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In mammalian skin, hair follicles develop at regular intervals and with site-specific morphologies. This process generates distinct patterns of hair, but the mechanisms that establish these patterns remain largely unknown. Here we present evidence of follicular patterning by ectodysplasin-A1 (Eda-A1), a signaling protein necessary for the proper development of hair and other appendages. In transgenic mice, Eda-A1 was targeted to the epithelial compartment of the developing skin. At periodic locations, multiple hair follicles were induced side by side, without any interfollicular space. These follicles grew into the dermis as a fusion and subsequently branched to create discrete stalks and hair bulbs. Thus, at sites where interfollicular skin normally forms, hair follicles developed instead. This result shows that Eda-A1 can regulate basic developmental decisions, as cells were switched from interfollicular to follicular fates. Given these effects, it is likely that Eda-A1 is among the key regulators of pattern formation in the skin.  相似文献   
The aim of this research is to study the influence of protein kinase C delta on the nuclear phospholipids metabolism. Murine and human melanoma cells, in which overexpression of protein kinase delta was induced, were used. After purification of the nuclei, the phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C, sphingomyelin-synthase, and sphingomyelinase activities were measured. The results showed that the nuclear sphingomyelin-synthase activity increased and sphingomyelinase activity decreased in the protein kinase C delta overexpressive cells with respect to the controls. As a consequence, the ceramide pool decreased and diacylglycerol pool increased; this effect was not due to the phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C activity that did not change. The inhibition of sphingomyelinase could be due to protein kinase C delta as well as to existence of a sort of nuclear self-regulation between sphingomyelin-synthase and sphingomyelinase. The possible role of nuclear sphingomyelin-synthase in cell proliferation is discussed.  相似文献   
Cardiac stem cells or myoblasts are vulnerable to inflammatory stimulation in hearts with infarction or ischemic injury. Widely used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic heart disease, the cholesterol-lowering drugs statins may exert anti-inflammatory effects. In this study, we examined the impact of inhibition of hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase with simvastatin on the expression of inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) in embryonic cardiac myoblasts stimulated with the proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-1 or tumor necrosis factor. Treatment with simvastatin significantly reduced the levels of iNOS mRNA and protein in cytokine-treated rat H9c2 cardiac embryonic myoblasts. Addition of the HMG-CoA reductase product, L-mevalonate, and the by-product of cholesterol synthesis, geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, could reverse the statin inhibitory effect on iNOS expression. Simvastatin treatment lowered the Rho GTPase activities, whereas the Rho-associated kinase inhibitor Y27632 partially blocked the statin inhibitory effect on nitrite production in the cytokine-treated H9c2 cells. Treatment with simvastatin led to inactivation of NF-kappaB by elevation of the NF-kappaB inhibitor IkappaB and reduction of the NF-kappaB nuclear contents in the cytokine-stimulated H9c2 cells. Hence, treatment with simvastatin can attenuate iNOS expression and NO synthesis in cytokine-stimulated embryonic cardiac myoblasts. The statin inhibitory effect may occur through isoprenoid-mediated intracellular signal transduction, which involves several key signal proteins, such as Rho kinase and IkappaB/NF-kappaB. These data suggest that statin therapy may protect the cardiac myocyte progenitors against the cytotoxicity of cytokine-induced high output of NO production in infarcted or ischemic hearts with inflammation.  相似文献   
ERp57 is present in STAT3-DNA complexes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
STAT3 has been found constitutively activated in M14 melanoma cell line, as previously found in other melanoma cells. Using EMSA, DNA affinity experiments, and chromatin immunoprecipitation, STAT3 was found in M14 to bind the alpha2-macroglobulin gene enhancer in association with the protein disulfide isomerase isoform ERp57. The two proteins have also been found to be associated when bound to the SIE sequence in HepG2 cells stimulated by IL-6. In both cases an anti-ERp57 antibody hinders the binding of STAT3 to its consensus sequence on DNA, indicating that ERp57 is a necessary component of the DNA-bound STAT3 complex. Considering the functional association of the two proteins, the overexpression of ERp57 observed in a variety of transformed cells might be relevant to the oncogenic properties of STAT3.  相似文献   
A theoretical investigation on the regio- and stereoselective outcomes of the hydroformylation reaction with an unmodified rhodium catalyst (H-Rh(CO)3) was carried out at the B3LYP/SBK(d) level on related chiral olefins, namely (1-vinyloxy-ethyl)-benzene (1) and (1-methyl-but-3-enyl)-benzene (2). A thorough and computationally expensive examination of the various possible H-Rh(CO)3-olefin complex intermediates was performed, in order to determine, interpret, and eventually predict, the regio- and diastereoselectivity of the aforementioned reactions, whose products are a mixture of the linear aldehyde and of two diastereomers of the branched aldehyde. Regio- and diastereoselectivity of the reaction have been experimentally determined via hydroformylation runs at 20° and 100 °C for 1 and at 20 °C for 2. The theoretical results obtained are in good agreement with the experimental ones, which put forward a high chiral discrimination for chiral vinyl ether substrates in contrast to the lack of regio- and diastereoselectivity observed in the hydroformylation of 2. For the hydroformylation of 1, a regioselectivity ratio (B:L) of 72:28 and a diastereoselectivity ratio (b:b) of 97:3 have been computed which compare well to the corresponding experimental results (85:15 and 88:12). Therefore, theoretical calculations can give reliable estimates of regio- and diastereoselectivity provided a careful and accurate surface scan is performed for the alkyl-rhodium intermediates and the reaction is carried out at room temperature and, hence, in the absence of branched to linear alkyl isomerization.  相似文献   
The presence of enterococci in lake and seawater in an 18-month survey comparing molecular (PCR and quantitative PCR) and culture methods was evaluated, as well as the possibility that zooplankton could act as reservoirs for enterococci. Samples of both water and zooplankton were collected monthly from a Lake Garda site and an Adriatic Sea site. In lake water, the positive samples numbered 13 of 54 (24%) by culture and 32 of 54 (59%) when PCR was applied. In seawater, they numbered 0 of 51 by culture and 18 of 51 (35%) by PCR. Enterococci were found either totally bound to plankton or totally in water, depending on the presence or absence of plankton, respectively. These results clearly indicate that the PCR assay is a powerful tool for detecting fecal indicators and pathogens in the environment, thus providing a much more sensitive method than culture.  相似文献   


Opitz G/BBB syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by developmental midline abnormalities, such as hypertelorism, cleft palate, and hypospadias. The gene responsible for the X-linked form of this disease, MID1, encodes a TRIM/RBCC protein that is anchored to the microtubules. The association of Mid1 with the cytoskeleton is regulated by dynamic phosphorylation, through the interaction with the α4 subunit of phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Mid1 acts as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, regulating PP2A degradation on microtubules.


In spite of these findings, the biological role exerted by the Opitz syndrome gene product is still unclear and the presence of other potential interacting moieties in the Mid1 structure prompted us to search for additional cellular partners. Through a yeast two-hybrid screening approach, we identified a novel gene, MIG12, whose protein product interacts with Mid1. We confirmed by immunoprecipitation that this interaction occurs in vivo and that it is mediated by the Mid1 coiled-coil domain. We found that Mig12 is mainly expressed in the neuroepithelial midline, urogenital apparatus, and digits during embryonic development. Transiently expressed Mig12 is found diffusely in both nucleus and cytoplasm, although it is enriched in the microtubule-organizing center region. Consistently with this, endogenous Mig12 protein is partially detected in the polymerized tubulin fraction after microtubule stabilization. When co-transfected with Mid1, Mig12 is massively recruited to thick filamentous structures composed of tubulin. These microtubule bundles are resistant to high doses of depolymerizing agents and are composed of acetylated tubulin, thus representing stabilized microtubule arrays.


Our findings suggest that Mig12 co-operates with Mid1 to stabilize microtubules. Mid1-Mig12 complexes might be implicated in cellular processes that require microtubule stabilization, such as cell division and migration. Impairment in Mig12/Mid1-mediated microtubule dynamic regulation, during the development of embryonic midline, may cause the pathological signs observed in Opitz syndrome patients.
The axonemal organization expressed in the sperm flagella of the cecidomyiid dipteran Asphondylia ruebsaameni is unconventional, being characterized by the presence of an exceedingly high number of microtubular doublets and by the absence of both the inner dynein arms and the central pair/radial spoke complex. Consequently, its motility, both in vivo and in vitro, is also peculiar. Using monoclonal antibodies directed against posttranslational modifications, we have analyzed the presence and distribution of glutamylated and glycylated tubulin isoforms in this aberrant axonemal structure, and compared them with those of a reference insect species (Apis mellifera), endowed with a conventional axoneme. Our results have shown that the unorthodox structure and motility of the Asphondylia axoneme are concomitant with: (1). a very low glutamylation extent in the alpha-tubulin subunit, (2). a high level of glutamylation in the beta-subunit, (3). an extremely low total extent of glycylation, with regard to both monoglycylated and polyglycylated sites, either in alpha- or in beta-tubulin, (4). the presence of a strong labeling of glutamylated tubulin isoforms at the proximal end of the axoneme, and (5). a uniform distribution of glutamylated as well as glycylated isoforms along the rest of the axoneme. Thus, our data indicate that tubulin molecular heterogeneity is much lower in the Asphondylia axoneme than in the conventional 9+2 axoneme with regard to both isoform content and isoform distribution along the axoneme.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) expression in urothelial papilloma and in noninvasive and early invasive papillary carcinoma. STUDY DESIGN: The study included 40 cases of papillary neoplasia of the urinary bladder subdivided into 10 cases of urothelial papilloma (UP); 10 of papillary carcinoma, grade 1; 10, grade 2 (G2); and 10, grade 3 (G3). Invasion of the subepithelial connective tissue was present in 5 cases of G2 and 7 cases of G3. According to the 2002 revision of the TNM system, these cases were defined as T1 and the others as Ta. uPAR expression was evaluated with an immunohistochemical technique in 5-microns-thick tissue sections. RESULTS: Difference in the distribution of positive cases in the 4 groups were statistically significant and greatest in G3. Statistically significant differences were also observed between Ta and T1 cases in terms of uPAR intensity. CONCLUSION: Detection of immunoreactivity for uPAR was associated with high grade UP carcinomas. These data indicate that uPAR is potentially an important prognostic factor in bladder carcinoma.  相似文献   
Mice homozygous for the spontaneous motor neuron degeneration mutation (mnd) show at the age of 8 months a marked impairment of the motor function and accumulation of lipofuscin granules in the cytoplasm of almost all neurons of the central nervous system.We previously reported a significant increase in GFAP protein levels in the lumbar spinal cord homogenates by western blot analysis and upregulation of TNF, a proinflammatory cytokine, in the motor neurons of lumbar spinal cord of mnd mice, already in a presymptomatic stage (4 months of age). In the present study, using immunohistochemical analysis, we performed a time course in mnd mice (1, 4 and 9 months of age) evaluating the expression and the distribution of astroglial and microglial cells and the expression of both TNF receptors, TNFR-I and TNFR-II. We observed a marked increase in astroglial and microglial cells and in TNFR-I immunoreactivity already at the 4th month. Since motor neuron dysfunction occurs in mnd mice in the absence of evident loss of spinal motor neurons, the present results indicate that the activation of microglial cells and astrocytes is independent from neuronal degeneration. The role of TNF and TNFR-I on motor neurons is still to be demonstrated.  相似文献   
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