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Summary— In the sperm nuclei the DNA is packaged into a highly condensed form and is not organized into nucleosome and solenoid but is bound and stabilized mainly by the protamines that arrange the DNA in an almost crystalline state. As demonstrated for somatic cells, the sperm DNA has been reported to be organized in loop domains attached to the nuclear matrix structures. However, the possible role of the sperm head matrix in maintaining the loop organization in absence of a typical nucleosomal structures has not been fully elucidated. By using in situ nick translation at confocal and electron microscope level, we analyzed the organization of the DNAprotamine complex and its association with the sperm nuclear matrix. The data obtained indicate that the chromatin organization in sperm nuclei is maintained during the sperm condensation by means of interactions with the nuclear matrix at fixed sites. The fine stucture of sperm nucleus and of sperm nuclear matrix, investigated on sections and replicas of freeze-fractured specimens, suggests that the lamellar array, observed by freeze-fracturing in the sperm nuclei, could depend on the inner matrix which presents a regular organization of globular structures possibly involved in the maintenance of chromatin domains in highly condensed sperm nuclei also.  相似文献   
DNase I hypersensitive site 2 (HS 2) of the human beta-globin Locus Control Region (LCR) directs high level expression of the beta-globin gene located 50 kilobases downstream. Experiments in cultured cells and in transgenic mice demonstrate that duplicated AP1-like sites in HS 2 are required for this powerful enhancer activity. A cDNA clone encoding a basic, leucine-zipper protein that binds to these sites was isolated and designated Locus Control Region-Factor 1 (LCR-F1). This protein is a member of a new family of regulatory factors that contain a 63 amino acid ''CNC domain'' overlapping the basic region. This domain is approximately 70% identical in the Drosophila Cap N Collar (CNC) protein, NF-E2 and LCR-F1. LCR-F1 transactivates an HS 2/gamma-globin reporter gene over 170-fold in transient transfection experiments specifically in erythroid cells. These results suggest that LCR-F1 may be a critical factor involved in LCR-mediated, human globin gene expression.  相似文献   
Mercurialis annua L. is a dioecious anemophilous species thatflowers all year round in central and southern Italy. The flowersof both sexes are dimorphic: the female flower has a vestigialcalyx; the male flower consists only of a calyx that opens atanthesis. The anthers always dehisce after anthesis. The anthesisof male flowers seems to be temperature dependent, whereas antherdehiscence is related to relative humidity. The pollen grainsvary in volume according to the season: they are smaller whenrelative humidity is low and vice versa. They always decreasein volume after anther dehiscence and have the capacity to varyin volume and reach equilibrium with a changing environment.Viability is high, but may drop suddenly during heavy rain orhail that damage the exposed male flowers. The number of pollengrains per stigma varies from 0 to 300. The data is discussedin relation to the type of pollination and environmental characteristics.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Mercurialis annua, dioecism, anthesis, anther dehiscence, pollen volume, pollen viability, anemophilous pollination, pollination ecology  相似文献   
Confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy coupled to image analysis was employed in order to develop and evaluate procedures for the appraisal at the single-cell level of: (1) protein-bound 4-hydroxynonenal, the specific product of membrane peroxidation (by means of immunocytochemistry with biotin-avidin revelation); (2) protein oxidation (by reaction of protein carbonyls with 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine followed by immunocytochemistry of dinitrophenyl moieties); and (3) cellular protein thiols (by direct alkylation of sulfhydryl groups with thiol-specific fluorescent reagents possessing different cell permeabilities). The procedures proved able to reveal the subcellular distribution of cytochemical parameters useful as indices of oxidative stress conditions, and may allow redox phenotyping of isolated cells, which would provide an efficient tool in selected experimental models.  相似文献   
Bombolitins are five structurally related heptadecapeptides acting at the membrane level able to lyse erythrocytes and liposomes and to enhance the activity of phospholipase A 2(PLA2). In the presence of SDS or phospholipid vesicles bombolitins are able to form amphiphilic α-helical structures and this property seems to be the major determinant of bioactivity. In order to test the model of interaction between bombolitin I and membranes, an analogue was synthesized in which all the lysines were replaced by arginines: ([Arg2,9,12, Ile10] bornbolitin I). The design ofthis sequence allowed the synthesis of a second analogue through a specijic postsynthetic dansylation at the ?-amino group qf a lysine residue replacing the original leucine residue at position 7. The, first analogue was, fiilly characterized by CD and two-dimensional nmr in the presence of SDS or phospholipid vesicles. The peptide, folds into an amphiphilic α-helical confbrrnation with the helical segment spanning the central part of the sequencefrom Ile3 to His16. This behavior is identical to that observed for the native sequence. The replacement of Iysine residues by arginine hus no detectable effect on the conformational prderence of the peptide chain. By CD and fluorescence spectroscopy measurements, the fluorophore-containing analogue [Arg2,9,12, Lys7(?-dansyl)] bombolitin I also folded into the α-helical conformation in the presence of SDS micelles or phospholipid vesicles. In particular, the dansyl fluorophore, which is located approximately in the middle of the apolar surface ojthe amphiphilic helix, is clearly buried in a hydrophobic environment when the peptide is bound to phospholipid vesicles. These findings support the hypothesis that the peptide helices are oriented parallel to the vesicle surface. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Three analogues of the tridecapeptide amide H-Leu-(Glu)5-Ala-Tyr-Gly-Nle-Asp-Phe-NH2 were synthetized with alpha-deuterated glutamate residues in specific positions in order to assign unambiguously the 1H nmr spectrum of the parent peptide in water and in water-trifluoroethanol mixtures. The synthetic route is described and the assignment illustrated. A previous, tentative assignment based solely on indirect evidence [Mammi, S., Mammi, N. J. & Peggion, E. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 1374-1379] was partially modified.  相似文献   
Sea urchin RNA extracted from early and mesenchyme blastula embryos and oocytes and fractionated on denaturing sucrose density gradients, was hybridized with histone DNA recombinants of Psammechinus miliaris (clone λh22) and of Paracentrotus lividus (clone pPH70). Histone sequences are found in the 9 S and larger than 9 S regions of the formamide/sucrose density gradients. The melting of the RNA-DNA duplexes obtained by hybridization of polysomal and high molecular weight RNA of embryos of P. lividus at the stage of early blastula, suggests a degree of heterogeneity in the high Mr RNA. The high Mr RNA contains at least four of the five histone gene sequences covalently linked.  相似文献   
Chicken liver basic fatty acid-binding protein (pI = 9.0) has been purified with a high yield by a modification of a method originally applied to rat liver. The final product is highly homogeneous and can be used to grow crystals that belong to two different space groups. The crystals are either tetragonal, space group P42212 with a = b = 60.2 Å and c = 138.1 Å or orthorhombic, space group P212121 with a = 60.7 Å, b = 40.1 Å and c = 66.7 Å. The second form appears to be more suitable for X-ray diffraction studies, it diffracts to at least 2.8 Å resolution and it is believed to contain one protein molecule in the crystallographic asymmetric unit.  相似文献   
Reducing the burden of pathogenic mutans streptococci is a goal of oral health. Lactobacillus paracasei DSMZ16671, even after heat-killing, specifically co-aggregates mutans streptococci in vitro and retains this activity in human saliva. In rats, it reduces mutans streptococcal colonization of teeth and caries scores. This pilot study sought to assess the potential of heat-killed L. paracasei DSMZ16671 (pro-t-action®) to reduce levels of salivary mutans streptococci in humans, using sugar-free candies as a delivery vehicle. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind in vivo study of three groups examined the short-term effect of sugar-free candies containing 0 (placebo), 1, or 2 mg/candy piece of heat-killed L. paracasei DSMZ16671 on the levels of salivary mutans streptococci determined before and after consumption of the candies. The candies were consumed 4 times during 1.5 consecutive days. Compared to the placebo group, the test groups’ saliva had significantly reduced mutans streptococci as an immediate effect. These results suggest the use of heat-killed L. paracasei DSMZ16671 in suckable candies as a method to reduce mutans streptococci in the mouth and, thereby, caries risk. We think this a new concept and strategy for caries prevention and management.  相似文献   
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