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目的: 人动脉血来源是右心系统并在肺脏进行气体交换的静脉血,右心系统的静脉血是否存在波浪式信号目前尚没有证据支持,本研究旨在对比同时间动、静脉血中信号的连续变化特点。方法: 选择心功能正常,需要连续监测动脉血流动力学变化的患者6 例,4男2女,年龄(59.00±16.64) 岁,体质量(71.67±10.37)kg,左心射血分数(LVEF)(61.33±2.16)%。患者签署知情同意书后,选择心功能正常需要监测动、静脉血流动力学变化的患者6 例,连续同时桡动脉、颈内静脉逐搏取血,测定PaO2。选取2个典型呼吸周期,用于分析同时段动、静脉血气的波浪式变化。分别比较患者血氧分压最高和最低值,以验证同时段动、静脉血气是否都存在周期性波浪式信号变化。此外,将患者动脉、静脉血气周期性波浪式信号的变化幅度进行统计学t 检验分析,比较有无差异。结果: 共6例患者,抽取动、静脉血液充满肝素化细长塑化管需要15~16次心跳,即取血需要15~16次心跳,全部覆盖超过2个呼吸周期。所有患者动脉血气中PaO2均呈现明显的波浪式变化(P<0.05),幅度是(9.96±5.18)mmHg,是均值的(8.09±2.43)%。患者静脉血气中PaO2波动幅度并不明显,为(1.63±0.41)mmHg,是均值的(3.91±1.22)%,与动脉血气组相比有明显统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论: 采用同时连续逐搏动、静脉取血血气分析法证实,患者自主呼吸时动脉血气有明显的周期性波浪式变化信号,而静脉血气几乎没有周期性波浪式变化信号(很弱),说明动脉血气波浪式信号主要是由于肺通气过程中吸气和呼气期产生肺泡中氧分压规律性上升和下降,通过离开肺毛细血管与肺泡氧气压力平衡的动脉化血液,经过左心室搏血进入动脉血管系统所致。  相似文献   
Surfactant protein-A (SP-A) belongs to a family of collagen-containing C-type lectins called collectins. SP-A is expressed by renal tubule epithelial cells. We investigated the distribution of SP-A in renal cell carcinomas (RCC) using immunohistochemical techniques and western blotting. We used 35 formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) RCC tissue samples. We compared results with clinico-pathological parameters of RCC including age, sex, Fuhrman grade, tumor volume, tumor node metastasis (TNM) and clinical stage. SP-A was localized in the glomerulus and renal tubule epithelium in nontumor tissue and strong SP-A immunoreactivity was observed in tumor tissue. SP-A was expressed in the RCC tumor cells (64%) and nontumor cells (34%) in males and RCC tumor cells (90%) and nontumor cells (30%) in females. There was a significant correlation between SP-A immunoreactivity in tumor cells and gender, age, tumor diameter, Fuhrman grade and tumor diameter. Western blot analysis supported the immunohistochemical findings. We present evidence for involvement of SP-A in RCC and suggest that increased SP-A expression in RCC is associated with favorable prognosis.  相似文献   
Thirty-five patients (23 males) with asymptomatic hyperuricemia for at least two years underwent two-dimensioal ultrasonography of knees and ankles. Urate deposits (tophi) in tendons, synovium, and other soft tissues were detected in 12 patients (34%). Increased vascularity (inflammation) was evident in 8 of these patients (23%). Tophi were more frequently found in knees than in ankles and were especially prevalent in the distal patellar tendon. The presence of tophi was unrelated to the known duration of hyperuricemia (mean, 5 years). Ultrasonography allows detection of tophi and inflammation in a third and in a fourth, respectively, of asymptomatic hyperuricemic patients.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate carbon flux in Azotobacter vinelandii using metabolic flux analysis (MFA) under high and low aeration conditions to achieve an improved understanding of how these changes could be related to alginate acetylation and PHB production. Changes in oxygen availability had a considerable impact on the metabolic fluxes and were reflected in the growth rate, the specific glucose consumption rate, and the alginate and PHB yields. The main differences at the metabolic flux level were observed in three important pathways. The first important difference was consistent with respiratory protection; an increase in the flux generated through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle for cultures grown under high aeration conditions (up to 2.61 times higher) was observed. In the second important difference, the fluxes generated through pyruvate dehydrogenase, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase and pyruvate kinase, all of which are involved in acetyl-CoA metabolism, increased by 10, 43.9 and 17.5%, respectively, in cultures grown under low aeration conditions compared with those grown under high aeration conditions. These changes were related to alginate acetylation, which was 2.6 times higher in the cultures with limited oxygen, and the changes were also related to a drastic increase in PHB production. Finally, the glyoxylate shunt was active under both of the conditions that were tested, and a 2.79-fold increase was observed in cultures that were grown under the low aeration condition.  相似文献   


9 million people are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi in Latin America, plus more than 300,000 in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Japan. Approximately 30% of infected individuals develop circulatory or digestive pathology. While in underdeveloped countries transmission is mainly through hematophagous arthropods, transplacental infection prevails in developed ones.

Methodology/Principal Findings

During infection, T. cruzi calreticulin (TcCRT) translocates from the endoplasmic reticulum to the area of flagellum emergence. There, TcCRT acts as virulence factor since it binds maternal classical complement component C1q that recognizes human calreticulin (HuCRT) in placenta, with increased parasite infectivity. As measured ex vivo by quantitative PCR in human placenta chorionic villi explants (HPCVE) (the closest available correlate of human congenital T. cruzi infection), C1q mediated up to a 3–5-fold increase in parasite load. Because anti-TcCRT and anti-HuCRT F(ab′)2 antibody fragments are devoid of their Fc-dependent capacity to recruit C1q, they reverted the C1q-mediated increase in parasite load by respectively preventing its interaction with cell-bound CRTs from both parasite and HPCVE origins. The use of competing fluid-phase recombinant HuCRT and F(ab′)2 antibody fragments anti-TcCRT corroborated this. These results are consistent with a high expression of fetal CRT on placental free chorionic villi. Increased C1q-mediated infection is paralleled by placental tissue damage, as evidenced by histopathology, a damage that is ameliorated by anti-TcCRT F(ab′)2 antibody fragments or fluid-phase HuCRT.


T. cruzi infection of HPCVE is importantly mediated by human and parasite CRTs and C1q. Most likely, C1q bridges CRT on the parasite surface with its receptor orthologue on human placental cells, thus facilitating the first encounter between the parasite and the fetal derived placental tissue. The results presented here have several potential translational medicine aspects, specifically related with the capacity of antibody fragments to inhibit the C1q/CRT interactions and thus T. cruzi infectivity.  相似文献   
The cellular arm of the insect immune response is mediated by the activity of hemocytes. While hemocytes have been well-characterized morphologically and functionally in model insects, few studies have characterized the hemocytes of non-model insects. Further, the role of ontogeny in mediating immune response is not well understood in non-model invertebrate systems. The goals of the current study were to (1) determine the effects of caterpillar size (and age) on hemocyte density in naïve caterpillars and caterpillars challenged with non-pathogenic bacteria, and (2) characterize the hemocyte activity and diversity of cell types present in two forest caterpillars: Euclea delphinii and Lithacodes fasciola (Limacodidae). We found that although early and late instar (small and large size, respectively) naïve caterpillars had similar constitutive hemocyte densities in both species, late instar Lithacodes caterpillars injected with non-pathogenic E. coli produced more than a twofold greater density of hemocytes than those in early instars. We also found that both caterpillar species contained plasmatocytes, granulocytes and oenocytoids, all of which are found in other lepidopteran species, but lacked spherulocytes. Granulocytes and plasmatocytes were found to be strongly phagocytic in both species, but granulocytes exhibited a higher phagocytic activity than plasmatocytes. Our results strongly suggest that for at least one measure of immunological response, the production of hemocytes in response to infection, response magnitudes can increase over ontogeny. While the underlying raison d’ être for this improvement remains unclear, these findings may be useful in explaining natural patterns of stage-dependent parasitism and pathogen infection.  相似文献   
Cocaine dependence is a neuropsychiatric disorder in which both environmental and genetic factors are involved. Several processes, that include reward and neuroadaptations, mediate the transition from use to dependence. In this regard, dopamine and serotonin neurotransmission systems are clearly involved in reward and other cocaine‐related effects, whereas neurotrophic factors may be responsible for neuroadaptations associated with cocaine dependence. We examined the contribution to cocaine dependence of 37 genes related to the dopaminergic and serotoninergic systems, neurotrophic factors and their receptors through a case–control association study with 319 single nucleotide polymorphisms selected according to genetic coverage criteria in 432 cocaine‐dependent patients and 482 sex‐matched unrelated controls. Single marker analyses provided evidence for association of the serotonin receptor HTR2A with cocaine dependence [rs6561333; nominal P‐value adjusted for age = 1.9e?04, odds ratio = 1.72 (1.29–2.30)]. When patients were subdivided according to the presence or absence of psychotic symptoms, we confirmed the association between cocaine dependence and HTR2A in both subgroups of patients. Our data show additional evidence for the involvement of the serotoninergic system in the genetic susceptibility to cocaine dependence.  相似文献   
Physical activity and fitness play a significant role in prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescentes. Current understanding and evidence from epidemiologic studies provide useful insights to better understand how they relate to each other and how to develop future intervention strategies. This paper summarizes the most relevant information from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on the relationships between physical activity, physical fitness, and overweight in early life. According to current scientific evidence: (i) High levels of physical activity during childhood and adolescence, particularly vigorous physical activity, are associated to lower total and central adiposity at this age and later in life; (ii) the level of physical fitness, especially aerobic fitness, is inversely related to current and future adiposity levels; (iii) overweight children and adolescents with a high fitness level have a healthier cardiovascular profile than their overweight, low fit peers and a similar profile to their normal weight, low fit peers. This suggests that high fitness levels may counteract the negative consequences attributed to body fat. These findings suggest that increasing physical fitness in overweight children and adolescentes may have many positive effects on health, including lower body fat levels.  相似文献   


Protein aggregation is linked to the onset of an increasing number of human nonneuropathic (either localized or systemic) and neurodegenerative disorders. In particular, misfolding of native α-helical structures and their self-assembly into nonnative intermolecular β-sheets has been proposed to trigger amyloid fibril formation in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.


Here, we use a battery of biophysical techniques to elucidate the conformational conversion of native α-helices into amyloid fibrils using an all-α FF domain as a model system.


We show that under mild denaturing conditions at low pH this FF domain self-assembles into amyloid fibrils. Theoretical and experimental dissection of the secondary structure elements in this domain indicates that the helix 1 at the N-terminus has both the highest α-helical and amyloid propensities, controlling the transition between soluble and aggregated states of the protein.


The data illustrates the overlap between the propensity to form native α-helices and amyloid structures in protein segments.


The results presented contribute to explain why proteins cannot avoid the presence of aggregation-prone regions and indeed use stable α-helices as a strategy to neutralize such potentially deleterious stretches.  相似文献   
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