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Residual microorganisms and/or re-infections are a major cause for root canal therapy failure. Understanding of the bacterial content could improve treatment protocols. Fifty samples from 25 symptomatic and 25 asymptomatic previously root-filled teeth were collected from Sudanese patients with periradicular lesions. Amplified 16S rRNA gene (V1-V2) variable regions were subjected to pyrosequencing (FLX 454) to determine the bacterial profile. Obtained quality-controlled sequences from forty samples were classified into 741 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 3% dissimilarity, 525 at 5% dissimilarity and 297 at 10% dissimilarity, approximately corresponding to species-, genus- and class levels. The most abundant phyla were: Firmicutes (29.9%), Proteobacteria (26.1%), Actinobacteria (22.72%), Bacteroidetes (13.31%) and Fusobacteria (4.55%). Symptomatic patients had more Firmicutes and Fusobacteria than asymptomatic patients, while asymptomatic patients showed more Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. Interaction of disease status and age was observed by two-way ANOSIM. Canonical correspondence analysis for age, tooth restoration and disease status showed a correlation of disease status with the composition and prevalence of different members of the microbial community. The pyrosequencing analysis revealed a distinctly higher diversity of the microbiota compared to earlier reports. The comparison of symptomatic and asymptomatic patients showed a clear association of the composition of the bacterial community with the presence and absence of symptoms in conjunction with the patients’ age.  相似文献   
Current cloning technologies based on site-specific recombination are efficient, simple to use, and flexible, but have the drawback of leaving recombination site sequences in the final construct, adding an extra 8 to 13 amino acids to the expressed protein. We have devised a simple and rapid subcloning strategy to transfer any DNA fragment of interest from an entry clone into an expression vector, without this shortcoming. The strategy is based on the use of type IIs restriction enzymes, which cut outside of their recognition sequence. With proper design of the cleavage sites, two fragments cut by type IIs restriction enzymes can be ligated into a product lacking the original restriction site. Based on this property, a cloning strategy called 'Golden Gate' cloning was devised that allows to obtain in one tube and one step close to one hundred percent correct recombinant plasmids after just a 5 minute restriction-ligation. This method is therefore as efficient as currently used recombination-based cloning technologies but yields recombinant plasmids that do not contain unwanted sequences in the final construct, thus providing precision for this fundamental process of genetic manipulation.  相似文献   
The genus Origanum is often referred to as an under-utilized taxon because of its complex taxonomy. Origanum vulgare L., the most variable species of the genus, is a spice and medicinal herb that is characterized by high morphological diversity (six subspecies). In this study, the relative efficiencies of two PCR-based marker approaches, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and selectively amplified microsatellite polymorphic loci (SAMPL), were used for comparable genetic diversity surveys and subspecies discrimination among 42 oregano accessions. Seven assays each of AFLP and SAMPL markers were utilized. Effective multiplex ratio (EMR), average heterozygosity (Hav-p), marker index (MI), and resolving power (RP) of the primer combinations were calculated for the two marker systems. UPGMA and Structure analysis along with PCoA plots derived from the binary data matrices of the two markers depicted the genetic distinction of accessions. Our results indicate that both marker systems are suitable but SAMPL markers are slightly more efficient in differentiating accessions and subspecies than AFLPs.  相似文献   
Plant biotechnology relies on two approaches for delivery and expression of heterologous genes in plants: stable genetic transformation and transient expression using viral vectors. Although much faster, the transient route is limited by low infectivity of viral vectors carrying average-sized or large genes. We have developed constructs for the efficient delivery of RNA viral vectors as DNA precursors and show here that Agrobacterium-mediated delivery of these constructs results in gene amplification in all mature leaves of a plant simultaneously (systemic transfection). This process, called "magnifection", can be performed on a large scale and with different plant species. This technology combines advantages of three biological systems (the transfection efficiency of A. tumefaciens, the high expression yield obtained with viral vectors, and the post-translational capabilities of a plant), does not require genetic modification of plants and is faster than other existing methods.  相似文献   
Moraxella catarrhalis is an important pathogen in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). While M. catarrhalis has been categorized as an extracellular bacterium so far, the potential to invade human respiratory epithelium has not yet been explored. Our results obtained by electron and confocal microscopy demonstrated a considerable potential of M. catarrhalis to invade bronchial epithelial (BEAS-2B) cells, type II pneumocytes (A549) and primary small airway epithelial cells (SAEC). Moraxella invasion was dependent on cellular microfilament as well as on bacterial viability, and characterized by macropinocytosis leading to the formation of lamellipodia and engulfment of the invading organism into macropinosomes, thus indicating a trigger-like uptake mechanism. In addition, the cells examined expressed TLR2 as well as NOD1, a recently found cytosolic protein implicated in the intracellular recognition of bacterial cell wall components. Importantly, inhibition of TLR2 or NOD1 expression by RNAi significantly reduced the M. catarrhalis-induced IL-8 secretion. The role of TLR2 and NOD1 was further confirmed by overexpression assays in HEK293 cells. Overall, M. catarrhalis may employ lung epithelial cell invasion to colonize and to infect the respiratory tract, nonetheless, the bacteria are recognized by cell surface TLR2 and the intracellular surveillance molecule NOD1.  相似文献   
Vegetation in tropical Asia is highly diverse due to large environmental gradients and heterogeneity of landscapes. This biodiversity is threatened by intense land use and climate change. However, despite the rich biodiversity and the dense human population, tropical Asia is often underrepresented in global biodiversity assessments. Understanding how climate change influences the remaining areas of natural vegetation is therefore highly important for conservation planning. Here, we used the adaptive Dynamic Global Vegetation Model version 2 (aDGVM2) to simulate impacts of climate change and elevated CO2 on vegetation formations in tropical Asia for an ensemble of climate change scenarios. We used climate forcing from five different climate models for representative concentration pathways RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. We found that vegetation in tropical Asia will remain a carbon sink until 2099, and that vegetation biomass increases of up to 28% by 2099 are associated with transitions from small to tall woody vegetation and from deciduous to evergreen vegetation. Patterns of phenology were less responsive to climate change and elevated CO2 than biomes and biomass, indicating that the selection of variables and methods used to detect vegetation changes is crucial. Model simulations revealed substantial variation within the ensemble, both in biomass increases and in distributions of different biome types. Our results have important implications for management policy, because they suggest that large ensembles of climate models and scenarios are required to assess a wide range of potential future trajectories of vegetation change and to develop robust management plans. Furthermore, our results highlight open ecosystems with low tree cover as most threatened by climate change, indicating potential conflicts of interest between biodiversity conservation in open ecosystems and active afforestation to enhance carbon sequestration.  相似文献   
The challenge of using ladybird beetles for biological control of insect pests such as aphids is that the adult beetles tend to fly away from the host plants. Therefore, flightless ladybirds might improve biocontrol. There are several artificial ways to obtain flightless beetles, but it may be preferable to use natural variation in flight ability. We investigated, for the first time, biocontrol by inundative augmentation of natural flightless morphs of the ladybird beetle Adalia bipunctata. Microcosm experiments using single leaves with one of three species of aphid revealed no differences in consumption behavior between flightless and winged beetles. Monitoring for 48 h of single, caged pepper plants infested with aphids of Myzus persicae nicotianae or Aulacorthum solani showed that flightless beetles had a longer residence time on the plants than winged beetles. This only translated into significantly better biocontrol of M. persicae. Despite their difference in residence time, both beetle morphs reduced the population growth of A. solani. This is probably explained by the tendency of A. solani to drop from the plant upon disturbance, and we predict that flightless beetles may outperform winged ones in the long term. Overall, our results provide a proof of principle that natural flightless A. bipunctata can improve biocontrol of aphids by ladybird beetles. However, we recognize that the effect of biocontrol will vary with the species of aphid used and that further examination in long term and large scale experiments is required.  相似文献   
Acetogens reduce CO2 to acetate via the acetyl-CoA pathway and have been classically thought of as obligately anaerobic bacteria. Nearly 100 acetogenic species from 20 different genera have been isolated to date. These isolates are able to use very diverse electron donors and acceptors, and it is thus very likely that the in situ activities of acetogens are very diverse and not restricted to acetogenesis. Since acetogens constitute a very phylogenetically diverse bacteriological group, it should be anticipated that they can inhabit, and have impact on, diverse habitats. Indeed, they have been isolated from a broad range of habitats, including oxic soils and other habitats not generally regarded as suitable for acetogens. Although the ecological impact of acetogens is determined by the in situ manifestation of their physiological potentials, assessing their in situ activities is difficult due to their physiological and phylogenetic diversities. This mini-review will highlight a few of the physiological and ecological realities of acetogens, and will focus on: (i) metabolic diversities and regulation, (ii) phylogenetic diversity and molecular ecology, and (iii) the capacity of acetogens to cope with oxic conditions under both laboratory and in situ conditions. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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