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The depolymerization of the recalcitrant polysaccharides found in lignocellulose has become an area of intense interest due to the role of this process in global carbon cycling, human gut microbiome nutritional contributions, and bioenergy production. However, underdeveloped genetic tools have hampered study of bacterial lignocellulose degradation, especially outside model organisms. In this report, we describe an in-frame deletion strategy for the Gram-negative lignocellulose-degrading bacterium Cellvibrio japonicus. This method leverages optimized growth conditions for conjugation and sacB counterselection for the generation of markerless in-frame deletions. This method produces mutants in as few as 8 days and allows for the ability to make multiple gene deletions per strain. It is also possible to remove large sections of the genome, as shown in this report with the deletion of the nine-gene (9.4-kb) gsp operon in C. japonicus. We applied this system to study the complex phenotypes of cellulose degradation in C. japonicus. Our data indicated that a Δcel5B Δcel6A double mutant is crippled for cellulose utilization, more so than by either single mutation alone. Additionally, we deleted individual genes in the two-gene cbp2ED operon and showed that both genes contribute to cellulose degradation in C. japonicus. Overall, these described techniques substantially enhance the utility of C. japonicus as a model system to study lignocellulose degradation.  相似文献   
The segmental architecture of the arthropod head is one of the most controversial topics in the evolutionary developmental biology of arthropods. The deutocerebral (second) segment of the head is putatively homologous across Arthropoda, as inferred from the segmental distribution of the tripartite brain and the absence of Hox gene expression of this anterior-most, appendage-bearing segment. While this homology statement implies a putative common mechanism for differentiation of deutocerebral appendages across arthropods, experimental data for deutocerebral appendage fate specification are limited to winged insects. Mandibulates (hexapods, crustaceans and myriapods) bear a characteristic pair of antennae on the deutocerebral segment, whereas chelicerates (e.g. spiders, scorpions, harvestmen) bear the eponymous chelicerae. In such hexapods as the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, and the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, cephalic appendages are differentiated from the thoracic appendages (legs) by the activity of the appendage patterning gene homothorax (hth). Here we show that embryonic RNA interference against hth in the harvestman Phalangium opilio results in homeonotic chelicera-to-leg transformations, and also in some cases pedipalp-to-leg transformations. In more strongly affected embryos, adjacent appendages undergo fusion and/or truncation, and legs display proximal defects, suggesting conservation of additional functions of hth in patterning the antero-posterior and proximo-distal appendage axes. Expression signal of anterior Hox genes labial, proboscipedia and Deformed is diminished, but not absent, in hth RNAi embryos, consistent with results previously obtained with the insect G. bimaculatus. Our results substantiate a deep homology across arthropods of the mechanism whereby cephalic appendages are differentiated from locomotory appendages.  相似文献   
Predictions of the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity of compounds in pharmaceutical development are essential aspects of the drug discovery process. B-CLEAR is an in vitro system that uses sandwich-cultured hepatocytes to evaluate and predict in vivo hepatobiliary disposition (hepatic uptake, biliary excretion, and biliary clearance), transporter-based hepatic drug-drug interactions, and potential drug-induced hepatotoxicity. Automation of predictive technologies is an advantageous and preferred format in drug discovery. In this study, manual and automated studies are investigated and equivalence is demonstrated. In addition, automated applications using model probe substrates and inhibitors to assess the cholestatic potential of drugs and evaluate hepatic drug transport are examined. The successful automation of this technology provides a more reproducible and less labor-intensive approach, reducing potential operator error in complex studies and facilitating technology transfer.  相似文献   
Class I(A) phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are activated by growth factor receptors, and they regulate, among other processes, cell growth and organ size. Studies using transgenic mice overexpressing constitutively active and dominant negative forms of the p110alpha catalytic subunit of class I(A) PI3K have implicated the role of this enzyme in regulating heart size and physiological cardiac hypertrophy. To further understand the role of class I(A) PI3K in controlling heart growth and to circumvent potential complications from the overexpression of dominant negative and constitutively active proteins, we generated mice with muscle-specific deletion of the p85alpha regulatory subunit and germ line deletion of the p85beta regulatory subunit of class I(A) PI3K. Here we show that mice with cardiac deletion of both p85 subunits exhibit attenuated Akt signaling in the heart, reduced heart size, and altered cardiac gene expression. Furthermore, exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy is also attenuated in the p85 knockout hearts. Despite such defects in postnatal developmental growth and physiological hypertrophy, the p85 knockout hearts exhibit normal contractility and myocardial histology. Our results therefore provide strong genetic evidence that class I(A) PI3Ks are critical regulators for the developmental growth and physiological hypertrophy of the heart.  相似文献   
We observed the responses of the AN2 interneuron in the Pacific field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus, a cell implicated in eliciting avoidance flight away from bats, to acoustic stimuli representing the echolocation calls of bats as well as field recordings of search and gleaning attack calls of six species of insectivorous sympatric bats (West Australia, Australia: Tadarida australis, Chalinolobus goudii, Nyctophilus geoffroyi; Queensland, Australia: Vespadelus pumilus, Myotis adversus; Kauai, Hawaii: Lasiurus cinereus). The broad frequency sensitivity of the AN2 cell indicates that T. oceanicus has evolved to detect a wide range of echolocation call frequencies. The reduced sensitivity of this cell at frequencies higher than 70 kHz suggests that some bats (e.g., the gleaning species, N. geoffroyi) may circumvent this insects auditory defences by using frequency-mismatched (allotonic) calls. The calls of the freetail bat, T. australis evoked the strongest response in the AN2 cell but, ironically, this may allow this bat to prey upon T. oceanicus as previous studies report that under certain conditions, flying crickets exhibit ambiguous directional responses towards frequencies similar to those emitted by this bat. Short duration calls (1–2 ms) are sufficient to evoke AN2 responses with instantaneous spike periods capable of causing defensive flight behaviours; most bats tested emit calls of durations greater than this. The short calls of N. geoffroyi produced during gleaning attacks may reduce this species acoustic conspicuousness to this cricket.  相似文献   
Betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase (BHMT) is the only enzyme known to catabolize betaine. In addition to being a substrate for BHMT, betaine also functions as an osmoprotectant that accumulates in the kidney medulla under conditions of high extracellular osmolarity. The mechanisms that regulate the partitioning of betaine between its use as a methyl donor and its accumulation as an osmoprotectant are not completely understood. The aim of this study was to determine whether BHMT expression is regulated by salt intake. This report shows that guinea pigs express BHMT in the liver, kidney, and pancreas and that the steady-state levels of BHMT mRNA in kidney and liver decrease 68% and 93% in guinea pigs consuming tap water containing high levels of salt compared with animals provided untreated tap water. The animals consuming the salt water also had approximately 50% less BHMT activity in the liver and kidney, and steady-state protein levels decreased approximately 30% in both organs. Pancreatic BHMT activity and protein levels were unaffected by the high salt treatment. The complex mechanisms involved in the downregulation of hepatic and renal BHMT expression in guinea pigs drinking salt water remain to be clarified, but the physiological significance of this downregulation may be to expedite the transport and accumulation of betaine into the kidney medulla under conditions of high extracellular osmolarity.  相似文献   
Static magnetic fields alter arteriolar tone in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to directly quantify the effect of localized static magnetic field (SMF) exposure on the diameter of microvessels in adult rat skeletal muscle in vivo. Microvascular networks in the exteriorized rat spinotrapezius microvasculature were exposed to a localized, uniform 70 mT SMF for 15 min. Arteriolar vessel diameters were measured; and the extent of vessel contraction, microvascular tone, was calculated before exposure, immediately after exposure, and 15 and 30 min after removal of the field. A calculated value of high tone corresponds to vessels that are vasoconstricted and a calculated value of low tone refers to vessels that are vasodilated. Vessels with initial tone <15% showed an increasing trend in tone and, conversely, vessels with initial tone >15% showed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in tone 15 and 30 min following application, respectively. Further classification of the data with regards to the initial vessel diameter demonstrated that vessels with initial diameters <30 microm and initial tone <15%, smaller diameter vessels that are initially vasodilated, showed significant (P < 0.05) increase in tone immediately, 15 and 30 min following SMF exposure. Additionally, <30 microm vessels with >15% initial tone, smaller diameter vessels that are initially vasoconstricted, demonstrated a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in tone 30 min after SMF exposure. Vessels with initial diameters >30 microm had no significant response to the SMF. These results imply that SMF exposure influences arteriolar diameters, and therefore microvascular tone, in a restorative fashion acting to normalize the tone to the median tone value of 15% following exposure. Because this response occurs primarily in the resistance arterioles, which significantly influence tissue perfusion, SMF application could be efficacious for the treatment of both ischemic and edematous tissue disorders involving compromised microvascular function.  相似文献   
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