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Yeast mitochondrial DNA contains a genetic locus, called the tRNA synthesis locus, which codes for information necessary for mitochondrial tRNA biosynthesis. A 9S RNA molecule coded by this locus is thought to be the trans-acting element required for the removal of 5' extensions from tRNA precursors. The DNA coding for this RNA maps to a region of mitochondrial DNA known to contain strain specific restriction site polymorphisms. Comparison of the tRNA synthesis locus in two such strains by sequence analysis demonstrates that the restriction enzyme polymorphisms are due to the deletion/insertion of a 50 base pair GC-rich element in the 5' flanking sequence of the 9S RNA coding region. There are also several differences between the 9S RNA coding region of these two strains which do not interfere with the tRNA synthesis function.  相似文献   
Kahler AL  Allard RW  Miller RD 《Genetics》1984,106(4):729-734
Spontaneous mutation rates were estimated by assaying 84,126 seedlings of a highly homozygous barley line (isogenic line 2025) for five enzyme loci. No mutants were observed in 841,260 allele replications. This result excludes, at probability level 0.95, a spontaneous mutation rate larger than 3.56 x 10-6/locus/gamete/generation for these enzyme loci. Isogenic line 2025 also was scored for mutants at four loci governing morphological variants. No mutants were observed in 3,386,850 allele replications which indicates that the upper bound for the mutation rate for these loci is 8.85 x 10-7. It was concluded that, even though spontaneous mutation has been important in creating variability in the barley species at the loci scored, the rate is too low to have much affect on the short-term dynamics of barley populations.  相似文献   
In vitro culture of mouse spleen cells for 2 days or more leads to the production of adherent, phagocytic, Thy-1-, Ia+, Lyt-2- cells ("suppressor macrophages") which strongly inhibit the proliferative response of T and B lymphocytes to a variety of stimuli: mitogens, specific antigens, and antigen-nonspecific growth factors. Suppressive activity fails to develop, however, in cultured spleen cells from which nonadherent cells have been removed before the initial 48-hr incubation, and only partial suppression is obtained from cell suspensions from which T cells have been depleted before culture. We find that the requirement for nonadherent cells can be replaced by graded doses of lymphocytes. Lyt-2- and Lyt-2+ T cells are about equally potent in inducing suppressive activity in nonadherent cells. Surprisingly, B cells (containing fewer than 0.1% contaminating T cells) are also able to induce suppression in this system. The suppression induced includes both indomethacin-sensitive and indomethacin-resistant components. Interestingly, not all stages of mitogen-induced T-cell activation are blocked by these adherent cells: proliferation is inhibited, but production of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and interleukin 3 (IL-3) is unaffected.  相似文献   
Dexamethasone 21-mesylate, an irreversible antiglucocorticoid in HTC cells, forms a covalent receptor-steroid complex which can be activated in cell-free systems. The molecular basis of its antiglucocorticoid activity is unknown; it might result from altered DNA sequence preferences and/or affinities of the covalent receptor-steroid complex. To test this hypothesis, the affinities of both covalent receptor-antagonist and noncovalent receptor-agonist complexes for defined DNA sequences were measured in a DNA binding competition assay. This assay requires neither purified complexes nor large quantities of DNA, yet it provides quantitative comparisons of the affinities of different double-stranded DNAs for binding receptor-steroid complexes. In this assay, activated covalent receptor-dexamethasone 21-mesylate complexes in crude cytosol bound to calf thymus DNA and cloned subregions of the long terminal repeat (LTR) of murine mammary tumor virus (MMTV) proviral DNA with approximately the same relative affinities as did noncovalent receptor-dexamethasone complexes. Both types of complex exhibited similar orders of preferential binding to DNA sequences. LTR subregions, as well as the entire LTR, were 2-20 times more potent competitors than calf thymus DNA. Cloned sequences from the 3' terminus of the LTR were more effective competitors than either the entire LTR or comparably sized DNAs from the 5' terminus. The DNA sequences with the greatest affinities for both covalent and noncovalent complexes are located within the region of -221 to -67. These studies support the theory that recognition by regulatory elements of specific DNA sequences upstream of responsive genes is an integral step of hormone action.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Pyruvate oxidase is a flavoprotein dehydrogenase located on the inner surface of the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane and coupled to the E. coli aerobic respiratory chain. In this paper, the role of quinones in the pyruvate oxidase system is investigated, and a minimal respiratory chain is described consisting of only two pure proteins plus ubiquinone 8 incorporated in phospholipid vesicles. The enzymes used in this reconstitution are the flavoprotein and the recently purified E. coli cytochrome d terminal oxidase. The catalytic velocity of the reconstituted liposome system is about 30% of that observed when the flavoprotein is reconstituted with E. coli membranes. It is also shown that electron transport from pyruvate to oxygen in the liposome system generates a transmembrane potential of at least 180 mV (negative inside), which is sensitive to the uncouplers carbonyl cyanide p-(tri-chloromethoxy)phenylhydrazone and valinomycin. A trans-membrane potential is also generated by the oxidation of ubiquinol 1 by the terminal oxidase in the absence of the flavoprotein. It is concluded that (1) the flavoprotein can directly reduce ubiquinone 8 within the phospholipid bilayer, (2) menaquinone 8 will not effectively substitute for ubiquinone 8 in this electron-transfer chain, and (3) the cytochrome d terminal oxidase functions as a ubiquinol 8 oxidase and serves as a "coupling site" in the E. coli aerobic respiratory chain. These investigations suggest a relatively simple organization for the E. coli respiratory chain.  相似文献   
We report the isolation of a cukaryotic green alga ( Chlorella , strain WPI-2) which accumulates large stores of nitrogen (N) during growth in N-free medium and seems to incorporate14N2, yet does not reduce acetylene to ethylene. Total N accumulation during growth on N-free medium and in gases free of combined N was measured by three methods: Kjeldahl, oxidative pyrolysis via chemiluminescence (Antek N analyzer), and Dumas (Coleman N analyzer). Increases in N ranging from 22–64%± 1% were observed. Isotope dilution studies using cells labelled with 15NO 3- and then shifted to 14N2 in N-free medium showed dilution of the 15N isotope by 14N from 5.67 to 5.32%± 0.05%. Using a variety of conditions, we were unable to demonstrate the reduction of acctylene to ethylene by WPI-2, although diazotrophic cyanobacteria gave positive results. Although the data on WPI-2 are not conclusive in establishing this alga as a diazotroph, the data do suggest that within the Chlorophyceae there may exist a novel form of nitrogen gas metabolism.  相似文献   
Out of the first 62 residues of the lac repressor, 38 positions have been substituted by at least one amino acid exchange. The total number of replacements in this region is 131. Data from several studies are considered.  相似文献   
Single Doses of Acrylamide Reduce Retrograde Transport Velocity   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Abstract: Single doses of acrylamide (0–1.3 mmol/kg) produced a dose-dependent decrease in the transport of 125I-tetanus toxin to the perikarya of sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia and motor neurons in ventral spinal cord. Acrylamide was a more potent inhibitor of retrograde transport in sensory axons than in motor axons. Substantially greater doses of N,N '-methylene-bis-acryl-amide, a reportedly non-neurotoxic analog of acrylamide, were required to alter the axonal transport of 125I-tetanus toxin. Velocity of retrograde transport was assessed by determining the position of the leading edge of transported125I-tetanus toxin at times following single doses of acrylamide. Acrylamide reduced the velocity of 125I-tetanus toxin transport in a dose-dependent manner by up to 75%. No change in neuronal uptake of 125I-tet-anus toxin was detected. It is concluded that single doses of acrylamide produce profound alterations in retrograde transport which precede the appearance of structural changes in affected nerve fibers.  相似文献   
As a first step in studying the biosynthesis of the peptide hormone calcitonin, we have identified procalcitonin species in CA-77 cells, a newly developed rat medullary thyroid carcinoma cell line. mRNA extracted from the cells directed the synthesis of a putative procalcitonin in a reticulocyte lysate translation system containing microsomal membranes. Both this species and a radiolabeled form of immunoreactive calcitonin from intact cells had the same retention time during reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The putative cellular procalcitonin was also immunoprecipitated by antiserum to a synthetic peptide whose sequence constitutes the COOH-terminal 16 residues of preprocalcitonin. The polypeptide had a Mr = 13,400, as estimated by gel filtration chromatography under denaturing conditions. Microsequencing of the [35S]methionine-labeled polypeptide indicated that residues 13, 32, and 34 of procalcitonin were methionine. Similar analysis of the peptide labeled with [3H]proline indicated that residues 2 and 11 of the precursor were proline. The positions of methionine and proline could be aligned in a unique manner with the NH2-terminal half of the preprocalcitonin sequence inferred from cDNA analyses. These results indicate that procalcitonin consists of 111 amino acids and suggest that a 25-residue signal sequence is cotranslationally cleaved from preprocalcitonin. From the procalcitonin sequence we can now predict the sequence of likely biosynthetic intermediates and mature secretory products derived from the NH2-terminal as well as COOH-terminal regions of the precursor.  相似文献   
The C57BL/6 (H-2b) mouse is a nonresponder to hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) injected i.p., owing to a T suppressor cell-inducing determinant at the amino-terminal region. After immunization with a 93-amino acid fragment (a.a. 13-105) of HEL lacking this determinant, all clones from two independently derived C57BL/6 T cell lines were found to be specific for epitopes within a subregion of peptide 74-96. Three specificity patterns for the clones could be defined on the basis of cross-reactivities with only two other species variant lysozymes. Reactivities of all three specificity groups was consistent with the serine to threonine substitution at position 91, although reactivity of one of the groups could be affected by substitutions at position 84. The results confirm at the clonal level that even for distantly related antigens, only limited regions are recognized by T cells. They are consistent with the notion that specific sites on the antigen capable of interaction with Ia molecules lead to dominance of certain regions for T cell reactivity. Moreover, the diversity in specificity among clones suggests that the limiting feature of T cell responsiveness is not a lack of available T cells in the repertoire directed against a single antigenic site.  相似文献   
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