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In an inbred low-activity (LA) strain of Drosophila melanogaster with a low level of fitness and a complex of inadaptive characters, in situ hybridization reveals an invariant pattern of distribution of three copia-like elements (mdg-1, mdg-3, and copia). Rare, spontaneous, multiple transpositions of mobile elements in the LA strain were shown to be coupled with a drastic increase of fitness. A changed pattern of various types of mobile elements was also observed on selecting the LA strain for higher fitness. High-fitness strains show transpositions of mobile elements to definite chromosomal sites ("hot spots"). Concerted changes in the location of three different mobile elements were found to be coupled with an increase of fitness. The mdg-1 distribution patterns were also examined in two low-fitness strains independently selected from the high-fitness ones. Fitness decrease was accompanied by mdg-1 excision from the hot spots of their location usually detected in the high-fitness strains. The results suggest the existence of a system of adaptive transpositions of mobile elements that takes part in fitness control.   相似文献   
Understanding the ecology of environmentally acquired and multi‐host pathogens affecting humans and wildlife has been elusive in part because fluctuations in the abundance of host and pathogen species may feed back onto pathogen transmission. Complexity of pathogen‐host dynamics emerges from processes driving local extinction of the pathogen, its hosts and non‐hosts. While the extinction of species may entail losses in pathogen–host interactions and decrease the proportion of hosts infected by a pathogen (prevalence), some studies suggest the opposite pattern. Niche‐based extinction, based on the species tolerance to environmental conditions, may increase prevalence of infection because the pathogen and its hosts persist, while other species go extinct. Hence, understanding prevalence of infection requires disentangling random‐ and niche‐based extinction processes occurring simultaneously. To contribute to this exercise, we analysed the prevalence of an environmentally acquired, multi‐host pathogen, Mycobacterium ulcerans (MU), in a unique dataset of 16 communities of freshwater animals, surveyed during 12 months in Akonolinga, Cameroon in equatorial Africa. Two different ecosystems were identified: rivers (lotic) and swamps and flooded areas (lentic). Increased prevalence of MU infection was correlated with niche‐based extinction of aquatic host invertebrates and vertebrates in the lentic ecosystems, whereas decreased prevalence was associated with random disassembly of the lotic ecosystems. This finding suggests that random and niche‐based extinction of host taxa are key to assessing the effect of local extinction of species on the ecology of environmentally acquired and multi‐host pathogens.  相似文献   
Nine proteins secreted in the saliva of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum were identified by a proteomics approach using GE‐LC‐MS/MS and LC‐MS/MS, with reference to EST and genomic sequence data for A. pisum. Four proteins were identified by their sequences: a homolog of angiotensin‐converting enzyme (an M2 metalloprotease), an M1 zinc‐dependant metalloprotease, a glucose‐methanol‐choline (GMC)‐oxidoreductase and a homolog to regucalcin (also known as senescence marker protein 30). The other five proteins are not homologous to any previously described sequence and included an abundant salivary protein (represented by ACYPI009881), with a predicted length of 1161 amino acids and high serine, tyrosine and cysteine content. A. pisum feeds on plant phloem sap and the metalloproteases and regucalcin (a putative calcium‐binding protein) are predicted determinants of sustained feeding, by inactivation of plant protein defences and inhibition of calcium‐mediated occlusion of phloem sieve elements, respectively. The amino acid composition of ACYPI009881 suggests a role in the aphid salivary sheath that protects the aphid mouthparts from plant defences, and the oxidoreductase may promote gelling of the sheath protein or mediate oxidative detoxification of plant allelochemicals. Further salivary proteins are expected to be identified as more sensitive MS technologies are developed.  相似文献   
Purinergic Signalling - CD39 and CD73 are ecto-nucleotidases present on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and are emerging biomarkers on these cells in various disorders including...  相似文献   
Achieving a rapid microbiological diagnosis is crucial for decreasing morbidity and mortality of patients with a bloodstream infection, as it leads to the administration of an appropriate empiric antimicrobial therapy. Molecular methods may offer a rapid alternative to conventional microbiological diagnosis involving blood culture. In this study, the performance of a new technology that uses broad-spectrum PCR coupled with mass spectrometry (PCR/ESI-MS) was evaluated for the detection of microorganisms directly from whole blood. A total of 247 whole blood samples and paired blood cultures were prospectively obtained from 175 patients with a suspicion of sepsis. Both sample types were analyzed using the PCR/ESI-MS technology, and the results were compared with those obtained by conventional identification methods. The overall agreement between conventional methods and PCR/ESI-MS performed in blood culture aliquots was 94.2% with 96.8% sensitivity and 98.5% specificity for the molecular method. When comparing conventional methods with PCR/ESI-MS performed in whole blood specimens, the overall agreement was 77.1% with 50% sensitivity and 93.8% specificity for the molecular method. Interestingly, the PCR/ESI-MS technology led to the additional identification of 13 pathogens that were not found by conventional methods. Using the PCR/ESI-MS technology the microbiological diagnosis of bloodstream infections could be anticipated in about half of the patients in our setting, including a small but significant proportion of patients newly diagnosed. Thus, this promising technology could be very useful for the rapid diagnosis of sepsis in combination with traditional methods.  相似文献   
The Amazon basin harbors a diverse ecological community that has a critical role in the maintenance of the biosphere. Although plant and animal communities have received much attention, basic information is lacking for fungal or prokaryotic communities. This is despite the fact that recent ecological studies have suggested a prominent role for interactions with soil fungi in structuring the diversity and abundance of tropical rainforest trees. In this study, we characterize soil fungal communities across three major tropical forest types in the western Amazon basin (terra firme, seasonally flooded and white sand) using 454 pyrosequencing. Using these data, we examine the relationship between fungal diversity and tree species richness, and between fungal community composition and tree species composition, soil environment and spatial proximity. We find that the fungal community in these ecosystems is diverse, with high degrees of spatial variability related to forest type. We also find strong correlations between α- and β-diversity of soil fungi and trees. Both fungal and plant community β-diversity were also correlated with differences in environmental conditions. The correlation between plant and fungal richness was stronger in fungal lineages known for biotrophic strategies (for example, pathogens, mycorrhizas) compared with a lineage known primarily for saprotrophy (yeasts), suggesting that this coupling is, at least in part, due to direct plant–fungal interactions. These data provide a much-needed look at an understudied dimension of the biota in an important ecosystem and supports the hypothesis that fungal communities are involved in the regulation of tropical tree diversity.  相似文献   
The secreted salivary proteins from two cereal aphid species, Sitobion avenae and Metopolophium dirhodum, were collected from artificial diets and analysed by tandem mass spectrometry. Protein identification was performed by searching MS data against the official protein set from the current pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) genome assembly and revealed 12 and 7 proteins in the saliva of S. avenae and M. dirhodum, respectively. When combined with a comparable dataset from A. pisum, only three individual proteins were common to all the aphid species; two paralogues of the GMC oxidoreductase family (glucose dehydrogenase; GLD) and ACYPI009881, an aphid specific protein previously identified as a putative component of the salivary sheath. Antibodies were designed from translated protein sequences obtained from partial cDNA sequences for ACYPI009881 and both saliva associated GLDs. The antibodies detected all parent proteins in secreted saliva from the three aphid species, but could only detect ACYPI009881, and not saliva associated GLDs, in protein extractions from the salivary glands. This result was confirmed by immunohistochemistry using whole and sectioned salivary glands, and in addition, localised ACYPI009881 to specific cell types within the principal salivary gland. The implications of these findings for the origin of salivary components and the putative role of the proteins identified are discussed in the context of our limited understanding of the functional relationship between aphid saliva and the plants they feed on. The mass spectrometry data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange and can be accessed under the identifier PXD000113.  相似文献   
Lectins are innate immune defense proteins that recognize bacterial cell wall components. Based on the knowledge that cigarette smoking is associated with an increased risk of infections, we hypothesized that cigarette smoking may modulate the expression of lectin genes in airway epithelium. Affymetrix microarrays were used to survey the expression of lectin genes in large airway epithelium from nine nonsmokers and 20 healthy smokers and in small airway epithelium from 13 nonsmokers and 20 healthy smokers. There were no changes (>2-fold change; p < 0.05) in lectin gene expression among healthy smokers compared with nonsmokers except for down-regulation of intelectin 1, a lectin that binds to galactofuranosyl residues in bacterial cell walls (large airway epithelium, p < 0.01; small airway epithelium, p < 0.01). This was confirmed by TaqMan RT-PCR in both large (p < 0.05) and small airway epithelium (p < 0.02). Immunohistochemistry assessment of airway biopsies demonstrated that intelectin 1 was expressed in secretory cells, while Western analysis confirmed the decreased expression of intelectin 1 in airway epithelium of healthy smokers compared with healthy nonsmokers (p < 0.02). Finally, compared with healthy nonsmokers, intelectin 1 expression was also decreased in small airway epithelium of smokers with lone emphysema and normal spirometry (n = 13, p < 0.01) and smokers with established chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n = 14, p < 0.01). In the context that intelectin 1 plays a role in defense against bacteria, its down-regulation in response to cigarette smoking is another example of the immunomodulatory effects of smoking on the immune system and may contribute to the increase in susceptibility to infections observed in smokers.  相似文献   
Summary Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were employed to deteet genetic variation among species of Papever (section Oxytona) and assess genetic fidelity between in vitro cell lines of Papaver bracteatum and mature plants derived from the propagation of their callus cultures. Regenerated plants exhibited morphological and phytochemical characteristics dissimilar to those of their source material. Thebaine, the dominant alkaloid produced by Papaver bracteatum, was not detected in capsules from mature regenerated accessions, indicating that there may have been a loss of genetic uniformity. Instead, the dominant alkaloid produced by the regenerated plant was shown to be isothebaine (by TLC and GC/MS), a metabolic characteristic of P. pseudo-orientale. A Neighbor-Joining tree constructed from AFLP fingerprints distinetly separates the three species of Oxytona while firmly grouping the in vitro-cultured plants with P. pseudo-orientale. Additionally phytochemical data and chromosome counts indicate that the seed used to initiate cultures was of hybrid origin and ihat the loss in genetic uniformity was not due to somaclonal variation occurring during the in vitro culture process. AFLP fingerprinting was therefore able to differentiate Oxytona species and invesgigate allopolyploidy in closely related papaver species.  相似文献   
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