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Measures of food quality as demographic predictors in freshwater copepods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the ability of a number of short-term measuresof algal food quality to predict longer term demographic parametersfor two species of freshwater calanoid copepods, Diaptomus minuiusand Epischura lacustris. Food quality of two species of algaethat are usually considered highly edible (Cryptomonas erosavar. reflexa and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) are compared withrespect to: (i) the biochemical constituents of the algae (totalN, total C and protein); (ii) short-term foraging responsesby D.minutus to either algal species (e.g. clearance, ingestionand assimilation rates); (iii) longer term demographic responses(e.g. survivorship and reproduction) by both D.minutus and E.lacustrisfed a diet of either algal species. Demographic responses ofthe two copepod species indicate that C.erosa is a higher qualityfood. In fact, survival and reproduction of both copepod speciesfed C.reinhardtii were not different from starved treatments.Cryptomonas erosa treatments also had greater C, N and protein.However, D.minutus ingested five times more C.reinhardtii thanC.erosa, indicative of ‘compensatory feeding’ inthe presence of poor-quality food. Based upon these higher ingestionrates, individuals fed C.reinhardai actually ingested greateramounts of C, N and protein. Hence, ingestion rates taken aloneor coupled with biochemical parameters are not reliable predictorsof consumer demographic response. Assimilation rate, which waspositive for C.erosa and zero for C.reinhardtii, was the singlebest short-term predictor of food quality.  相似文献   
Despite numerous adaptive scenarios concerning the evolution of plant life-history phenologies few studies have examined the heritable basis for and genetic correlations among these phenologies. Documentation of genetic variation for and covariation among reproductive phenologies is important because it is this variation/covariation that will determine the potential for response to evolutionary forces. To address this problem, I conducted a breeding experiment to determine narrow-sense heritabilities for and genetic correlations among the phenologies of life-history events and plant size in Chamaecristafasciculata, a temperate summer annual plant species. Paternal families showed no evidence of heritable variation for two estimates of plant size, six measures of reproductive phenology or two fitness components. Similarly, paternal estimates of genetic correlations among these traits were low or zero. In contrast, maternal estimates of heritability suggested the influence of maternal parent on one estimate of plant size and four phenological traits. Likewise, maternal effects influenced maternal estimates of genetic correlations. These maternal effects can arise from three sources: endosperm nuclear, cytoplasmic genetic and/or maternal phenotypic. The degree to which the phenology of one life-history trait acts as a constraint on the evolution of other phenological traits depends on the source of the maternal influence in this species.  相似文献   
The main barriers to the movement of water and ions in young roots of Zea mays were located by observing the effects of wounding various cell layers of the cortex on the roots' hydraulic conductivities and root pressures. These parameters were measured with a root pressure probe. Injury to the epidermis and cortex caused no significant change in hydraulic conductivity and either no change or a slight decline in root pressure. Injury to a small area of the endodermis did not change the hydraulic conductivity but caused an immediate and substantial drop in root pressure. When large areas of epidermis and cortex were removed (15–38% of total root mass), the endodermis was always injured and root pressure fell. The hydraulic conductance of the root increased but only by a factor of 1.2–2.7. The results indicate that the endodermis is the main barrier to the radial movement of ions but not water. The major barrier to water is the membranes and apoplast of all the living tissue. These conclusions were drawn from experiments in which hydrostatic-pressure differences were used to induce water flows across young maize roots which had an immature exodermis and an endodermis with Casparian bands but no suberin lamellae or secondary walls. The different reactions of water and ions to the endodermis can be explained by the huge difference in the permeability of membranes to these substances. A hydrophobic wall barrier such as the Casparian band should have little effect on the movement of water, which permeates membranes and, perhaps, also the Casparian bands easily. However, hydrophobic wall depositions largely prevent the movement of ions. Several hours after wounding the endodermis, root pressure recovered to some extent in most of the experiments, indicating that the wound in the endodermis had been partially healed.Abbreviations Lpr hydraulic conductivity of root; T1/2 = half-time of water exchange between root xylem and external medium This research was supported by a grant from EUROSILVA (project no. 39473C) to E.S., and by a Bilateral Exchange Grant jointly funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to C.A.P. We thank Mr. Burkhard Stumpf for his excellent technicial assistance.  相似文献   
Glasshouse trials, using trickle irrigation and increasing levels of NaOH-induced alkalinity, identified species that could be expected to tolerate the high-pH conditions of bauxite processing waste residue sites. Of 29 taxa tested, the most tolerant were Casuarina obesa, Melaleuca lanceolata, M. armillaris, M. nesophila, Eucalyptus loxophleba, E. halophila, E. platypus, Tamarix aphylla, and a particular clone of E. camaldulensis; E. spathulata, E. tetragona, E. preissiana, E. gomphocephala, E. diptera, and E. occidentalis proved to be relatively sensitive to severe alkaline conditions. Tolerance appeared to relate to an ability to maintain root membrane function, nutrient uptake balance, and ultimately root tissue structure while under increasing levels of alkalinity stress. Species normally inhabiting alkaline soils tended to have increased growth rates in nutrient irrigation conditions between pH 8 and 10 compared with control plants irrigated with nutrient solutions of pH values near 7.4. However, once the irrigation solutions reached pH 12 and the buffering capacity of the soil appeared to be exceeded, the condition of susceptible plants rapidly declined and death followed. Sensitive plants initially showed symptoms related to nutrient deficiency, followed by wilting and death as the root systems failed. Field trial conditions in the bauxite residue impoundments at Kwinana, Western Australia, include soils with pH values as high as 11.00. In general, the relative survival and growth of seedlings after eight months were predicted by the response under glasshouse trial conditions. Appropriately designed stress trials can be important ecological techniques in choosing species most capable of surviving difficult environmental conditions in the rehabilitation of damaged landscapes.  相似文献   
Previous studies have examined the effect of ethnicity on obesity, concerns about shape and weight, and attitudes about eating. We hypothesized that geographical location would also influence these variables, and that students growing up in the northern part of the United States and attending northern colleges would differ from students from the South. To examine this, we studied a random sample of 275 African-Americans (AA) and 224 white college students in the entering class of two northern colleges (University of Pittsburgh or University of Massachusetts) or two southern colleges (Augusta or Paine College). All subjects were weighed and completed the Revised Restraint Scale and the EAT-26. AA women were heavier than white women, with no differences due to geographical location. Despite being thinner, white women reported more dietary restraint than AA women. This difference between AA and white women was apparent in both northern and southern college students. In contrast, geographical location was the strongest determinant of bulimic attitudes; both men and women at northern colleges reported higher bulimia scores than those at southern schools. Thus ethnicity appears to be a major determinant of body weight and attitudes about shape and dieting, whereas geographical location appears to exert greater influence on bulimic attitudes.  相似文献   
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis is an ecologically and economically important conifer of the north Pacific coastal forests. To aid in studies of clonal structure and genetic differentiation of this and related species, we isolated and characterized microsatellites from C. nootkatensis. A microsatellite-enriched library yielded 75 repeat-containing sequences for which primer pairs were designed. Only five showed reliable amplification and polymorphism, with an average of 13.7 alleles/locus and a mean expected heterozygosity of 0.592. In progeny tests with four families, few null alleles were directly detected and loci segregated according to Mendelian expectations. However, in one primer pair, high heterozygote deficiency was observed, suggesting the presence of a null allele. The ability of primer pairs to cross amplify was tested on 18 species of the Cupressaceae sensu lato; three primer pairs yielded polymorphic loci in Cupressus and Juniperus species, but not in other Chamaecyparis species. This also supports recent findings of a closer affinity of C. nootkatensis with Cupressus over other Chamaecyparis species.  相似文献   
Germination phenology data have been collected from 75 winter annuals, 49 summer annuals, 28 monocarpic perennials, and 122 polycarpic perennials, and experimental investigations of dormancy breaking and germination requirements have been conducted on 56 winter annuals, 32 summer annuals, 18 monocarpic perennials, and 73 polycarpic perennials. The purpose of these studies was to determine if there are correlations between the dormancy breaking and germination requirements of seeds and the germination phenology, life cycle type, habitat requirements, range of geographical distribution, and phylogenetic relationships of the species. Germination phenology is highly correlated with the responses of seeds to the yearly temperature cycle. Species with winter and summer annual life cycles have predictable germination characteristics, but monocarpic and polycarpic perennials do not. Several dormancy types may be found in a given habitat, and narrowly endemic and widely-distributed species in the same genus may have similar germination characteristics. Within some families there is a tendency for a particular type of seed-temperature response to be very important, but frequently this is related to the predominance of a given life cycle type in the family.  相似文献   
Obese individuals with binge eating disorder (BED) differ from obese non-binge eating (NBE) individuals in a number of clinically relevant ways. This study examined attitudinal responses to various measures of body image in women seeking obesity treatment, by comparing NBE participants (n=80) to those with BED (n=48). It was hypothesized that women with BED would demonstrate greater attitudinal disturbance of body image compared to NBE individuals. It was further hypothesized that significant differences between groups would remain after statistically controlling for degree of depression. Consistent with the primary hypothesis, BED participants reported significantly increased attitudinal disturbance in body dissatisfaction and size perception compared to NBE participants. Although shared variance was observed between measures of depression and body image on some items, several aspects of increased body image disturbance remained after statistically controlling for depression. Treatment implications and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
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