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The relationship between plant species richness and the space organization of the community at different small scales was studied. The study was based on 51 sites distributed along a belt from Central Spain to Portugal. Each site was analyzed with a transect cutting across the boundary between two neighboring patches of shrubland and grassland. Local spatial organization of vegetation was analyzed at different levels of detail and each transect was divided into successively smaller portions. The first division coincides with a physiognomic perception of the site in two patches (shrubland and grassland). The average spatial niche width of the species was used to calculate the spatial organization of the vegetation of each division in each site. The correlation between species richness and spatial organization depended on the block size under consideration. A physiognomic criterion, sectorizing the sites into patches of shrubland and grassland, determines noteworthy floristic changes but does not enable us to express satisfactorily the variability in plant richness. In order to account for this variation, other factors must be taken into account which act at a more detailed small-scale and which determine the internal variability of these patches. In the case studied, the species richness of the sites increases along with an increase in the percentage of species whose occupation of the space is relatively restricted within the site. Many of these species are, however, frequent within the whole of the territory studied. The results highlight the importance of the level of local scale at which the factors influencing occupation of the space, and consequentially, plant richness, preferentially act. This circumstance ought to be taken into consideration in strategies for the conservation of biological diversity, and based on the delimitation of protected spaces with criteria frequently linked to the physiognomy of the vegetation.Nomenclature: Follows T.G. Tutin et al. 1964-1980. Flora Europaea. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge  相似文献   
PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) activity is involved in Ang (angiotensin) II-stimulated VSMC (vascular smooth muscle cell) growth and hypertrophy. In the present study, we demonstrate that the inhibition of PI3K in VSMCs by expression of a dominant-negative p85alpha mutant lacking the p110-binding domain (Deltap85), or by treatment of cells with LY294002, inhibited Ang II-stimulated PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) mRNA expression. Using a GST (glutathione S-transferase) fusion protein containing the p85 N-terminal SH2 (Src homology 2) domain as 'bait' followed by MS/MS (tandem MS), we identified a 70 kDa fragment of the p70 PDGFR-beta (platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta) as a signalling adapter that is phosphorylated and recruits the p85 subunit of PI3K after Ang II stimulation of AT1 (Ang II subtype 1) receptors on VSMCs. This fragment of the PDGFR-beta, which has a truncation of its extracellular domain, accounted for approx. 15% of the total PDGFR-beta detected in VSMCs with an antibody against its cytoplasmic domain. Stimulation of VSMCs with Ang II increased tyrosine-phosphorylation of p70 PDGFR-beta at Tyr751 and Tyr1021 and increased its binding to p85. PDGF also induced phosphorylation of p70 PDGFR-beta, a response inhibited by the PDGF tyrosine kinase selective inhibitor, AG1296. By contrast, Ang II-induced phosphorylation of the 70 kDa receptor was not affected by AG1296. Ang II-stimulated phosphorylation of the p70 PDGFR-beta was blocked by the AT1 receptor antagonist, candesartan (CV 11974) and was partially inhibited by PP2 {4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine}, an Src family kinase inhibitor. Our result suggests that the p70 PDGFR-beta functions as an adapter that recruits PI3K to the membrane upon AT1 receptor stimulation.  相似文献   
Most studies that have examined raptor plasma chemistry have been conducted on birds living in captivity. In this study, we describe typical plasma chemistry values indicators of body condition in free-living Booted Eagles, Hieraaetus pennatus, from Do?ana National Park (Spain). Values are compared with those of other raptors. Mean concentrations of creatinine, uric acid and urea were lower in adults than in nestlings, while glucose, DAT and AAT were lower in nestlings than in adults. Interactions of age/sex affected plasma mean levels of creatine kinase, glucose, AAT, uric acid and urea. Adult females showed significantly lower levels of creatine kinase, uric acid and urea than adult males and nestlings. Adult males had significantly higher levels of AAT than the other groups. The lowest levels of glucose and the highest levels of uric acid were found in nestling females. We think the differences in blood parameters can be explained by differences in size of species, of individuals (because of both body condition and sexual dimorphism) and diet.  相似文献   
The effect of COX (cyclo-oxygenase)-2-dependent PGs (prostaglandins) in acute liver injury has been investigated in transgenic mice that express human COX-2 in hepatocytes. We have used three well-established models of liver injury: in LPS (lipopolysaccharide) injury in D-GalN (D-galactosamine)-preconditioned mice; in the hepatitis induced by ConA (concanavalin A); and in the proliferation of hepatocytes in regenerating liver after PH (partial hepatectomy). The results from the present study demonstrate that PG synthesis in hepatocytes decreases the susceptibility to LPS/D-GalN or ConA-induced liver injury as deduced by significantly lower levels of the pro-inflammatory profile and plasmatic aminotransferases in transgenic mice, an effect suppressed by COX-2-selective inhibitors. These Tg (transgenic) animals express higher levels of anti-apoptotic proteins and exhibit activation of proteins implicated in cell survival, such as Akt and AMP kinase after injury. The resistance to LPS/D-GalN-induced liver apoptosis involves an impairment of procaspase 3 and 8 activation. Protection against ConA-induced injury implies a significant reduction in necrosis. Moreover, hepatocyte commitment to start replication is anticipated in Tg mice after PH, due to the expression of PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen), cyclin D1 and E. These results show, in a genetic model, that tissue-specific COX-2-dependent PGs exert an efficient protection against acute liver injury by an antiapoptotic/antinecrotic effect and by accelerated early hepatocyte proliferation.  相似文献   
Developmental genes are silenced in embryonic stem cells by a bivalent histone-based chromatin mark. It has been proposed that this mark also confers a predisposition to aberrant DNA promoter hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in cancer. We report here that silencing of a significant proportion of these TSGs in human embryonic and adult stem cells is associated with promoter DNA hypermethylation. Our results indicate a role for DNA methylation in the control of gene expression in human stem cells and suggest that, for genes repressed by promoter hypermethylation in stem cells in vivo, the aberrant process in cancer could be understood as a defect in establishing an unmethylated promoter during differentiation, rather than as an anomalous process of de novo hypermethylation.  相似文献   
The complex trans-PtCl(p-Tol)(SEt2)2 is obtained from the reaction of [Pt(p-Tol)2(SEt2)]2 with PtCl2(SEt2)2 and SEt2 in mole ratio 1:2:2. The mono(p-tolyl)platinum(II) and bis(p-tolyl)platinum(II) complexes of diethylsulfide react with 2,2′-bipyridine to form the complexes PtX(p-Tol)(bpy) (X=p-Tol, Cl) and are useful reagents for organoplatinum chemistry. X-ray crystal structures are presented for square planar PtCl(p-Tol)(bpy) and the centrosymmetric dimer [Pt(p-Tol)2(μ-SEt2)]2.  相似文献   
Nucleoside transporters have a variety of functions in the cell, such as the provision of substrates for nucleic acid synthesis and the modulation of purine receptors by determining agonist availability. They also transport a wide range of nucleoside-derived antiviral and anticancer drugs. Most mammalian cells coexpress several nucleoside transporter isoforms at the plasma membrane, which are differentially regulated. This paper reviews studies on nucleoside transporter regulation, which has been extensively characterized in the laboratory in several model systems: the hepatocyte, an epithelial cell type, and immune system cells, in particular B cells, which are non-polarized and highly specialized. The hepatocyte co-expresses at least two Na+-dependent nucleoside transporters, CNT1 and CNT2, which are up-regulated during cell proliferation but may undergo selective loss in certain experimental models of hepatocarcinomas. This feature is consistent with evidence that CNT expression also depends on the differentiation status of the hepatocyte. Moreover, substrate availability also modulates CNT expression in epithelial cells, as reported for hepatocytes and jejunum epithelia from rats fed nucleotide-deprived diets. In human B cell lines, CNT and ENT transporters are co-expressed but differentially regulated after B cell activation triggered by cytokines or phorbol esters, as described for murine bone marrow macrophages induced either to activate or to proliferate. The complex regulation of the expression and activity of nucleoside transporters hints at their relevance in cell physiology.  相似文献   
1. Contrary to what has been accepted until now, the enzyme exhibits non-Michaelian kinetics both against NADPH and against cytochrome-c as substrates; deviations were detected that have led to the proposition of a rate equation of minimum degree 2:2. 2. A general mechanism is proposed that includes, apart from the binding of the enzyme to NADPH, the formation of an enzyme-cytochrome-c complex, both routes leading to the formation of a ternary-complex NADPH-enzyme-acceptor. 3. From the latter, a series of intermediate steps finally leads to the release of the enzyme in conditions to start a new catalytic cycle. 4. Application of the King-Altman method to this mechanism yields a kinetic equation of degree 2:2 with respect to the cytochrome-c and NADPH, in accordance with our experimental results.  相似文献   
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the most common model for multiple sclerosis, is characterized by inflammatory cell infiltration into the central nervous system and demyelination. Previous studies have demonstrated that administration of some polyphenols may reduce the neurological alterations of EAE. In this work, we show that ellagic acid, a polyphenolic compound, is beneficial in EAE, most likely through stimulation of ceramide biosynthesis within the brain. EAE was induced in Lewis rats by injection of guinea-pig spinal cord tissue along with Freund's complete adjuvant containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Clinical signs first appeared at day 8 post-immunization and reached a peak within 3?days, coincident with reduction of myelin basic protein (MBP) in the cortex. Sphingolipids, the other major components of myelin, also decreased at the acute phase of EAE, both in the cerebral cortex and in the spinal cord. In rats receiving ellagic acid in the drinking water from 2?days before immunization, the onset of the disease was delayed and clinical signs were reduced. This amelioration of clinical signs was accompanied by sustained levels of both MBP and sphingolipid in the cortex, without apparent changes in infiltration of inflammatory CD3+ T-cells, microglial activation, or weight loss, which together suggest a neuroprotective effect of ellagic acid. Finally, in glioma and oligodendroglioma cells we demonstrate that urolithins, the ellagic acid metabolites that circulate in plasma, stimulate the synthesis of ceramide. Together these data suggest that ellagic acid consumption protects against demyelination in rats with induced EAE, likely by a mechanism involving sphingolipid synthesis.  相似文献   
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