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Actin, together with associated proteins, such as myosin, cross-linking or capping proteins, has been observed in all eukaryotic cells. Presence of actin or actin-like proteins has also been reported in prokaryotic organisms belonging to the cyanobacteria. Our aim was first to extend the characterization of an actin-like protein to another prokaryotic cell, i.e. Spirulina, then to compare the antigenic reactivity of this new protein with that of Synechocystis and skeletal actins. We observed that some of the conserved antigenic epitopes corresponded to actin regions known to interact with cross-linking proteins. We also report for the first time that α-actinin and filamin purified from chicken gizzard both interact with a prokaryotic actin-like protein. Finally, we searched for the occurrence of a cross-linking protein in these cyanobacteria and identified a 105-kDa protein as an α-actinin-like protein using specific antibodies.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional model of the neuropeptide Y (NPY) - rat Y1 (rY1) receptor complex and of the NPY 13-36 - rY1 receptor complex was constructed by molecular modeling based on the electron density projection map of rhodopsin and on site-directed mutagenesis studies of neuropeptide receptors. In order to further guide the modeling, the nucleotide sequences encoding Trp287, Cys295 and His297 in the third extracellular loop of the rY1 receptor, were altered by site-directed mutagenesis experiments. Single-point mutated receptors were expressed in COS-7 cells, and tested for their ability to bind radio labelled NPY (3H-NPY). Mutations of Trp287 and His297 completely abolished binding of 3H-NPY. The Cys295Ser mutation only slightly decreased the binding of 3H-NPY, suggesting that the involvement of Cys295 in a disulphide bond is not essential for maintaining the correct three-dimensional structure of the binding site for NPY. Molecular dynamics simulations of NPY-rY1 receptor interactions suggested that Asp199, Asp103 and Asp286 in the receptor interact, respectively, with Lys4, Arg33 and Arg35 of NPY. The simulations also suggested that His297 acts as a hydrogen acceptor from Arg35 in NPY, and that Tyr1 of NPY interacts with a binding pocket on the receptor formed by Asn115, Asp286, Trp287 and His297. Tyr36 in NPY interacted both with Thr41 and Tyr99 via hydrogen bonds, and also with Asn296, His297 and Phe301. The present study suggests that amino acid residues at the extracellular end of the transmembrane helices and in the extracellular loops are strongly involved in binding to NPY and NPY13-36.Electronic Supplementary Material available.  相似文献   
Our previous kinetic and thermodynamic studies upon the reactional system HCHO/HCN/ NH3 in aqueous solutions are completed. In the assumed prebiotic conditions of the primitive earth ([HCHO] and [HCN] near 1 g L–1, T = 25 °C, pH = 8, [NH3] very low), this system leads to 99.9% of -hydroxyacetonitrile and 0.1% of -aminoacetonitrile (precursor of the -amino acid). The classical base-catalyzed hydration of nitriles, slow and not selective, can not modify significantly this proportion. On the contrary, we found two specific and efficient reactions of -aminonitriles which shift the initial equilibrium in favor of the -aminonitrile pathway. The first reaction catalyzed by formaldehyde generates -aminoamides, precursors of -aminoacids. The second reaction catalyzed by carbon dioxide affords hydantoins, precursors of N-carbamoyl--aminoacids. In the primitive hydrosphere, where the concentration in carbon dioxide was estimated to be higher than that of formaldehyde, the formation of hydantoins was consequently more efficient. The rates of hydrolysis of the -aminoacetamide and of the hydantoin at pH 8 being very similar, the synthesis of the N-carbamoyl--amino acid seems then to be the fatal issue of the HCHO/HCN/NH3 system that nature used to perform its evolution. These N-protected -amino acids offer new perspectives in prebiotic chemistry, in particular for the emergence of peptides on the prebiotic earth.  相似文献   
Anisomycin, a translational inhibitor secreted by Streptomyces spp., strongly activates the stress-activated mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases JNK/SAPK (c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase) and p38/RK in mammalian cells, resulting in rapid induction of immediate-early (IE) genes in the nucleus. Here, we have characterized this response further with respect to homologous and heterologous desensitization of IE gene induction and stress kinase activation. We show that anisomycin acts exactly like a signalling agonist in eliciting highly specific and virtually complete homologous desensitization. Anisomycin desensitization of a panel of IE genes (c-fos, fosB, c-jun, junB, and junD), using epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor, (bFGF), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), anisomycin, tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA), and UV radiation as secondary stimuli, was found to be extremely specific both with respect to the secondary stimuli and at the level of individual genes. Further, we show that anisomycin-induced homologous desensitization is caused by the fact that anisomycin no longer activates the JNK/SAPK and p38/RK MAP kinase cascades in desensitized cells. In anisomycin-desensitized cells, activation of JNK/SAPKs by UV radiation and hyperosmolarity is almost completely lost, and that of the p38/RK cascade is reduced to about 50% of the normal response. However, all other stimuli produced normal or augmented activation of these two kinase cascades in anisomycin-desensitized cells. These data show that anisomycin behaves like a true signalling agonist and suggest that the anisomycin-desensitized signalling component(s) is not involved in JNK/SAPK or p38/RK activation by EGF, bFGF, TNF-α, or TPA but may play a significant role in UV- and hyperosmolarity-stimulated responses.  相似文献   
Temptin, a component of the complex of water-borne protein pheromones that stimulate attraction and mating behavior in the marine mollusk Aplysia, has sequence homology to the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains of higher organisms that mediate protein-cell surface contact during fertilization and blood coagulation. In this work, recombinant temptin for structural and functional studies was produced in Escherichia coli using a cold shock promoter and purified by RP-HPLC. CD spectra confirmed a predominantly beta-sheet structure. Two disulfide bonds were determined via limited proteolysis and MS. One internal disulfide (Cys57-Cys77) was predicted from initial alignments with class I EGF-like domains; the second, between Cys18 and Cys103, could protect temptin against proteolysis in seawater and stabilize its interacting surface. A three-dimensional model of temptin was prepared with our MPACK suite, based on the Ca(2+)-binding, EGF-like domain of the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin. Two temptin residues, Trp52 and Trp79, which align with cysteine residues conserved in fibrillins, lie adjacent to and could stabilize the disulfide bonds and a proposed metal-binding loop. The water-borne pheromone attractin in egg cordon eluates is complexed with other proteins. Docking results with our model and the NMR structure of attractin suggest that one face of temptin interacts with the pheromone, perhaps controlling its access to the cellular receptors. Gel shifts confirmed that temptin complexes with wild-type attractin. These results indicate that temptin, analogous to the role of fibrillin in controlling transforming growth factor-beta concentration, modulates pheromone signaling by direct binding to attractin.  相似文献   
Here we study the intact stoichiometry and top-down fragmentation behavior of three integral membrane proteins which were natively reconstituted into detergent micelles: the mechano-sensitive ion channel of large conductance (MscL), the Kirbac potassium channel and the p7 viroporin from the hepatitis C virus. By releasing the proteins under nondenaturing conditions inside the mass spectrometer, we obtained their oligomeric sizes. Increasing the ion activation (collision energy) causes unfolding and subsequent ejection of a highly charged monomer from the membrane protein complexes. Further increase of the ion activation then causes collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the ejected monomers, with fragments observed which were predominantly found to stem from membrane-embedded regions. These experiments show how in a single experiment, we can probe the relation between higher-order structure and protein sequence, by combining the native MS data with fragmentation obtained from top-down MS.  相似文献   
More than 100 resistance genes against wheat rust pathogens have been described in wheat and its relatives. Although many of them have been extensively used in wheat resistance breeding, none of these resistance loci has yet been analyzed at the molecular level. By screening a set of near-isogenic lines carrying different leaf rust resistance genes with a wheat probe encoding a serine/threonine protein kinase, we detected a polymorphic DNA fragment in the line with the Lr10 resistance gene. This fragment mapped to the Lr10 disease resistance locus and encodes a receptor-like protein kinase which we called LRK10. LRK10 contains a new type of extracellular domain not found in known plant or animal receptor kinases. Several conserved amino acids in S-domain glycoproteins and receptor-like kinases were also found in LRK10, suggesting that LRK10 and S-domain proteins belong to the same superfamily of specific recognition molecules in plants. Lrk10 was expressed at low levels in young seedlings and belongs to a gene family. Analysis of wheat lines with and without the Lr10 gene demonstrated that Lrk10 and Lr10 belong to the same genetic locus. We conclude that gene isolation based on protein kinase homology can identify new receptor domains and provide candidates for disease resistance genes in the complex wheat genome.  相似文献   
Tranosema rostrale (Brishke) (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) and Actia interrupta Curran (Hymenoptera: Tachinidae) are the two endoparasitoids most frequently encountered in low-density populations of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), in the Quebec City region. Monitoring of attack rates of implanted C. fumiferana larvae at two different study sites suggested the possible existence of competition between the two parasitoids, with A. interrupta seemingly displacing T. rostrale. Here, we show that multiparasitism involving these two species does occur in the field, but at a frequency too low to explain the seasonal pattern of decline in apparent parasitism by T. rostrale that accompanies the rise of A. interrupta attack rates. We also provide preliminary evidence, from laboratory experiments, that A. interrupta has a competitive advantage over T. rostrale and that the success of parasitism by A. interrupta may be enhanced by prior parasitism by T. rostrale under certain conditions, possibly due to the presence of the latter species' polydnavirus. In addition, we describe a PCR-based method that we developed to help detect the presence of T. rostrale eggs which often escape detection by simple visual examination of the dissected host larvae; DNA sequences specific to the polydnavirus injected by the female wasp at the time of oviposition can be readily amplified from whole host larvae.  相似文献   
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