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Non-insulin dependent diabetes appears to be an inherited condition. A study of young offspring of non-insulin dependent diabetics was conducted to determine whether metabolic abnormalities could be found at a young age before clinical diabetes developed. Thirteen patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes were selected who fulfilled the following criteria: they had a sibling who also had non-insulin dependent diabetes, their spouse was non-diabetic, and the offspring were aged between 12 and 45 years, not diabetic, and available for study. All 32 offspring had a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test, and results in 13 of them, one randomly selected from each family, were compared with 13 controls of similar age, sex, and weight. The offspring had significantly higher fasting concentrations of glucose, higher proportions of haemoglobin A1, and higher concentrations of insulin, C peptide, and glucagon. After glucose challenge the increases in both glucose and C peptide concentrations were significantly greater in the offspring. These differences were maintained in all 32 offspring when compared with 18 controls of similar age, sex, and weight; seven of the 32 offspring had impaired glucose tolerance. These results indicate that young offspring of selected non-insulin dependent diabetics can show extensive metabolic changes including impaired glucose tolerance. These changes are associated with hyperinsulinaemia and hyperglucagonaemia.  相似文献   
The pathways of assimilation of ammonium by pure cultures of symbiont-free Anthoceros punctatus L. and the reconstituted Anthoceros-Nostoc symbiotic association were determined from time-course (5–300 s) and inhibitor experiments using 13NH 4 + . The major product of assimilation after all incubation times was glutamine, whether the tissues were cultured with excess ammonium or no combined nitrogen. The 13N in glutamine was predominantly in the amide-nitrogen position. Formation of glutamine and glutamate by Anthoceros-Nostoc was strongly inhibited by either 1mM methionine sulfoximine (MSX) or 1 mM exogenous ammonium. These data are consistent with the assimilation of 13NH 4 + and formation of glutamate by the glutamine synthetase (EC synthase (EC pathway in dinitrogen-grown Anthoceros-Nostoc. However, in symbiont-free Anthoceros, grown with 2.5 mM ammonium, formation of glutamine, but not glutamate, was decreased by either MSX or exogenous ammonium. These results indicate that during short incubation times ammonium is assimilated in nitrogenreplete Anthoceros by the activities of both glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase (EC In-vitro activities of glutamine synthetase were similar in nitrogen-replete Anthoceros and Anthoceros-Nostoc, indicating that the differences in the routes of glutamate formation were not based upon regulation of synthesis of the initial enzyme of the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway. When symbiont-free Anthoceros was cultured for 2 d in the absence of combined nitrogen, total 13NH 4 + assimilation, and glutamine and glutamate formation in the presence of inhibitors, were similar to dinitrogen-grown Anthoceros-Nostoc. The routes of immediate (within 2 min) glutamate formation and ammonium assimilation in Anthoceros were apparently determined by the intracellular levels of ammonium; at low levels the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway was predominant, while at high levels independent activities of both glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase were expressed.  相似文献   
Phenol oxidase activity of activated A1 and A2 (A3) electrophoretic components from 19 lozenge mutant and three lozenge double mutant strains was compared to that of wild type flies. Melanin production by the activated A components with tyrosine as substrate was compared to activity in the same acrylamide gels with dopa as substrate. Melanin production decreased, first in the A1 band and then in the A2 (A3) band, with increased morphological expression of the mutant genes. No melanin bands were obtained with either substrate in five of the more severely affected mutants. A possible correlation between phenol oxidase activity and quinone production necessary for normal development of eyes, female accessory sex organs, and claws is discussed.Supported by PHS grant AM-08331-05.  相似文献   
Kinetochore reorientation is the critical process ensuring normal chromosome distribution. Reorientation has been studied in living grasshopper spermatocytes, in which bivalents with both chromosomes oriented to the same pole (unipolar orientation) occur but are unstable: sooner or later one chromosome reorients, the stable, bipolar orientation results, and normal anaphase segregation to opposite poles follows. One possible source of stability in bipolar orientations is the normal spindle forces toward opposite poles, which slightly stretch the bivalent. This tension is lacking in unipolar orientations because all the chromosomal spindle fibers and spindle forces are directed toward one pole. The possible role of tension has been tested directly by micromanipulation of bivalents in unipolar orientation to artificially create the missing tension. Without exception, such bivalents never reorient before the tension is released; a total time "under tension" of over 5 hr has been accumulated in experiments on eight bivalents in eight cells. In control experiments these same bivalents reoriented from a unipolar orientation within 16 min, on the average, in the absence of tension. Controlled reorientation and chromosome segregation can be explained from the results of these and related experiments.  相似文献   
Catechol or 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde cannot participate as functional inducers of the meta pathway for benzoate metabolism in Pseudomonas putida. Induction of the first two enzymes of the pathway must be mediated by benzoate, or its analogues, as primary substrate.  相似文献   
The `neurotoxicity'' of l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The neurolathyrogen l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid is concentrated by liver, and liver damage can yield neurotoxicity; thus the neurotoxicity caused by this compound may be due to liver damage followed by secondary brain damage. 1. The intraperitoneal administration of toxic doses of l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid to rats resulted in hyperirritability, tremors and convulsions in 12-20hr. and increased the concentration of ammonia of blood and brain slightly and the concentration of glutamine of brain two- to three-fold. By contrast, toxic doses of l-homoarginine, l-lysine, l-leucine and ammonium acetate caused dyspnoea, extreme prostration, and in some cases coma in 15-30min., and increased the concentration of ammonia of blood significantly and the concentration of glutamine of brain slightly. These results indicate that l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid caused a chronic ammonia toxicity, whereas the other amino acids and ammonium acetate resulted in an acute ammonia toxicity. 2. Liver slices from l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid-treated animals and normal liver slices preincubated with l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid utilized ammonia and formed urea at a lower rate than control slices from normal rats. 3. l-2,4-Diaminobutyric acid inhibited competitively ornithine carbamoyltransferase of rat liver homogenates, thus demonstrating that this reaction is a primary site of toxicity for this neurolathyrogen. Although we were unable to show marked elevations of blood ammonia concentration after treatment with l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid, these results are interpreted to mean that ammonia utilization (urea synthesis) in liver is inhibited by l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid and that at least part of the neurotoxicity is due to a prolonged slight increase in body ammonia concentration.  相似文献   
Membranes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A crude small particle pellet, obtained from postmitochondrial supernatant fractions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, contains about half the ergosterol and phospholipid of crude cell homogenates. Most of the phospholipid of this pellet is in a “heavy” fraction which, with the aid of electron microscopy, shows membranous elements in addition to discrete particles. The “heavy” fraction, upon treatment with deoxycholate, can be freed of membranes, or, with ribonuclease treatment, ribosomes can be removed, leaving relatively clean membranes. The “heavy” fraction resembles the microsomes of animal cells, but contains considerably less lipids, including phospholipids, thus suggesting a less well-developed intracellular membrane system.  相似文献   
Summary A time-dependent redistribution of microfilaments was observed in cultured human keratinocytes using a human monoclonal autoantibody specific for myosin. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that 5 days after plating keratinocytes in either 0.1 mM or 2.0 mM Ca++, myosin was distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. At day 6, parallel arrays of myosin-containing microfilaments were prominent in the cell peripheries. At day 7 the microfilaments formed circumferential rings. The distribution of the microfilaments was disrupted by cytochalasin but not by colchicine, indicating that this novel distribution of myosin was not dependent on colchicine-sensitive vimentin intermediate filaments. The time-dependent redistribution of myosin was not influenced by cell population density, cell shape or cell cycle phase, except for mitotic cells in which myosin was distributed diffusely through the cytoplasm. If, as suggested by Kolega (9), microfilaments align parallel to the direction of applied tension, the redistribution of myosin-containing microfilaments in cultured keratinocytes may reflect the increased tension between cells resulting from increasing strength of cell-cell junctions over time. In sectioned human skin, myosin was localized in the peripheral cytoplasm of stratified epidermal cells. Tensions arising from the numerous desmosomal junctions between cellsin vivo could account for this distribution of myosin. Supported by grant NS-23537 (V. A. L.) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and by the Mayo Foundation. C. L. W. is recipient of the Kermit E. Osserman and Blanche McClure Fellowship, 1987, National Myasthenia Gravis Foundation.  相似文献   
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