vivo bioactivity. Since the carbohydrate structure of a protein reflects the glycosylation apparatus of the host cells in which the protein is expressed, we examined the isoform profiles,in vitro bioactivity and metabolic clearance of a preparation of purified recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone derived from a stable, transfected Sp2/0 myeloma cell line, and pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone. Isoelectric focussing and chromatofocussing studies of human follicle stimulating hormone preparations both showed a more basic isoform profile for the recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone compared to that of pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone. The recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone had a significantly higher radioreceptor activity compared to that of pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone, consistent with a greaterin vitro potency. Pharmacokinetic studies in rats indicated a similar terminal half life (124 min) to that of the pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone (119 min). Preliminary carbohydrate analysis showed recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone to contain high mannose and/or hybrid type, in addition to complex type carbohydrate chains, terminating with both2,3 and2,6 linked sialic acids. These results demonstrate that recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone made in the Sp2/0 myeloma cells is sialylated, has a more basic isoform profile, and has a greaterin vitro biological potency compared to those of the pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone.  相似文献   
The primary shoot apical meristem of angiosperm plants is formed during embryogenesis. Lateral shoot apical meristems arise postembryonically in the axils of leaves. Recessive mutations at the PINHEAD locus of Arabidopsis interfere with the ability of both the primary shoot apical meristem as well as lateral shoot apical meristems to form. However, adventitious shoot apical meristems can form in pinhead mutant seedlings from the axils of the cotyledons and also from cultred root explants. In this report, the phenotype of pinhead mutants is described, and a hypothesis for the role of the wild-type PINHEAD gene product in shoot meristem initiation is presented. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Type E botulinum neurotoxin is produced byClostridium botulinum along with a neurotoxin binding protein which helps protect the neurotoxin from adversepH, temperature, and proteolytic conditions. The neurotoxin binding protein has been purified as a 118-kDa protein. Secondary structure content of the neurotoxin binding protein as revealed by far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy was 19% α-helix, 50%β-sheets, 28% random coils, and 3%β-turns. This compared to 22% α-helix, 44%β-sheets, 34% random coils, and noβ-turns of the type E botulinum neurotoxin. The complex of the two proteins revealed 25%α-helix, 45%β-sheets, 27% random coils, and 3%β-turns, suggesting a significant alteration at least in theα-helical folding of the two proteins upon their interaction. Tyrosine topography is altered considerably (28%) when the neurotoxin and its binding protein are separated, indicating strong interaction between the two proteins. Gel filtration results suggested that type E neurotoxin binding protein clearly complexes with type E neurotoxin. The interaction is favored at lowpH as indicated by an initial binding rate of 8.4 min?1 atpH 5.7 compared to 4.0 min?1 atpH 7.5 as determined using a fiber optic-based biosensor. The neurotoxin and its binding protein apparently are of equivalent antigenicity, as both reacted equally on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to polyclonal antibodies raised against the toxoid of their complex.  相似文献   
The upstream regulatory region of the amdS gene of Aspergillus nidulans contains a CCAAT sequence known to be important in setting both basal and derepressed levels of expression. We have investigated whether the CCAAT-binding HAP2/3/4 complex of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can recognise this sequence in an amdS context. Sequences from the 5′ region of amdS were cloned in front of the CYCI-lacZ fusion gene bearing a minimal promoter and transformed into wild-type and hap2 strains of yeast. This study has indicated that amdS sequences are capable of promoting regulated expression of the fusion gene in response to carbon limitation. The yeast HAP2/3/4 complex can recognise the amdS CCAAT sequence and activate expression from this sequence. In addition, the results indicate that other yeast proteins can also regulate expression from the A. nidulans amdS 5′ sequences under carbon-limiting conditions.  相似文献   
Our objective is to test an optimality model of human fertility that specifies the behavioral requirements for fitness maximization in order (a) to determine whether current behavior does maximize fitness and, if not, (b) to use the specific nature of the behavioral deviations from fitness maximization towards the development of models of evolved proximate mechanisms that may have maximized fitness in the past but lead to deviations under present conditions. To test the model we use data from a representative sample of 7,107 men living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, between 1990 and 1993. The model we test proposes that low fertility in modern settings maximizes number of grandchildren as a result of a trade-off between parental fertility and next generation fertility. Results do not show the optimization, although the data do reveal a trade-off between parental fertility and offspring education and income. We propose that two characteristics of modern economies have led to a period of sustained fertility reduction and to a corresponding lack of association between income and fertility. The first is the direct link between costs of investment and wage rates due to the forces of supply and demand for labor in competitive economies. The second is the increasing emphasis on cumulative knowledge, skills, and technologies in the production of resources. Together they produce historically novel conditions. These two features of modern economies may interact with evolved psychological and physiological mechanisms governing fertility and parental investment to produce behavior that maximizes the economic productivity of lineages at the expense of fitness. If cognitive processes evolved to track diminishing returns to parental investment and if physiological processes evolved to regulate fertility in response to nutritional state and patterns of breast feeding, we might expect non-adaptive responses when returns from parental investment do not diminish until extremely high levels are reached. With high economic payoffs from parental investment, people have begun to exercise cognitive regulation of fertility through contraception and family planning practices. Those cognitive processes maynot have evolved to handle fitness trade-offs between fertility and parental investment. A preliminary presentation of this data was published in R. I. M. Dunbar, ed.,Human Reproduction Decisions: Biological and Social Perspectives. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995. Support for the research project, “Male Fertility and Parenting in New Mexico,” began with two seed grants from the University of New Mexico’s Biomedical Research Grants Program, 1988 and 1989, and one from the University of New Mexico Research Allocations Committee, 1988. Further seed money as well as interim funding came from the William T. Grant Foundation (#89130589 and #91130501). The major support for the project came from the National Science Foundation from 1990 to 1993 (#BNS-9011723 and #DBS-911552). Both National Science Foundation grants included Research Experience for Undergraduates supplements. Hillard S. Kaplan is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico. His earlier research and publications focused on food sharing, time allocation, parental investment, and reproductive strategies among Ache hunter-gatherers in Paraguay, Machiguenga and Piro forager-horticulturalists in Peru, and villagers of several ethnicities in Botswana. New research and theory concern fertility, parental investment, and mating strategies in developed and developing nations. This research formulates a new theory of reproductive decision-making and the demographic transition, integrating human capital and parental investment theory in a synthesis of economic and evolutionary approaches. Jane B. Lancaster is a Professor of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico. Her research and publications are on human reproductive biology and behavior, especially human parental investment; women’s reproductive biology of pregnancy, lactation, and child-spacing; and male fertility and investment in children. Current research with Hillard S. Kaplan is on male life history strategies among a large sample of men in New Mexico. She has coedited three books on human parental investment:School-Age Pregnancy and Parenthood (with B. Hamburg),Parenting across the Life Span (with J. Altmann, A. Rossi, and L. Sherrod), andOffspring Abuse and Neglect (with R. Gelles). She is scientific editor of a quarterly journal,Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary, Biosocial Perspective published by Aldine de Gruyter. She is also a council member of the newly formed Human Behavior and Evolution Society. John A. Bock is Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow in Epidemiology and Population Health at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University. His research focuses on the allocation of parental investment and the determinants of children’s activities, integrating aspects of economic and evolutionary theory. He has ongoing field research with Bantu and Bushmen agro-pastoralists and forager-horticulturalists in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. He is also collaborating with Lancaster and Kaplan on the determinants of progeny distribution and homosexuality among New Mexican men. Sara E. Johnson is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of New Mexico. Her major research trajectory focuses on trade-offs in life history characters. Her research experience includes participation in a study of variation in growth and development among children in a multi-ethnic community in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, in addition to her dissertation work on individual variation in growth and mortality among juvenile baboons. She is collaborating with Lancaster and Kaplan on the association between survival and fertility among Albuquerque men.  相似文献   
Abstract. Eragrostis intermedia (Plains lovegrass) is a midheight perennial bunchgrass native to semi-arid grasslands of the southwestern USA, that becomes an abundant and dominant component of these grasslands in areas long protected from livestock grazing. Substantial mortality of plains lovegrass occurred on a large livestock exclosure in southeastern Arizona, after a period of declining precipitation, but only in areas that had not burned in the previous three years. Lovegrass abundance subsequently increased on both undisturbed and burned sites, but remained substantially higher on the burned area. Long-term abundance of plains lovegrass may depend on episodic fire, particularly during periods of reduced precipitation.  相似文献   
A simple procedure is described for the elimination ofO-linked glycans from bovine submaxillary mucin under non-reducing conditions, using triethylamine in aqueous hydrazine. The glycans were isolated as the hydrazones, which were converted to the reducing glycans by exchange with acetone in neutral aqueous solution. The glycan alditols obtained after reduction corresponded to those obtained by the reductive -elimination ofO-glycans.  相似文献   
This study focused on how a decrease in prey availability affected the development of aP. dominulus Christ colony. Nutritional oophagy and larval development were parameters found to be most directly affected. The more indirect effects on the growth of the nest and on offspring production were also analyzed.  相似文献   
In bird skin, nerve fibres develop in the dermis but do not enter the epidermis. In co-cultures of 7-day-old chick embryo dorsal root ganglia and epidermis, the neurites also avoid the epidermis. Previous studies have shown that chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans may be involved. Chondroitin sulphate has therefore been visualized by immunocytochemistry, using themonoclonal antibody CS-56, both in vivo and in vitro using light and electron microscopy. Its distribution was compared to those of 2 other chondroitin sulphate epitopes and to that of the growing nerve fibres. In cultures of epidermis from 7-day-old embryonic chicks, immunoreactivity is found uniformly around the epidermal cells while at 7.5 days the distribution in dermis is heterogeneous, and particularly marked in feather buds. In vivo, chondroitin sulphate immunoreactivity is detected in the epidermis, on the basal lamina, on the surfaces of fibroblasts and along collagen fibrils. This localization is complementary to the distribution of cutaneous nerves. Chondroitin sulphate in the basal lamina could prevent innervation of the epidermis and the dermal heterogeneities could partly explain the nerve fibres surrounding the base of the feathers. Chondroitin sulphate could therefore be important for neural guidance in developing chick skin.  相似文献   
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