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In this study, we have analysed the expression of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) binding sites in somatic tissues (intestine, liver, gill, skeletal muscle, ovary, heart, stomach, kidney and spleen) of the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata using 3-[125I]iodototyrosyl5-mammalian GnRH and auto-radiographic techniques. The qualitative and quantitative analysis showed the existence of a basal expression of specific GnRH binding sites in intestine, skeletal muscle, ovary, stomach and spleen. Furthermore, our data suggest that the level of expression of GnRH binding sites can be significantly enhanced by GnRH treatment in intestine, gill, heart, stomach, kidney and spleen. This study shows that GnRH can exert direct effects in both reproductive and non-reproductive somatic tissues of the gilthead seabream.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to analyze the proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of spontaneously hypertensive rats, to study their possible role in the relationship between hydrocephalus, arterial hypertension and alterations in the subcommissural organ. Brains from control Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) sacrificed with chloral hydrate were used. Antiserums against some cerebrospinal fluid protein bands and Reissner's fiber (RF) were used for immunohistochemical study of the SCO. Ventricular dilation was observed in the lateral and third ventricle of the SHR. Third ventricle ependyma showed immunoreactive material (IRM) for antibody against 141 kDa protein band anti-B1 and 117 protein band anti-B2 and the SCO of the SHR showed a decrease of the IRM when compared with WKY rats. An alteration in the expression of anti-RF was found to compare the SCO of the WKY and SHR groups. Our results demonstrate that hydrocephalus and hypertension are interconnected in this kind of rat which produce alterations in SCO secretions and some proteins of the CSF.  相似文献   
The initial interaction between gametes takes place at the level of the sperm surface and the zona pellucida (ZP), the extracellular matrix of the egg in mammals. Successful fertilization requires the proper molecular recognition of the ZP by the sperm. Recently, human ZP was demonstrated to be composed of four proteins: ZP1, ZP2, ZP3, and ZP4. The goals of this study were to determine the effects of recombinant human ZP2, ZP3, and ZP4 on human sperm acrosomal exocytosis and sperm motility. Exposure of sperm to ZP proteins, alone or in combination, promoted acrosomal exocytosis in a time-dependent manner. This effect occurred in parallel with a considerable decrease in progressive motility, coincident with an increase in nonprogressive sperm motility. An analysis of kinetic parameters of ZP-treated sperm demonstrated that a characteristic motility pattern could be defined by values of curvilinear velocity > 63.9 mum/s and linearity 相似文献   
In the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (PaBADH) may play the dual role of assimilating carbon and nitrogen from choline or choline precursors--abundant at infection sites--and producing glycine betaine, which protects the bacterium against the high-osmolality stress prevalent in the infected tissues. This tetrameric enzyme contains four cysteine residues per subunit and is a potential drug target. In our search for specific inhibitors, we mutated the catalytic Cys286 to alanine and chemically modified the recombinant wild-type and the four Cys-->Ala single mutants with thiol reagents. The small methyl-methanethiosulfonate inactivated the enzymes without affecting their stability while the bulkier dithionitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) and bis[diethylthiocarbamyl] disulfide (disulfiram) induced enzyme dissociation--at 23 degrees C--and irreversible aggregation--at 37 degrees C. Of the four Cys-->Ala mutants only C286A retained its tetrameric structure after DTNB or disulfiram treatments, suggesting that steric constraints arising upon the covalent attachment of a bulky group to C286 resulted in distortion of the backbone configuration in the active site region followed by a severe decrease in enzyme stability. Since neither NAD(P)H nor betaine aldehyde prevented disulfiram-induced PaBADH inactivation or aggregation, and reduced glutathione was unable to restore the activity of the modified enzyme, we propose that disulfiram could be a useful drug to combat infection by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   
The mitochondria of the respiratory yeast Kluyveromyces lactis are able to reoxidize cytosolic NADPH. Previously, we characterized an external alternative dehydrogenase, KlNde1p, having this activity. We now characterize the second external alternative dehydrogenase of K. lactis mitochondria, KlNde2p. We examined its role in cytosolic NADPH reoxidation by studying heterologous expression of KlNDE2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants and by constructing Deltaklnde1 and Deltaklnde2 mutants. KlNde2p uses NADH or NADPH as substrates, its activity in isolated mitochondria is not regulated by exogenously added calcium and it is not down-regulated when the cells grow in glucose versus lactate. KlNde2p shows lower affinity for NADPH than KlNde1p. Both enzymes show similar pH optimum.  相似文献   
We have investigated the activation of FtsZ by monovalent cations. FtsZ polymerization was dependent on the concentrations of protein and monovalent salts, and was accompanied by the uptake of a single ion per monomer added. The affinity and the specificity for the cation were low. Potassium, ammonium, rubidium or sodium activated FtsZ to different extents. Electron microscopy showed that polymers formed with either rubidium, or potassium, were very similar, as were their nucleotide turnover rates. The GTPase activity was lower with rubidium than with potassium, indicating that nucleotide exchange is independent of nucleotide hydrolysis. Control of polymerization by binding of a low affinity cation might govern the dynamic behavior of the FtsZ polymers.  相似文献   
Ovule discounting denotes the reduction in the number of ovules available for cross-fertilization due to the interference of inferior pollen. Traditionally, ovule discounting has been discussed solely from the perspective of compromised outcrossing opportunities as a result of selfing, but the principle is more general. Here, we extend its applicability beyond the simple contrast between selfing and outcrossing by showing that, in the cryptically dioecious tree species Fraxinus ornus, ovule discounting through frequent outcrossing with inferior fathers also constitutes a substantial cost of mating. In F. ornus, hermaphrodites produce pollen capable of siring offspring, but these offspring are less viable than those sired by males and are inferred to produce few, if any, surviving progeny. In this paper, we used microsatellite markers to analyze the mating system and paternity in a wild population of F. ornus. We found that the effective number of sires per mother was low (N(ep) = 2.93 to 4.95), and that paternity was correlated among progeny sampled from the same mother, but not among progeny sampled from neighboring mothers. Despite the existence of a local spatial genetic structure (up to 30 m), we found no evidence of biparental inbreeding. There was negligible selfing by hermaphrodites, but they sired approximately one fourth of the seeds produced by other hermaphrodites. Given that these progeny are not inferred to reach reproductive maturity, this constitutes a substantial cost of ovule discounting in the broad sense. We discuss the possible reasons for why hermaphrodites invest resources into inferior pollen.  相似文献   
Genetic association studies are rapidly becoming the experimental approach of choice to dissect complex traits, including tolerance to drought stress, which is the most common cause of mortality and yield losses in forest trees. Optimization of association mapping requires knowledge of the patterns of nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium and the selection of suitable polymorphisms for genotyping. Moreover, standard neutrality tests applied to DNA sequence variation data can be used to select candidate genes or amino acid sites that are putatively under selection for association mapping. In this article, we study the pattern of polymorphism of 18 candidate genes for drought-stress response in Pinus taeda L., an important tree crop. Data analyses based on a set of 21 putatively neutral nuclear microsatellites did not show population genetic structure or genomewide departures from neutrality. Candidate genes had moderate average nucleotide diversity at silent sites (pi(sil) = 0.00853), varying 100-fold among single genes. The level of within-gene LD was low, with an average pairwise r2 of 0.30, decaying rapidly from approximately 0.50 to approximately 0.20 at 800 bp. No apparent LD among genes was found. A selective sweep may have occurred at the early-response-to-drought-3 (erd3) gene, although population expansion can also explain our results and evidence for selection was not conclusive. One other gene, ccoaomt-1, a methylating enzyme involved in lignification, showed dimorphism (i.e., two highly divergent haplotype lineages at equal frequency), which is commonly associated with the long-term action of balancing selection. Finally, a set of haplotype-tagging SNPs (htSNPs) was selected. Using htSNPs, a reduction of genotyping effort of approximately 30-40%, while sampling most common allelic variants, can be gained in our ongoing association studies for drought tolerance in pine.  相似文献   
The surface of hydrated cells of Staphylococcus epidermidis has been probed using an atomic force microscope. While local force measurements over the surface of bacteria reveal a heterogeneous chemical surface, with heterogeneous mechanical properties, different kinds of force curves appear with high frequency, and are thought to provide information on features contributing strongly to the overall mechanical and surface behaviour of the cell. Force curves often present two different mechanical regimes, being the first one (outer) of about 48 nm thick, and presenting a local relative elasticity of about 0.08 N/m, which is about a third of the relative elasticity of the inner part of the cell wall, harder, with a relative elasticity of about 0.24 N/m, in water. Both regimes appears as straight lines in the force versus distance curves (the ‘corresponding’ stress–strain curves in contact mechanics), but hysteresis is observed between the approach and the retraction line in the inner regime, indicating a degree of viscoelasticity. No viscoelasticity is observed in the outer regime, however, which presents quite linear and juxtaposed approach-retraction lines. These kinds of force curves do not present measurable pull-off forces nor snap-in forces, which indicates an almost null interaction between tip and bacterial surface, which could be in agreement with the measured very high hydrophobicity of this strain. Another kind of force curve has been observed recurrently, showing peaks in the retraction curves. Adhesive pull-off forces were measured giving an average of about 2 nN. Interestingly, however, these force curves appear only when quite irregular and wavy retraction curves are present, from the very beginning of its trace (maximum indentation). This leads us to think that these pull-off forces measured by our AFM do not give information on surface forces-unbinding events at the surface of the bacteria, but could be related to events at the sub-surface of the cell surface. Oscillations seen in the retraction curve in the portion corresponding to the contact with the bacteria surface could be due to rupture phenomena within the multilayered cell wall architecture expected in Gram-positive bacteria as Staphylococcus epidermidis, which could result in local irreversible deformations of the cell surface. Imaging with a sharp tip in contact mode sometimes leads to surface damage. Force curves recorded over damaged parts of the cell surface showed a completely different behaviour, in many cases with two well-defined high-adhesion peaks, and also interestingly, with snap-in forces of about 0–2 nN, which seems to indicate a completely different electrical/hydrophobicity state only a few nanometers down from the surface. Similar indentation effects can occur in the contact of a bacterial cell with a solid surface, even when showing only atomic-molecular-scale roughness, thus interacting not only with the very surface of the cell, especially when soft layers are present in the outer. Our results highlight the importance of the cell surface mechanical properties and their interplay with purely surface properties when analyzing cell–material interaction, and show the AFM as a useful method for investigating this.  相似文献   
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