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Immunoadsorption of membrane proteins solubilized in detergents has been used widely for identification, purification and quantitation of transporters and receptors. In an effort to separate the glucose and nucleoside nucleoside transporters of human erythrocytes (GT and NT, respectively) that copurify in a membrane protein fraction band 4.5, we examined in the present study the effects of seven different detergents on the immunoadsorption of GT to its monoclonal antibody, 65D4 (Craik, et al. (1988) Biochem. Cell Biol. 66, 839-852). The following results were obtained. (1) The maximum extent of the immunoadsorption of GT by 65D4 varied between 52 to 98% in different detergents. For non-ionic detergents, there was an apparent inverse correlation between the maximum immunoreactivity of GT and the aggregation number or micellar size of detergents. (2) The immunoprecipitate of GT by 65D4 was contaminated with nucleoside transporter to an extent that varied from 2 to 35 mol% in different detergents. There is an inverse correlation between the extent of the contamination and the detergent aggregation number. However, this contamination was quantitatively accounted for by a time-dependent, non-specific aggregation of NT with GT in detergents. (3) A high degree of purification of NT in band 4.5 by immunoadsorptive removal of GT with 65D4 was achieved in C12E8 as predicted by the observed low NT-GT aggregation and the relatively high epitope-accessibility of GT in this detergent. Based on these findings, we conclude that certain detergents can reduce the immunoreactivity of membrane proteins significantly by modulating epitope accessibility, and may also produce a false immuno-cross-reactivity by inducing nonspecific protein aggregation.  相似文献   
In order to delineate the insulin-independent (constitutive) and insulin-dependent regulations of the plasma membrane glucose transporter concentrations in rat adipocytes, we introduced purified human erythrocyte GLUT-1 (HEGT) into rat adipocytes by poly(ethylene glycol)-induced vesicle-cell fusion and its transport function and subcellular distribution in the host cell were measured. HEGT in adipocytes catalysed 3-O-methylglucose equilibrium exchange with a turnover number that is indistinguishable from that of the basal adipocyte transporters. However, insulin did not stimulate significantly the HEGT function in adipocytes where it stimulated the native transporter function by 7-8-fold. The steady state distribution and the transmembrane orientation assays revealed that more than 85% of the HEGT that were inserted in the physiological, cytoplasmic side-in orientation at the adipocytes plasma membrane were moved into low-density microsomes (LDM), while 90% of the HEGT that were inserted in the wrong, cytoplasmic side-out orientation were retained in the plasma membrane. Furthermore, more than 70% of the LDM-associated HEGT were found in a small subset of LDM that also contained 80% of the LDM-associated GLUT-4, the insulin-regulatable, native adipocyte glucose transporter. However, insulin did not cause redistribution of HEGT from LDM to the plasma membrane under the condition where it recruited GLUT-4 from LDM to increase the plasma membrane GLUT-4 content 4-5-fold. These results demonstrate that the erythrocyte GLUT-1 introduced in adipocytes transports glucose with an intrinsic activity similar to that of the adipocyte GLUT-1 and/or GLUT-4, and enters the constitutive GLUT-4 translocation pathway of the host cell provided it is in physiological transmembrane orientation, but fails to enter the insulin-dependent GLUT-4 recruitment pathway. We suggested that the adipocyte plasma membrane glucose transporter concentration is constitutively kept low by a mechanism where a cell-specific constituent interacts with a cytoplasmic domain common to GLUT-1 and GLUT-4, while the insulin-dependent recruitment requires a cytoplasmic domain specific to GLUT-4.  相似文献   
Human polynucleotide kinase (hPNK) is a putative DNA repair enzyme in the base excision repair pathway required for processing and rejoining strand-break termini. This study represents the first systematic examination of the physical properties of this enzyme. The protein was produced in Escherichia coli as a His-tagged protein, and the purified recombinant protein exhibited both the kinase and the phosphatase activities. The predicted relative molecular mass (M(r)) of the 521 amino acid polypeptide encoded by the sequenced cDNA for PNK and the additional 21 amino acids of the His tag is 59,538. The M(r) determined by low-speed sedimentation equilibrium under nondenaturing conditions was 59,600 +/- 1000, indicating that the protein exists as a monomer, in contrast to T4 phage PNK, which exists as a homotetramer. The size and shape of hPNK in solution were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation studies. The protein was found to have an intrinsic sedimentation coefficient, s(0)(20,w), of 3.54 S and a Stokes radius, R(s), of 37.5 A. These hydrodynamic data, together with the M(r) of 59 600, suggest that hPNK is a moderately asymmetric protein with an axial ratio of 5.51. Analysis of the secondary structure of hPNK on the basis of circular dichroism spectra, which revealed the presence of two negative dichroic bands located at 218 and 209 nm, with ellipticity values of -7200 +/- 300 and -7800 +/- 300 deg x cm(2) x d(mol(-1), respectively, indicated the presence of approximately 50% beta-structure and 25% alpha-helix. Binding of ATP to the protein induced an increase in beta-structure and perturbed tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine signals observed by aromatic CD and UV difference spectroscopy.  相似文献   
The mature embryo sac of barley consists of an egg, two synergids, a central cell, and up to 100 antipodal cells. At shedding the male gametophyte is 3-celled, consisting of a vegetative cell with a large amount of starch and two sperms having PAS+ boundaries. Before pollination the nucleus and cytoplasm of each synergid appear normal. After pollination the nucleus and cytoplasm of one synergid undergo degeneration. The pollen tube grows along the surface of the integument of the ovule, passes through the micropyle, and enters the degenerate synergid through the filiform apparatus. The pollen tube discharges the vegetative nucleus, two cellular sperms, and a variable amount of starch into the degenerate synergid. Soon after deposition the sperms migrate by an unknown mechanism to the chalazal end of the degenerate synergid. Sperm nuclei then enter the cytoplasm of the egg and central cell, ultimately resulting in the formation of the zygote and primary endosperm nucleus, respectively. Sperm boundaries do not enter egg or central cell, but it was not possible to determine the fate of other sperm components. Degenerate vegetative and synergid nuclei remain in the synergid after fertilization, constituting what are considered to be X-bodies in barley. The second synergid degenerates during early embryogeny.  相似文献   
Calcitriol has been implicated as an agent that has neuroprotective effects in various animal models of diseases, possibly by upregulating glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). The present study examined the neuroprotective effects of calcitriol in a model of early Parkinson’s disease. Rats were treated daily with calcitriol or saline for 7 days before an intraventricular injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), and then for 1 day or daily for 3½ to 4 weeks after lesioning. Evoked overflow and tissue content of dopamine (DA) were determined 3½ to 4 weeks post lesion. The 8-day calcitriol treatment did not attenuate 6-OHDA-induced decreases in evoked overflow of DA, nor did it protect against 6-OHDA-induced reductions in tissue levels of DA in the striatum or substantia nigra. However, the long-term calcitriol treatment did significantly increase evoked overflow of DA, as well as the amount of DA in the striatum, compared to saline treated animals. GDNF was significantly increased in the substantia nigra, but not in the striatum, of non-lesioned, calcitriol treated rats. These results suggest that long-term treatment with calcitriol can provide partial protection for dopaminergic neurons against the effects of intraventricularly administered 6-OHDA.  相似文献   
We immobilized his-tag alkaline phosphatase (ALP) randomly and with the desirable orientation (site directed) to compare the effects of the enzyme activity on the beads. The chemiluminescence was employed to increase the sensitivity of enzyme labelled assays. Flow injection was also carried out for the detection of chemical and biological molecules in flow solutions. The Vmax of randomly immobilized his-tag ALP was 1.2 and the Vmax of site directed immobilized his-tag ALP was 1.5. In other words, the activity of site directed immobilized his-tag ALP was about 1.3-folds increased. The detection limit was detected to be 6 x 10(-6) M for the flow injection system.  相似文献   
Molecular genetics and symbiont diagnostics have revolutionized our understanding of insect species diversity, and the transformative effects of bacterial symbionts on host life history. Encarsia inaron is a parasitoid wasp that has been shown to harbour two bacterial endosymbionts, Wolbachia and Cardinium. Known then as E. partenopea, it was introduced to the USA in the late 1980s from populations collected in Italy and Israel for the biological control of an ornamental tree pest, the ash whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae. We studied natural populations from sites in the USA, the Mediterranean and the Middle East as well as from a Cardinium‐infected laboratory culture established from Italy, with the aims of characterizing these populations genetically, testing reproductive isolation, determining symbiont infection status in their native and introduced range, and determining symbiont role. The results showed that the two Encarsia populations introduced to the USA are genetically distinct, reproductively isolated, have different symbionts and different host–symbiont interactions, and can be considered different biological species. One (‘E. inaron’) is doubly infected by Wolbachia and Cardinium, while only Cardinium is present in the other (‘E. partenopea’). The Cardinium strains in the two species are distinct, although closely related, and crossing tests indicate that the Cardinium infecting ‘E. partenopea’ induces cytoplasmic incompatibility. The frequency of symbiont infection found in the native and introduced range of these wasps was similar, unlike the pattern seen in some other systems. These results also lead to a retelling of a successful biological control story, with several more characters than had been initially described.  相似文献   
The entire pepsinogen C (PGC) coding sequence was determined by analysis of a series of five overlapping cDNA clones identified in a library constructed from human gastric mucosa poly(A+) RNA. A partial cDNA clone was initially identified using a 256-fold degenerate oligonucleotide probe for amino acid residues 4-12 of pepsin C, and subsequently 4 additional clones were identified upon rescreening with a probe complementary to the 5' region of the original cDNA clone. Northern analysis of gastric mucosa poly(A+) RNA with a PGC cDNA probe revealed an mRNA 1.5-kilobase species that was indistinguishable from that detected with a human pepsinogen A (PGA) cDNA probe. In contrast, the PGC and PGA cDNA probes detected distinct genomic restriction fragments indicating there was no detectable cross-hybridization under high stringency conditions. The PGC gene was localized to human chromosome 6 by analysis of a panel of human x mouse somatic cell hybrids. The regions containing the active site aspartyl groups of PGC are conserved in relationship to several other aspartic proteinases. We propose that the absence of detectable immunologic cross-reactivity between the two groups of human pepsinogens, A and C, results from divergent evolution of sequences located on the surface of the zymogens in contrast to the strongly conserved active site regions located within the binding cleft of the enzymes that are inaccessible for antigenic recognition.  相似文献   
The sugar moiety of nucleosides has been shown to play a major role in permeant-transporter interaction with human equilibrative nucleoside transporters 1 and 2 (hENT1 and hENT2). To better understand the structural requirements for interactions with hENT1 and hENT2, a series of uridine analogs with sugar modifications were subjected to an assay that tested their abilities to inhibit [3H]uridine transport mediated by recombinant hENT1 and hENT2 produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. hENT1 displayed higher affinity for uridine than hENT2. Both transporters barely tolerated modifications or inversion of configuration at C(3'). The C(2')-OH at uridine was a structural determinant for uridine-hENT1, but not for uridine-hENT2, interactions. Both transporters were sensitive to modifications at C(5') and hENT2 displayed more tolerance to removal of C(5')-OH than hENT1; addition of an O-methyl group at C(5') greatly reduced interaction with either hENT1 or hENT2. The changes in binding energies between transporter proteins and the different uridine analogs suggested that hENT1 formed strong interactions with C(3')-OH and moderate interactions with C(2')-OH and C(5')-OH of uridine, whereas hENT2 formed strong interactions with C(3')-OH, weak interactions with C(5')-OH, and no interaction with C(2')-OH.  相似文献   
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