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In the preceding paper (Ellens et al., 1989), it was shown that liposome fusion rates are substantially enhanced under the same conditions which induce isotropic 31P NMR resonances in multilamellar dispersions of the same lipid. Both of these phenomena occur within the same temperature interval, delta TI, below the L alpha/HII phase transition temperature, TH. TH and delta TI can be extremely sensitive to the lipid composition. The present work shows that 2 mol% of diacylglycerols like those produced by the phosphatidylinositol cycle in vivo can lower TH, delta TI, and the temperature for fast membrane fusion by 15-20 degrees C. N-Monomethylated dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine is used as a model system. These results show that physiological levels of diacylglycerols can substantially increase the susceptibility of phospholipid membranes to fusion. This suggests that, in addition to their role in protein kinase C activation, diacylglycerols could play a more direct role in the fusion event during stimulus-exocytosis coupling in vivo.  相似文献   
This series of experiments investigated the relationship between various treatments consisting of estradiol benzoate (EB) and progesterone (P) on sexual receptivity and on concentrations of nuclear estrogen receptors (NER) and cytosolic progestin receptors (CPR) in the hypothalamus-preoptic area in female hamsters. The injection of 1 microgram EB at 0 and 24 hr resulted in higher levels of receptivity (after 0.25 or 0.5 mg P), NER and CPR compared to those obtained after a single injection of 2 micrograms EB. Animals treated with 5 micrograms EB at 0 and 24 hr displayed greater levels of receptivity (after 0.5 mg P) and had higher NER concentrations than animals given a single injection of 10 micrograms EB. Groups treated with either 1 microgram EB at 0 hr or 0.5 microgram EB at 0 and 24 hr did not differ and showed low levels of receptivity, NER and CPR, NER and CPR were also measured on each day of the estrous cycle. NER levels rose between Days 1 and 2, again between Days 2 and 3, and remained elevated on Day 4. CPR levels increased between Days 2 and 3, and there was no difference between Days 3 and 4. Taken together, these data suggest that receptivity in hamsters after estrogen exposure is correlated with the accumulation and maintenance of relatively high NER levels and on the induction of CPR. This can be accomplished by a single large injection of EB or by smaller split doses.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents an analysis of zooplankton net sampling surveys carried out during four expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula region. Cluster analysis documented two to three site groupings for the epipelagic zone and one mesopelagic site cluster below 200 to 300 m depth. Analysis of species dominance, constancy, diversity and evenness indices did not allow clear designation and separation of communities in terms of these parameters.Computation of a rank correlation matrix for each season allowed the characterization of species groups. There were no perfect indicator species in the very strict sense. The main differences in the composition of the zooplankton between the site clusters were due mainly to changes in abundance rather than to presence or absence of particular species. However, the interpretation of the complex species and site groupings led to the conclusion that we can define three distinct communities: an oceanic, a neritic, and a mesopelagic community beneath 200 to 300 m. A so-called transitional cluster represents a mixing zone created by frequent occurrence of species from both the oceanic and neritic community. The location of the described oceanic and neritic community sites seem to be relatively stable with minor latitudinal changes during the seasons, while occurrence and abundance of most species changes with the time of the year. The usefulness of particular species (e.g. Euphausia superba) as indicator species also change during the year  相似文献   
The TE671 human medulloblastoma cell line expresses a variety of characteristics of human neurons. Among these characteristics is the expression of membrane-bound high-affinity binding sites for alpha-bungarotoxin, which is a potent antagonist of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on these cells. These toxin binding sites represent a class of nicotinic receptor isotypes present in mammalian brain. Treatment of TE671 cells during proliferative growth phase with nicotine or carbamylcholine, but not with muscarine or d-tubocurarine, induced up to a five-fold increase in the density of radiolabeled toxin binding sites in crude membrane fractions. This effect was blocked by co-incubation with the nicotinic antagonists d-tubocurarine and decamethonium, but not by mecamylamine or by muscarinic antagonists. Following a 10-13 h lag phase upon removal of agonist, recovery of the up-regulated sites to control values occurred within an additional 10-20 h. These studies indicate that the expression of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on TE671 cells is subject to regulation by nicotinic agonists. Studies of the murine CNS have consistently indicated nicotine-induced up-regulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, thereby supporting the identification of the toxin binding site on these cells as the functional nicotinic receptor. Although a mechanism for this effect is not apparent, nicotine-induced receptor blockade does not appear to be involved.  相似文献   
The effect of in vitro incubation on the level of the intracellular nucleophile, glutathione (GSH), in adult Schistosoma mansoni was investigated. The GSH levels of freshly collected adult male and female parasites were 8.5 +/- 2.5 and 2.7 +/- 0.7 nmol/10 worms, respectively, as determined by an enzymatic assay. Twenty-four-hour incubation of unpaired males in RPMI-1640 medium at 37 C resulted in a 1.7-fold increase (P less than 0.001) in GSH level that remained elevated for at least 7 days. The increase was dependent on exogenous L-cystine, suggesting that it was due to biosynthesis of GSH. Biosynthesis in male S. mansoni was confirmed by isolating [3H] GSH from parasites incubated in medium containing L-[3H] cystine or [3H] glycine. In contrast to unpaired males, the GSH level of paired males as well as that of unpaired or paired females did not increase after 24 hr in vitro. When males that had been incubated unpaired for 24 hr were allowed to couple in vitro with freshly collected females, their GSH level fell to that of continuously paired males. These observations provide evidence that in vitro female schistosomes can influence the physiology of the male.  相似文献   
LEP100, a membrane glycoprotein that has the unique property of shuttling from lysosomes to endosomes to plasma membrane and back, was purified from chicken brain. Its NH2-terminal amino acid sequence was determined, and an oligonucleotide encoding part of this sequence was used to clone the encoding cDNA. The deduced amino acid sequence consists of 414 residues of which the NH2-terminal 18 constitute a signal peptide. The sequence includes 17 sites for N-glycosylation in the NH2-terminal 75% of the polypeptide chain followed by a region lacking N-linked oligosaccharides, a single possible membrane-spanning segment, and a cytoplasmic domain of 11 residues, including three potential phosphorylation sites. Eight cysteine residues are spaced in a regular pattern through the lumenal (extracellular) domain, while a 32-residue sequence rich in proline, serine, and threonine occurs at its midpoint. Expression of the cDNA in mouse L cells resulted in targeting of LEP100 primarily to the mouse lysosomes.  相似文献   
The effect of endogenous and exogenous IL-4 on the generation of influenza virus-specific cell-mediated immunity was examined. When added at the onset of the culture, IL-4 augmented both cluster of differentiation (CD)8+ lymphoproliferation and MHC-restricted, influenza virus-specific cytotoxicity. When added 5 or 6 days after initiation of cultures, IL-4 was highly effective at augmenting cytotoxicity, whereas no augmentation of proliferation was observed. This disassociation of the effect of IL-4 on lymphoproliferation and cytotoxicity indicated that IL-4 was providing a late signal in CTL generation. Studied at the level of CTL precursor maturation in microcultures, IL-4 was found not to increase cytotoxicity but to be required, in some cases, for the generation of cytotoxicity. Endogenous IL-4 production was observed and demonstrated to be important because neutralizing antiserum to IL-4 suppressed CTL development. In contrast to the effects of IL-4 when added later to the cultures, pulsing the lymphocytes with IL-4 before, or shortly after, exposure to antigen resulted in suppression of the CTL response. These results indicate that IL-4 has differentiative, proliferative, and suppressive effects on cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   
Summary Organ growth of male chickens selected for high and low 56-day body weight and their reciprocal F1 crosses was compared at a common age (56 days) or at a common body weight (180 g). Organs that differed at a common body weight included weights of proventriculus, small intestine, lungs, feathers and abdominal fat and length of esophagus. Organ weights that differed at a common age included esophagus, gizzard, heart, liver, lungs, breast, legs, feathers and abdominal fat, and lengths of shank, esophagus and small intestine. Heterosis for most organs was less than 15%. Those exhibiting heterosis greater than 30% included weights of fat depots and feathers, plus lengths of the esophagus, small intestine and shank. Heterosis for these traits, however, varied depending on whether comparisons were made at common body weight or age. These results imply that biological functions of organs at specific ages may not reflect the situations at common body weights and suggest differences in resource allocations among populations.  相似文献   
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