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Using a simplified model of the upper airways with two independent collapsible elements (nostrils and hypo-pharynx), we calculated the cross-sectional area of these two elements, taking into account pressure drops. We experimentally measured flow and pressure in the fossa and hypo-pharynx in various syndromes. This allowed us to compare the behaviour of the area supplied by our model with the aerodynamic resistance that is often used to analyse upper airway flow limitation events. We showed that nostril and hypo-pharyngeal areas are better correlated than the resistance values and thus concluded that the pressure divided by the square of the flow is a better parameter for analysing flow limitation in upper airways than resistance. Owing to its simplicity, our model is able to supply the area of the collapsible element in real time, which is impossible with more sophisticated models.  相似文献   
This study proposes a closer look at the neuropsychological method defined as the study of the neural bases of the behavioural and cognitive functions using an organisation-representation model for current data and knowledge of the brain, and the application of an anatomofunctional database. A Centre of Cognitive Anatomy (CAC) was set up for the collection and processing of neuronatomical, neuropsychological, and psycho-behavioural data for patients presenting sequels of focal brain damage. Such a system would allow concurrent treatment of anatomical and functional data. We would expect the results from such a model to produce stable 'anatomofunctional laws' that would be independent of all inter-individual variations in the functioning of the brain and could be checked against the entire database of information. A direct application would be the improvement of cognitive and/or behavioural rehabilitation of patients with brain damage.  相似文献   
To succeed on land rather than in water, crabs require a suite of physiological and morphological changes, and ultimately the ability to reproduce without access open water. Some species have modified gills to assist in gas exchange but accessory gas exchange organs, usually lungs, occur in many species. In accomplished air-breathers the lung becomes larger and more vascularised with pulmonary vessels directing oxygenated haemolymph to the heart. The relative abundance of O2 in air promotes relative hypoventilation and thus an internal hypercapnia to drive CO2 excretion. Land crabs have a dual circulation via either lungs or gills and shunting between the two may depend on respiratory media or exercise state. During their breeding migration on Christmas Island Gecarcoidea natalis maintained arterial Po2 by branchial O2 uptake, while pulmonary O2 pressure was reduced; partly because exercise doubled relative haemolymph flow through the gills. Related species rely on elevated haemocyanin concentration and affinity for O2 to assist uptake but this compromises unloading at the tissues and thus the aerobic scope of tissues. Aquatic crabs exchange salt and ammonia with water via the gills but in land crabs this is not possible. Birgus latro has adopted uricotelism but other species excrete ammonia in either the urine or as gas. Land crabs minimise urinary salt loss using a filtration-reabsorption system analogous to the kidney. Urine is redirected across the gills where salt reabsorption occurs in systems under hormonal control, although in G. natalis this is stimulatory and in B. latro inhibitory. While crabs occupy a range of habitats from aquatic to terrestrial, these species do not comprise a physiological continuum but across the crab taxa individual species possess appropriate and specific physiological features to survive in their individual habitat.  相似文献   
Cellulose is one of the most abundant polymers in nature. Different living systems evolved simultaneously, using structurally similar proteins to synthesize and metabolize polysaccharides. In the growing plant, cell wall loosening, together with cellulose biosynthesis, enables turgor-driven cell expansion. It has been postulated that endo-1,4-beta-glucanases (EGases) play a central role in these complex activities. Similarly, microorganisms use a consortium of lytic enzymes to convert cellulose into soluble sugars. Most, if not all, cellulases have a modular structure with two or more separate independent functional domains. Binding to cellulose is mediated by a cellulose-binding domain (CBD), whereas the catalytic domain mediates hydrolysis. Today, EGases and CBDs are known to exist in a wide range of species and it is evident that both possess immense potential in modifying polysaccharide materials in-vivo and in-vitro. The hydrolytic function is utilized for polysaccharide degradation in microbial systems and cell wall biogenesis in plants. The CBDs exerts activity that can be utilized for effective degradation of crystalline cellulose, plant cell wall relaxation, expansion and cell wall biosynthesis. Applications range from modulating the architecture of individual cells to an entire organism. These genes, when expressed under specific promoters and appropriate trafficking signals can be used to alter the nutritional value and texture of agricultural crop and their final products. EGases and CBDs may also find applications in the modification of physical and chemical properties of composite materials to create new materials possessing improved properties.  相似文献   
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are potent modulators of the growth, function, and differentiation of intestinal epithelia. In addition, high-fiber diets may protect against the development of atherosclerosis because of their cholesterol-lowering effects due, in large part, to SCFA production, liver sterol metabolism, and bile acid excretion. Although the small gut plays a major role in dietary fat transport and contributes substantially to plasma cholesterol and lipoprotein homeostasis, the impact of SCFAs on intestinal lipid handling remains unknown. In the present study, the modulation of lipid synthesis, apolipoprotein biogenesis, and lipoprotein secretion by butyrate was investigated in Caco-2 cells plated on permeable polycarbonate filters, which permit separate access to the upper and lower compartments of the monolayers. Highly differentiated and polarized cells (20 days of culture) were incubated for 20 h with 20 mM butyrate in the apical medium. In the presence of [14C]oleic acid, butyrate led to a significant reduction of secreted, labeled triglycerides (27%; P < 0.01) and phospholipids (25%; P < 0.05). Similarly, butyrate significantly decreased the incorporation of [14C]acetate into exported cholesteryl ester (49%; P < 0.005). As expected from these results, with [14C]oleic acid as a precursor, butyrate significantly (P < 0.05) diminished the delivery of radiolabeled chylomicrons and very low-density lipoproteins. In parallel, [35S]methionine pulse labeling of Caco-2 cells revealed the concomitant inhibitory effect of butyrate on the synthesis of apolipoproteins B-48 (28%; P < 0.05) and A-I (32%; P < 0.01). Collectively, our data indicate that butyrate may influence lipid metabolism in Caco-2 cells, thus suggesting a potential regulation of intestinal fat absorption and circulating lipoprotein concentrations.  相似文献   
Cell adhesion and communication are interdependent aspects of cell behavior that are critical for morphogenesis and tissue architecture. In the skin, epidermal adhesion is mediated in part by specialized cell-cell junctions known as desmosomes, which are characterized by the presence of desmosomal cadherins, known as desmogleins and desmocollins. We identified a cadherin family member, desmoglein 4, which is expressed in the suprabasal epidermis and hair follicle. The essential role of desmoglein 4 in skin was established by identifying mutations in families with inherited hypotrichosis, as well as in the lanceolate hair mouse. We also show that DSG4 is an autoantigen in pemphigus vulgaris. Characterization of the phenotype of naturally occurring mutant mice revealed disruption of desmosomal adhesion and perturbations in keratinocyte behavior. We provide evidence that desmoglein 4 is a key mediator of keratinocyte cell adhesion in the hair follicle, where it coordinates the transition from proliferation to differentiation.  相似文献   
Metacercariae of Bolbophorus species are serious pathogens of farmed fish. Molecular diagnostic tools, capable of identifying and differentiating these parasites, may assist in the development of rationale control strategies. The rDNA 18S (small sub-unit: SSU) genes of adult B. confusus and B. levantinus obtained from a pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus, and a night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, respectively, were amplified, sequenced, and aligned. Based on this alignment, we developed a genetic differentiation assay between B. confusus and B. levantinus. These 2 species were compared genetically with the North American species B. damnificus and Bolbophorus sp. ('Type 2'). The relationship between species is outlined and discussed. In addition to the molecular study, specimens of B. confusus and B. levantinus were compared morphologically, using scanning electron microscopy. Morphologic analysis revealed interspecific differences in details of the holdfast organ and the position of the acetabulum.  相似文献   
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