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Previous works show the development of thicker leaves on tolerant plants growing under cadmium (Cd2+) contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Cd2+ effects on the leaf meristems of the tolerant species Schinus molle. Plants were grown in nutrient solution containing 0, 10, and 50 μM of Cd2+. Anatomical analysis was performed on leaf primordia sampled at regular time intervals. Under the lowest Cd2+ level (10 μM), increased ground meristem thickness, diameter of the cells, cell elongation rate, and leaf dry mass were found. However, 50 μM of Cd2+ reduced all these variables. In addition, the ground meristem cells became larger when exposed to any Cd2+ level. The epidermis, palisade parenchyma, and vascular tissues developed earlier in Cd2+-exposed leaves. The modifications found on the ground meristem may be related to the development of thicker leaves on S. molle plants exposed to low Cd2+ levels. Furthermore, older leaves showed higher Cd2+ content when compared to the younger ones, preventing the Cd2+ toxicity to these leaves. Thus, low Cd2+ concentrations change the ground meristem structure and function reflecting on the development of thicker and enhanced leaves.  相似文献   
对肠道病毒71型(enterovirus 71,EV71)中国(深圳)分离株SHZH03进行了全基因组(未包括多聚腺苷尾)7406个碱基的核苷酸序列测定.结果表明,SHZH03株与其它肠道病毒71型毒株相比,在编码区没有核苷酸的缺失和插入,其5′UTR和3′UTR区的长度和序列有一定的差异.核苷酸同源性比较结果表明,在P1区SHZH03株与SHZH98株、中国台湾流行株(TW2086、TW2272)的同源性较高(分别为92.5%,90.1%和87.9%),与新加坡流行株SIN5666、SIN5865及标准株MS、BrCr的同源性则在81%左右,而与Coxsackievirus A16(Cox.A16)的同源性最低(63.6%).氨基酸同源性比较结果表明,在P1区SHZH03株与Cox. A16的同源性最低,但在P2和P3区SHZH03株与Cox.A16的同源性最高.P1区的遗传进化分析表明,SHZH03株和中国台湾1998年流行的EV71毒株的亲缘关系较近,属于同一型(genogroup),而与标准株BrCr和MS的亲缘关系较远.上述结果有助于肠道病毒71型的基础研究和中国对于EV71所致疾病的预防.  相似文献   
采用叶绿素荧光技术考察了不同潮汐模式下海萝藻体光合活性的日变化、海萝光合活性与藻体含水量之间的关系以及干露和光照对光合活性的交互影响.结果表明: 早、中、晚潮汐相比,中午潮时最大量子产量(Fv/Fm)下降速度最快.早潮干露初期Fv/Fm下降较慢,随后加快;晚潮干露时Fv/Fm始终较快下降.各种潮汐模式下,Fv/Fm当日基本恢复至初始水平,呈现了可逆的下降,即动态光抑制.Fv/Fm及有效量子产量(ΦPSⅡ)随含水量的降低而下降,当含水量低于90%时,Fv/Fm和ΦPSⅡ下降迅速,但含水量6%左右的藻体重新浸没后仍能恢复光合作用,即通常情况下可以耐受72 h的干露,具有很强的干露耐受能力.藻体含水量(TWC)与Fv/Fm及ΦPSⅡ的函数关系为:Fv/Fm=0.68+(0.0044-0.68)/\[1+(TWC/66.96)5\],R2=0.99;ΦPSⅡ=0.585+(0.004-0.585)/\[1+(TWC/73)10\],R2=0.99.方差分析结果进一步显示,光强和干露交互作用对藻体光合活性影响显著,随光照增强和干露时间延长光抑制程度增大,强光(1000 μmol pho·m-2·s-1)和长时间干露(6 h)叠加时,藻体光合活性降低程度最大,完全恢复所需时间最长.  相似文献   
We collected a specimen of Chinese Pygmy Dormouse (Typhlomys cinereus)from Nanling Nature Reserve in Guangdong Province in August 2012,analyzed the specimen’s morphological and skull indices,and compared them with the published data for other T. cinereus subspecies located throughout China. The skull of our specimen had four pairs of palatal holes:among them,the two posterior pairs merged together to form two large and long holes,and the posterior edge of the nasals was located vertically below the frontopremaxillary suture. Based on these two unique characteristics,we identified the specimen as the subspecies T. c. daloushanensis. This is the first time this species has been recorded in Guangdong Province.  相似文献   
In order to discuss the level of genetic diversity of Bombax malabaricum, we surveyed the genetic diversity of 4 populations (YJ, YM, QJ, DJ) from dry-hot valleys of Yunnan province, 2 populations (GX, HN) from dry-hot regionsand 1 population (BN) from wet-hot region of Yunnan using ISSR molecular markers . Based on 10 selected primers, 142 clear and reproducible DNA fragments were generated. The percentage of polymorphic loci PPB was 90.14%, Nei′s ( 1973) gene diversity H was 0. 2530 and Shannon′s Information index I was 0. 3864 . The coefficient of genetic differentiation( GST ) was 0. 1870 and the Фst was 0. 177 estimated by AMOVA. The results showed high level of genetic diversity within population and low level of genetic differentiation among populations. We inferred that the high level of genetic diversity and effective gene flow of B. malabaricum may play an important role in its better adaptability. Considering the introduction of B. malabaricum in dry-hot regions, we suggest to sample abundantly within populations and involve different populations .  相似文献   
首次报道了毛瓣车前Plantago lagocephala Bunge在中国的分布,确认了一个鲜为人知的中国特有种——苣叶车前P.perssonii Pilger,并提供了二者的详细描述。  相似文献   
暴发脑膜脑炎流行的新型毒株的全基因序列   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈立  张礼璧  候晓辉  李杰 《病毒学报》2000,16(4):289-293
吉林省延边地区1996年6月发生无菌性脑膜脑炎流行,从病人脑脊液和粪便标本中分离到多株病毒,血清学实验证明所分离的病毒为此次无菌性脑膜脑炎流行的病因。对其中的2株病毒(Yanbian96-83csf和Yanbian96-85csf)测定了全基因核酸序列并帮了比较分析。结果所测2株病毒核酸长度均为7456bp〔包括3端poly(A)尾〕,两者间仅有13个位点不同,同源性达99.8%,在进化树上位于同  相似文献   
分别于2012—2013、2013—2014年度越冬期候鸟越冬前(10月份)与越冬后(4月份)采用样方法调查沙湖沉水植物冬芽的种类、密度及生物量,分析不同水位条件的2个年度鄱阳湖碟形子湖沉水植物冬芽的分布及其对食块茎水鸟食物贡献的差异性,探讨越冬水鸟取食与水位变化对沉水植物冬芽分布的影响。结果表明:刺苦草(Vallisneria spinulosa)和罗氏轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata var.rosburghii)2种沉水植物的冬芽同域分布。2013年10月2种植物冬芽的密度与生物量均显著低于2012年同期,主要原因是鄱阳湖水位年际间变化剧烈,并对水质有显著影响:与2012年相比,2013年丰水期(4—9月)沙湖与主湖区连通的时间和日平均水深显著减小,但水体浊度显著增加,不利于沉水植物生长发育。2012—2013年度越冬水鸟迁出后2种冬芽的密度和生物量均明显下降,而2013—2014年度越冬期水鸟迁出后与迁入前相比两种植物冬芽的密度和生物量均无显著变化,很可能与食块茎水鸟的取食活动和高水位对食物可利用性的负面影响有密切关系。湖泊剧烈的水位变化导致越冬水鸟的食源具有年际波动的特征,而食块茎水鸟对鄱阳湖子湖的食物利用率受越冬季冬芽丰富度和食物可及性(accessibility)的共同影响。研究结果对鄱阳湖乃至长江中下游流域沉水植被恢复、越冬水鸟保护以及生态系统功能评估具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Knowledge of structure in biology may help inform hypotheses about function. Little is known about the histological structure or the function of avian facial bristle feathers. Here we provide information on morphology and histology, with inferences for function, of bristles in five predominantly insectivorous birds from New Zealand. We chose species with differing ecologies, including: brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli), morepork (Ninox novaezealandae), hihi (Notiomystis cincta), New Zealand robin (Petroica australis), and New Zealand fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa). Average bristle length corrected for body size was similar across species. Bristles occurred in distinct groups on different parts of the head and upper rictal bristles were generally longest. The lower rictal bristles of the fantail were the longest possessed by that species and were long compared to bristles of other species. Kiwi were the only species with forehead bristles, similar in length to the upper rictal bristles of other species, and the lower rictal bristles of fantails. Herbst corpuscles (vibration and pressure sensitive mechanoreceptors) were found in association with bristle follicles in all species. Nocturnal and hole‐nesting birds had more heavily encapsulated corpuscles than diurnal open‐nesting species. Our results suggest that avian facial bristles generally have a tactile function in both nocturnal and diurnal species, perhaps playing a role in prey handling, gathering information during flight, navigating in nest cavities and on the ground at night and possibly in prey‐detection. These differing roles may help explain the observed differences in capsule thickness of the corpuscles. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In this study we compared the effects of naphthoquinones (α-lapachone, β-lapachone, nor-β-lapachone and Epoxy-α-lap) on growth of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes forms, and on viability of VERO cells. In addition we also experimentally analyzed the most active compounds inhibitory profile against T. cruzi serine- and cysteine-proteinases activity and theoretically evaluated them against cruzain, the major T. cruzi cysteine proteinase by using a molecular docking approach. Our results confirmed β-lapachone and Epoxy-α-lap with a high trypanocidal activity in contrast to α-lapachone and nor-β-lapachone whereas Epoxy-α-lap presented the safest toxicity profile against VERO cells. Interestingly the evaluation of the active compounds effects against T. cruzi cysteine- and serine-proteinases activities revealed different targets for these molecules. β-Lapachone is able to inhibit the cysteine-proteinase activity of T. cruzi proteic whole extract and of cruzain, similar to E-64, a classical cysteine-proteinase inhibitor. Differently, Epoxy-α-lap inhibited the T. cruzi serine-proteinase activity, similar to PMSF, a classical serine-proteinase inhibitor. In agreement to these biological profiles in the enzymatic assays, our theoretical analysis showed that E-64 and β-lapachone interact with the cruzain specific S2 pocket and active site whereas Epoxy-α-lap showed no important interactions. Overall, our results infer that β-lapachone and Epoxy-α-lap compounds may inhibit T. cruzi epimastigotes growth by affecting T. cruzi different proteinases. Thus the present data shows the potential of these compounds as prototype of protease inhibitors on drug design studies for developing new antichagasic compounds.  相似文献   
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