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Recent work indicates that there are distinct response habituation mechanisms that can be recruited by different stimulation rates and that can underlie different components (e.g., the duration or speed) of a single behavioral response. These findings raise the question: why is “the simplest form of learning” so complicated mechanistically? Beyond evolutionary selection for robustness of plasticity in learning to ignore, it is proposed in this article that multiple mechanisms of habituation have evolved to streamline shifts in ongoing behavioral strategy. Then, speculations are offered regarding the implications of this reconceptualization of habituation for approaching the analysis of mechanisms of more complex forms of learning and memory.  相似文献   
Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) is involved in hypothalamic regulation of the neuroimmune response by influencing the synthesis and secretion of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), vasopressin (VP) and other stress-related mediators. VP secretion from magnocellular (MNC) neurons of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus at the posterior pituitary and/or median eminence contributes to increasing adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) output and ultimately glucocorticoid release, which then contributes to the stress response. In this study, using whole-cell patch clamp recordings from neurons in a slice preparation of the rat PVN, we show that MNC neurons are also influenced by IL-1beta. In response to 1 nM IL-1beta, 62% of MNC neurons tested depolarized (mean depolarization=10.9+/-1.4 mV); effects which were maintained in the presence of a sodium channel blocker, tetrodotoxin (TTX). The effects of IL-1beta on MNC neurons were blocked in the presence of a specific cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor, NS-398, indicating a dependence on prostaglandins (PG) in mediating these effects. In response to direct application of 1 muM PGE2, 57% of MNC neurons depolarized, exhibiting a membrane potential change similar to that induced by IL-1beta (mean depolarization=7.8+/-1.1 mV). Voltage clamp experiments examining the effects of PGE2 on the currents evoked by slow voltage ramps revealed activation of a conductance characteristic of a non-selective cationic conductance (NSCC) (voltage-independent, with a reversal potential of -41.8+/-7.6 mV), suggesting that this prostanoid directly modifies cationic currents in MNC neurons. These data provide evidence that IL-1beta depolarizes MNC neurons in the PVN as a result of prostaglandin-mediated activation of a NSCC.  相似文献   
Plant sterols and their hydrogenated forms, stanols, have attracted much attention because of their benefits to human health in reducing serum and LDL cholesterol levels, with vegetable oil processing being their major source in several food products currently sold. The predominant forms of plant sterol end products are sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol and brassicasterol (in brassica). In this study, 3-hydroxysteroid oxidase from Streptomyces hygroscopicus was utilized to engineer oilseeds from rapeseed (Brassica napus) and soybean (Glycine max), respectively, to modify the relative amounts of specific sterols to stanols. Each of the major phytosterols had its C-5 double bond selectively reduced to the corresponding phytostanol without affecting other functionalities, such as the C-22 double bond of stigmasterol in soybean seed and of brassicasterol in rapeseed. Additionally, several novel phytostanols were obtained that are not produced by chemical hydrogenation of phytosterols normally present in plants.  相似文献   
Reaction-diffusion models are widely used to model developmental processes. The great majority of current models invoke constant diffusion coefficients. However, the diffusion of metabolites or signals through tissues is frequently such that this assumption may reasonably be questioned. We consider several different physical mechanisms leading to effective diffusion coefficients in biological tissues which vary with the local conditions, including models in which juxtacrine signaling results in the diffusion of a signal in the absence of material transport. We develop a mathematical formalism for transforming local transport laws into diffusive terms. This procedure is appropriate when the typical length scale over which the concentrations change significantly is much greater than the dimensions of a cell. We review previous developmental models which considered the possibility of state-dependent diffusion coefficients. We also provide a few new motivating examples.  相似文献   
p0071, a member of the armadillo protein family, localizes to both adherens junctions and desmosomes in epithelial cells and exhibits homology to the adherens junction protein p120 and the desmosomal protein plakophilin-1. p0071 is also present at dermal microvascular endothelial intercellular junctions and colocalizes with VE-cadherin, an endothelium-specific cadherin that associates with both actin and intermediate filament networks. To define the role of p0071 in junction assembly, p0071 was tested for interactions with other components of the endothelial junctional complex. In transient expression assays, p0071 colocalized with and formed complexes with both VE-cadherin and desmoplakin. Deletion analysis using the yeast two-hybrid system revealed that the armadillo repeat domain of p0071 bound directly to VE-cadherin. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrated that p0071 and p120 bound to the same region on the cytoplasmic tail of VE-cadherin and that overexpression of p0071 could displace p120 from intercellular junctions. In contrast to VE-cadherin, desmoplakin was found to associate with the non-armadillo head domain of p0071. Cotransfections and triple-label immunofluorescence analysis revealed that VE-cadherin colocalization with desmoplakin in transfected COS cells required p0071, suggesting that p0071 may couple VE-cadherin to desmoplakin. Based on previous findings that both VE-cadherin and desmoplakin play central roles in vasculogenesis, these new results suggest that p0071 may play an important role in endothelial junction assembly and in the morphogenic events associated with vascular remodeling.  相似文献   
Plasmids, pCA1 and pCWEA1, carrying antimicrobial peptide gene(s), Ac-AMP1.2 and ESF12, were used to transform hybrid poplar clones Ogy and NM6. Peptide Ac-AMP1.2 is an analog of Ac-AMP1 which is one of the smallest chitin-binding proteins. Synthetic peptide ESF12 mimics the amphipathic -helix found in magainins. Transgene mRNA was detected in the transformed plants. When evaluated for resistance to hybrid poplar pathogen Septoria musiva with an in vitro leaf disk assay, the transformed Ogy plants showed significantly increased pathogen resistance as compared to the untransformed Ogy.  相似文献   
Individual long-chain fatty acid esters of retinol can be resolved by high-performance liquid chromatography using an octyl- or phenyl-substituted reverse-phase column and mixtures of acetonitrile with water as mobile phase. This simple procedure provides good resolution of biologically important retinyl esters including retinyl palmitate and retinyl oleate. Using an isocratic elution system, it is shown that nine synthetic esters of retinol, ranging in fatty acyl chain length from 12 to 20 carbons, each elute with a unique elution volume and produce an absorbance signal at 340 nm proportional to molar concentration. The method is suitable for analysis of various esters of retinol in biological samples including lymph chylomicrons and blood plasma. The octyl-substituted reverse-phase column can also be used to separate more polar neutral retinoids including retinol and retinaldehyde.  相似文献   
When motoneuron axons in peripheral nerves are injured, the expression of the p75 low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75) increases in their cell bodies and axons, as well as in the Schwann cells undergoing Wallerian degeneration in the distal excised nerve segment. To understand the role of p75 in the events following nerve injury, we have examined the survival and regeneration of motoneurons in mice lacking the p75 receptor. In adult p75 (−/−) mice, functional recovery of whiskers movement following a facial nerve crush occurred slightly earlier than in p75 (+/+) mice, and some recovery of function over a 25-day interval following a nerve cut occurred more frequently in p75 (−/−) mice. Motoneuron profile numbers were slightly reduced in p75 (−/−) mice, and there were correspondingly fewer axons in the facial nerve. At 25 days following axotomy, profile survival in the adult p75 (−/−) mice was significantly improved compared to p75 (+/+) mice (mean 85% ± standard error of the mean 3%, n = 11 vs. 67 ± 5%, n = 11 in CD-1 mice and 68.0 ± 4%, n = 6 in balb/c mice), and significantly more regenerating axons were present in the distal facial nerve. After axotomy on postnatal day 1, there was almost total loss of motoneuron profiles in the lateral facial nucleus in p75 (+/+) mice (1.7 ± 0.3% remained, n = 5), while significantly more survived in p75 (−/−) mice (17 ± 2.5%, n = 6) . We conclude that expression of p75 in motoneurons or Schwann cells following facial nerve injury is not necessary for motoneuron survival or prompt regeneration of their axons; rather, p75 may increase their risk of dying. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 1–9, 1998  相似文献   
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