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The number and frequency of susceptibility alleles at loci associated to most psychiatric disorders is largely unknown, in spite of its relevance for the design of studies aiming to find these alleles. Both, common polymorphisms and rare mutations may contribute to the genetic susceptibility to complex psychiatric disorders, being the relative relevance of each type of variation currently under debate. Here, we confirmed the existence of a common protective haplotype against schizophrenia at the dopamine D3 receptor (DRD3) gene, by replication and pooled analysis with previous data (Mantel–Haenszel χ2 P value = 0.00227; OR = 0.79, 95% CI 0.68–0.92, based on 794 cases and 1,078 controls from three independent populations of European origin). This protective haplotype is at very low frequency in Sub-Saharan Africans (median 0.06) and at intermediate frequencies in other populations (median 0.25). We also revealed, by examining the patterns of linkage disequilibrium around this gene, that the protective haplotype has reached high frequency in non-African populations due to selection acting, most probably, on a linked functional polymorphism, the non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism Ser9Gly (rs6280), also at DRD3. Thus, this finding shows that the natural selection may play a role in the existence of common alleles conferring different susceptibility to schizophrenia. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Specialised structures that enable males to grasp females during sexual interactions are highly susceptible to selection and thus diverge relatively rapidly over evolutionary time. These structures are often used to test hypotheses regarding sexual selection such as sexually antagonistic co-evolution and sexual selection by female choice. In the present study, we determine whether there is a relationship between a novel record of scorpion sexual dimorphism, the sexual dimorphism of chelicerae (CSD), and the presence of the mating behaviour termed “cheliceral grip” (CG). The presence of both traits in the order Scorpiones is also reviewed from a phylogenetic perspective. The results confirm a strong relationship between CSD and the presence of CG. The morphological and behavioural patterns associated with “CSD–CG” are opposed to the predictions postulated by the hypothesis of sexually antagonistic co-evolution. However, if the female shows resistance after the deposition of the spermatophore, the possibility that the male exerts pressure as a “cryptic form” of coercion to prevent the interruption of mating cannot be ruled out completely. Female choice by “mechanical fit” could be another explanation for some aspects of the CG's contact zone. The possibility that the “CG–CSD” complex has evolved under natural selection in order to ensure sperm transfer is also considered.  相似文献   
Class I(A) phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are heterodimeric enzymes composed of a p85 regulatory and a p110 catalytic subunit that induce the formation of 3-polyphosphoinositides, which mediate cell survival, division, and migration. There are two ubiquitous PI3K isoforms p110α and p110β that have nonredundant functions in embryonic development and cell division. However, whereas p110α concentrates in the cytoplasm, p110β localizes to the nucleus and modulates nuclear processes such as DNA replication and repair. At present, the structural features that determine p110β nuclear localization remain unknown. We describe here that association with the p85β regulatory subunit controls p110β nuclear localization. We identified a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in p110β C2 domain that mediates its nuclear entry, as well as a nuclear export sequence (NES) in p85β. Deletion of p110β induced apoptosis, and complementation with the cytoplasmic C2-NLS p110β mutant was unable to restore cell survival. These studies show that p110β NLS and p85β NES regulate p85β/p110β nuclear localization, supporting the idea that nuclear, but not cytoplasmic, p110β controls cell survival.  相似文献   
Genus Helianthus comprises diploid and polyploid species. An autoallopolyploid origin has been proposed for hexaploid species but the genomic relationships remain unclear. Mitotic and meiotic studies in annual Helianthus annuus (2n = 2x = 34) and perennial Helianthus resinosus (2n = 6x = 102) as well as the F1 hybrids between both species were carried out. Chromosome counting confirmed the hybrid origin of the latter plants and their tetraploid condition. Bivalents in hybrids ranged from 12 to 28 ( $ \bar{x} $  = 20.8). Univalents, trivalents and quadrivalents were also observed. Meiotic products comprised dyads, triads and normal tetrads and pollen grains were heterogeneous in size. These observations suggest the occurrence of 2n pollen in addition to the expected n. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) of total H. annuus DNA on H. resinosus chromosomes rendered weak but uniform signals; similar hybridization pattern was observed using three other annual species. Hybridization with H. annuus probe performed on root tip cells of F1 H. annuus × H. resinosus hybrids revealed 17 chromosomes with a strong hybridization signal. GISH in hybrid meiocytes distinguished chromosomes from parental species and revealed autosyndetic pairing of H. resinosus chromosomes, allosyndetic pairing in bivalents, trivalents and quadrivalents, and the presence of univalents derived from parents, H. annuus and H. resinosus. Results obtained from classical and molecular cytogenetics do not support H. annuus as a direct ancestor of H. resinosus. The occurrence of allosyndetic pairing and the relatively high fertility of the F1 hybrids point to the possibility that useful genes could be transferred from H. resinosus to cultivate sunflower, although the effective rate of recombination has not been evaluated. GISH method proved effective to recognize parental chromosomes in H. annuus × H. resinosus progeny.  相似文献   
The recent identification of a novel binding site for angiotensin (Ang) II as the peptidase neurolysin (E.C. has implications for the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). This report describes the distribution of specific binding of 125I-Sarcosine1, Isoleucine8 Ang II (125I-SI Ang II) in neurolysin knockout mouse brains compared to wild-type mouse brains using quantitative receptor autoradiography. In the presence of p-chloromercuribenzoic acid (PCMB), which unmasks the novel binding site, widespread distribution of specific (3 µM Ang II displaceable) 125I-SI Ang II binding in 32 mouse brain regions was observed. Highest levels of binding >700 fmol/g initial wet weight were seen in hypothalamic, thalamic and septal regions, while the lowest level of binding <300 fmol/g initial wet weight was in the mediolateral medulla. 125I-SI Ang II binding was substantially higher by an average of 85% in wild-type mouse brains compared to neurolysin knockout brains, suggesting the presence of an additional non-AT1, non-AT2, non-neurolysin Ang II binding site in the mouse brain. Binding of 125I-SI Ang II to neurolysin in the presence of PCMB was highest in hypothalamic and ventral cortical brain regions, but broadly distributed across all regions surveyed. Non-AT1, non-AT2, non-neurolysin binding was also highest in the hypothalamus but had a different distribution than neurolysin. There was a significant reduction in AT2 receptor binding in the neurolysin knockout brain and a trend towards decreased AT1 receptor binding. In the neurolysin knockout brains, the size of the lateral ventricles was increased by 56% and the size of the mid forebrain (−2.72 to +1.48 relative to Bregma) was increased by 12%. These results confirm the identity of neurolysin as a novel Ang II binding site, suggesting that neurolysin may play a significant role in opposing the pathophysiological actions of the brain RAS and influencing brain morphology.  相似文献   
At least five genes of the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis pathway are clustered on chromosome 4 of Gibberella fujikuroi; these genes encode the bifunctional ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase/ent-kaurene synthase, a GA-specific geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase, and three cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. We now describe a fourth cytochrome P450 monooxygenase gene (P450-4). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of extracts of mycelia and culture fluid of a P450-4 knockout mutant identified ent-kaurene as the only intermediate of the GA pathway. Incubations with radiolabeled precursors showed that the metabolism of ent-kaurene, ent-kaurenol, and ent-kaurenal was blocked in the transformants, whereas ent-kaurenoic acid was metabolized efficiently to GA(4). The GA-deficient mutant strain SG139, which lacks the 30-kb GA biosynthesis gene cluster, converted ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid after transformation with P450-4. The B1-41a mutant, described as blocked between ent-kaurenal and ent-kaurenoic acid, was fully complemented by P450-4. There is a single nucleotide difference between the sequence of the B1-41a and wild-type P450-4 alleles at the 3' consensus sequence of intron 2 in the mutant, resulting in reduced levels of active protein due to a splicing defect in the mutant. These data suggest that P450-4 encodes a multifunctional ent-kaurene oxidase catalyzing all three oxidation steps between ent-kaurene and ent-kaurenoic acid.  相似文献   
A program in BASIC is described which allows accurate quantificationof some numerical parameters that can be objectively correlatedto biological indexes in sigmoid biological events. Attentionwas focused on the polymerization process of actin (a muscleprotein with a mol. wt of 42 000 daltons) studied as the variationin the OD360 index with time. The experimental points, if plotted,can be well approximated by a rational function of the typeOD360 = f(t), which passes through the origin and can be representedgraphically by a sigmoid curve. The program was very helpfulin comparing the experimental curves and in analysing significantparameters, such as maximum velocity and asymptote, that characterizethese curves and whose interpretation would otherwise be purelysubjective. Received on July 11, 1985; accepted on January 13, 1986  相似文献   
The virulence of different entomopathogenic nematode strains of the families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae, isolates from Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula), and their symbiotic bacteria was assessed with regard to the larvae and adults of the hazelnut weevil, Curculio nucum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). The nematode strains screened included one Steinernema affine, five Steinernema feltiae, one Steinernema carpocapsae, one Steinernema sp. (a new species not yet described) and one Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. The pathogenicity of all the strains of nematodes was tested on larvae and only four of them on adults of the hazelnut weevil. Larval mortality ranged from 10% with S. affine to 79% with Steinernema sp. Adult mortality was higher in S. carpocapsae, achieving 100% adult weevil mortality. The pathogenicity of the symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus bovienii, X. kozodoii, X. nematophila and Photorhabdus luminescens was studied in larvae and adults of C. nucum. In the larvae, X. kozodoii showed a LT50 of 22.7 h, and in the adults, it was 20.5 h. All nematodes species except S. affine tested against larvae showed great potential to control the insect, whereas S. carpocapsae was the most effective for controlling adults.  相似文献   
DNA strand breaks, NAD metabolism, and programmed cell death   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
An intimate relationship exists between DNA single-strand breaks, NAD metabolism, and cell viability in quiescent human lymphocytes. Under steady-state conditions, resting lymphocytes continually break and rejoin DNA. The balanced DNA excision-repair process is accompanied by a proportional consumption of NAD for poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis. However, lymphocytes have a limited capacity to resynthesize NAD from nicotinamide. An increase in DNA strand break formation in lymphocytes, or a block in DNA repair, accelerates poly(ADP-ribose) formation and may induce lethal NAD and ATP depletion. In this way, the level of DNA single-strand breaks in the lymphocyte nucleus is linked to the metabolic activity of the cytoplasm. The programmed removal of lymphocytes (and perhaps of other cells) with damaged DNA, may represent a novel physiologic function for poly(ADP-ribose)-dependent NAD cycling.  相似文献   
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