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Restriction mapping and sequencing have shown that humans have substantially lower levels of mitochondrial genome diversity (d) than chimpanzees. In contrast, humans have substantially higher levels of heterozygosity (H) at protein-coding loci, suggesting a higher level of diversity in the nuclear genome. To investigate the discrepancy further, we sequenced a segment of the mitochondrial genome control region (CR) from 49 chimpanzees. The majority of these were from the Pan troglodytes versus subspecies, which was underrepresented in previous studies. We also estimated the average heterozygosity at 60 short tandem repeat (STR) loci in both species. For a total sample of 115 chimpanzees, d = 0.075 +/0 0.037, compared to 0.020 +/- 0.011 for a sample of 1,554 humans. The heterozygosity of human STR loci is significantly higher than that of chimpanzees. Thus, the higher level of nuclear genome diversity relative to mitochondrial genome diversity in humans is not restricted to protein-coding loci. It seems that humans, not chimpanzees, have an unusual d/H ratio, since the ratio in chimpanzees is similar to that in other catarrhines. This discrepancy in the relative levels of nuclear and mitochondrial genome diversity in the two species cannot be explained by differences in mutation rate. However, it may result from a combination of factors such as a difference in the extent of sex ratio disparity, the greater effect of population subdivision on mitochondrial than on nuclear genome diversity, a difference in the relative levels of male and female migration among subpopulations, diversifying selection acting to increase variation in the nuclear genome, and/or directional selection acting to reduce variation in the mitochondrial genome.   相似文献   
Toll‐like receptor 9 (TLR9) has a key role in the recognition of pathogen DNA in the context of infection and cellular DNA that is released from damaged cells. Pro‐inflammatory TLR9 signalling pathways in immune cells have been well investigated, but we have recently discovered an alternative pathway in which TLR9 temporarily reduces energy substrates to induce cellular protection from stress in cardiomyocytes and neurons. However, the mechanism by which TLR9 stimulation reduces energy substrates remained unknown. Here, we identify the calcium‐transporting ATPase, SERCA2 (also known as Atp2a2), as a key molecule for the alternative TLR9 signalling pathway. TLR9 stimulation reduces SERCA2 activity, modulating Ca2+ handling between the SR/ER and mitochondria, which leads to a decrease in mitochondrial ATP levels and the activation of cellular protective machinery. These findings reveal how distinct innate responses can be elicited in immune and non‐immune cells—including cardiomyocytes—using the same ligand‐receptor system.  相似文献   
The healthy synovial lining layer consists of a single cell layer that regulates the transport between the joint cavity and the surrounding tissue. It has been suggested that abnormalities such as somatic mutations in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene contribute to synovial hyperplasia and invasion in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this study, expression of epithelial markers on healthy and diseased synovial lining tissue was examined. In addition, we investigated whether a regulated process, resembling epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)/fibrosis, could be responsible for the altered phenotype of the synovial lining layer in RA. Synovial tissue from healthy subjects and RA patients was obtained during arthroscopy. To detect signs of EMT, expression of E-cadherin (epithelial marker), collagen type IV (indicator of the presence of a basement membrane) and alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-sma; a myofibroblast marker) was investigated on frozen tissue sections using immunohistochemistry. Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) from healthy subjects were isolated and subjected to stimulation with synovial fluid (SF) from two RA patients and to transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta. To detect whether EMT/fibrotic markers were increased, expression of collagen type I, alpha-sma and telopeptide lysylhydroxylase (TLH) was measured by real time PCR. Expression of E-cadherin and collagen type IV was found in healthy and arthritic synovial tissue. Expression of alpha-sma was only found in the synovial lining layer of RA patients. Stimulation of healthy FLSs with SF resulted in an upregulation of alpha-sma and TLH mRNA. Collagen type I and TLH mRNA were upregulated after stimulation with TGF-beta. Addition of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-7 to healthy FLS stimulated with SF inhibited the expression of alpha-sma mRNA. The finding that E-cadherin and collagen type IV are expressed in the lining layer of healthy and arthritic synovium indicates that these lining cells display an epithelial-like phenotype. In addition, the presence of alpha-sma in the synovial lining layer of RA patients and induction of fibrotic markers in healthy FLSs by SF from RA patients indicate that a regulated process comparable to EMT might cause the alteration in phenotype of RA FLSs. Therefore, BMP-7 may represent a promising agent to counteract the transition imposed on synoviocytes in the RA joint.  相似文献   
Anglerfish proinsulin and insulin were selectively labeled with [(14)C]isoleucine, while proglucagon, conversion intermediate(s), and glucagon were selectively labeled with[(3)H]tryptophan. After various periods of continuous or pulse-chase incubation, islet tissue was subjected to subcellular fractionation. Fraction extracts were analyzed by gel filtration for their content of precursor, conversion intermediate(s), and product peptides. Of the seven subcellular fractions prepared after each incubation, only the microsome and secretory granule fractions yielded significant amounts of labeled insulin-related and glucagon-related peptides. After short-pulse incubations, levels of both [(14)C]proinsulin and [(3)H]proglucagon (mol wt approximately 12,000) were highest in the microsome fraction. This fraction is therefore identified as the site of synthesis. With increasing duration of continuous incubation or during chase incubation in the absence of isotopes, proinsulin, proglucagon, and conversion intermediate(s) are transported to secretory granules. Conversion of proinsulin to insulin and proglucagon to a approximately 4,900 mol wt conversion intermediate and 3,500 mol wt glucagon occurs in the secretory granules. Converting activity also was observed in the microsome fraction. The recovery of most of the incorporated radioactivity in microsome and secretory granule fractions indicates that the newly synthesized islet peptides are relegated to a membrane-bound state soon after synthesis at the RER is completed. This finding supports the concept of intracisternal sequestration and intragranular maintenance of peptides synthesized for export from the cell of origin.  相似文献   
神经病学是涉及多个基础学科的临床专门学科,其内容复杂抽象,令学生望而生畏。PBL是学生自主学习建构知识和教师引导的教学模式,有利于学生克服畏难情绪,提高学习效率。根据我们的实践体会,教师与学生的心理是影响PBL教学效果的重要因素。只有把握好教学过程中的心理因素,才能使PBL的优势真正得以体现。  相似文献   
目的:探讨大鼠幼年期丰富环境经历对其成年后焦虑样行为和社会竞争行为的影响。方法:幼年期Wistar大鼠(生后21天)分为标准饲养组(对照组)和丰富环境刺激(EE)组。对照组为持续在标准实验室饲养条件下饲养;丰富环境组为生后21天至行为学检查时持续在丰富环境下饲养。在生后70天进行行为学检测:采用高架十字迷宫方法测试焦虑样行为;采用社会优势管道试验观察社会竞争性行为。结果:高架十字迷宫实验结果显示,与对照组相比,丰富环境组在开放臂的时间和次数显著增加;优势管道实验结果显示丰富环境刺激组大鼠的社会竞争力明显下降。结论:大鼠幼年期丰富环境刺激可改善大鼠的焦虑样情绪,但导致大鼠社会竞争力下降。  相似文献   
目的:建立高效液相系统肽图分析法,用于重组胰高血糖素样肽-1受体激动剂(rExendin-4)的质量控制。方法:应用高效液相系统摸索最佳胰蛋白酶切和色谱条件,并采用液质联用系统分析肽段的精确相对分子量和氨基酸序列。结果:根据酶切条件摸索,确定酶切条件为:rExendin-4原液与胰蛋白酶按照质量比为100:1混匀,37℃酶切4小时,根据肽段的色谱保留时间、相对分子质量及对其碰撞诱导解离质谱的解析结果,归属出肽图中各肽段所在的色谱峰,与理论值完全一致。结论:本法精确度高、重复性好、自动化程度高,能够用于rExendin-4原液肽图分析。  相似文献   
目的:对比剂肾病(CIN)是介入治疗中常见并发症之一。由于对比剂肾病发病机制复杂,其确切的机制尚不明确,有研究认为应用渗透压相似的对比剂,高粘度组对比剂引起CIN的几率明显高于低粘度组。本研究探讨接受不同粘度对比剂冠状动脉造影检查的患者术后引起肾功能损害的差异及其可能的机制。方法:80例接受冠状动脉造影检查的患者随机分为两组。分别为20℃碘海醇组、37℃碘海醇组,每组各40例。分别于冠脉造影前8h、冠脉造影后48h采集同一患者肘正中静脉血进行血清肌酐(Scr)、血清胱抑素C(CysC)检测,并对数据进行统计学分析。结果:两组患者组间比较基本资料无明显差异,两组患者术后Ser、CysC较术前均升高,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);20℃碘海醇组术后Scr较37℃碘海醇组升高不明显,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);20℃碘海醇组术后CysC较37℃碘海醇组升高明显,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:冠脉造影检查时.对比剂对患者的肾功能有损害;选择低粘度对比剂可能减少其对冠状动脉造影患者的肾功能的不良影响;其作用机制可能与对比剂改变血液粘滞性,从而影响肾血流有关。  相似文献   
The therapeutic effect of anti-cancer monoclonal antibodies stems from their capacity to opsonize targeted cancer cells with subsequent phagocytic removal, induction of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) or induction of complement-mediated cytotoxicity (CDC). The major immune effector cells involved in these processes are natural killer (NK) cells and granulocytes. The latter and most prevalent blood cell population contributes to phagocytosis, but is not effective in inducing ADCC. Here, we report that targeted delivery of the tumoricidal protein tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) to granulocyte marker C-type lectin-like molecule-1 (CLL1), using fusion protein CLL1:TRAIL, equips granulocytes with high levels of TRAIL. Upon CLL1-selective binding of this fusion protein, granulocytes acquire additional TRAIL-mediated cytotoxic activity that, importantly, potentiates antibody-mediated cytotoxicity of clinically used therapeutic antibodies (e.g., rituximab, cetuximab). Thus, CLL1:TRAIL could be used as an adjuvant to optimize the clinical potential of anticancer antibody therapy by augmenting tumoricidal activity of granulocytes.  相似文献   
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