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The biomineralization of otoliths results mainly from the release of soluble Ca(2+), which is in turn precipitated as CaCO(3) crystals. In some Carapidae, sagittae sections have been shown to reveal a three-dimensional asymmetry with a nucleus close to the sulcal side, an unusual position. This study seeks to understand otolith formation in Carapus boraborensis. The unusual shape of the otolith is partly explained by the distribution of the epithelium cells, and particularly the sensory epithelium. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that aragonite growth takes place along the c-axis. These aragonite needles present two different habits. On the sulcal side is found the acicular form resulting from rapid growth during a short period of time. On the anti-sulcal side, the prismatic form seen there is due to a slower growth speed over longer periods. The otolith surface was observed each hour during a period of 24h in fishes reared in similar conditions. This allowed for the first time the direct observation on the otolith surface of the deposition of the two layers (L-zone and D-zone). In C. boraborensis, the organic-rich layer (D-zone) develops during the day, whereas the CaCO(3) layer (L-zone) seems to be deposited during the night.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Genomic-based methods have significant potential for fast and accurate identification of organisms or even genes of interest in complex environmental samples (air, water, soil, food, etc.), especially when isolation of the target organism cannot be performed by a variety of reasons. Despite this potential, the presence of the unknown, variable and usually large quantities of background DNA can cause interference resulting in false positive outcomes. RESULTS: In order to estimate how the genomic diversity of the background (total length of all of the different genomes present in the background), target length and target mutation rate affect the probability of misidentifications, we introduce a mathematical definition for the quality of an individual signature in the presence of a background based on its length and number of mismatches needed to transform the signature into the closest subsequence present in the background. This definition, in conjunction with a probabilistic framework, allows one to predict the minimal signature length required to identify the target in the presence of different sizes of backgrounds and the effect of the target's mutation rate on the quality of its identification. The model assumptions and predictions were validated using both Monte Carlo simulations and real genomic data examples. The proposed model can be used to determine appropriate signature lengths for various combinations of target and background genome sizes. It also predicted that any genomic signatures will be unable to identify target if its mutation rate is >5%. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Advances in DNA microarray technology and computational methods have unlocked new opportunities to identify 'DNA fingerprints', i.e. oligonucleotide sequences that uniquely identify a specific genome. We present an integrated approach for the computational identification of DNA fingerprints for design of microarray-based pathogen diagnostic assays. We provide a quantifiable definition of a DNA fingerprint stated both from a computational as well as an experimental point of view, and the analytical proof that all in silico fingerprints satisfying the stated definition are found using our approach. RESULTS: The presented computational approach is implemented in an integrated high-performance computing (HPC) software tool for oligonucleotide fingerprint identification termed TOFI. We employed TOFI to identify in silico DNA fingerprints for several bacteria and plasmid sequences, which were then experimentally evaluated as potential probes for microarray-based diagnostic assays. Results and analysis of approximately 150 in silico DNA fingerprints for Yersinia pestis and 250 fingerprints for Francisella tularensis are presented. AVAILABILITY: The implemented algorithm is available upon request.  相似文献   
This paper examines the role of fire in mediating the relative abundance of two of the world's major ecologically dominant ant genera, Iridomyrmex and Oecophylla, where they coexist across the tropical savanna landscapes of northern Australia. These taxa have contrasting biogeographical histories, which are predicted to lead to contrasting responses to fire. Iridomyrmex is an autochthonous Australian genus that has radiated primarily in the arid zone; as such, its abundance is predicted to be promoted by frequent fire because this maintains an open habitat. In contrast, Oecophylla is a genus of leaf‐nesting ants occurring in the canopies of Old World tropical rainforest, and is a recent arrival to Australia in geological time; the abundance of these ants is predicted to decline under frequent fire. We test these predictions using results from a landscape‐scale fire experiment, where three experimental fire regimes (including no fire) were applied to replicated subcatchments over a 5‐year period. Using sweep nets, ants were sampled in the grass layer (the habitat layer of greatest overlap between Iridomyrmex and Oecophylla) in eucalypt woodland (canopy cover < 30%) and open eucalypt forest (canopy cover about 50%) habitats. A total of 27 species from 11 genera were collected during the study; eight were common enough for statistical analysis, and the abundances of four of these were significantly affected by fire treatment. As predicted, the abundance of Iridomyrmex was promoted by fire, whereas that of Oecophylla declined. These changes occurred only under late‐season (relatively high intensity) fires, and for Oecophylla occurred only in open forest (not woodland) habitat. This fire‐mediated relationship between Iridomyrmex and Oecophylla mirrors the much broader, ecosystem‐wide dynamic between eucalypt‐dominated savanna and rainforest in tropical Australia, with savannas dominated by fire‐resistant sclerophyll elements of Australian origin, and rainforest dominated by fire‐sensitive mesophyll elements of South‐East Asian origin.  相似文献   
Snow C  Qi G  Hayward S 《Proteins》2007,67(2):325-337
Essential dynamics sampling simulations of the domain conformations of unliganded Escherichia coli adenylate kinase have been performed to determine whether the ligand-induced closed-domain conformation is accessible to the open unliganded enzyme. Adenylate kinase is a three- domain protein with a central CORE domain and twoflanking domains, the LID and the NMPbind domains. The sampling simulations were applied to the CORE and NMPbind domain pair and the CORE and LID domain pair separately. One aim is to compare the results to those of a similar study on the enzyme citrate synthase to determine whether a similar domain-locking mechanism operates in adenylate kinase. Although for adenylate kinase the simulations suggest that the closed-domain conformation of the unliganded enzyme is at a slightly higher free energy than the open for both domain pairs, the results are radically different to those found for citrate synthase. In adenylate kinase the targeted domain conformations could always be achieved, whereas this was not the case in citrate synthase due to an apparent free-energy barrier between the open and closed conformations. Adenylate kinase has been classified as a protein that undergoes closure through a hinge mechanism, whereas citrate synthase has been assigned to the shear mechanism. This was quantified here in terms of the change in the number of interdomain contacting atoms upon closure which showed a considerable increase in adenylate kinase. For citrate synthase this number remained largely the same, suggesting that the domain faces slide over each other during closure. This suggests that shear and hinge mechanisms of domain closure may relate to the existence or absence of an appreciable barrier to closure for the unliganded protein, as the latter can hinge comparatively freely, whereas the former must follow a more constrained path. In general though it appears a bias toward keeping the unliganded enzyme in the open-domain conformation may be a common feature of domain enzymes.  相似文献   
Krisko A  Etchebest C 《Proteins》2007,66(2):342-358
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) particles are the main cholesterol carriers in human plasma. The organization of the particle, composed of apolar lipids and phospholipid monolayer stabilized by apolipoprotein B100 (apoB), is highly complex and still unknown. ApoB is an extremely large protein (4563 amino acids) and very little is known about its structure. A 3D model of the N-terminal region has been recently proposed and has provided interesting insights about the physico-chemical properties of the protein and putative interaction zones with lipids. In the present article, we propose the first tentative 3D modelling for most remaining residues. All predicted features emerging from the models are confronted with agreement to experimental data available. Using different up-to-date prediction methods, we decomposed the protein into eight domains and predicted 3D structure for each of them. The analysis of hydrophobic patches, polar regions, coupled with functional predictions based on the 3D models, gives new clues to understanding of the functional role of apoB. We suggest precise regions putatively involved in the lipid interactions, and discuss the position of apoB on the LDL particle. Finally, we propose relative organization of the domains, providing a shape quite compatible with the low resolution electron microscopy map.  相似文献   
Asexual spores of the rice blast fungus germinate to produce a specialized and melanized infection structure, the appressorium, which is pivotal to successful plant penetration. To investigate whether Magnaporthe grisea counteracts the toxic burst of H2O2 localized beneath the site of attempted invasion, we examined the temporal expression of five candidate antioxidant genes. Of these, the putatively secreted large subunit catalase CATB gene was 600-fold up-regulated in vivo, coincident with penetration, and moderately up-regulated in vitro, in response to exogenous H2O2. Targeted gene replacement of CATB led to compromised pathogen fitness; the catB mutant displayed paler pigmentation and accelerated hyphal growth but lower biomass, poorer sporulation, fragile conidia and appressoria, and impaired melanization. The catB mutant was severely less pathogenic than Guy 11 on barley and rice, and its infectivity was further reduced on exposure to H2O2. The wild-type phenotype was restored by the reintroduction of CATB into the catB mutant We found no evidence to support a role for CATB in detoxification of the host-derived H2O2 at the site of penetration. Instead, we demonstrated that CATB plays a part in strengthening the fungal wall, a role of particular importance during forceful entry into the host.  相似文献   
In this work, a quantitative kinetic model for investigating the heme-induced peroxidation of linoleic acid and its inhibition by two important dietary antioxidants, quercetin and alpha-tocopherol, is developed. The main conclusions of this work are: (1) The time dependence of the lipid hydroperoxide concentration is critically dependent on the rate constant for lipid hydroperoxide cleavage, initial fraction of lipid hydroperoxides among the pool of conjugated dienes, and rate of heme degradation. (2) The lipophilic antioxidant alpha-tocopherol acts as a chain-breaking antioxidant that quickly reduces 1-2 eq of lipid peroxyl radicals (inhibition of propagation), whereas the more hydrophilic antioxidant quercetin is only marginally chain-breaking but capable of reducing 4-5 eq of iron-oxo initiator (inhibition of initiation). (3) Based on comparisons between experimental peroxidation curves and simulated curves assuming additivity, it can be concluded that combinations of alpha-tocopherol and quercetin are generally synergistic. The kinetic analysis and HPLC titrations of the antioxidants both suggest that synergism mainly arises from a capacity of alpha-tocopherol to regenerate some quercetin oxidation products still endowed with a reducing activity.  相似文献   
The thermal degradation kinetics of pectin methylesterase (PME) from carrot and lettuce were studied. Fresh extracts were exposed to temperatures from 55 to 70 degrees C until the enzyme was inactivated. A model based on the presence of two forms of the enzyme, one active and one non-active, is proposed. The natural variability of the PME activity was taken into the model in the form of normally distributed random effects. The common model parameters obtained (cleavage constant (0.0395+/-0.0062 s(-1)), degradation constant (0.556+/-0.112 s(-1)), cleavage energy of activation (469+/-23 kJ mol(-1)) and degradation energy of activation (488+/-18 kJ mol(-1))) show that the PME degradation kinetics of the two vegetables can be explained with a single set of parameters.  相似文献   
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