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As a result of a chemical genetic screen for modulators of metalloprotease activity, we report that 2-mercaptopyridine-N-oxide induces a conspicuous undulating notochord defect in zebrafish embryos, a phenocopy of the leviathan mutant. The location of the chemically-induced wavy notochord correlated with the timing of application, thus defining a narrow chemical sensitivity window during segmentation stages. Microscopic observations revealed that notochord undulations appeared during the phase of notochord cell vacuolation and notochord elongation. Notochord cells become swollen as well as disorganized, while electron microscopy revealed disrupted organization of collagen fibrils in the surrounding sheath. We demonstrate by assay in zebrafish extracts that 2-mercaptopyridine-N-oxide inhibits lysyl oxidase. Thus, we provide insight into notochord morphogenesis and reveal novel compounds for lysyl oxidase inhibition. Taken together, these data underline the utility of small molecules for elucidating the dynamic mechanisms of early morphogenesis and provide a potential explanation for the recently established role of copper in zebrafish notochord formation.  相似文献   
Alveolar expansion imaged by optical sectioning microscopy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During lung expansion, the pattern of alveolar perimeter distension is likely to be an important determinant of lung functions as, for example, surfactant secretion. However, the segmental characteristics of alveolar perimeter distension remain unknown. Here, we applied real-time confocal microscopy in the isolated, perfused rat lung to determine the micromechanics of alveolar perimeter distension. To image the alveolar perimeter, we loaded alveolar epithelial cells with a fluorescent dye that we microinjected into the alveolus. Then we viewed single alveoli in a 2-microm-thick optical section at a focal plane 20 mum deep to the pleural surface at baseline. In each alveolus, we identified five to eight segments of the perimeter. For each segment, we determined length (L(seg)) by means of image analysis. At baseline alveolar pressure (P(alv)) of 5 cmH(2)O, L(seg) averaged 46 microm. We hyperinflated the lung to P(alv) of 20 cmH(2)O and identified the same optical section as referenced against morphological landmarks. Hyperinflation increased mean L(seg) by 14%. However, segment distension was heterogeneous, even within the single alveolus. Furthermore, distension was greater in alveolar type 1 than type 2 epithelial cells. These findings indicate that alveoli expand nonuniformly, suggesting that segments that distend the most might be preferred alveolar locations for injury in conditions associated with lung overdistension.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains two genes with homology to the mitochondrial protein LETM1 (leucine zipper-EF-hand-containing transmembrane protein). Inactivation of both genes, Atletm1 and Atletm2, together is lethal. Plants that are hemizygous for AtLETM2 and homozygous for Atletm1 (letm1(−/−) LETM2(+/−)) displayed a mild retarded growth phenotype during early seedling growth. It was shown that accumulation of mitochondrial proteins was reduced in hemizygous (letm1(−/−) LETM2(+/−)) plants. Examination of respiratory chain proteins by Western blotting, blue native PAGE, and enzymatic activity assays revealed that the steady state level of ATP synthase was reduced in abundance, whereas the steady state levels of other respiratory chain proteins remained unchanged. The absence of a functional maternal AtLETM2 allele in an Atletm1 mutant background resulted in early seed abortion. Reciprocal crosses revealed that maternally, but not paternally, derived AtLETM2 was absolutely required for seed development. This requirement for a functional maternal allele of AtLETM2 was confirmed using direct sequencing of reciprocal crosses of Col-0 and Ler accessions. Furthermore, AtLETM2 promoter β-glucuronidase constructs displayed exclusive maternal expression patterns.  相似文献   
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) can induce proliferation and migration of intestinal epithelial cells and has also been shown to be important in wound healing of inflamed mucosal tissues. HGF is known to be expressed along with interleukin-1 (IL-1) by inflamed mucosal tissues, yet the effect of HGF on IL-1-induced proinflammatory cytokine responses by colonic epithelial cells is unknown. In this report, we have examined the effect of HGF on IL-1-induced secretion of IL-8 by the Caco-2 colonic epithelial cell line. HGF stimulation alone had no effect on the secretion of IL-8 by the Caco-2 cells. However, culture of the cells with HGF and suboptimal levels of IL-1 resulted in a significant enhancement of IL-8 secretion compared to cells cultured with IL-1 alone. A similar effect was seen with HGF and IL-1 simulation of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 secretion by the rat IEC-6 intestinal epithelial cell line. The enhancing effect of HGF was seen regardless of whether the culture medium contained serum or not. Simultaneous stimulation with HGF and IL-1 was required for the enhancing effect as cells pretreated with HGF for 24 h and then stimulated with IL-1 alone secreted IL-8 levels similar to that of cells stimulated with IL-1 alone. These results suggest that in addition to wound healing, HGF may play a role in the IL-1-induced chemokine response of epithelial cells in inflamed mucosal tissues.  相似文献   
Okazaki fragment maturation to produce continuous lagging strands in eukaryotic cells requires precise coordination of strand displacement synthesis by DNA polymerase delta (Pol delta) with 5.-flap cutting by FEN1(RAD27) endonuclease. Excessive strand displacement is normally prevented by the 3.-exonuclease activity of Pol delta. This core maturation machinery can be assisted by Dna2 nuclease/helicase that processes long flaps. Our genetic studies show that deletion of the POL32 (third subunit of Pol delta) or PIF1 helicase genes can suppress lethality or growth defects of rad27Delta pol3-D520V mutants (defective for FEN1(RAD27) and the 3.-exonuclease of Pol delta) that produce long flaps and of dna2Delta mutants that are defective in cutting long flaps. On the contrary, pol32Delta or pif1Delta caused lethality of rad27Delta exo1Delta double mutants, suggesting that Pol32 and Pif1 are required to generate longer flaps that can be processed by Dna2 in the absence of the short flap processing activities of FEN1(RAD27) and Exo1. The genetic analysis reveals a remarkable flexibility of the Okazaki maturation machinery and is in accord with our biochemical analysis. In vitro, the generation of short flaps by Pol delta is not affected by the presence of Pol32; however, longer flaps only accumulate when Pol32 is present. The presence of FEN1(RAD27) during strand displacement synthesis curtails displacement in favor of flap cutting, thus suggesting an active hand-off mechanism from Pol delta to FEN1(RAD27). Finally, RNA-DNA hybrids are more readily displaced by Pol delta than DNA hybrids, thereby favoring degradation of initiator RNA during Okazaki maturation.  相似文献   
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