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Members of the Ste20 and NDR protein kinase families are important for normal cell differentiation and morphogenesis in various organisms. We characterized POD6 (NCU02537.2), a novel member of the GCK family of Ste20 kinases that is essential for hyphal tip extension and coordinated branch formation in the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. pod-6 and the NDR kinase mutant cot-1 exhibit indistinguishable growth defects, characterized by cessation of cell elongation, hyperbranching, and altered cell-wall composition. We suggest that POD6 and COT1 act in the same genetic pathway, based on the fact that both pod-6 and cot-1 can be suppressed by 1) environmental stresses, 2) altering protein kinase A activity, and 3) common extragenic suppressors (ropy, as well as gul-1, which is characterized here as the ortholog of the budding and fission yeasts SSD1 and Sts5, respectively). Unlinked noncomplementation of cot-1/pod-6 alleles indicates a potential physical interaction between the two kinases, which is further supported by coimmunoprecipitation analyses, partial colocalization of both proteins in wild-type cells, and their common mislocalization in dynein/kinesin mutants. We conclude that POD6 acts together with COT1 and is essential for polar cell extension in a kinesin/dynein-dependent manner in N. crassa.  相似文献   
SLP-76 forms part of a hematopoietic-specific adaptor protein complex, and is absolutely required for T cell development and activation. T cell receptor (TCR)-induced activation of phospholipase C-gamma1 (PLC-gamma1) depends on three features of SLP-76: the N-terminal tyrosine phosphorylation sites, the Gads-binding site, and an intervening sequence, denoted the P-I region, which binds to the SH3 domain of PLC-gamma1 (SH3(PLC)) via a low affinity interaction. Despite extensive research, the mechanism whereby SLP-76 regulates PLC-gamma1 remains uncertain. In this study, we uncover and explore an apparent paradox: whereas the P-I region as a whole is essential for TCR-induced activation of PLC-gamma1 and nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT), no particular part of this region is absolutely required. To better understand the contribution of the P-I region to PLC-gamma1 activation, we mapped the PLC-gamma1-binding site within the region, and created a SLP-76 mutant that fails to bind SH3(PLC), but is fully functional, mediating TCR-induced phosphorylation of PLC-gamma1 at tyrosine 783, calcium flux, and nuclear factor of activated T cells activation. Unexpectedly, full functionality of this mutant was maintained even under less than optimal stimulation conditions, such as a low concentration of the anti-TCR antibody. Another SLP-76 mutant, in which the P-I region was scrambled to abolish any sequence-dependent protein-binding motifs, also retained significant functionality. Our results demonstrate that SLP-76 need not interact with SH3(PLC) to activate PLC-gamma1, and further suggest that the P-I region of SLP-76 serves a structural role that is sequence-independent and is not directly related to protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   
The cellular response to DNA damage is essential for maintenance of genomic stability. MDC1 is a key member of the DNA damage response. It is an adaptor protein that binds and recruits proteins to sites of DNA damage, a crucial step for a proper response. MDC1 contains several protein-protein interacting modules, including a tandem BRCT domain that mediates various interactions involving MDC1. Here we demonstrate that MDC1 binds directly to RAP80, which is a DNA damage response protein that recruits BRCA1 to sites of damage. The interaction between MDC1 and RAP80 requires the tandem BRCT domain of MDC1 and the ubiquitin-interacting motifs of RAP80. Moreover, the interaction depends on UBC13, an E2 ubiquitin ligase that catalyzes K63-linked poly-ubiquitin chain formation. The results highly propose that the interaction between MDC1 and RAP80 depends on a ubiquitylation event, which we found to take place on K-1977 of MDC1. This study provides the first evidence that interactions involving MDC1 can be regulated by ubiquitylation.  相似文献   
The protein arginine methyltransferaseas (PRMTs) family is conserved from yeast to human, and regulates stability, localization and activity of proteins. We have characterized deletion strains corresponding to genes encoding for PRMT1/3/5 (designated amt-1, amt-3 and skb-1, respectively) in Neurospora crassa. Deletion of PRMT-encoding genes conferred altered Arg-methylated protein profiles, as determined immunologically. Δamt-1 exhibited reduced hyphal elongation rates (70% of wild type) and increased susceptibility to the ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor voriconazole. In ▵amt-3, distances between branches were significantly longer than the wild type, suggesting this gene is required for proper regulation of hyphal branching. Deletion of skb-1 resulted in hyper conidiation (2-fold of the wild type) and increased tolerance to the chitin synthase inhibitor polyoxin D. Inactivation of two Type I PRMTs (amt-1 and amt-3) conferred changes in both asymmetric as well as symmetric protein methylation profiles, suggesting either common substrates and/or cross-regulation of different PRMTs. The PRMTs in N. crassa apparently share cellular pathways which were previously reported to be regulated by the NDR (Nuclear DBF2-related) kinase COT1. Using co-immunprecipitation experiments (with MYC-tagged proteins), we have shown that SKB1 and COT1 physically interacted and the abundance of the 75 kDa MYC::COT1 isoform was increased in a Δskb-1 background. On the basis of immunological detection, we propose the possible involvement of PRMTs in Arg-methylation of COT1.  相似文献   
The measurement of disease development is integral in studies on plant–microbe interactions. To address the need for a dynamic and quantitative disease evaluation, we developed PathTrack©, and used it to analyse the interaction of plants with Botrytis cinerea. PathTrack© is composed of an infection chamber, a photography unit and software that produces video files and numerical values of disease progression. We identified a previously unrecognized infection stage and determined numerical parameters of pathogenic development. Using these parameters, we identified differences in disease dynamics between seemingly similar B. cinerea pathogenicity mutants, and revealed new details on plant susceptibility to the fungus. We showed that the difference between the lesion expansion rate on leaves and colony spreading rate on artificial medium reflects the levels of the plant immune system, suggesting that this parameter can be used to quantify plant defence. Our results shed new light and reveal new details of the interaction between the model necrotrophic pathogen B. cinerea and plants. The concept that we present is universal and may be applied to facilitate the study of various types of plant–pathogen association.  相似文献   
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