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More than one quarter of human world's population is exposed to intestinal helminth parasites. The Taenia solium tapeworm carrier is the main risk factor in the transmission of both human neurocysticercosis and porcine cysticercosis. Sex steroids play an important role during T. solium infection, particularly progesterone has been proposed as a key immunomodulatory hormone involved in susceptibility to human taeniosis in woman and cysticercosis in pregnant pigs. Thus, we evaluated the effect of progesterone administration upon the experimental taeniosis in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Intact female adult hamsters were randomly divided into 3 groups: progesterone-subcutaneously treated; olive oil-treated as the vehicle group; and untreated controls. Animals were treated every other day during 4 weeks. After 2 weeks of treatment, all hamsters were orally infected with 4 viable T. solium cysticerci. After 2 weeks post infection, progesterone-treated hamsters showed reduction in adult worm recovery by 80%, compared to both vehicle-treated and non-manipulated infected animals. In contrast to control and vehicle groups, progesterone treatment diminished tapeworm length by 75% and increased proliferation rate of leukocytes from spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes of infected hamsters by 5-fold. The latter exhibited high expression levels of IL-4, IL-6 and TNF-α at the duodenal mucosa, accompanied with polymorphonuclear leukocytes infiltration. These results support that progesterone protects hamsters from the T. solium adult tapeworm establishment by improving the intestinal mucosal immunity, suggesting a potential use of analogues of this hormone as novel inductors of the gut immune response against intestinal helminth infections and probably other bowel-related disorders.  相似文献   
Recent experimental evidence suggests that parasites can not only evade immune responses actively but also exploit the hormonal microenvironment within the host to favor their establishment, growth and reproduction. The benefit for parasites of hormonal exploitation is so great that they have evolved structures similar to the steroid and protein hormone receptors expressed in upper vertebrates that can bind to the hormonal metabolites synthesized by the host. This strategy is exemplified by two parasites that respond to adrenal steroids and sexual steroids, respectively: Schistosoma mansoni and Taenia crassiceps. Understanding how the host endocrine system can, under certain circumstances, favor the establishment of a parasite, and characterizing the parasite hormone receptors that are involved might aid the design of hormonal analogs and drugs that affect the parasite exclusively.  相似文献   
In vitro exposure of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites to the sex steroids 17beta-estradiol, progesterone, and dehydrotestosterone had little effect on parasite viability or proliferation. However, treatment with the adrenal steroid dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) markedly inhibited parasite proliferation, adherence and motility, and at a certain dose it induced trophozoite lysis. The opposite effect on proliferation was found when the trophozoites were exposed to cortisol. Moreover, DHEA decreased while cortisol increased the parasite's DNA synthesis determined by 3H-thymidine incorporation. Trophozoite lysis by DHEA appeared to be caused by a necrotic rather than an apoptotic process, as observed in propidium iodide and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated biotinylated UTP nick end labeling assays. A possible mechanisms of action was derived from experiments demonstrating that the activity of a putative 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl CoA reductase detected in trophozoite extracts was inhibited in the presence of DHEA. Contrary to its in vitro inhibitory effect, in vivo administration of DHEA to infected hamsters resulted in exacerbation of the amebic liver abscesses. These results demonstrated that androgen steroids act directly upon E. histolytica growth and viability, and may shed new light on some age and gender differences in disease progression, as well as finding application in the drug treatment of human amebiasis.  相似文献   
Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes amoebiasis, an illness that affects many people around the world. We have previously reported that lactoferrin is able to kill E. histolytica in in vitro cultures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of orally administered bovine lactoferrin in the control of intestinal amoebiasis of susceptible C3H/HeJ mice. The results showed that 20 mg lactoferrin/kg orally administered each day for 1 week was able to eliminate the infection in 63% of the mice, since neither trophozoites nor evidence of epithelial damage and (or) swelling were found in tissue sections of the cecum. The rest of the treated animals (37%) showed a decrease in trophozoite numbers and mucus secreted to the lumen, as compared with untreated and infected mice (p < 0.05). By immunohistochemistry, the profile of secreted cytokines in the cecum revealed that infected but untreated animals showed a mixed Th1/regulatory cytokines profile, whereas the cecum of mice treated (cured) showed a Th2 cytokine profile (IL-4) and expression of the multifunctional IL-6. In addition, cytokines and increasing cecal production of total IgA antibodies were found associated with little inflammation and disease control observed in the cecum of lactoferrin-treated animals. These results suggest that oral administration of lactoferrin can control intestinal amoebic infection probably by killing amoebas or favoring their removal and reestablish the antiinflammatory intestinal environment.  相似文献   
Mx—cre转基因小鼠品系的建立及其培育   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
将携带MX启动子调控的Cre基因真核表达载体pMx-cre线性化后,通过受卵显微注射途径制备转基因小鼠,共注射99个卵,产佴0只,利用PCR对小鼠进行筛选,以基因组Southern blot确证,最后得到一个阳性的小鼠品系,进而将其保护和扩大繁殖。  相似文献   
Although new empirical evidence shows that sympatric speciation has occurred in some species, there are few indisputable model organisms for this process of speciation. The two subspecies ( Gymnocypris eckloni eckloni and G . e . scoliostomus ) of the schizothoracine Gymnocypris fish species complex from a small glacier lake in the Tibetan Plateau, Lake Sunmcuo, fit several of the key characteristics of the sympatric speciation model. We used combined mitochondrial control region sequences and the cytochrome b gene (1894 bp) to address the phylogenetics and population genetics of 232 specimens of G . e . eckloni and G . e . scoliostomus , as well as all of its closely related sister species. We found that: (i) a total of four old lineages were uncovered in the widespread G . e . eckloni , of which only one was shown to be shared with all G . e . scoliostomus individuals and (ii) the new subspecies ( G . e . scoliostomus ) evolved in Lake Sunmcuo from the ancestral G . e . eckloni population within approximately 0.057 Ma. These two taxa of the species complex are morphologically distinct, and reproductive isolation is further suggested. Ecological disruptive selection based on morphological traits (e.g. mouth cleft characters) and food utilization may be a mechanism of incipient speciation of two sympatric populations within Lake Sunmcuo. This study provides the first genetic evidence for sympatric speciation in the schizothoracine fish.  相似文献   
Inhibition of encystment can be conceived as a potentially useful mechanism to block the transmission of Entamoeba histolytica under natural conditions. Unfortunately, amoeba encystment has not been achieved in vitro and drugs inhibiting the formation of cysts are not available. Luminal conditions inducing encystment in vivo are also unknown, but cellular stress such as exposure to reactive oxygen species from immune cells or intestinal microbiota could be involved. A role for certain divalent cations as cofactors of enzymes involved in excystment has also been described. In this study, we show that trophozoite cultures, treated with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of trace amounts of several cations, transform into small-sized spherical and refringent structures that exhibit resistance to different detergents. Ultrastructural analysis under scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed multinucleated structures (some with four nuclei) with smooth, thick membranes and multiple vacuoles. Staining with calcofluor white, as well as an ELISA binding assay using wheat germ agglutinin, demonstrated the presence of polymers of N-acetylglucosamine (chitin), which is the primary component of the natural cyst walls. Over-expression of glucosamine 6-phosphate isomerase, likely to be the rate-limiting enzyme in the chitin synthesis pathway, was also confirmed by RT-PCR. These results suggest that E. histolytica trophozoites activated encystment pathways when exposed to our treatment.  相似文献   
采用高盐的牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基(盐浓度为8%NaCl),研究江苏省盐城市盐场土壤里中度嗜盐菌的分布情况及种群特征。从盐城市的射阳、新滩、灌东三处盐场土壤中共采集和分离得到13株中度嗜盐菌。通过形态观察、生理生化分析、16S rRNA序列分析和系统进化分析等方法进行初步鉴定,结果表明:分离到的中度嗜盐菌分属3个属,Virgibacillus属4株、Halomonas属7株和Marinobacter属2株。研究结果揭示盐城市的盐场存在较为丰富的中度嗜盐菌,具有较高的研究和利用价值。  相似文献   
为了研究高原鼢鼠扰动后退化高寒草甸恢复演替的动态过程,利用常规实验室分析方法和Biolog-ECO生态板法对青藏高原东缘高寒草甸土壤养分和微生物功能多样性进行分析.结果表明: 高原鼢鼠扰动显著降低了土壤有机质、全氮、速效氮和速效磷含量,对土壤全磷和全钾含量无显著影响;在一定植被恢复年限内,土壤微生物的碳源利用率、Shannon、Pielou和McIntosh指数随着植被恢复年限的增加而升高;主成分分析表明,碳水化合物和氨基酸是土壤微生物利用的主要碳源类型;冗余分析表明,土壤pH、有机质、全氮、速效氮和全钾是影响土壤微生物代谢活性和功能多样性的主要因子.不同植被恢复年限土壤微生物功能多样性的变化可能是对地上植被、土壤微生物群落组成和土壤养分变化的响应.  相似文献   
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