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While microbial activities in environmental systems play a key role in the utilization and cycling of essential elements and compounds, microbial activity and growth frequently fluctuates in response to environmental stimuli and perturbations. To investigate these fluctuations within a saturated aquifer system, we monitored a carbon-stimulated in situ Geobacter population while iron reduction was occurring, using 16S rRNA abundances and high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry proteome measurements. Following carbon amendment, 16S rRNA analysis of temporally separated samples revealed the rapid enrichment of Geobacter-like environmental strains with strong similarity to G. bemidjiensis. Tandem mass spectrometry proteomics measurements suggest high carbon flux through Geobacter respiratory pathways, and the synthesis of anapleurotic four carbon compounds from acetyl-CoA via pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase activity. Across a 40-day period where Fe(III) reduction was occurring, fluctuations in protein expression reflected changes in anabolic versus catabolic reactions, with increased levels of biosynthesis occurring soon after acetate arrival in the aquifer. In addition, localized shifts in nutrient limitation were inferred based on expression of nitrogenase enzymes and phosphate uptake proteins. These temporal data offer the first example of differing microbial protein expression associated with changing geochemical conditions in a subsurface environment.  相似文献   
Understanding the evolution of inter and intraspecific variation in cognitive abilities is one of the main goals in cognitive ecology. In scatter‐caching species, spatial memory is critical for the recovery of food caches and overwinter survival, but its effects on reproduction are less clear. Better spatial cognition may improve pre‐breeding condition allowing for earlier reproduction. Alternatively, when mated to males with better spatial memory, females may be able to invest more in reproduction which may allow increased offspring survival and hence higher fitness. Using wild food‐caching mountain chickadees, we found that when environmental conditions were favourable for breeding, females mated to males with better spatial cognition laid larger clutches and fledged larger broods than females mated to males with worse cognitive performance. Our results support the hypothesis that females may increase their reproductive investment to gain indirect, genetic benefits when mated to high‐quality males with better spatial cognitive abilities.  相似文献   
Many pro‐apoptotic signals trigger mitochondrial cytochrome c release, leading to caspase activation and ultimate cellular breakdown. Cell survival pathways, including the mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, promote cell viability by impeding mitochondrial cytochrome c release and by inhibiting subsequent caspase activation. Here, we describe a mechanism for the inhibition of cytochrome c‐induced caspase activation by MAPK signalling, identifying a novel mode of apoptotic regulation exerted through Apaf‐1 phosphorylation by the 90‐kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (Rsk). Recruitment of 14‐3‐3ε to phosphorylated Ser268 impedes the ability of cytochrome c to nucleate apoptosome formation and activate downstream caspases. High endogenous levels of Rsk in PC3 prostate cancer cells or Rsk activation in other cell types promoted 14‐3‐3ε binding to Apaf‐1 and rendered the cells insensitive to cytochrome c, suggesting a potential role for Rsk signalling in apoptotic resistance of prostate cancers and other cancers with elevated Rsk activity. Collectively, these results identify a novel locus of apoptosomal regulation wherein MAPK signalling promotes Rsk‐catalysed Apaf‐1 phosphorylation and consequent binding of 14‐3‐3ε, resulting in decreased cellular responsiveness to cytochrome c.  相似文献   
In vitro binding assays have indicated that the exercise-induced increase in muscle GLUT4 is preceded by increased binding of myocyte enhancer factor 2A (MEF2A) to its cis-element on the Glut4 promoter. Because in vivo binding conditions are often not adequately recreated in vitro, we measured the amount of MEF2A that was bound to the Glut4 promoter in rat triceps after an acute swimming exercise in vivo, using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. Bound MEF2A was undetectable in nonexercised controls or at 24 h postexercise but was significantly elevated approximately 6 h postexercise. Interestingly, the increase in bound MEF2A was preceded by an increase in autonomous activity of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) II in the same muscle. To determine if CaMK signaling mediates MEF2A/DNA associations in vivo, we performed ChIP assays on C(2)C(12) myotubes expressing constitutively active (CA) or dominant negative (DN) CaMK IV proteins. We found that approximately 75% more MEF2A was bound to the Glut4 promoter in CA compared with DN CaMK IV-expressing cells. GLUT4 protein increased approximately 70% 24 h after exercise but was unchanged by overexpression of CA CaMK IV in myotubes. These results confirm that exercise increases the binding of MEF2A to the Glut4 promoter in vivo and provides evidence that CaMK signaling is involved in this interaction.  相似文献   
The RAG1 and RAG2 proteins are required to assemble mature Ag receptor genes in developing lymphocytes. Hypomorphic mutations in the gene encoding RAG1 are associated with Omenn syndrome, a primary immunodeficiency. We explored the biochemical defects resulting from a mutation identified in an Omenn syndrome patient which generates an amino acid substitution in the RAG1 RING finger/ubiquitin ligase domain (C325Y in murine RAG1) as well as an adjacent substitution (P326G). RAG1 C325Y demonstrated a 50-fold reduction in recombination activity in cultured pro-B cells despite the fact that its expression and localization to the nucleus were similar to the wild-type protein. The C325Y substitution severely abrogated ubiquitin ligase activity of the purified RAG1 RING finger domain, and the tertiary structure of the domain was altered. The P326G substitution also abrogated ubiquitin ligase activity but had a less severe effect on protein folding. RAG1 P326G also demonstrated a recombination impairment that was most pronounced when RAG1 levels were limiting. Thus, a correctly folded RAG1 RING finger domain is required for normal V(D)J recombination, and RAG1 ubiquitin ligase activity can contribute when the protein is present at relatively low levels.  相似文献   
The vervet monkey was evaluated as a primate model for use in assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). Eight adult female vervets were hormonally monitored for their potential use as egg donors and those six females displaying regular menstrual cycles were subjected to controlled ovarian stimulation with recombinant human gonadotropins. Three animals failed to respond while laparoscopic follicular aspiration was performed on the other three females at 27-30 h post-human chorionic gonadotropin administration. A total of 62, 40, and 18 oocytes was recovered from these three animals of which 30, 20, and 4, respectively, matured to the metaphase II stage and were subsequently inseminated using intracytoplasmic sperm injection. An average of 40+/-15% (SEM) of the inseminated oocytes were fertilized based on pronucleus formation and timely cleavage. One embryo from each of the two stimulated females developed into expanded blastocysts. Two adult male vervets were assessed as sperm donors. Neither adjusted well to the restraint and collection procedure required for penile electroejaculation. Samples collected via rectal electroejaculation were very low in sperm motility and concentration; however, cauda epididymal aspirations from one male yielded an adequate concentration of motile sperm. These results emphasize the need to establish species-specific ovarian stimulation protocols and semen collection techniques if vervets are to be considered for basic and applied (ARTs) research on primate gametes or embryos.  相似文献   
Aging is associated with a variety of pathologies, including motor dysfunctions and reductions in sexual behavior. In male rats, declines in sexual behavior during the aging process may be caused in part by the loss of the lumbar spinal cord motoneurons that innervate the penile musculature. Alternatively, declining sexual behavior may be caused by the precipitous reductions in circulating testosterone that occur during aging. In this paper, we report two experiments examining these issues. In Experiment 1, we counted motoneurons in the lumbar motor nuclei and measured several androgen-sensitive morphological properties of the penile muscles and their innervating motoneurons at several time points during the aging process. Motoneuron number in the lumbar nuclei did not change over time, even with very advanced age. In contrast, the penile muscles and their innervating motoneurons underwent profound atrophy, with muscle weight and motoneuron dendritic length declining to less than 50% of young adult levels. In Experiment 2, we treated aged animals with exogenous testosterone, and then examined their penile neuromuscular systems for morphological changes. Testosterone treatment, both acute and chronic, completely reversed age-related declines in the weight of the penile muscles and in the soma size and dendritic length of their innervating motoneurons. Together, these data suggest that reductions in male sexual behavior during the aging process are caused primarily by declines in testosterone levels rather than motoneuron loss. Furthermore, they raise the possibility that testosterone treatment could play an important role in maintaining neuronal connectivity in the aging body.  相似文献   
Hydrobiologia - Potamogeton illinoensis is a North American macrophyte, commonly the focus of management, but limited knowledge of its life history hampers conservation and restoration efforts. We...  相似文献   
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